public NetworkVar <T> Create <T>(T value = default(T), bool serverOnly = true, ulong syncPeriod = 1, bool defer = false, IEqualityComparer <T> comparer = null, bool haveOwner = false, ulong owner = 0, Action <NetworkVar <T> > valueUpdated = null)
                var res = new NetworkVar <T>(nhs, counter++, entityId, value, serverOnly, syncPeriod, defer, comparer, haveOwner, owner, valueUpdated);

Exemple #2
    //Gathers all NetworkVars attached to the current gameObject
    //Needs to be called again to be updated
    private void GetAllNetVars()
        if (dicNetVars == null)
            dicNetVars = new Dictionary <string, string>();

        MonoBehaviour[] mbs = GetComponents <MonoBehaviour>();
        foreach (MonoBehaviour mb in mbs)
            FieldInfo[] pis = mb.GetType().GetFields();
            foreach (FieldInfo pi in pis)
                object[] os = pi.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                foreach (object o in os)
                    NetworkVar nv = o as NetworkVar;
                    if (nv != null)
                        //Key is comprised of component type + var name
                        string key = pi.ReflectedType + "," + pi.Name;
                        if (!dicNetVars.ContainsKey(key))
                            //The value is the string object
                            dicNetVars.Add(key, pi.GetValue(mb).ToString());
Exemple #3
    //Checks for update on any vars found in GetAllNetVars()
    //Sends an update to the server should an update be found
    private void CheckAllNetVars()
        if (dicNetVars == null)
            dicNetVars = new Dictionary <string, string>();

        MonoBehaviour[] mbs = GetComponents <MonoBehaviour>();
        foreach (MonoBehaviour mb in mbs)
            FieldInfo[] pis = mb.GetType().GetFields();
            foreach (FieldInfo pi in pis)
                object[] os = pi.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                foreach (object o in os)
                    NetworkVar nv = o as NetworkVar;
                    if (nv != null)
                        string key = pi.ReflectedType + "," + pi.Name;
                        if (!dicNetVars[key].ToString().Equals(pi.GetValue(mb).ToString()))
                            //The value has changed, send an update message and our current transform/rigidbody
                            dicNetVars[key] = pi.GetValue(mb).ToString();
                            client.SendMessageToServer(csvRecord(',', "change", id.ToString(), key, dicNetVars[key]));
                            Debug.Log("Var Change: " + pi.GetValue(mb).ToString());

                            Vector3 pos = gameObject.transform.position;
                            Vector3 rot = gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                            client.SendMessageToServer(csvRecord(',', "utransform", id.ToString(), pos.x.ToString("F4"), pos.y.ToString("F4"), pos.z.ToString("F4"),
                                                                 rot.x.ToString("F4"), rot.y.ToString("F4"), rot.z.ToString("F4")));

                            Vector3 vel    = rb.velocity;
                            Vector3 rotvel = rb.rotation.eulerAngles;
                            client.SendMessageToServer(csvRecord(',', "urigidbody", id.ToString(), vel.x.ToString("F4"), vel.y.ToString("F4"), vel.z.ToString("F4"),
                                                                 rotvel.x.ToString("F4"), rotvel.y.ToString("F4"), rotvel.z.ToString("F4")));
Exemple #4
        internal void RegisterVariable(NetworkVar variable)
            ConcurrentDictionary <ulong, NetworkVar> vars;

            if (variable.Entity == 0)
                vars = globalVariables;
                vars = entityVariables.GetOrAdd(variable.Entity, new ConcurrentDictionary <ulong, NetworkVar>());
            vars.AddOrUpdate(variable.Key, variable, (k, o) => { throw new Exception("WTF?"); });
            if (!IsServer)
                SendMessageToServer(new PacketNetworkVarRequest {
                    Entity = variable.Entity, Variable = variable.Key
Exemple #5
 //When a client send an update from CheckAllNetVars(), it sends a message
 // which will be decoded and called into this on the server/other cliends side
 public void UpdateNetVar(string key, string value)
     MonoBehaviour[] mbs = GetComponents <MonoBehaviour>();
     foreach (MonoBehaviour mb in mbs)
         FieldInfo[] pis = mb.GetType().GetFields();
         foreach (FieldInfo pi in pis)
             object[] os = pi.GetCustomAttributes(true);
             foreach (object o in os)
                 NetworkVar nv = o as NetworkVar;
                 if (nv != null)
                     if (key.Equals(pi.ReflectedType + "," + pi.Name))
                         Type t = pi.FieldType;
                         pi.SetValue(mb, Convert.ChangeType(value, t));
 internal DisposablePause(NetworkVar networkVar)
     source = networkVar;
 public void Dispose()
     source = null;