public static byte[] ResetPass( string email )
     object obj = new {
         email = email
     return obj.JData();
        private async Task<string> GetAccessToken()

            string accessToken = string.Empty;
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                client.BaseAddress = new Uri(this.domain);
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

                var payLoad = new
                    client_id = this.clientID,
                    client_secret = this.clientSecret,
                    grant_type = "client_credentials"

                HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("oauth/token", payLoad);

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    var JsonObject = JObject.Parse(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);

                    accessToken = JsonObject["access_token"].ToString();

                    return accessToken;


                return string.Empty;
 public static byte[] GetDownloadLink( string[] ids )
     object oids = new {
         ids = ids
     return oids.JData();
 public static byte[] ShareDownloadLink( string id, string[] links )
     object s = new {
         id = id,
         links = links
     return s.JData();
 public static byte[] Contact( string name, string email )
     //Create contact object
     object c = new {
         email = email,
         name = name
     //return token
     return c.JData();
 public static byte[] RenameMetadata( string idMetadata, string name )
     //Create contact object
     object m = new {
         id = idMetadata,
         name = name
     //return token
     return m.JData();
 public static byte[] MakeDir( string idMetadata, string dirName )
     //Create upload object
     //object will ref chunked upload
     object d = new {
         target = idMetadata,
         name = dirName,
     //return token
     return d.JData();
 public static byte[] Upload( string idMetadata, string fileName )
     //Create upload object
     //object will ref chunked upload
     object u = new {
         parent = idMetadata,
         name = fileName,
         upload_type = "chunked"
     //return token
     return u.JData();
    static void Main(string[] args)
      var points = new[] { new Point(3, 4), new Point(-1, 0), new Point(5, -2), new Point(7, 6) };

      var json = new JArray(from p in points select p.ToJson()).ToString();

      var pointsAgain =
        from j in JArray.Parse(json)
        select Point.FromJson(j as JObject);

        public static void Y2015_Day12_Solve_Returns_Correct_Solution()
            // Act
            var puzzle = PuzzleTestHelpers.SolvePuzzle<Day12>();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(191164, puzzle.Sum);

            // Arrange
            string[] args = new[] { "red" };

            // Act
            puzzle = PuzzleTestHelpers.SolvePuzzle<Day12>(args);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(87842, puzzle.Sum);
        public void TestUnknownReferer()
            var set = new[] 
                      Name = "Unknown referer #1",
                      Url = "",
                      Source = string.Empty,
                      Name = "Unknown referer #2",
                      Url = "",
                      Source = string.Empty,
                      Name = "Unknown referer #3",
                      Url = "",
                      Source = string.Empty,
                     Name = "Unknown referer #4",
                     Url = "",
                     Source = string.Empty,
                    Name = "Non-search Yahoo! site",
                    Url = "",
                    Source = "Yahoo!",

            foreach (var sample in set)
                var result = Parser.Parse(new Uri(sample.Url), "");
                Assert.Equal(sample.Source, result.Source ?? string.Empty);
        private static List<object> ParseExceptionMessages(string jsonException, List<object> jsonObjects)
            var json = JObject.Parse(jsonException);
            var messageDefinition = new { Message = "", ExceptionType = "", ExceptionMessage = "", ExceptionSource = "" };
            var exceptionObject = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(jsonException, messageDefinition);
            if (jsonObjects == null)
                jsonObjects = new List<object>();

            JToken innerExceptionValue;
            if (json.TryGetValue("InnerException", out innerExceptionValue))
                var innerException = innerExceptionValue.ToString();
                return ParseExceptionMessages(innerException, jsonObjects);
            return jsonObjects;
Exemple #13
        internal async Task<string> InvokeRequestResponseService(double latitude, double longitude, int year)
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                var scoreRequest = new

                    Inputs = new Dictionary<string, StringTable>() {
                        new StringTable()
                            ColumnNames = new string[] {"lat", "long", "N", "Y"},
                            Values = new string[,] {  { latitude.ToString(), longitude.ToString(), "0", year.ToString() }  }
                    GlobalParameters = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", apiKey);
                client.BaseAddress = new Uri(ServiceUri);
                HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("", scoreRequest);

