private NegotiationTutorialModel CreateTutorialModel(string id)
            NegotiationEngine engine = NegotiationManager.OnGoingNegotiations[id];

            SideConfig config = engine.HumanConfig;

            NegotiationSideDescription desc = engine.Domain.OwnerVariantDict[config.Side][config.Variant];

            int optoutend = engine.Domain.CalculateOptoutScore(config, NegotiationManager.TotalRounds);

            return(new NegotiationTutorialModel
                TutorialId = id,
                Questions = new List <QuestionModel>
                    new QuestionModel
                        Question = "Whose side are you playing in the negotiation?",
                        Options = engine.Domain.OwnerVariantDict.Keys.ToList(),
                        ActualAnswer = config.Side
                    new QuestionModel
                        Question = "If the same agreement was reached in round 3 or in round 6, which of the following is correct?",
                        Options = new List <string>
                            "They have the same score.",
                            "Round 3 will have a higher score.",
                            "Round 6 will have a higher score"
                        ActualAnswer = "Round 3 will have a higher score."
                    new QuestionModel
                        Question = "What is your score if no agreement had been reached by the end of the last round?",
                        Options = new List <string>
                            "No score - you have lost the negotiation",
                        ActualAnswer = optoutend.ToString()
                    new QuestionModel
                        Question = "What is the meaning of \"opting out\"?",
                        Options = new List <string>
                            "It means that the other side won the negotiation.",
                            "It means you get a predetermined amount of points minus the time decrease."
                        ActualAnswer = "It means you get a predetermined amount of points minus the time decrease."
        private NegotiationSideDescription ExtractVariant(XmlNode node)
            NegotiationSideDescription desc = new NegotiationSideDescription();

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            doc.LoadXml(NegotiationManager.GameDomain.DomainVariant.First(x => x.Name == node.Attributes["utility_space"].Value).VariantXML);

            desc.Name = node.Attributes["personality"].Value;

            return desc;