Exemple #1
        public NewsResult[] RequestBiQuanApi()
            NewsResult[] reStr;

                reStr = new NewsResult[4];

                NewsResult jinseLatestNewsFlash = _jinseService.GetLatestNewsFlash().Result;
                if (jinseLatestNewsFlash != null)
                    reStr[0] = jinseLatestNewsFlash;

                NewsResult bishijieLatestNewsFlash = _bishijieService.GetLatestNewsFlash().Result;
                if (bishijieLatestNewsFlash != null)
                    reStr[1] = bishijieLatestNewsFlash;

                CoinNewsModel bitcoinLatestNewsFlash = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CoinNewsResultModel <CoinNewsModel> >(HttpUitls.Get(ConfigManager.pushNewsConfig.NewsServerURL + "/News/GetBitcoinLatestNewsFlash")).Data;
                if (bitcoinLatestNewsFlash != null)
                    var model = new NewsResult
                        Success   = true,
                        From      = "【bitcoin】",
                        Content   = bitcoinLatestNewsFlash.Content,
                        NewsLevel = NewsLevel.Importent
                    reStr[2] = model;

                CoinNewsModel OkexNotice = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CoinNewsResultModel <CoinNewsModel> >(HttpUitls.Get(ConfigManager.pushNewsConfig.NewsServerURL + "/News/GetOkexLatestNotice")).Data;
                if (OkexNotice != null)
                    var model = new NewsResult
                        Success   = true,
                        From      = "【Okex】",
                        Content   = OkexNotice.Title + " " + OkexNotice.FromUrl,
                        NewsLevel = NewsLevel.Importent
                    reStr[3] = model;

            catch (Exception e)
                reStr = new NewsResult[] {
                    new NewsResult
                        Success = false,
                        Content = e.ToString() + "\n席马达!程序BUG了,快召唤老铁来维修!"

Exemple #2
        private IMessageActivity MakeNewsCards(IDialogContext context, NewsResult news)
            var resultMessage = context.MakeMessage();

            resultMessage.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;
            resultMessage.Attachments      = new List <Attachment>();
            foreach (var item in news.value)
                var action = new CardAction();
                action.Type  = "openUrl";
                action.Value = item.url;
                HeroCard heroCard = new HeroCard()
                    Title  = item.name,
                    Text   = item.description,
                    Images = new List <CardImage>()
                        new CardImage()
                            Url = item.image.thumbnail.contentUrl
                    Tap = action,


Exemple #3
        public SaveResult Update(NewsResult entity)
            return(ExecuteDbWithHandle(_logService, () =>
                using (var context = new TechOfficeEntities())
                    var update = context.News.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == entity.Id);

                    if (update == null)
                        return SaveResult.FAILURE;

                    update.Title = entity.Title;
                    update.Content = entity.Content;
                    update.Summary = entity.Summary;
                    update.NewsCategoryId = entity.NewsCategoryId;
                    update.UrlImage = entity.UrlImage;

                    update.IsDeleted = entity.IsDeleted;
                    update.LastUpdatedBy = entity.LastUpdatedBy;
                    update.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now;

                    context.Entry(update).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    return context.SaveChanges() > 0 ? SaveResult.SUCCESS : SaveResult.FAILURE;
Exemple #4
        private void DoViewPage(W_ViewPage viewPage)
            NewsResult result = new NewsResult();

            result.Articles.Add(new NewsArticle()
                Title       = viewPage.VPTitle,
                Description = viewPage.VPDescription,
                Url         = viewPage.VPURL,
                PicUrl      = viewPage.ImgURL

            if (viewPage.VPTYpe == "single")
                this.Response = result;

