Exemple #1
        public void CreateHiddenRegion(string bannerText, TextSpan ts)
            IVsHiddenTextSession session = HiddenTextSession;

            if (session != null)
                NewHiddenRegion[] NewHiddenRegionArray = new NewHiddenRegion[1];
                NewHiddenRegionArray[0].dwBehavior = (uint)HIDDEN_REGION_BEHAVIOR.hrbClientControlled;
                //NewHiddenRegionArray[0].dwClient = 0x2cff;
                NewHiddenRegionArray[0].dwState      = (uint)HIDDEN_REGION_STATE.hrsDefault;
                NewHiddenRegionArray[0].iType        = (int)HIDDEN_REGION_TYPE.hrtCollapsible;
                NewHiddenRegionArray[0].pszBanner    = bannerText;
                NewHiddenRegionArray[0].tsHiddenText = ts;
                int isOk = session.AddHiddenRegions(

                if (isOk != VSConstants.S_OK)
Exemple #2
        // Produces tags on the snapshot that the tag consumer asked for.
        public IEnumerable <ITagSpan <DocumentationTag> > GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans)
            var documentation = Services.DocumentationFileSerializer.Deserialize(_codyDocsFilename);

            List <ITagSpan <DocumentationTag> > res =
                new List <ITagSpan <DocumentationTag> >();
            var currentSnapshot = _buffer.CurrentSnapshot;

            var                  hiddenTextManager = ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsTextManager)) as IVsHiddenTextManager;
            var                  service           = ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsTextManager));
            var                  textManager       = service as IVsTextManager2;
            IVsTextView          view;
            int                  result        = textManager.GetActiveView2(1, null, (uint)_VIEWFRAMETYPE.vftCodeWindow, out view);
            IVsHiddenTextSession hiddenSession = null;

            IVsEnumHiddenRegions[] hiddenRegions = null;
            int hRetVal = hiddenTextManager.GetHiddenTextSession(
                out hiddenSession);

            if (hRetVal != 0)
                hRetVal = hiddenTextManager.CreateHiddenTextSession(
                    out hiddenSession);

            if (hiddenSession != null)
                foreach (var fragment in documentation.Fragments)
                    int startPos     = fragment.Selection.StartPosition;
                    int length       = fragment.Selection.EndPosition - fragment.Selection.StartPosition;
                    var snapshotSpan = new SnapshotSpan(
                        currentSnapshot, new Span(startPos, length));

                    view.GetLineAndColumn(fragment.Selection.StartPosition, out int startLine, out int startIdx);
                    view.GetLineAndColumn(fragment.Selection.EndPosition, out int endLine, out int endIdx);

                    var hidRegion = new NewHiddenRegion()
                        dwBehavior   = (uint)HIDDEN_REGION_BEHAVIOR.hrbClientControlled,
                        dwState      = (uint)HIDDEN_REGION_STATE.hrsDefault,
                        iType        = (int)HIDDEN_REGION_TYPE.hrtConcealed,
                        pszBanner    = fragment.Documentation,
                        tsHiddenText = new TextSpan()
                            iStartLine  = startLine,
                            iStartIndex = startIdx,
                            iEndLine    = endLine,
                            iEndIndex   = endIdx
                    hiddenSession.AddHiddenRegions(0, 1, new[] { hidRegion }, hiddenRegions);

                    res.Add(new TagSpan <DocumentationTag>(snapshotSpan, new DocumentationTag(fragment.Selection.Text, snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(startPos, length, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive), _buffer)));

Exemple #3
        /// <include file='doc\LanguageService.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="AuthoringSink.AddHiddenRegion"]/*' />
        /// <summary>
        /// AddHiddenRegion calls this for you, you can call it directly or override it
        /// to modify the default behavior.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void AddHiddenRegion(NewHiddenRegion r) {
            if (!HiddenRegions)

            // Sort the regions by their start positions so that if they add more than 
            // MaxRegions then they get the outer top level ones first.
            int i = this.hiddenRegions.Count - 1;
            while (i >= 0) {
                NewHiddenRegion s = (NewHiddenRegion)this.hiddenRegions[i];
                if (TextSpanHelper.StartsAfterStartOf(r.tsHiddenText, s.tsHiddenText))
            this.hiddenRegions.Insert(i + 1, r);
Exemple #4
        /// <include file='doc\LanguageService.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="AuthoringSink.AddHiddenRegion"]/*' />
        /// <summary>
        /// This is in support of outlining.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void AddHiddenRegion(TextSpan context) {
            if (!HiddenRegions)