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    string result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                    return result;
                    string responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                    return responseContent;
        public string GetToken(string email, string secret)
            //done V2ing
            var request = new
                password = secret,
                hospitalId = HospitalId,
                userTypeId = 1

            var response = Post("v2/account/token", request);

            var dataEnumerator = response.ToObject<ApiResponseV2<SerializableToken>>();
            if (dataEnumerator.Data != null)
                foreach (var entry in dataEnumerator.Data)
                    return entry.access_token;

            return null;
        public void TestFalsePositivies()
            var set = new[] 
                      Name = "Unknown Google service",
                      Url = "",
                      Medium = RefererMedium.Search,
                      Source = "Google",
                      Term = string.Empty
                      Name = "Unknown Yahoo! service",
                      Url = "",
                      Medium = RefererMedium.Search,
                      Source = "Yahoo!",
                      Term = string.Empty
                      Name = "Non-search Google Drive link",
                      Url = "",
                      Medium = RefererMedium.Search,
                      Source = "Google",
                      Term = "",

            foreach (var sample in set)
                var result = Parser.Parse(new Uri(sample.Url), "");
                Assert.Equal(sample.Source, result.Source ?? string.Empty);
Exemple #16
 public void EditPage(string page, string content, string previous = null, string reason = null)
     var request = WebAgent.CreatePost(string.Format(WikiPageEditUrl, Subreddit.Name));
     dynamic param = new 
         content = content,
         page = page,
         uh = Reddit.User.Modhash
     List<string> addParams = new List<string>();
     if (previous != null) 
     if (reason != null) 
     WebAgent.WritePostBody(request.GetRequestStream(), param,addParams.ToArray());
     var response = request.GetResponse();
 public static async Task<object> GetRuneSetups(string realm, double summonerId)
     RiotAccount[] all = JsApiService.AccountBag.GetAll();
     RiotAccount riotAccount = JsApiService.AccountBag.Get(realm);
     SpellBookDTO spellBookDTO = await riotAccount.InvokeCachedAsync<SpellBookDTO>("spellBookService", "getSpellBook", summonerId);
     SpellBookDTO spellBookDTO1 = spellBookDTO;
     List<SpellBookPageDTO> bookPages = spellBookDTO1.BookPages;
     SpellBookPageDTO spellBookPageDTO = bookPages.FirstOrDefault<SpellBookPageDTO>((SpellBookPageDTO x) => x.Current);
     if (spellBookPageDTO == null)
         spellBookPageDTO = new SpellBookPageDTO();
     SpellBookPageDTO spellBookPageDTO1 = spellBookPageDTO;
     bool flag = all.Any<RiotAccount>((RiotAccount x) =>
         if (!string.Equals(x.RealmId, realm, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
             return false;
         return (double)x.SummonerId == summonerId;
     double pageId = spellBookPageDTO1.PageId;
     List<SpellBookPageDTO> spellBookPageDTOs = spellBookDTO1.BookPages;
     IOrderedEnumerable<SpellBookPageDTO> pageId1 =
         from page in spellBookPageDTOs
         orderby page.PageId
         select page;
     object variable = new
         Local = flag,
         ActiveId = pageId,
         Setups =
             from page in pageId1
             select new
                 Id = page.PageId,
                 Name = page.Name,
                 Runes =
                     from entry in page.SlotEntries
                     group entry by entry.RuneId into entries
                     select new { Id = entries.Key, Count = entries.Count<SlotEntry>() }
     return variable;
        public void ShowDevOptionsDialog()
            if (_devOptionsDialog != null || !IsEnabled)

