protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Label lbluser = new Label(); //lbluser = (Label)Master.FindControl("lblUserIdentity"); //lbluser.Text = "Sign in as : " + User.Identity.Name.ToString(); //Master.FindControl("General").Visible = false; //Master.FindControl("os").Visible = false; //Master.FindControl("Hardware").Visible = false; //Master.FindControl("Multimedia").Visible = false; //Master.FindControl("Network").Visible = false; //Master.FindControl("software").Visible = false; //if (!(this.User.IsInRole("admins"))) //{ // Master.FindControl("imgBtnAdmin").Visible = false; // Master.FindControl("Imgsaveinventory").Visible = false; // Master.FindControl("lnkSaveinventory").Visible = false; // Master.FindControl("imgAdminM").Visible = false; // Master.FindControl("lnkAdminM").Visible = false; //} //DataUtility dut = new DataUtility(); /////Add Exception handilng try catch change by vishal 21-05-2012 try { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); int WorkStationCount; int NetworksCount; int totalCount; int diffCountAsset; string query; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); int countOsXp; countOsXp = 0; int countOsServer2003; countOsServer2003 = 0; int countOsServer2000; countOsServer2000 = 0; int countOsVista; countOsVista = 0; int countOthers; countOthers = 0; int totalCountOS; totalCountOS = 0; int countwindow7 = 0; string path = Server.MapPath("..//Files//Asset.xml"); int i = 0; // xmldoc.Load(path); String filestr1 = File.ReadAllText(path); xmldoc.LoadXml(filestr1); //xmldoc1.Load(path1); WorkStationCount = xmldoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Count; lblWorkStations.Text = WorkStationCount.ToString(); NetworksCount = 0; lblNetworkdevices.Text = NetworksCount.ToString(); totalCount = WorkStationCount + NetworksCount; lblTotal.Text = totalCount.ToString(); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo("C://Asset//Data"); FileInfo[] fi = di.GetFiles(); foreach (FileInfo K in fi) { string filename; string os_name; string[] fname = K.Name.Split(new char[] { '.' }); filename = fname[0].ToString(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COM1, COM2, COM3, LPT1 are reserved Serial Port and Parallel Port of System. // Any File with these names cannot be treated as File but Application tries to // Open the Physical port. So exclude it if ((filename.ToUpper().Contains("COM1") == true) || (filename.ToUpper().Contains("COM2") == true) || (filename.ToUpper().Contains("COM3") == true) || (filename.ToUpper().Contains("COM4") == true) || (filename.ToUpper().Contains("LPT1") == true)) { continue; } XmlDocument xmldoc1 = new XmlDocument(); if (fname[1].ToString().ToLower() == "xml") { string path1 = "C:\\Asset\\Data\\" + filename + ".xml"; try { String filestr = File.ReadAllText(path1); xmldoc1.LoadXml(filestr); //xmldoc1.Load(path1); XmlNode node_os_name = xmldoc1.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("//Computer//General_info//Operating_system//Name"); os_name = node_os_name.InnerText; if (os_name == "Microsoft Windows XP Professional") { countOsXp = countOsXp + 1; } else if (os_name == "Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition") { countOsServer2003 = countOsServer2003 + 1; } else if (os_name == "Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Server") { countOsServer2000 = countOsServer2000 + 1; } else if (os_name == "Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition 32-bit") { countOsVista = countOsVista + 1; } else if (os_name == "Microsoft Windows") { countwindow7 = countwindow7 + 1; } else { countOthers = countOthers + 1; } } catch (XmlException xmlDoc1) { File.Delete(path1); } catch (Exception ex) { string str = ex.Message; if (str.Contains("it is being used by another process")) { continue; } } } } lblWindowsXp.Text = countOsXp.ToString(); lblWindows2003.Text = countOsServer2003.ToString(); lblWindows2000.Text = countOsServer2000.ToString(); lblWindowsVista.Text = countOsVista.ToString(); Labelwindow7.Text = countwindow7.ToString(); lblOsOthers.Text = countOthers.ToString(); totalCountOS = countOthers + countOsVista + countOsServer2000 + countOsServer2003 + countOsXp + countwindow7; lblTotalOS.Text = totalCountOS.ToString(); string url; string url1; string chd1; int workstation1, networksDevice1; workstation1 = 0; networksDevice1 = 0; if (WorkStationCount >= NetworksCount) { diffCountAsset = WorkStationCount - NetworksCount; if (diffCountAsset > 90) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 30; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 80 && diffCountAsset <= 90) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 35; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 70 && diffCountAsset <= 80) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 40; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 60 && diffCountAsset <= 70) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 45; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 50 && diffCountAsset <= 60) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 50; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 40 && diffCountAsset <= 50) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 60; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 30 && diffCountAsset <= 40) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 70; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 20 && diffCountAsset <= 30) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 80; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 10 && diffCountAsset <= 20) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 90; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 5 && diffCountAsset <= 10) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 95; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 2 && diffCountAsset <= 5) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 99; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset >= 1 && diffCountAsset <= 2) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 100; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset == 0) { workstation1 = WorkStationCount; networksDevice1 = NetworksCount; } } else { diffCountAsset = NetworksCount - WorkStationCount; if (diffCountAsset > 90) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 30; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 80 && diffCountAsset <= 90) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 35; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 70 && diffCountAsset <= 80) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 40; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 60 && diffCountAsset <= 70) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 45; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 50 && diffCountAsset <= 60) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 50; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 40 && diffCountAsset <= 50) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 60; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 30 && diffCountAsset <= 40) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 70; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 20 && diffCountAsset <= 30) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 80; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 10 && diffCountAsset <= 20) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 90; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 5 && diffCountAsset <= 10) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 95; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 2 && diffCountAsset <= 5) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 99; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset >= 1 && diffCountAsset <= 2) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 100; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset == 0) { workstation1 = WorkStationCount; networksDevice1 = NetworksCount; } } string cht1, chs1, chds1, chco1, chxt1, chg1, chbh1, chxl1; cht1 = "bvs"; chs1 = "380x150"; chds1 = "0,10"; chco1 = "3399cc,339966"; chxt1 = "x"; chg1 = "0,8.3,5,5"; chd1 = "t:" + workstation1 + ",0|0," + networksDevice1; chbh1 = "35,105,200"; chxl1 = "0:|Workstations(" + WorkStationCount + ")|" + "Network Devices(" + NetworksCount + ")"; url = "" + "cht=" + cht1 + "&chs=" + chs1 + "&chco=" + chco1 + "&chbh=" + chbh1 + "&chxt=" + chxt1 + "&chd=" + chd1 + "&chxl=" + chxl1; // url = ",55,115&chxt=x,y&chd=t:100,50&chxl=0:|Workstations|Network Devices"; int osxp, os2003, os2000, osvista, oswin7; osxp = 0; os2003 = 0; os2000 = 0; osvista = 0; oswin7 = 0; if (countOsXp > 500) { osxp = 100; } else if (countOsXp > 450 && countOsXp <= 500) { osxp = 95; } else if (countOsXp > 400 && countOsXp <= 450) { osxp = 90; } else if (countOsXp > 350 && countOsXp <= 400) { osxp = 85; } else if (countOsXp > 300 && countOsXp <= 350) { osxp = 80; } else if (countOsXp > 250 && countOsXp <= 300) { osxp = 75; } else if (countOsXp > 200 && countOsXp <= 250) { osxp = 70; } else if (countOsXp > 150 && countOsXp <= 200) { osxp = 70; } else if (countOsXp > 100 && countOsXp <= 150) { osxp = 65; } else if (countOsXp > 80 && countOsXp <= 