Exemple #1
        public async Task GetNewsTest()
            var news   = new NewsBusiness();
            var result = await news.GetNews();

Exemple #2
 public async Task AddNews()
     var news = new NewsBusiness();
     var list = new List <ViewModels.News>
         new ViewModels.News
             Show        = true,
             Id          = Guid.NewGuid(),
             Approved    = true,
             Description = "Area 51 is working with Church on The Street (COTS). We have committed to assist one Sunday a month and will need 5 volunteers each month.",
             End         = new DateTime(2015, 12, 31),
             Link        = "http://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040b44a5ab23a57-church1?utm_source=Pax&utm_campaign=8c5dc78a00-Newsletter_9_6_2015&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_e2070eb2f3-8c5dc78a00-53412961",
             Order       = 1,
             Start       = new DateTime(2015, 9, 6),
             Title       = "Church on the Street"
         new ViewModels.News
             Show        = true,
             Id          = Guid.NewGuid(),
             Approved    = true,
             Description = "Area 51 is working with Church on The Street (COTS). We have committed to assist one Sunday a month and will need 5 volunteers each month.",
             End         = new DateTime(2015, 12, 31),
             Link        = "http://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040b44a5ab23a57-church1?utm_source=Pax&utm_campaign=8c5dc78a00-Newsletter_9_6_2015&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_e2070eb2f3-8c5dc78a00-53412961",
             Order       = 1,
             Start       = new DateTime(2015, 9, 6),
             Title       = "Church on the Street"
     await news.AddNews(list);
Exemple #3
        public ActionResult RssFeed(long id)
            NewsBusiness newsBusiness = new NewsBusiness();
            List <Common.SearchNewByGroupID_Result> model = new List <Common.SearchNewByGroupID_Result>();
            int totalRecord = 0;

            model = _newsBusiness.ListByNewsIdNewsGroup(id, ref totalRecord, 1, 10000);

            var items = new List <SyndicationItem>();

            foreach (SearchNewByGroupID_Result re in model)
                var item = new SyndicationItem()
                    Id          = re.Id.ToString(),
                    Title       = SyndicationContent.CreatePlaintextContent(re.Title),
                    Content     = SyndicationContent.CreateHtmlContent(re.Descriptions),
                    PublishDate = re.CreateDate
                string url = Util.ReturnLinkFull(re.FriendlyUrl);
                item.Links.Add(SyndicationLink.CreateAlternateLink(new Uri(url)));//Nothing alternate about it. It is the MAIN link for the item.

            return(new RssFeed(title: "Greatness",
                               items: items,
                               contentType: "application/rss+xml",
                               description: String.Format("Sooper Dooper {0}", Guid.NewGuid())));
 protected virtual IActionResult UpdateLastNews()
     RunAsync(() => {
         var news = NewsBusiness.UpdateLastNews();
         HubContext.Clients.All.SendAsync("addLastNews", news).Wait();
 public BaseController() : base()
     loginBusiness       = new LoginBusiness(this.GetContext());
     userBusiness        = new UserBusiness(this.GetContext());
     categoryBusiness    = new CategoryBusiness(this.GetContext());
     servicePlanBusiness = new ServicePlanBusiness(this.GetContext());
     newsBusiness        = new NewsBusiness(this.GetContext());
     customerBusiness    = new CustomerBusiness(this.GetContext());
     orderBusiness       = new OrderBusiness(this.GetContext());
     customerServicePlan = new CustomerServicePlanBusiness(this.GetContext());
Exemple #6
        public JsonResult GetNewsname(string term)
            NewsBusiness _newsBusiness1 = new NewsBusiness();

                List <Common.SearchNewByName_Result> data = _newsBusiness1.SearchListNewByName(term);

                return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception)
                //Write log
 public BaseAPIController() : base()
     lgBus        = new LoginBusiness(this.GetContext());
     newsBus      = new NewsBusiness(this.GetContext());
     notiBus      = new NotifyBusiness(this.GetContext());
     giftBus      = new GiftBusiness(this.GetContext());
     rqBus        = new RequestBusiness(this.GetContext());
     cusBus       = new CustomerBusiness(this.GetContext());
     mBus         = new MessageBusiness(this.GetContext());
     apiBus       = new RequestAPIBusiness(this.GetContext());
     pBus         = new PointBusiness(this.GetContext());
     statisticBus = new StatisticBusiness(this.GetContext());
     shopBus      = new ShopBusiness(this.GetContext());
     itemBus      = new ItemBusiness(this.GetContext());
     orderBus     = new OrderBusiness(this.GetContext());
     packBus      = new PackageBusiness(this.GetContext());
     vnPay        = new VNPay(this.GetContext());
Exemple #8
 public BaseController() : base()
     loginBusiness    = new LoginBusiness(this.GetContext());
     batchBusiness    = new BatchBusiness(this.GetContext());
     cardBusiness     = new CardBusiness(this.GetContext());
     requestBusiness  = new RequestBusiness(this.GetContext());
     newsBusiness     = new NewsBusiness(this.GetContext());
     cusBusiness      = new CustomerBusiness(this.GetContext());
     rankBusiness     = new RankBusiness(this.GetContext());
     configBusiness   = new ConfigBusiness(this.GetContext());
     pointBusiness    = new PointBusiness(this.GetContext());
     warrantyBusiness = new WarrantyBusiness(this.GetContext());
     statisticBus     = new StatisticBusiness(this.GetContext());
     orderBus         = new OrderBusiness(this.GetContext());
     userBusiness     = new UserBusiness(this.GetContext());
     itemBusiness     = new ItemBusiness(this.GetContext());
     productsBusiness = new ItemBusiness(this.GetContext());
     notifyBusiness   = new NotifyBusiness(this.GetContext());
     shopBusiness     = new ShopBusiness(this.GetContext());
     agentBusiness    = new AgentBusiness(this.GetContext());
     vnpay            = new VNPay(this.GetContext());
Exemple #9
        public JsonResult UpdateNews(Common.News viewNews)
                NewsBusiness newsBusiness = new NewsBusiness();
                var          dbNews       = newsBusiness.GetById(viewNews.Id);
                dbNews.NewsGroupId     = viewNews.NewsGroupId;
                dbNews.Title           = viewNews.Title;
                dbNews.ImageSource     = viewNews.ImageSource;
                dbNews.Summary         = viewNews.Summary;
                dbNews.Descriptions    = viewNews.Descriptions;
                dbNews.Status          = viewNews.Status;
                dbNews.isPublic        = viewNews.isPublic;
                dbNews.ModifyDate      = DateTime.Now;
                dbNews.AdminIDApproval = viewNews.AdminIDApproval;