            W_ViewPageItemBLL     bll           = new W_ViewPageItemBLL();
            List <W_ViewPageItem> childArticles = bll.GetByViewPage(viewPage);

            foreach (W_ViewPageItem viewPageItem in childArticles)
                result.Articles.Add(new NewsArticle()
                    Title       = viewPageItem.VPItemTitle,
                    Description = viewPageItem.VPItemDescription,
                    Url         = viewPageItem.VPItemUrl,
                    PicUrl      = viewPageItem.VPItemPicUrl

            this.Response = result;
Exemple #5
        public SaveResult Add(NewsResult entity)
            return(ExecuteDbWithHandle(_logService, () =>
                using (var context = new TechOfficeEntities())
                    var add = context.News.Create();

                    add.Title = entity.Title;
                    add.Content = entity.Content;
                    add.Summary = entity.Summary;
                    add.UrlImage = entity.UrlImage;
                    add.NewsCategoryId = entity.NewsCategoryId;
                    add.IsDeleted = entity.IsDeleted;
                    add.CreatedBy = entity.CreatedBy;
                    add.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;

                    context.Entry(add).State = EntityState.Added;

                    var result = context.SaveChanges() > 0 ? SaveResult.SUCCESS : SaveResult.FAILURE;
                    entity.Id = add.Id;

                    return result;
Exemple #6
        private static void EnsureContent(NewsResult newsResult)
            const string readabilityAPI = "http://www.readability.com/api/content/v1/parser?url={0}&token=74d77e5e0e1adb82405c222e159cbd1b806975c1";

            using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                string readabilityResponse   = client.DownloadString(string.Format(readabilityAPI, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(newsResult.UnescapedUrl)));
                ReadabilityResponse response = ReadabilityResponseParser.Parse(readabilityResponse);
                newsResult.Content = RemoveHtmlTags(response.Content);
Exemple #7
        private NewsResult GetResult(NewsResponse newsResponse)
            var result = new NewsResult();

            if (newsResponse.Status != ResponseStatus.Ok)
                result.Error = newsResponse.ErrorCode;

            result.Articles     = newsResponse.NewsArticles;
            result.TotalResults = newsResponse.NewsArticles.Count();

Exemple #8
        private async Task <object> CallSearchAPI(string location, string searchType)
            var client      = new HttpClient();
            var queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty);

            // Request headers
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CogServices:NewsSearch:ID"]);

            // Request parameters
            queryString["count"]      = "4";
            queryString["offset"]     = "0";
            queryString["mkt"]        = "en-US";
            queryString["safeSearch"] = "Moderate";
            string uri = null;

            if (searchType == "news")
                queryString["q"] = "Travel related news about " + location;
                uri = "https://api.cognitive.microsoft.com/bing/v5.0/news/search?" + queryString;
            else if (searchType == "destination")
                queryString["q"] = "Travel desitnations in " + location;
                uri = "https://api.cognitive.microsoft.com/bing/v5.0/search?" + queryString;
            var response = await client.GetAsync(uri);

            HttpContent resultContent = response.Content;
            var         result        = await resultContent.ReadAsStringAsync();

            // Populate a JSON object with the results of the API call
            if (searchType == "news")
                NewsResult news = new NewsResult();
                JsonConvert.PopulateObject(result, news);
            else if (searchType == "destination")
                DestinationResult destination = new DestinationResult();
                JsonConvert.PopulateObject(result, destination);

Exemple #9
 public static AddNewsViewModel ToViewModel(this NewsResult entity)
     return(entity == null ? null : new AddNewsViewModel
         Id = entity.Id,
         CreateDate = entity.CreateDate,
         CreatedBy = entity.CreatedBy,
         IsDeleted = entity.IsDeleted,
         LastUpdated = entity.LastUpdated,
         LastUpdatedBy = entity.LastUpdatedBy,
         Content = entity.Content,
         Summary = entity.Summary,
         NewsCategoryId = entity.NewsCategoryId,
         Title = entity.Title,
         UrlImage = entity.UrlImage,
Exemple #10
        public async Task <SaveResult> DeleteAsync(NewsResult entity)
            return(await ExecuteDbWithHandleAsync(_logService, async() =>
                using (var context = new TechOfficeEntities())
                    var cq = context.News.Single(x => x.Id == entity.Id && x.IsDeleted == false);

                    cq.IsDeleted = true;
                    cq.LastUpdatedBy = entity.LastUpdatedBy;
                    cq.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now;

                    context.Entry(cq).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    return await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0 ? SaveResult.SUCCESS : SaveResult.FAILURE;
Exemple #11
        public async Task <IActionResult> ViewSingle(int id, double distance = 0.0D)
            string userId   = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;
            var    thisUser = _context.AspNetUsers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId);
            //INSERT call to Mike's code here, MAYBE, that COULD return similar startups from the API and write them to a list of our Startup model
            //OR we could add a list of API startup model to the viewmodel class, filter by what Mike's code returns, and pass that on...
            //INSERT call to Jesse's code here, that will return an int for successViewStartupFavorite view = new ViewStartupFavorite() {