            NewHiddenRegion r = new NewHiddenRegion();
            r.iType = (int)HIDDEN_REGION_TYPE.hrtCollapsible;
            r.dwBehavior = (int)HIDDEN_REGION_BEHAVIOR.hrbEditorControlled; //hrbClientControlled;
            r.dwState = (int)HIDDEN_REGION_STATE.hrsExpanded;
            r.tsHiddenText = context;
            r.pszBanner = null;
            r.dwClient = (uint)Source.HiddenRegionCookie;

        public void CreateHiddenRegion(string bannerText, TextSpan ts)
            IVsHiddenTextSession session = HiddenTextSession;
            if (session != null)
                NewHiddenRegion[] NewHiddenRegionArray = new NewHiddenRegion[1];
                NewHiddenRegionArray[0].dwBehavior = (uint)HIDDEN_REGION_BEHAVIOR.hrbClientControlled;
                //NewHiddenRegionArray[0].dwClient = 0x2cff;
                NewHiddenRegionArray[0].dwState = (uint)HIDDEN_REGION_STATE.hrsDefault;
                NewHiddenRegionArray[0].iType = (int)HIDDEN_REGION_TYPE.hrtCollapsible;
                NewHiddenRegionArray[0].pszBanner = bannerText;
                NewHiddenRegionArray[0].tsHiddenText = ts;
                int isOk = session.AddHiddenRegions(

                if (isOk != VSConstants.S_OK)
Exemple #6
 //Banner comparison: in the case of editor controlled region, this is a noop
 //otherwise, compare banners
 //caveat is that GetBanner rountrips null to "...".
 private bool HasSameBanner(NewHiddenRegion r,IVsHiddenRegion region)
     uint behavior;
     region.GetBehavior(out behavior);
     if (behavior == (uint)HIDDEN_REGION_BEHAVIOR.hrbEditorControlled && r.dwBehavior == (uint)HIDDEN_REGION_BEHAVIOR.hrbEditorControlled)
         return true; //the banner text is always a fixed string, which is "..." by default
     string currBanner;
     region.GetBanner(out currBanner);
     //<STRIP>DevDiv185498: Regression from RTM: Collapsed portions of XAML do not stay collapsed</STRIP>
     return r.pszBanner == currBanner || (r.pszBanner == null && currBanner == "...");
Exemple #7
        /// <include file='doc\Source.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="Source.ProcessHiddenRegions"]/*' />
        public virtual void ProcessHiddenRegions(ArrayList hiddenRegions)
            if (!this.doOutlining) {

            // Compare the existing regions with the new regions and
            // remove any that do not match the new regions.
            IVsHiddenTextSession session = GetHiddenTextSession();
            IVsEnumHiddenRegions ppenum;
            TextSpan[] aspan = new TextSpan[1];
            aspan[0] = GetDocumentSpan();
            NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(session.EnumHiddenRegions((uint)FIND_HIDDEN_REGION_FLAGS.FHR_BY_CLIENT_DATA, (uint)Source.HiddenRegionCookie, aspan, out ppenum));
            uint fetched;
            IVsHiddenRegion[] aregion = new IVsHiddenRegion[1];
            int matched = 0;
            int removed = 0;
            int added = 0;

            // Create a list of IVsHiddenRegion objects, sorted in the same order that the
            // authoring sink sorts.  This is necessary because VS core editor does NOT return
            // the regions in the same order that we add them.
            ArrayList regions = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList spans = new ArrayList();

            while (ppenum.Next(1, aregion, out fetched) == NativeMethods.S_OK && fetched == 1) {
                TextSpan s = aspan[0];
                int i = spans.Count - 1;
                while (i >= 0) {
                    TextSpan s2 = (TextSpan)spans[i];
                    if (TextSpanHelper.StartsAfterStartOf(s, s2))
                spans.Insert(i + 1, s);
                regions.Insert(i + 1, aregion[0]);

            // Iterate over session hidden regions
            // Session hidden regions are the ones the editor currently knows about
            ArrayList regionsToAdd = new ArrayList();
            int iHiddenRegion = 0;
            int cHiddenRegion = hiddenRegions.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < regions.Count; ++i)
                IVsHiddenRegion sessionHiddenRegion = (IVsHiddenRegion)regions[i];
                TextSpan sessionSpan = (TextSpan)spans[i];

                // Iterate over preceeding sink hidden regions
                // Sink hidden regions are the ones which resulted from a parse
                NewHiddenRegion hiddenRegion = new NewHiddenRegion();
                while (iHiddenRegion < cHiddenRegion)
                    hiddenRegion = (NewHiddenRegion)hiddenRegions[iHiddenRegion];
                    if (hiddenRegion.tsHiddenText.iStartLine >= sessionSpan.iStartLine)

                    // Add to "ToAdd" regions (add boxed copy to avoid duplicate copies in sink and "ToAdd" collections)
                    // DevNote: Collect "ToAdd" regions rather than doing a hiddenRegions.RemoveAt() to avoid quadratic perf


