Exemple #1
    void ShowNewsNotification()
        GameObject obj = Instantiate( Resources.Load ("Prefabs/Event/NewsNotification")) as GameObject;
        m_hudService.HUDControl.AttachMid(ref obj);
        obj.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
        obj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, -5);

        NewsNotificationItem newsItem = obj.GetComponent<NewsNotificationItem> ();

        string headline = currentScene.getCurrentEvent ().addnews.Replace ("<playername>", PlayerProfile.Get ().playerName);
        string icon = currentScene.getCurrentEvent ().addnewsIcon;
        string newsImage = currentScene.getCurrentEvent ().addnewsImage;

        NewsDataItem item = new NewsDataItem (headline, icon, newsImage, false, "Emi was in the newspapersEmi was " +
            "in the newspapersEmi was in the newspapersEmi was in the newspapersEmi was " +
            "in the newspapersEmi was in the newspapersEmi was in the newspapers");

        newsItem.Initialize (gameObject, item._iconTextureName, item._headLine);

        if (currentScene.getCurrentEvent ().endChain == true)
            PlayerProfile.Get ().currentEventSet = -1;

        PlayerProfile.Get ().AddNews (item);

        m_soundService.PlaySound(Resources.Load("Sound/newsnotification03") as AudioClip, false);
 private static void _client_OnNewsMessage(NewsDataItem news)
     // we received a news article
     OutputConsole.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow}: Received news item \"{news.Title}\"", ConsoleColor.Green);
 private void Socket_OnNewsMessage(NewsDataItem news)
     WriteLog($"Received news item \"{news.Title}\"");