            List <PredictedApiStartup> topMatching = await CompareSuccess(id);

            Models.Startup startupToView = _context.Startup.Find(id);
            string         nameToSearch  = startupToView.Name.Replace(" ", "+");
            NewsResult     searchResult  = (await Utilities.GetApiResponse <NewsResult>("v2", "everything", "https://newsapi.org", "apiKey", NewsApiKey, "q", nameToSearch)).FirstOrDefault(); //       "v0 /appFo187B73tuYhyg", "Master List", "https://api.airtable.com", "api_key", ApiKey)).FirstOrDefault();
            List <Article> articles      = new List <Article>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

            FavoritesViewModel view = new FavoritesViewModel()
                SingleStartupToView       = startupToView,
                FavoriteStartups          = _context.Favorites.Where(x => x.UserId == userId).ToList <Favorites>(),
                UserAssociation           = thisUser.Association,
                MatchingPredictedStartups = topMatching,
                Comments = _context.Comment.Where(x => x.StartupId == id &&
                                                  x.Restricted == false).ToList <Comment>(),
                ExclusiveComments = _context.Comment.Where(x => x.StartupId == id &&
                                                           x.Restricted == true &&
                                                           x.Association == thisUser.Association).ToList <Comment>(),
                Articles = articles

            ViewBag.Distance = distance;

Exemple #12
        public async Task <SaveResult> UpdateAsync(NewsResult entity)
            return(await ExecuteDbWithHandleAsync(_logService, async() =>
                using (var context = new TechOfficeEntities())
                    var update = context.News.Single(x => x.Id == entity.Id && x.IsDeleted == false);

                    update.Title = entity.Title;
                    update.Content = entity.Content;
                    update.Summary = entity.Summary;
                    update.NewsCategoryId = entity.NewsCategoryId;
                    update.UrlImage = entity.UrlImage;

                    update.IsDeleted = entity.IsDeleted;
                    update.LastUpdatedBy = entity.LastUpdatedBy;
                    update.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now;

                    context.Entry(update).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    return await context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0 ? SaveResult.SUCCESS : SaveResult.FAILURE;
Exemple #13
        private List <NewsResult> GetBlenedResult_org(out int hitCount, string term, int skip, int take)
            var results = BlendedNewsHelper.GetNewsItems(Providers, SearchIndex, out hitCount, Categories, term, skip, take);

            log.InfoFormat("There are {0}, results, prov:{1}, idx:{2}, term:{3}, take:{4}",
                           term, take);

            List <NewsResult> resultSet = new List <NewsResult>();
            //log.Info("content, title, Id \r\n");
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var result in results)
                //newsResult.DisplayDate = result.GetValue("DisplayDate").ToString();
                    var ctnType = result.GetValue("ContentType")?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;

                    var        featured   = result.GetValue("FeaturedRank")?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
                    NewsResult newsResult = new NewsResult()
                        ImageId  = result.GetValue("ImageId")?.ToString() ?? string.Empty,
                        Title    = result.GetValue("Title")?.ToString() ?? string.Empty,
                        Summary  = result.GetValue("Summary")?.ToString() ?? string.Empty,
                        Featured = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(featured) && (featured == "1" ? true : false),
                        Content  = result.GetValue("Content")?.ToString() ?? string.Empty,
                        Link     = result.GetValue("Link")?.ToString() ?? string.Empty

                    var    dynaManager = DynamicModuleManager.GetManager();
                    string txtId       = result.GetValue("Id")?.ToString() ?? String.Empty;
                    log.InfoFormat("try to get from iD:{0} ofType:{1}-title:{2}", txtId, ctnType, newsResult.Title);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctnType) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtId) && txtId.IsGuid())
                            Guid itemId = new Guid(txtId);
                            if (ctnType.IndexOf("BlogPost") > 0)
                                var manager = BlogsManager.GetManager();
                                var bp      = manager.GetBlogPosts()
                                              //.Where(c => c.Status == Telerik.Sitefinity.GenericContent.Model.ContentLifecycleStatus.Live)
                                              .FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == itemId);
                                if (bp != null)
                                    bp = manager.Lifecycle.GetLive(bp) as BlogPost;
                                    log.InfoFormat("has item:{0}-date:{1}", bp?.GetType()?.FullName, bp?.GetValue("DisplayDate")?.ToString() ?? string.Empty);
                                    newsResult.DisplayDate = bp?.GetValue("DisplayDate")?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
                                var item = dynaManager.GetDataItems(TypeResolutionService.ResolveType(ctnType))
                                           .Where(c => c.Status == Telerik.Sitefinity.GenericContent.Model.ContentLifecycleStatus.Live)
                                           .FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == itemId);