            DispatcherHelpers.RunOnDispatcher(() =>
                var options = new[]
                    new DevOptionHandler(
                        "Reload JavaScript",
                    new DevOptionHandler(
                            ? "Stop JS Remote Debugging"
                            : "Start JS Remote Debugging",
                        () =>
                            IsRemoteDebuggingEnabled = !IsRemoteDebuggingEnabled;
                    new DevOptionHandler(
                            ? "Disable Hot Reloading"
                            : "Enable Hot Reloading",
                        () =>
                            _devSettings.IsHotModuleReplacementEnabled = !_devSettings.IsHotModuleReplacementEnabled;
                    new DevOptionHandler(
                            ? "Disable Live Reload"
                            : "Enable Live Reload",
                        () =>
                            _devSettings.IsReloadOnJavaScriptChangeEnabled =
                    new DevOptionHandler(
                            ? "Hide Inspector"
                            : "Show Inspector",
                        () =>
                            _devSettings.IsElementInspectorEnabled = !_devSettings.IsElementInspectorEnabled;

                _devOptionsDialogOpen = true;
                _devOptionsDialog = new DevOptionDialog();
                _devOptionsDialog.Closed += (_, __) =>
                    _devOptionsDialogOpen = false;
                    _dismissDevOptionsDialog = null;
                    _devOptionsDialog = null;

                foreach (var option in options)
                    _devOptionsDialog.Add(option.Name, option.OnSelect);

                if (_redBoxDialog != null)

                var asyncInfo = _devOptionsDialog.ShowAsync();
                _dismissDevOptionsDialog = asyncInfo.Cancel;

                foreach (var option in options)
                    option.HideDialog = _dismissDevOptionsDialog;
                var asyncInfo = _devOptionsDialog.ShowDialog();

                foreach (var option in options)
                    option.HideDialog = _devOptionsDialog.Hide;
        private async Task<JObject> SendRequestAsync(string action, params JProperty[] args)
            var requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var requestInfo = new RequestInfo();
            lock (_requests)
                _requests.Add(requestId, requestInfo);

            var commonProperties = new[]
                new JProperty("action", action),
                new JProperty("requestId", requestId)

            var requestJson = new JObject(commonProperties.Concat(args).Cast<object>().ToArray());

            var resultTask = await Task.WhenAny(requestInfo.Task, Task.Delay(Timeout));
            if (resultTask != requestInfo.Task)
                throw new DeviceHiveException("Timeout while waiting for server response!");

            var result = requestInfo.Task.Result;
            var status = (string)result["status"];
            if (status == "error")
                throw new DeviceHiveException((string)result["error"]);

            return result;
        public static StyleElement ParseJson(JToken contentJson)
            contentJson = contentJson.ElementAtOrDefault(0);
            if (contentJson == null)
                return new StyleElement(StyleType.None, new List<ContentElement>());