                // Check whether matching sink region
                if ((iHiddenRegion < cHiddenRegion) &&
                    TextSpanHelper.IsSameSpan(hiddenRegion.tsHiddenText, sessionSpan) &&
                    HasSameBanner(hiddenRegion, sessionHiddenRegion))
                    // Match (and continue)
                    // Remove from session (and continue)

            // Add following sink hidden regions to "ToAdd" regions
            if (iHiddenRegion < cHiddenRegion)
                regionsToAdd.AddRange(hiddenRegions.GetRange(iHiddenRegion, (cHiddenRegion - iHiddenRegion)));

            // Populate given hidden region collection with regions to add
            // DevNote:  This side effect existed in an earlier quadratic algorithm based on removing from
            // the given collection using hiddenRegions.RemoveAt().  Some VSIP may depend on this side effect

            int start = Environment.TickCount;
            int count = hiddenRegions.Count;
            int iRegion = 0;
            if (count > 0) {
                // For very large documents this can take a while, so add them in chunks of
                // 1000 and stop after 5 seconds.
                int maxTime = this.LanguageService.Preferences.MaxRegionTime;
                int chunkSize = 1000;
                NewHiddenRegion[] chunk = new NewHiddenRegion[chunkSize];
                while (iRegion < count && TimeUtilities.TimeSince(start) < maxTime)
                    int j = 0;
                    NewHiddenRegion r;
                    while (iRegion < count && j < chunkSize)
                        r = (NewHiddenRegion)hiddenRegions[iRegion];
                        if (!TextSpanHelper.ValidSpan(this, r.tsHiddenText)) {
            #if	LANGTRACE
                            Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid span " + r.tsHiddenText.iStartLine + "," + r.tsHiddenText.iStartIndex + "," + r.tsHiddenText.iEndLine + "," + r.tsHiddenText.iEndIndex);
                        } else {
                            chunk[j] = r;
                    int hr = session.AddHiddenRegions((int)CHANGE_HIDDEN_REGION_FLAGS.chrNonUndoable, j, chunk, null);
                    if (NativeMethods.Failed(hr)) {
                        break; // stop adding if we start getting errors.

            // Check whether all hidden regions processed
            if (iRegion == count)
                // Depersist outlining (only once)
                if (!haveDepersistedOutlining)
                    haveDepersistedOutlining = true;
                    IVsTextViewEx view = this.service.GetPrimaryViewForSource(this) as IVsTextViewEx;
                    if (view != null)

            #if	PERFTRACE
            int diff = TimeUtilities.TimeSince(start);
            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Hidden Regions: Matched={0}, Removed={1}, Addded={2}/{3} in {4} ms", matched, removed, added, hiddenRegions.Count, diff));
        private TextViewSelection GetSelection(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            var         service     = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsTextManager));
            var         textManager = service as IVsTextManager2;
            IVsTextView view;
            int         result = textManager.GetActiveView2(1, null, (uint)_VIEWFRAMETYPE.vftCodeWindow, out view);

            view.GetSelection(out int startLine, out int startColumn, out int endLine, out int endColumn);//end could be before beginning

            var hiddenTextManager = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsTextManager)) as IVsHiddenTextManager;
            IVsHiddenTextSession hiddenSession = null;
            IVsTextLines         lines         = null;

            IVsEnumHiddenRegions[] hiddenRegions = null;
            view.GetBuffer(out lines);
            int hRetVal = hiddenTextManager.GetHiddenTextSession(
                out hiddenSession);

            if (hRetVal != 0)
                hRetVal = hiddenTextManager.CreateHiddenTextSession(
                    out hiddenSession);
                //if (hRetVal != 0)
                //    return null;

            if (hiddenSession != null)
                var hidRegion = new NewHiddenRegion()
                    dwBehavior   = (uint)HIDDEN_REGION_BEHAVIOR.hrbClientControlled,
                    dwState      = (uint)HIDDEN_REGION_STATE.hrsDefault,
                    iType        = (int)HIDDEN_REGION_TYPE.hrtConcealed,
                    pszBanner    = "Testing!!",
                    tsHiddenText = new TextSpan()
                        iStartLine  = startLine,
                        iStartIndex = startColumn,
                        iEndLine    = endLine,
                        iEndIndex   = endColumn
                hiddenSession.AddHiddenRegions(0, 1, new[] { hidRegion }, hiddenRegions);

            int ok = view.GetNearestPosition(startLine, startColumn, out int position1, out int piVirtualSpaces);

            ok = view.GetNearestPosition(endLine, endColumn, out int position2, out piVirtualSpaces);

            var startPosition = Math.Min(position1, position2);
            var endPosition   = Math.Max(position1, position2);

            view.GetSelectedText(out string selectedText);

            TextViewSelection selection = new TextViewSelection(startPosition, endPosition, selectedText);