                                log.InfoFormat("has item:{0}-date:{1}", item?.GetType()?.FullName, item?.GetValue("DisplayDate")?.ToString() ?? string.Empty);
                                newsResult.DisplayDate = item?.GetValue("DisplayDate")?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;

                            /*if (result.Fields.Any(x => x.Name == "DisplayDate") && item?.GetValue("DisplayDate") != null)
                             * {
                             *  newsResult.DisplayDate = item.GetValue("DisplayDate").ToString() ?? string.Empty;
                             * }*/
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        log.InfoFormat("failedToGetDateItemType:{0}-id:{1}, msg:{2}", ctnType, txtId, ex.Message);

                    string formatString = "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff";
                    // seem like there are already assing below
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.GetValue("PublicationDate")?.ToString()))
                        DateTime pubd = DateTime.MinValue;
                        //DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(result.GetValue("PublicationDate").ToString(), formatString, null);
                        //newsResult.PublicationDate = dt.ToLocalTime();
                        DateTime.TryParseExact(result.GetValue("PublicationDate").ToString(), formatString, new CultureInfo("en-US"), DateTimeStyles.None, out pubd);
                        newsResult.PublicationDate = pubd;
                        //log.InfoFormat("pubd:{0}", pubd.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy"));

                    if (result.Fields.Any(x => x.Name == "DateField"))
                            /*DateTime dt2 = DateTime.ParseExact(result.GetValue("DateField").ToString(), "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                             * newsResult.DateField = dt2.ToLocalTime();*/
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.GetValue("DateField")?.ToString()))
                                DateTime eDateTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                                DateTime.TryParseExact(result.GetValue("DateField").ToString(), "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss", new CultureInfo("en-US"), DateTimeStyles.None, out eDateTime);
                                newsResult.DateField = eDateTime;
                                //log.InfoFormat("datef:{0}", eDateTime.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy"));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            log.ErrorFormat("GetBlendedResult-DateField:{0}, inner:{1}, stack:{2}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException?.Message, ex.StackTrace);

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newsResult.Summary) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newsResult.Content))
                        newsResult.Summary = SummaryParser.GetSummary(newsResult.Content, new SummarySettings(SummaryMode.Words, 40, true));

                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.InfoFormat("bled-createNewsResult:{0}", ex.Message);

                //newsResult.ImageCaption = result.GetValue("ImageCaption").ToString();

                // testing below

                /*if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.GetValue("PublicationDate")?.ToString()))
                 * {
                 *  //DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(result.GetValue("PublicationDate").ToString(), formatString, null);
                 *  //newsResult.PublicationDate = dt.ToLocalTime();
                 *  DateTime.TryParseExact(result.GetValue("PublicationDate").ToString(), formatString, new CultureInfo("en-US"), DateTimeStyles.None, out eDateTime);
                 *  newsResult.DisplayDate = eDateTime.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString();
                 * }*/
 public async Task Initialize(NewsScope scope)
     CurrentNews = await newsService.GetNews(scope);
 public void AddToNewsResultSet(NewsResult newsResult)
     base.AddObject("NewsResultSet", newsResult);
 public static NewsResult CreateNewsResult(global::System.Guid ID)
     NewsResult newsResult = new NewsResult();
     newsResult.ID = ID;
     return newsResult;
Exemple #17
        private void CheckCoinNews()
            ConfigManager.Instance().pushProblemCount += 1;
            if (ConfigManager.Instance().pushProblemCount > (4 * 60 * 60 / ConfigManager.pushNewsConfig.LoopCheckTime))
                var msg = ConfigManager.Instance().problem.description + "\n" + ConfigManager.Instance().problem.example;
                _mahuaApi.SendGroupMessage("417955323", msg);
                ConfigManager.Instance().pushProblemCount = 0;

            var re = _newsService.RequestBiQuanApi();

