Exemple #1
        // when localMethod is null, it means serialization is happening within a custom-serialized class
        private bool AddDeserializeCode(MethodDefinition method, string paramName, Type paramType, MethodInfo localMethod)
            Type elementType = paramType;

            if (elementType.IsEnum)
                elementType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(elementType);

            // get a method out of NetworkWriter that can serialize the parameter type
            MethodInfo typeDeserializer = NetworkScopeUtility.GetNetworkReaderDeserializer(elementType);

            // if this type is an array, do some array magic
            if (elementType.IsArray)
                string arrCount = string.Format("{0}_count", paramName);
                string arrIndex = string.Format("{0}_index", paramName);

                // read count
                method.instructions.AddInstruction("Int32 {0} = reader.ReadInt32();", arrCount);

                // define variable if deserializing local method
                if (localMethod != null)
                    method.instructions.AddInstruction("{0}[] {1} = new {0}[{2}];", elementType.GetElementType(), paramName, arrCount);

                method.instructions.AddInstruction("for (int {0} = 0; {0} < {1}; {0}++)", arrIndex, arrCount);

                return(AddDeserializeCode(method, string.Format("{0}[{1}]", paramName, arrIndex), elementType.GetElementType(), null));

            // write out the NetworkWriter serializer call
            if (typeDeserializer != null)
                // create new variable if specified
                //				string createVarModifier = (localMethod != null) ? string.Format("{0} ", paramType) : string.Empty;
                bool cast = paramType != elementType;

                // call the reader function and assign the value
                method.instructions.AddMethodCallWithAssignment(paramName, paramType, "reader", cast, typeDeserializer, localMethod != null);


            // if type can't be serialized by NetworkWriter directly, see if the type has a serializer/deserializer method
            if (typeDeserializer == null)
                typeDeserializer = NetworkScopeUtility.GetCustomTypeDeserializer(elementType);

            // define variable if we're in the local scope
            if (localMethod != null)
                method.instructions.AddInstruction("{0} {1} = new {0}();", elementType, paramName);

            if (typeDeserializer != null)
                // call the static NetworkSerialize method
                method.instructions.AddMethodCall(elementType.Name, typeDeserializer, paramName, "reader");

            // attempt to create static serializer if attributed with NetworkSerialization
            ClassDefinition autoGeneratedSerializer = CreateStaticSerializerClass(paramType);

            if (autoGeneratedSerializer != null)
                method.instructions.AddInstruction("NetworkSerializer.{0}.NetworkDeserialize({1}, reader);", autoGeneratedSerializer.Name, paramName);


            // can't find serializer? exit out
            UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarningFormat("Could not find a deserializer for the type '{0}'", elementType.FullName);

Exemple #2
        private bool AddSerializeCode(MethodDefinition method, string paramName, Type paramType)
            Type elementType = paramType;

            if (elementType.IsEnum)
                elementType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(elementType);

            // get a method out of NetworkWriter that can serialize the parameter type
            MethodInfo typeSerializer = NetworkScopeUtility.GetNetworkWriterSerializer(elementType);

            // if this type is an array, do some array magic
            if (elementType.IsArray)
                // write array count
                method.instructions.AddInstruction("writer.Write({0}.Length);", paramName);
                string arrCounterName = "_arrCounter";
                method.instructions.AddInstruction("for (int {0} = 0; {0} < {1}.Length; {0}++)", arrCounterName, paramName);

                return(AddSerializeCode(method, string.Format("{0}[{1}]", paramName, arrCounterName), elementType.GetElementType()));

            // write out the NetworkWriter serializer call
            if (typeSerializer != null)
                if (elementType != paramType)
                    method.instructions.AddMethodCall("writer", typeSerializer, string.Format("({0}){1}", elementType, paramName));
                    method.instructions.AddMethodCall("writer", typeSerializer, paramName);

            // if type can't be serialized by NetworkWriter directly, see if the type has a serializer/deserializer method
            if (typeSerializer == null)
                typeSerializer = NetworkScopeUtility.GetCustomTypeSerializer(elementType);

            if (typeSerializer != null)
                // call the static NetworkSerialize method
                method.instructions.AddMethodCall(elementType.Name, typeSerializer, paramName, "writer");

            // attempt to create static serializer if attributed with NetworkSerialization
            ClassDefinition autoGeneratedSerializer = CreateStaticSerializerClass(paramType);

            if (autoGeneratedSerializer != null)
                method.instructions.AddInstruction("NetworkSerializer.{0}.NetworkSerialize({1}, writer);", autoGeneratedSerializer.Name, paramName);


            // can't find serializer? exit out
            UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarningFormat("Could not find a serializer for the type '{0}'", elementType.FullName);