            var styleStatus = new[] { false, false, false };
            var styleStack = new Stack<StyleType>();
            var blocksStack = new Stack<List<ContentElement>>();
            blocksStack.Push(new List<ContentElement>());
            foreach (var item in contentJson)
                switch ((int)item[0])
                    case 0:
                    case 2:
                    case 3:
                    case 4:
                        var newStyleStatus = new[] { false, false, false };
                        if (item.Count() > 2 && item[2].Type == JTokenType.Array)
                            foreach (var styleItem in item[2].Select((token, idx) => new { Token = token, Index = idx }))
                                newStyleStatus[styleItem.Index] = styleItem.Token.Type != JTokenType.Null && (int)styleItem.Token == 1;
                        for (var currentStyleIdx = 0; currentStyleIdx < styleStatus.Length; currentStyleIdx++)
                            if (newStyleStatus[currentStyleIdx] == false && styleStatus[currentStyleIdx])
                                while (blocksStack.Count > 0)
                                    styleStatus[(int)styleStack.Peek()] = false;
                                    var newElement = new StyleElement(styleStack.Peek(), blocksStack.Pop());
                                    if (styleStack.Pop() == (StyleType)currentStyleIdx)
                        for (var currentStyleIdx = 0; currentStyleIdx < styleStatus.Length; currentStyleIdx++)
                            if (newStyleStatus[currentStyleIdx] && styleStatus[currentStyleIdx] == false)
                                styleStatus[currentStyleIdx] = true;
                                blocksStack.Push(new List<ContentElement>());
                        switch ((int)item[0])
                            case 0:
                                blocksStack.Peek().Add(new TextElement((string)item[1]));
                            case 2:
                            case 4:
                                blocksStack.Peek().Add(new HyperlinkElement(new Uri((string)item[3][0]), (string)item[1]));
                            case 3:
                                blocksStack.Peek().Add(new MensionElement(new ProfileData((string)item[4][1], (string)item[1])));
                    case 1:
                        blocksStack.Peek().Add(new BreakElement());
            if (blocksStack.Peek().Count == 1 && blocksStack.Peek().First() is StyleElement)
                return (StyleElement)blocksStack.Peek().First();
                return new StyleElement(StyleType.None, blocksStack.Pop());
 private static JObject CreateDateInfoJson(DateTimeFormatInfo di)
     var obj = new
         firstDay = di.FirstDayOfWeek,
         days = new
             names = di.DayNames,
             namesAbbr = di.AbbreviatedDayNames,
             namesShort = di.ShortestDayNames
         months = new
             names = di.MonthNames,
             namesAbbr = di.AbbreviatedMonthNames
         AM = di.AMDesignator,
         PM = di.PMDesignator,
         eras = di.Calendar.Eras.Select(era => new { offset = 0, start = (string)null, name = di.GetEraName(era) }).ToArray(),
         twoDigitYearMax = di.Calendar.TwoDigitYearMax,
         patterns = new
             d = di.ShortDatePattern,
             D = di.LongDatePattern,
             t = di.ShortTimePattern,
             T = di.LongTimePattern,
             f = di.LongDatePattern + " " + di.ShortTimePattern,
             F = di.LongDatePattern + " " + di.LongTimePattern,
             M = di.MonthDayPattern,
             Y = di.YearMonthPattern,
     var jobj = JObject.FromObject(obj);
     jobj["/"] = di.DateSeparator;
     jobj[":"] = di.TimeSeparator;
     if (!di.MonthNames.SequenceEqual(di.MonthGenitiveNames))
         var monthsGenitive = jobj["monthsGenitive"] = new JObject();
         monthsGenitive["names"] = JArray.FromObject(di.MonthGenitiveNames);
         monthsGenitive["namesAbbr"] = JArray.FromObject(di.AbbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames);
     return new JObject()
         {"standard", jobj }
Exemple #22
		private dynamic GetBrackets()
			var suffix = ( == null) ? "" : ",";
			dynamic v = new { top = "{", bottom = "}" + suffix };
			if ( is JArray)
				v = new { top = "[", bottom = "]" + suffix };

			return v;
        private static JObject CreateNumberInfoJson(NumberFormatInfo ni)
            var numberFormat = new
                pattern = new[] { numberPatternStrings[ni.NumberNegativePattern] },
                decimals = ni.NumberDecimalDigits,
                groupSizes = ni.NumberGroupSizes,
                NaN = ni.NaNSymbol,
                negativeInfinity = ni.NegativeInfinitySymbol,
                positiveInfinity = ni.PositiveInfinitySymbol,
                percent = new
                    pattern = new[] {
                    decimals = ni.PercentDecimalDigits,
                    groupSizes = ni.PercentGroupSizes,
                    symbol = ni.PercentSymbol
                currency = new
                    pattern = new[]
                    decimals = ni.CurrencyDecimalDigits,
                    groupSizes = ni.CurrencyGroupSizes,
                    symbol = ni.CurrencySymbol
            var jobj = JObject.FromObject(numberFormat);
            jobj[","] = ni.NumberGroupSeparator;
            jobj["."] = ni.NumberDecimalSeparator;
            jobj["percent"][","] = ni.PercentGroupSeparator;
            jobj["percent"]["."] = ni.PercentDecimalSeparator;

            jobj["currency"][","] = ni.CurrencyGroupSeparator;
            jobj["currency"]["."] = ni.CurrencyGroupSeparator;
            return jobj;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="ShopifyProduct"/> on the store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="product">A new <see cref="ShopifyProduct"/>. Id should be set to null.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options for creating the product.</param>
        /// <returns>The new <see cref="ShopifyProduct"/>.</returns>
        public async Task<ShopifyProduct> CreateAsync(ShopifyProduct product, ShopifyProductCreateOptions options = null)
            IRestRequest req = RequestEngine.CreateRequest("products.json", Method.POST, "product");