            NewsResult msg1 = null;
            NewsResult msg2 = null;
            NewsResult msg3 = null;
            NewsResult msg4 = null;

            if (re[0] != null && !re[0].Content.Equals(lastMsg1))
                lastMsg1 = re[0].Content;
                msg1     = re[0];
                msg1 = null;

            if (re[1] != null && !re[1].Content.Equals(lastMsg2))
                lastMsg2 = re[1].Content;
                msg2     = re[1];
                msg2 = null;

            if (re[2] != null && !re[2].Content.Equals(lastMsg3))
                lastMsg3 = re[2].Content;
                msg3     = re[2];
                msg3 = null;

            if (re[3] != null && !re[3].Content.Equals(lastMsg4))
                lastMsg4 = re[3].Content;
                msg4     = re[3];
                msg4 = null;

            if (ConfigManager.pushNewsConfig.UsCompute)
                if (msg1 != null)
                    StringCompute stringcompute1 = new StringCompute();
                    stringcompute1.Compute(msg1.Content, lastMsg2);
                    if ((float)stringcompute1.ComputeResult.Rate > ConfigManager.pushNewsConfig.ComputeRate)
                        msg1 = null;
                if (msg2 != null)
                    StringCompute stringcompute1 = new StringCompute();
                    stringcompute1.Compute(msg2.Content, lastMsg1);
                    if ((float)stringcompute1.ComputeResult.Rate > ConfigManager.pushNewsConfig.ComputeRate)
                        msg2 = null;

                if (msg1 != null && msg2 != null)
                    StringCompute stringcompute1 = new StringCompute();
                    stringcompute1.Compute(msg1.Content, msg2.Content);
                    if ((float)stringcompute1.ComputeResult.Rate > ConfigManager.pushNewsConfig.ComputeRate)
                        msg2 = null;

            var reMsg = string.Empty;

            if (msg1 != null)
                if (msg1.NewsLevel == NewsLevel.Normal)
                    normalMsgList.Add(msg1.From + msg1.Title + "\n");
                    reMsg += msg1.From + msg1.Title + "\n";
            if (msg2 != null)
                if (msg2.NewsLevel == NewsLevel.Normal)
                    normalMsgList.Add(msg2.From + msg2.Content + "\n");
                    reMsg += msg2.From + msg2.Title + "\n";
            if (msg3 != null)
                if (msg3.NewsLevel == NewsLevel.Normal)
                    normalMsgList.Add(msg3.From + msg3.Title + "\n");
                    reMsg += msg3.From + msg3.Title + "\n";
            if (msg4 != null)
                if (msg4.NewsLevel == NewsLevel.Normal)
                    normalMsgList.Add(msg4.From + msg4.Title + "\n");
                    reMsg += msg4.From + msg4.Title + "\n";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reMsg))
                reMsg += _coinmarketcapService.GetTicker("btc").Result;
                reMsg += "\n" + _huobiService.LegalTender().Result;

                //reMsg += "\n【OK涨幅排名】"+_coinService.GetOkexTopTracks();
                //reMsg += "\n【OK跌幅排名】" + _coinService.GetOkexBottomTracks();

                if (sendCount != 0)
                    foreach (var group in ConfigManager.pushNewsConfig.CoinNewsPushGroupList)
                        _mahuaApi.SendGroupMessage(group, reMsg + "\n第" + sendCount + "次主动推送消息");

            if (nowNormalNewsPushIntervalCount < ConfigManager.pushNewsConfig.NormalNewsPushIntervalCount)
                if (sendCount != 0)
                    var normalMsg = string.Empty;
                    foreach (var item in normalMsgList)
                        normalMsg += item;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(normalMsg))
                        normalMsg += _coinmarketcapService.GetTicker("btc").Result;
                        normalMsg += "\n" + _huobiService.LegalTender().Result;

                        foreach (var group in ConfigManager.pushNewsConfig.CoinNewsPushGroupList)
                            _mahuaApi.SendGroupMessage(group, normalMsg + "\n第" + sendCount + "次主动推送消息");
                nowNormalNewsPushIntervalCount = 0;