public static void Main() { var wifi = new NeonWifiDevice(); wifi.Connect(SSID, PASSWD); var sntp = new SntpClient(wifi, ""); sntp.SetTime(); MobileServiceClient msc = new MobileServiceClient(wifi, azureMobileAppUri, null, AzureAppKey); IMobileServiceTable tab = msc.GetTable("environment_measures"); // Test a dummy insert for now MeasurementRow row = new MeasurementRow(); string result = tab.Insert(row); Debug.Print(DateTime.Now.ToString("T") + " " + result); bool state = true; int iCounter = 0; while (true) { Hardware.UserLed.Write(state); state = !state; if (++iCounter == 10) { Debug.Print("Current UTC time : " + DateTime.UtcNow); iCounter = 0; } Thread.Sleep(500); } }
public static void Main() { var wifi = new NeonWifiDevice(); //wifi.EnableDebugOutput = true; //wifi.EnableVerboseOutput = true; wifi.Booted += WifiOnBooted; // or you can wait on the wifi.IsInitializedEvent //wifi.Error += WifiOnError; //wifi.ConnectionStateChanged += WifiOnConnectionStateChanged; //var apList = wifi.GetAccessPoints(); //Debug.Print("Access points:"); //foreach (var ap in apList) //{ // Debug.Print("ECN : " + ap.Ecn); // Debug.Print("SSID : " + ap.Ssid); // Debug.Print("RSSI : " + ap.Rssi); // Debug.Print("MAC addr : " + ap.MacAddress); // Debug.Print("Connection is : " + (ap.AutomaticConnectionMode ? "Automatic" : "Manual")); //} wifi.Connect("XXX", "XXX"); var sntp = new SntpClient(wifi, ""); sntp.SetTime(); var uri = new Uri(""); var httpClient = new HttpClient(wifi); var request = new HttpRequest(uri); request.Uri = uri; request.Headers.Add("Connection", "Keep-Alive"); request.ResponseReceived += HttpResponseReceived; httpClient.SendAsync(request); bool state = true; int iCounter = 0; while (true) { Hardware.UserLed.Write(state); state = !state; if (++iCounter == 10) { Debug.Print("Current UTC time : " + DateTime.UtcNow); iCounter = 0; } Thread.Sleep(500); } }
public static void Main() { var wifi = new NeonWifiDevice(); //wifi.EnableDebugOutput = true; //wifi.EnableVerboseOutput = true; wifi.Booted += WifiOnBooted; // or you can wait on the wifi.IsInitializedEvent wifi.Connect(SSID, PASSWD); var sntp = new SntpClient(wifi, ""); sntp.SetTime(); MobileServiceClient msc = new MobileServiceClient(wifi, ak16Uri, null, AzureAppKey); IMobileServiceTable tab = msc.GetTable("environment_measures"); //try //{ // Test a dummy insert for now MeasurementRow row = new MeasurementRow(); row.DateTimeStamp = DateTime.Now; row.where = "here"; //Resources.GetString(Resources.StringResources.VanWie); row.what = "nothing"; row.value = -1f; row.uom = " "; string surprise = tab.Insert(row); // Failing on this line Debug.Print(DateTime.Now.ToString("T") + " " + surprise); bool state = true; int iCounter = 0; while (true) { Hardware.UserLed.Write(state); state = !state; if (++iCounter == 10) { Debug.Print("Current UTC time : " + DateTime.UtcNow); iCounter = 0; } Thread.Sleep(500); } }