            //Build the request body as a dictionary. Necessary because the create options must be added to the 
            //'product' property.
            var productBody = product.ToDictionary();

            if(options != null)
                foreach(var kvp in options.ToDictionary())

            var requestBody = new { product = productBody };


            return await RequestEngine.ExecuteRequestAsync<ShopifyProduct>(_RestClient, req);
        public static JObject BuildCultureInfoJson(CultureInfo ci)
            var cultureInfoClientObj = new
                name = ci.Name,
                nativeName = ci.NativeName,
                englishName = ci.EnglishName,
                isRTL = ci.TextInfo.IsRightToLeft,
                language = ci.IetfLanguageTag
            var jobj = JObject.FromObject(cultureInfoClientObj);

            jobj["numberFormat"] = CreateNumberInfoJson(ci.NumberFormat);
            jobj["calendars"] = CreateDateInfoJson(ci.DateTimeFormat);
            return JsonUtils.Diff(defaultJson, jobj);
        public static StyleElement ParseHtml(string contentHtml, IPlatformClient client)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentHtml))
                return null;

            int nextReadIdx = 0, idx, startIdx, endIdx, tmpInt;
            string tmpStr;
            var currentEleStack = new Stack<char>();
            var blocks = new Stack<List<ContentElement>>();
            blocks.Push(new List<ContentElement>());
            while ((idx = contentHtml.IndexOf('<', nextReadIdx)) >= 0)
                tmpStr = contentHtml.Substring(nextReadIdx, idx - nextReadIdx);
                if (tmpStr.Length > 0)
                    blocks.Peek().Add(new TextElement(Primitive.ApiAccessorUtility.DecodeHtmlText(tmpStr)));

                if (contentHtml[idx + 1] == 'a' || contentHtml.IndexOf("span", idx + 1) == idx + 1)
                    var isMension = contentHtml[idx + 1] == 's';

                    //IndexOf("<a href=\"", idx)のidx引数の部分は効率を考えた場合はidx + 1
                    //は"<a href"の"<"を省かず、検索開始位置をidx + 1にしない事で動かしてる
                    var innerCloseEleIdx = contentHtml.IndexOf("</span>", idx + 5);
                    var outerCloseEleIdx = isMension ? contentHtml.IndexOf("</span>", innerCloseEleIdx + 7) : contentHtml.IndexOf("</a>", idx);
                    startIdx = Math.Min(
                        (tmpInt = contentHtml.IndexOf("href=\"", idx, outerCloseEleIdx - idx)) < 0 ? int.MaxValue : tmpInt,
                        (tmpInt = contentHtml.IndexOf("href='", idx, outerCloseEleIdx - idx)) < 0 ? int.MaxValue : tmpInt) + 6;
                    string mensionTargetProfileUrl = null, mensionTargetName = null;
                    if (startIdx >= 0)
                        endIdx = Math.Min(
                            (tmpInt = contentHtml.IndexOf("\"", startIdx, outerCloseEleIdx - startIdx)) < 0 ? int.MaxValue : tmpInt,
                            (tmpInt = contentHtml.IndexOf("'", startIdx, outerCloseEleIdx - startIdx)) < 0 ? int.MaxValue : tmpInt);
                        mensionTargetProfileUrl = contentHtml.Substring(startIdx, endIdx - startIdx);
                        idx = endIdx + 1;
                        idx = innerCloseEleIdx;

                    startIdx = contentHtml.IndexOf(">", idx) + 1;
                    endIdx = contentHtml.IndexOf("</", startIdx);
                    mensionTargetName = Primitive.ApiAccessorUtility.DecodeHtmlText(
                        contentHtml.Substring(startIdx, endIdx - startIdx));

                    nextReadIdx = Math.Max(nextReadIdx + 1, contentHtml.IndexOf('>', outerCloseEleIdx) + 1);

