Exemple #1
 public BpNeuron(int Layer, int NeuronNumber, NeuronClass NeuronType, ArtificialNetwork AINetwork)
     this.Location   = new Vector2(Layer, NeuronNumber);
     this.NeuronType = NeuronType;
     this.Bias       = NeuralFunctions.NextDouble(MIN, MAX);
     this.AINetwork  = AINetwork;
Exemple #2
            public unsafe override async Task <double> Fire(List <double> Inputsf, NetworkState State)
                if (!((BackPropagationNetwork)this.AINetwork).TrainingMode)
                    if (((BackPropagationNetwork)this.AINetwork).HiddenLayers + 1 == this.GetLocation().X)
                        Program.WriteLine("NeuronType: " + this.ToString());
                        Program.WriteLine("Editing neuron class from HIDDEN to OUTPUT");
                        this.NeuronType = NeuronClass.OUTPUT;
                //Console.WriteLine("Firing Neuron " + this.ToString());
                List <double> Weights = GetWeights(Inputsf.Count, State);
                //Console.WriteLine("Received Weights, count = " + Weights.Count);
                List <double> Inputs = Inputsf.ToList();

                if (Inputs.Count != Weights.Count)
                    throw new BrainFireException("The number of inputs != the number of weights. Aborting");

                if (State == NetworkState.FORWARD_PROPAGATION)
                    if (NeuronType == NeuronClass.HIDDEN)
                        //simply multiply and sum. Then run through Sigmoid function
                        double value = 0.0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < Inputs.Count; i++)
                            value += Inputs[i] * Weights[i];
                        //Console.WriteLine("Total Sum: " + value);
                        value += this.Bias;
                        //Console.WriteLine("Total Sum (Bias) : " + value);
                        value = NeuralFunctions.SimpleSquash(value);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Sigmoid: " + value);
                        this.Output = value;
                    else if (NeuronType == NeuronClass.OUTPUT)
                        //multiply and sum, then calculate this neurons error. Then, update the bias term
                        double value = 0.0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < Inputs.Count; i++)
                            value += Inputs[i] * Weights[i];
                        value += this.Bias;
                        //Program.WriteLine("Total Sum: " + value);
                        this.Output = NeuralFunctions.SimpleSquash(value);
                        //NeuralFunctions.TanSigmoid(value, &value);
                        if (((BackPropagationNetwork)this.AINetwork).TrainingMode)
                            //Console.WriteLine("Sigmoid: " + value);
                            double T = ((BackPropagationNetwork)this.AINetwork).ExpectedOutputs[this.GetLocation().Y];
                            this.DeltaKOutput = this.Output * (1 - this.Output) * (T - this.Output);
                            //Console.WriteLine("DeltaK: " + this.DeltaKOutput);
                            //Update bias
                            double DeltaBias = this.DeltaKOutput * ((BackPropagationNetwork)this.AINetwork).LearningRate;
                            //Console.WriteLine("Delta Bias: " + DeltaBias);
                            this.DeltaBiasOutput = DeltaBias;
                            this.Bias           += this.DeltaBiasOutput;
                            //Console.WriteLine("New Bias: " + Bias);
                        //this.Output = this.DeltaKOutput;
                else if (State == NetworkState.BACK_PROPAGATION)
                    if (NeuronType == NeuronClass.HIDDEN)
                        //primary role of the neuron in this state is to update weights and biases
                        //required Inputs[] are DeltaK values from output neuron
                        double DeltaX = 0.0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < Inputs.Count; i++)
                            //Console.WriteLine("Operation[+]: " + Inputs[i] + " x " + Weights[i]);
                            DeltaX += Weights[i] * Inputs[i];
                        //Console.WriteLine("Total Sum: " + DeltaX);
                        //get previous output
                        DeltaX = DeltaX * (1 - this.Output) * this.Output;
                        //Console.WriteLine("DeltaX: " + DeltaX);
                        double DeltaBias = DeltaX * ((BackPropagationNetwork)this.AINetwork).LearningRate;
                        //Console.WriteLine("Delta Bias: " + DeltaBias);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Old Bias: " + this.Bias);
                        if (this.DeltaW == null)
                            this.DeltaW = DeltaX * ((BackPropagationNetwork)this.AINetwork).LearningRate * this.Output;
                            for (int i = 0; i < Inputs.Count; i++)
                                ((BackPropagationNetwork)this.AINetwork).Weights[this.GetLocation().X][i + (this.Location.Y * Inputs.Count)] += this.DeltaW;
                            double DeltaWCur = DeltaX * ((BackPropagationNetwork)this.AINetwork).LearningRate * this.Output;
                            this.DeltaW = DeltaWCur + (((BackPropagationNetwork)this.AINetwork).Momentum * this.DeltaW); //Momentum term
                            for (int i = 0; i < Inputs.Count; i++)
                                ((BackPropagationNetwork)this.AINetwork).Weights[this.GetLocation().X][i + (this.Location.Y * Inputs.Count)] += this.DeltaW;
                        this.Bias += DeltaBias;
                        //Console.WriteLine("New Bias: " + this.Bias);
                        this.Output = DeltaX;
                    else if (NeuronType == NeuronClass.INPUT)
                        for (int i = 0; i < Inputs.Count; i++)
                            double WeightDelta = Inputs[i] * ((BackPropagationNetwork)this.AINetwork).LearningRate * this.InputNeuronInput;
                            //Console.WriteLine("Weight Before: " + ((BackPropagationNetwork)this.AINetwork).Weights[this.GetLocation().X][i + (this.Location.Y * Inputs.Count)]);
                            //Console.WriteLine("Weight Delta: " + WeightDelta);
                            ((BackPropagationNetwork)this.AINetwork).Weights[this.GetLocation().X][i + (this.Location.Y * Inputs.Count)] += WeightDelta;
                            //Console.WriteLine("New Weight: " + ((BackPropagationNetwork)this.AINetwork).Weights[this.GetLocation().X][i + (this.Location.Y * Inputs.Count)]);
                Console.WriteLine("Output: " + this.Output);