                return(Json(1));//Cập nhật thành công
            catch (Exception)
 protected IActionResult ListNews(int?top, int?lastNewsId)
     return(Ok(NewsBusiness.ListNews(top, lastNewsId)));
 public void DeleteNews(int code, string username, string password)
     IManager<News> business = new NewsBusiness();
     business.Delete(code, username, password);
 public int AddNews(News element, string username, string password)
     IManager<News> business = new NewsBusiness();
     return business.Add(element, username, password);
 public int GetNewsLastInsertedId()
     IReaderLimit<News> business = new NewsBusiness();
     return business.GetLastInsertedId();
 public IEnumerable<News> SearchNews(string keywords)
     ISearchable<News> business = new NewsBusiness();
     return business.Search(keywords);
 public IEnumerable<News> GetListNewsLimited(int indexFirstElement, int numberOfResults)
     IReader2Filters<News, Member, bool?> business = new NewsBusiness();
     return business.Get(true, indexFirstElement, numberOfResults);
 public News GetNews(int code)
     IReader<News> business = new NewsBusiness();
     return business.Get(code);
 public IEnumerable<News> GetListNews()
     IReader2Filters<News, Member, bool?> business = new NewsBusiness();
     return business.Get(true);
Exemple #18
        public ActionResult Khuyenmai(long id = 0, int page = 1, int pageSize = 10)
                NewsBusiness newsBusiness = new NewsBusiness();

                int totalRecord = 0;
                int totalPage   = 0;
                List <Common.SearchNewByGroupID_Result> model = new List <Common.SearchNewByGroupID_Result>();
                ViewBag.GroupID = id;

                model             = _newsBusiness.ListByNewsIdNewsGroup(id, ref totalRecord, page, pageSize);
                ViewBag.NewsGroup = _newsGroupBusiness.GetById(id);

                ViewBag.Total = totalRecord;
                ViewBag.Page  = page;

                int maxPage = 1;

                totalPage         = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(totalRecord / pageSize));
                ViewBag.TotalPage = totalPage;
                ViewBag.MaxPage   = maxPage;
                ViewBag.First     = 1;
                ViewBag.Last      = totalPage;
                ViewBag.Next      = page + 1;
                ViewBag.Prev      = page - 1;

                NewsGroupBusiness newsGroupBusiness = new Business.ClassBusiness.NewsGroupBusiness();

                Common.NewsGroups newsGroup = newsGroupBusiness.GetById(id);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newsGroup.SeoTitle))
                    ViewBag.Title = newsGroup.NewsGroupName;
                    ViewBag.Title = newsGroup.SeoTitle;
                ViewBag.Title       = newsGroup.SeoTitle;
                ViewBag.Description = newsGroup.SeoDescription;
                ViewBag.Keywords    = newsGroup.SeoKeyword;

                ViewBag.ShareTitle       = newsGroup.ShareTitle;
                ViewBag.ShareKeyword     = newsGroup.ShareKeyword;
                ViewBag.ShareDescription = newsGroup.ShareDescription;
                ViewBag.published_time   = newsGroup.CreateDate;
                ViewBag.updated_time     = newsGroup.ModifyDate;

                ViewBag.image = newsGroup.ImageSource;

                ViewBag.TotalVote = newsGroup.TotalVote;
                ViewBag.VoteScore = newsGroup.VoteScore;

                ViewBag.CatalogUrl = Function.ConvertFileName(newsGroup.NewsGroupName);

            catch (FaultException ex)
                var    exep    = Function.GetExeption(ex);
                var    codeExp = exep[1];
                string url     = "Error/ErrorFunction/" + codeExp;
 public void EditNews(News element, string username, string password)
     IManager<News> business = new NewsBusiness();
     business.Edit(element, username, password);
 public IEnumerable<News> GetListNewsLimited(int indexFirstElement, int numberOfResults)
     IReaderLimit<News> business = new NewsBusiness();
     return business.Get(indexFirstElement, numberOfResults);
 public IEnumerable<News> GetListNews()
     IReader<News> business = new NewsBusiness();
     return business.Get();