Exemple #1
        private void MultipleRequestClient(string serviceName, string endpoint, IMDPClient client = null)
            const int _NO_OF_RUNS = 100;

            var reply = new NetMQMessage[_NO_OF_RUNS];
            var idC01 = new[] { (byte)'C', (byte)'1' };

            client = client ?? new MDPClient(endpoint, idC01);

            var request = new NetMQMessage();

            // set the request data
            request.Push("Helo World!");
            // send the request to the service
            for (int i = 0; i < _NO_OF_RUNS; i++)
                reply[i] = client.Send(serviceName, request);


            Assert.That(reply, Has.None.Null);
            Assert.That(reply.All(r => r.First.ConvertToString() == "Helo World!"));
        private void MultipleRequestClient(string serviceName, string endpoint, IMDPClient client = null)
            const int _NO_OF_RUNS = 100;

            var reply = new NetMQMessage[_NO_OF_RUNS];
            var idC01 = new[] { (byte)'C', (byte)'1' };

            client = client ?? new MDPClient(endpoint, idC01);

            var request = new NetMQMessage();
            // set the request data
            request.Push("Helo World!");
            // send the request to the service
            for (int i = 0; i < _NO_OF_RUNS; i++)
                reply[i] = client.Send(serviceName, request);


            Assert.That(reply, Has.None.Null);
            Assert.That(reply.All(r => r.First.ConvertToString() == "Helo World!"));