100) { osxp = 60; } else if (countOsXp > 70 && countOsXp <= 80) { osxp = 55; } else if (countOsXp > 65 && countOsXp <= 70) { osxp = 50; } else if (countOsXp > 50 && countOsXp <= 65) { osxp = 45; } else if (countOsXp > 40 && countOsXp <= 50) { osxp = 40; } else if (countOsXp > 35 && countOsXp <= 40) { osxp = 35; } else if (countOsXp > 25 && countOsXp <= 35) { osxp = 30; } else if (countOsXp > 15 && countOsXp <= 25) { osxp = 25; } else if (countOsXp > 10 && countOsXp <= 15) { osxp = 20; } else if (countOsXp > 5 && countOsXp <= 10) { osxp = 15; } else if (countOsXp > 0 && countOsXp <= 5) { osxp = 10; } //Server 2003 if (countOsServer2003 > 500) { os2003 = 100; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 450 && countOsServer2003 <= 500) { os2003 = 95; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 400 && countOsServer2003 <= 450) { os2003 = 90; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 350 && countOsServer2003 <= 400) { os2003 = 85; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 300 && countOsServer2003 <= 350) { os2003 = 80; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 250 && countOsServer2003 <= 300) { os2003 = 75; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 200 && countOsServer2003 <= 250) { os2003 = 70; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 150 && countOsServer2003 <= 200) { os2003 = 70; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 100 && countOsServer2003 <= 150) { os2003 = 65; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 80 && countOsServer2003 <= 100) { os2003 = 60; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 70 && countOsServer2003 <= 80) { os2003 = 55; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 65 && countOsServer2003 <= 70) { os2003 = 50; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 50 && countOsServer2003 <= 65) { os2003 = 45; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 40 && countOsServer2003 <= 50) { os2003 = 40; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 35 && countOsServer2003 <= 40) { os2003 = 35; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 25 && countOsServer2003 <= 35) { os2003 = 30; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 15 && countOsServer2003 <= 25) { os2003 = 25; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 10 && countOsServer2003 <= 15) { os2003 = 20; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 5 && countOsServer2003 <= 10) { os2003 = 15; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 0 && countOsServer2003 <= 5) { os2003 = 10; } //Server 2000 if (countOsServer2000 > 500) { os2000 = 100; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 450 && countOsServer2000 <= 500) { os2000 = 95; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 400 && countOsServer2000 <= 450) { os2000 = 90; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 350 && countOsServer2000 <= 400) { os2000 = 85; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 300 && countOsServer2000 <= 350) { os2000 = 80; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 250 && countOsServer2000 <= 300) { os2000 = 75; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 200 && countOsServer2000 <= 250) { os2000 = 70; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 150 && countOsServer2000 <= 200) { os2000 = 70; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 100 && countOsServer2000 <= 150) { os2000 = 65; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 80 && countOsServer2000 <= 100) { os2000 = 60; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 70 && countOsServer2000 <= 80) { os2000 = 55; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 65 && countOsServer2000 <= 70) { os2000 = 50; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 50 && countOsServer2000 <= 65) { os2000 = 45; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 40 && countOsServer2000 <= 50) { os2000 = 40; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 35 && countOsServer2000 <= 40) { os2000 = 35; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 25 && countOsServer2000 <= 35) { os2003 = 30; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 15 && countOsServer2000 <= 25) { os2000 = 25; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 10 && countOsServer2000 <= 15) { os2000 = 20; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 5 && countOsServer2000 <= 10) { os2000 = 15; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 0 && countOsServer2000 <= 5) { os2000 = 10; } // Windows Vista if (countOsVista > 500) { osvista = 100; } else if (countOsVista > 450 && countOsVista <= 500) { osvista = 95; } else if (countOsVista > 400 && countOsVista <= 450) { osvista = 90; } else if (countOsVista > 350 && countOsVista <= 400) { osvista = 85; } else if (countOsVista > 300 && countOsVista <= 350) { osvista = 80; } else if (countOsVista > 250 && countOsVista <= 300) { osvista = 75; } else if (countOsVista > 200 && countOsVista <= 250) { osvista = 70; } else if (countOsVista > 150 && countOsVista <= 200) { osvista = 70; } else if (countOsVista > 100 && countOsVista <= 150) { osvista = 65; } else if (countOsVista > 80 && countOsVista <= 100) { osvista = 60; } else if (countOsVista > 70 && countOsVista <= 80) { osvista = 55; } else if (countOsVista > 65 && countOsVista <= 70) { osvista = 50; } else if (countOsVista > 50 && countOsVista <= 65) { osvista = 45; } else if (countOsVista > 40 && countOsVista <= 50) { osvista = 40; } else if (countOsVista > 35 && countOsVista <= 40) { osvista = 35; } else if (countOsVista > 25 && countOsVista <= 35) { osvista = 30; } else if (countOsVista > 15 && countOsVista <= 25) { osvista = 25; } else if (countOsVista > 10 && countOsVista <= 15) { osvista = 20; } else if (countOsVista > 5 && countOsVista <= 10) { osvista = 15; } else if (countOsVista > 0 && countOsVista <= 5) { osvista = 10; } //Added By Himanshu For Window 7 if (countwindow7 > 500) { oswin7 = 100; } else if (countwindow7 > 450 && countwindow7 <= 500) { oswin7 = 95; } else if (countwindow7 > 400 && countwindow7 <= 450) { oswin7 = 90; } else if (countwindow7 > 350 && countwindow7 <= 400) { oswin7 = 85; } else if (countwindow7 > 300 && countwindow7 <= 350) { oswin7 = 80; } else if (countwindow7 > 250 && countwindow7 <= 300) { oswin7 = 75; } else if (countwindow7 > 200 && countwindow7 <= 250) { oswin7 = 70; } else if (countwindow7 > 150 && countwindow7 <= 200) { oswin7 = 70; } else if (countwindow7 > 100 && countwindow7 <= 150) { countwindow7 = 65; } else if (countwindow7 > 80 && countwindow7 <= 100) { oswin7 = 60; } else if (countwindow7 > 70 && countwindow7 <= 80) { oswin7 = 55; } else if (countwindow7 > 65 && countwindow7 <= 70) { oswin7 = 50; } else if (countwindow7 > 50 && countwindow7 <= 65) { oswin7 = 45; } else if (countwindow7 > 40 && countwindow7 <= 50) { oswin7 = 40; } else if (countwindow7 > 35 && countwindow7 <= 40) { oswin7 = 35; } else if (countwindow7 > 25 && countwindow7 <= 35) { oswin7 = 30; } else if (countwindow7 > 15 && countwindow7 <= 25) { oswin7 = 25; } else if (countwindow7 > 10 && countwindow7 <= 15) { oswin7 = 20; } else if (countwindow7 > 5 && countwindow7 <= 10) { oswin7 = 15; } else if (countwindow7 > 0 && countwindow7 <= 5) { oswin7 = 10; } cht1 = "bvs"; chs1 = "380x150"; chds1 = "0,10"; chco1 = "3399cc,339966,ff9900,33CCFF"; chxt1 = "x"; chg1 = "0,8.3,5,5"; chd1 = "t:" + osxp + ",0,0,0,0|0," + os2003 + ",0,0,0|" + "0,0," + osvista + ",0,0|" + "0,0,0," + oswin7 + ",0|" + "0,0,0,0" + os2000; chbh1 = "35,60,50"; chxl1 = "0:|Windoxs XP(" + countOsXp + ")|" + "Server 2003(" + countOsServer2003 + ")|" + "Windows Vista(" + countOsVista + ")|" + "Window 7(" + countwindow7 + ")|" + "Server 2000(" + countOsServer2000 + ")"; url1 = "" + "cht=" + cht1 + "&chs=" + chs1 + "&chco=" + chco1 + "&chbh=" + chbh1 + "&chxt=" + chxt1 + "&chd=" + chd1 + "&chxl=" + chxl1; //url1 = ",55,115&chxt=x,y&chd=t:80,30"; imgAsset.ImageUrl = url; imageOS.ImageUrl = url1; } } catch (Exception ex) { string myScript; myScript = "<script language=javascript>alert('Exception - '" + ex + "');</script>"; Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("MyScript", myScript); return; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Label lbluser = new Label(); //lbluser = (Label)Master.FindControl("lblUserIdentity"); //lbluser.Text = "Sign in as : " + User.Identity.Name.ToString(); //Master.FindControl("General").Visible = false; //Master.FindControl("os").Visible = false; //Master.FindControl("Hardware").Visible = false; //Master.FindControl("Multimedia").Visible = false; //Master.FindControl("Network").Visible = false; //Master.FindControl("software").Visible = false; //if (!(this.User.IsInRole("admins"))) //{ // Master.FindControl("imgBtnAdmin").Visible = false; // Master.FindControl("Imgsaveinventory").Visible = false; // Master.FindControl("lnkSaveinventory").Visible = false; // Master.FindControl("imgAdminM").Visible = false; // Master.FindControl("lnkAdminM").Visible = false; //} //DataUtility dut = new DataUtility(); XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); int WorkStationCount; int NetworksCount; int totalCount; int diffCountAsset; string query; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); int countOsXp; countOsXp = 0; int countOsServer2003; countOsServer2003 = 0; int countOsServer2000; countOsServer2000 = 0; int countOsVista; countOsVista = 0; int countOthers; countOthers = 0; int totalCountOS; totalCountOS = 0; int countwindow7 = 0; string path = Server.MapPath("..