Exemple #1
        public static DataTable Fetch(this IMslScript script, StockHandle stock, string datum)
            var provider = Interpreter.Context.DatumProviderFactory.Create(datum);

            if (provider == null)
                throw new Exception("No data provider found for datum '" + datum + "'");

            using (var guard = new NestedScopeGuard())
                guard.Scope.Stock = stock;

Exemple #2
        public static double Close()
            var mgr = Interpreter.Context.DailyStockPriceManager;

            long ownerId = Interpreter.Context.Scope.Stock.GetId(mgr.Schema.OwnerIdColumn);

            var date = DateTime.Now.GetMostRecentTradingDay();

            Func <ScopedTable> Fetch = () => mgr.Query(ownerId, new DateClause(date), OriginClause.Default);

            var rows = Fetch().Rows.ToList();

            if (rows.Count == 0)
                // is there a data provider available
                var dataProvider = Interpreter.Context.DatumProviderFactory.Create("stock_price");
                if (dataProvider != null)
                    // run import
                    using (var guard = new NestedScopeGuard())
                        // set new "from" and "to" so that outer values are not modified
                        guard.Scope.From = date;
                        guard.Scope.To   = date;

                        ImportFunction.Import(null, "stock_price");

            // retry getting data
            rows = Fetch().Rows.ToList();

            if (rows.Count == 0)
                // TODO: if we want some user input then we need a data provider for that
                Console.Write("Pls enter a close price: ");
            else if (rows.Count > 1)
                throw new Exception("Don't know how to handle multiple values");