                    if (isMension)
                        if (mensionTargetProfileUrl != null)
                            blocks.Peek().Add(new MensionElement(new ProfileData(
                                mensionTargetProfileUrl.Substring(mensionTargetProfileUrl.LastIndexOf('/') + 1),
                                mensionTargetName, loadedApiTypes: ProfileUpdateApiFlag.Base)));
                            blocks.Peek().Add(new TextElement("+" + mensionTargetName));
                        Uri tmpUrl;
                        if (!Uri.TryCreate(client.PlusBaseUrl, mensionTargetProfileUrl, out tmpUrl)
                            && !Uri.TryCreate("about:blank", UriKind.Absolute, out tmpUrl)) { }
                        blocks.Peek().Add(new HyperlinkElement(tmpUrl, mensionTargetName));
                else if (contentHtml.IndexOf("br", idx + 1) == idx + 1)
                    blocks.Peek().Add(new BreakElement());
                    nextReadIdx = Math.Max(nextReadIdx + 1, contentHtml.IndexOf(">", idx + 3) + 1);
                    switch (contentHtml[idx + 1])
                        case '/':
                            var currentEleChildren = blocks.Pop().ToArray();
                            switch (currentEleStack.Pop())
                                case 'b':
                                    blocks.Peek().Add(new StyleElement(StyleType.Bold, currentEleChildren));
                                case 'i':
                                    blocks.Peek().Add(new StyleElement(StyleType.Italic, currentEleChildren));
                                case 's':
                                case 'd':
                                    blocks.Peek().Add(new StyleElement(StyleType.Middle, currentEleChildren));
                                    blocks.Peek().Add(new StyleElement(StyleType.Unknown, currentEleChildren));
                            nextReadIdx = Math.Max(nextReadIdx + 1, contentHtml.IndexOf('>', idx + 2) + 1);
                            startIdx = contentHtml.IndexOf('>', idx + 1) + 1;
                            var closeEleIdx = contentHtml.IndexOf("</", startIdx);
                            var otherStartEleIdx = contentHtml.IndexOf("<", startIdx);
                            if (closeEleIdx == otherStartEleIdx)
                                var elements = new[] { new TextElement(
                                    contentHtml.Substring(startIdx, closeEleIdx - startIdx))) };
                                switch (contentHtml[idx + 1])
                                    case 'b':
                                        blocks.Peek().Add(new StyleElement(StyleType.Bold, elements));
                                    case 'i':
                                        blocks.Peek().Add(new StyleElement(StyleType.Italic, elements));
                                    case 's':
                                    case 'd':
                                        blocks.Peek().Add(new StyleElement(StyleType.Middle, elements));
                                        blocks.Peek().Add(new StyleElement(StyleType.Unknown, elements));
                                nextReadIdx = contentHtml.IndexOf('>', closeEleIdx + 1) + 1;
                                var elements = new List<ContentElement>();
                                tmpStr = Primitive.ApiAccessorUtility.DecodeHtmlText(
                                    contentHtml.Substring(startIdx, otherStartEleIdx - startIdx));
                                if (tmpStr.Length > 0)
                                    elements.Add(new TextElement(tmpStr));

                                currentEleStack.Push(contentHtml[idx + 1]);
                                nextReadIdx = otherStartEleIdx;
            tmpStr = contentHtml.Substring(nextReadIdx, contentHtml.Length - nextReadIdx);
            if (tmpStr.Length > 0)
                blocks.Peek().Add(new TextElement(Primitive.ApiAccessorUtility.DecodeHtmlText(tmpStr)));

            if (blocks.Peek().Count == 1 && blocks.Peek().First() is StyleElement)
                return (StyleElement)blocks.Peek().First();
                return new StyleElement(StyleType.None, blocks.Pop().ToArray());
Exemple #27
 private string GenerateAuthorizationHeaderValue(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> parameters, string signature)
     IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> test = new[] { new KeyValuePair<string, string>("oauth_signature", signature) };
     return new StringBuilder("OAuth ")
                     .Where(x => x.Key.StartsWith("oauth_"))
                     .Select(x => string.Format("{0}=\"{1}\"", x.Key, x.Value.EncodeRFC3986()))
Exemple #28
 public static string BuildErrorJson(string type_name, string err_msg, NameValueCollection col)
     var item = new
         api_name = type_name,
         err_msg = err_msg,
         query = col.ToDictionary().ToJson(),
     return item.ToJson();