//Files//Asset.xml"); int i = 0; xmldoc.Load(path); WorkStationCount = xmldoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Count; lblWorkStations.Text = WorkStationCount.ToString(); path = ""; NetworksCount = 0; lblNetworkdevices.Text = NetworksCount.ToString(); totalCount = WorkStationCount + NetworksCount; lblTotal.Text = totalCount.ToString(); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo("C://Asset//Data"); FileInfo[] fi = di.GetFiles(); foreach (FileInfo K in fi) { string filename; string os_name; string[] fname = K.Name.Split(new char[] { '.' }); filename = fname[0].ToString(); XmlDocument xmldoc1 = new XmlDocument(); string path1 = "C:\\Asset\\Data\\" + filename + ".xml"; xmldoc1.Load(path1); XmlNode node_os_name = xmldoc1.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("//Computer//General_info//Operating_system//Name"); os_name = node_os_name.InnerText; if (os_name == "Microsoft Windows XP Professional") { countOsXp = countOsXp + 1; } else if (os_name == "Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition") { countOsServer2003 = countOsServer2003 + 1; } else if (os_name == "Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Server") { countOsServer2000 = countOsServer2000 + 1; } else if (os_name == "Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition 32-bit") { countOsVista = countOsVista + 1; } else if (os_name == "Microsoft Windows") { countwindow7 = countwindow7 + 1; } else { countOthers = countOthers + 1; } } lblWindowsXp.Text = countOsXp.ToString(); lblWindows2003.Text = countOsServer2003.ToString(); lblWindows2000.Text = countOsServer2000.ToString(); lblWindowsVista.Text = countOsVista.ToString(); Labelwindow7.Text = countwindow7.ToString(); lblOsOthers.Text = countOthers.ToString(); totalCountOS = countOthers + countOsVista + countOsServer2000 + countOsServer2003 + countOsXp; lblTotalOS.Text = totalCountOS.ToString(); string url; string url1; string chd1; int workstation1, networksDevice1; workstation1 = 0; networksDevice1 = 0; if (WorkStationCount >= NetworksCount) { diffCountAsset = WorkStationCount - NetworksCount; if (diffCountAsset > 90) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 30; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 80 && diffCountAsset <= 90) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 35; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 70 && diffCountAsset <= 80) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 40; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 60 && diffCountAsset <= 70) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 45; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 50 && diffCountAsset <= 60) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 50; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 40 && diffCountAsset <= 50) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 60; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 30 && diffCountAsset <= 40) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 70; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 20 && diffCountAsset <= 30) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 80; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 10 && diffCountAsset <= 20) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 90; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 5 && diffCountAsset <= 10) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 95; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 2 && diffCountAsset <= 5) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 99; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset >= 1 && diffCountAsset <= 2) { if (NetworksCount != 0) { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 100; } else { workstation1 = 100; networksDevice1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset == 0) { workstation1 = WorkStationCount; networksDevice1 = NetworksCount; } } else { diffCountAsset = NetworksCount - WorkStationCount; if (diffCountAsset > 90) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 30; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 80 && diffCountAsset <= 90) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 35; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 70 && diffCountAsset <= 80) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 40; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 60 && diffCountAsset <= 70) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 45; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 50 && diffCountAsset <= 60) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 50; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 40 && diffCountAsset <= 50) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 60; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 30 && diffCountAsset <= 40) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 70; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 20 && diffCountAsset <= 30) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 80; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 10 && diffCountAsset <= 20) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 90; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 5 && diffCountAsset <= 10) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 95; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset > 2 && diffCountAsset <= 5) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 99; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset >= 1 && diffCountAsset <= 2) { if (WorkStationCount != 0) { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 100; } else { networksDevice1 = 100; workstation1 = 0; } } else if (diffCountAsset == 0) { workstation1 = WorkStationCount; networksDevice1 = NetworksCount; } } string cht1, chs1, chds1, chco1, chxt1, chg1, chbh1, chxl1; cht1 = "bvs"; chs1 = "380x150"; chds1 = "0,10"; chco1 = "3399cc,339966"; chxt1 = "x"; chg1 = "0,8.3,5,5"; chd1 = "t:" + workstation1 + ",0|0," + networksDevice1; chbh1 = "35,105,200"; chxl1 = "0:|Workstations(" + WorkStationCount + ")|" + "Network Devices(" + NetworksCount + ")"; url = "" + "cht=" + cht1 + "&chs=" + chs1 + "&chco=" + chco1 + "&chbh=" + chbh1 + "&chxt=" + chxt1 + "&chd=" + chd1 + "&chxl=" + chxl1; // url = ",55,115&chxt=x,y&chd=t:100,50&chxl=0:|Workstations|Network Devices"; int osxp, os2003, os2000, osvista; osxp = 0; os2003 = 0; os2000 = 0; osvista = 0; if (countOsXp > 500) { osxp = 100; } else if (countOsXp > 450 && countOsXp <= 500) { osxp = 95; } else if (countOsXp > 400 && countOsXp <= 450) { osxp = 90; } else if (countOsXp > 350 && countOsXp <= 400) { osxp = 85; } else if (countOsXp > 300 && countOsXp <= 350) { osxp = 80; } else if (countOsXp > 250 && countOsXp <= 300) { osxp = 75; } else if (countOsXp > 200 && countOsXp <= 250) { osxp = 70; } else if (countOsXp > 150 && countOsXp <= 200) { osxp = 70; } else if (countOsXp > 100 && countOsXp <= 150) { osxp = 65; } else if (countOsXp > 80 && countOsXp <= 100) { osxp = 60; } else if (countOsXp > 70 && countOsXp <= 80) { osxp = 55; } else if (countOsXp > 65 && countOsXp <= 70) { osxp = 50; } else if (countOsXp > 50 && countOsXp <= 65) { osxp = 45; } else if (countOsXp > 40 && countOsXp <= 50) { osxp = 40; } else if (countOsXp > 35 && countOsXp <= 40) { osxp = 35; } else if (countOsXp > 25 && countOsXp <= 35) { osxp = 30; } else if (countOsXp > 15 && countOsXp <= 25) { osxp = 25; } else if (countOsXp > 10 && countOsXp <= 15) { osxp = 20; } else if (countOsXp > 5 && countOsXp <= 10) { osxp = 15; } else if (countOsXp > 0 && countOsXp <= 5) { osxp = 10; } //Server 2003 if (countOsServer2003 > 500) { os2003 = 100; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 450 && countOsServer2003 <= 500) { os2003 = 95; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 400 && countOsServer2003 <= 450) { os2003 = 90; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 350 && countOsServer2003 <= 400) { os2003 = 85; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 300 && countOsServer2003 <= 350) { os2003 = 80; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 250 && countOsServer2003 <= 300) { os2003 = 75; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 200 && countOsServer2003 <= 250) { os2003 = 70; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 150 && countOsServer2003 <= 200) { os2003 = 70; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 100 && countOsServer2003 <= 150) { os2003 = 65; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 80 && countOsServer2003 <= 100) { os2003 = 60; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 70 && countOsServer2003 <= 80) { os2003 = 55; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 65 && countOsServer2003 <= 70) { os2003 = 50; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 50 && countOsServer2003 <= 65) { os2003 = 45; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 40 && countOsServer2003 <= 50) { os2003 = 40; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 35 && countOsServer2003 <= 40) { os2003 = 35; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 25 && countOsServer2003 <= 35) { os2003 = 30; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 15 && countOsServer2003 <= 25) { os2003 = 25; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 10 && countOsServer2003 <= 15) { os2003 = 20; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 5 && countOsServer2003 <= 10) { os2003 = 15; } else if (countOsServer2003 > 0 && countOsServer2003 <= 5) { os2003 = 10; } //Server 2000 if (countOsServer2000 > 500) { os2000 = 100; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 450 && countOsServer2000 <= 500) { os2000 = 95; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 400 && countOsServer2000 <= 450) { os2000 = 90; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 350 && countOsServer2000 <= 400) { os2000 = 85; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 300 && countOsServer2000 <= 350) { os2000 = 80; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 250 && countOsServer2000 <= 300) { os2000 = 75; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 200 && countOsServer2000 <= 250) { os2000 = 70; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 150 && countOsServer2000 <= 200) { os2000 = 70; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 100 && countOsServer2000 <= 150) { os2000 = 65; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 80 && countOsServer2000 <= 100) { os2000 = 60; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 70 && countOsServer2000 <= 80) { os2000 = 55; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 65 && countOsServer2000 <= 70) { os2000 = 50; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 50 && countOsServer2000 <= 65) { os2000 = 45; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 40 && countOsServer2000 <= 50) { os2000 = 40; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 35 && countOsServer2000 <= 40) { os2000 = 35; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 25 && countOsServer2000 <= 35) { os2003 = 30; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 15 && countOsServer2000 <= 25) { os2000 = 25; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 10 && countOsServer2000 <= 15) { os2000 = 20; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 5 && countOsServer2000 <= 10) { os2000 = 15; } else if (countOsServer2000 > 0 && countOsServer2000 <= 5) { os2000 = 10; } // Windows Vista if (countOsVista > 500) { osvista = 100; } else if (countOsVista > 450 && countOsVista <= 500) { osvista = 95; } else if (countOsVista > 400 && countOsVista <= 450) { osvista = 90; } else if (countOsVista > 350 && countOsVista <= 400) { osvista = 85; } else if (countOsVista > 300 && countOsVista <= 350) { osvista = 80; } else if (countOsVista > 250 && countOsVista <= 300) { osvista = 75; } else if (countOsVista > 200 && countOsVista <= 250) { osvista = 70; } else if (countOsVista > 150 && countOsVista <= 200) { osvista = 70; } else if (countOsVista > 100 && countOsVista <= 150) { osvista = 65; } else if (countOsVista > 80 && countOsVista <= 100) { osvista = 60; } else if (countOsVista > 70 && countOsVista <= 80) { osvista = 55; } else if (countOsVista > 65 && countOsVista <= 70) { osvista = 50; } else if (countOsVista > 50 && countOsVista <= 65) { osvista = 45; } else if (countOsVista > 40 && countOsVista <= 50) { osvista = 40; } else if (countOsVista > 35 && countOsVista <= 40) { osvista = 35; } else if (countOsVista > 25 && countOsVista <= 35) { osvista = 30; } else if (countOsVista > 15 && countOsVista <= 25) { osvista = 25; } else if (countOsVista > 10 && countOsVista <= 15) { osvista = 20; } else if (countOsVista > 5 && countOsVista <= 10) { osvista = 15; } else if (countOsVista > 0 && countOsVista <= 5) { osvista = 10; } cht1 = "bvs"; chs1 = "380x150"; chds1 = "0,10"; chco1 = "3399cc,339966,ff9900,33CCFF"; chxt1 = "x"; chg1 = "0,8.3,5,5"; chd1 = "t:" + osxp + ",0,0,0|0," + os2003 + ",0,0|" + "0,0," + osvista + ",0|" + "0,0,0," + os2000; chbh1 = "35,60,50"; chxl1 = "0:|Windoxs XP(" + countOsXp + ")|" + "Server 2003(" + countOsServer2003 + ")|" + "Windows Vista(" + countOsVista + ")|" + "Server 2000(" + countOsServer2000 + ")"; url1 = "" + "cht=" + cht1 + "&chs=" + chs1 + "&chco=" + chco1 + "&chbh=" + chbh1 + "&chxt=" + chxt1 + "&chd=" + chd1 + "&chxl=" + chxl1; //url1 = ",55,115&chxt=x,y&chd=t:80,30"; imgAsset.ImageUrl = url; imageOS.ImageUrl = url1; }