// OnStateUpdate is called on each Update frame between OnStateEnter and OnStateExit callbacks
    override public void OnStateUpdate(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex)
        AI_StateMachine_Helper helper = animator.GetComponent <AI_StateMachine_Helper>();
        Movement    movement          = helper.getMovement();
        AI_Movement aiMovement        = helper.getAIMovement();
        Orient      orient            = helper.getOrient();
        int         patrolIndex       = animator.GetInteger("PatrolLocationIndex");

        // Patrol if location available
        if (patrolIndex > 0)
            Transform randomPatrolSpot = Navigation_manual.getPatrolLocation(patrolIndex);
            Vector2   visitPos         = randomPatrolSpot.position;

            // Patrol point reach
            bool positionReached = movement.positionReached(visitPos);
            if (positionReached)
            Debug.LogWarning("Patrol location not found");
Exemple #2
    // OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state
    //override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex)
    //    Vector2 enemyPos = aiEnemyFinder.getClosestEnemy().position;
    //    Vector2 thisPos = movement.getPosition();
    //    movement.SetDirectionVector(thisPos - enemyPos);

    // OnStateUpdate is called on each Update frame between OnStateEnter and OnStateExit callbacks
    override public void OnStateUpdate(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex)
        AI_StateMachine_Helper helper = animator.GetComponent <AI_StateMachine_Helper>();
        Movement    movement          = helper.getMovement();
        AI_Movement aiMovement        = helper.getAIMovement();
        Orient      orient            = helper.getOrient();
        AI_Memory   aiMemory          = helper.getMemory();
        Vector2     thisPos           = movement.getPosition();

        List <Memory> memoryCache = aiMemory.getMemoryCache();

        if (memoryCache.Count == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("flee target not found");

        // Get closest
        Vector2 tmp               = memoryCache[0].lastSeenPosition;
        Vector2 enemyPos          = tmp;
        float   closestDistSqrTmp = (tmp - thisPos).sqrMagnitude;
        float   closestDistSqr    = closestDistSqrTmp;

        for (int i = 1; i < memoryCache.Count; i++)
            tmp = memoryCache[i].lastSeenPosition;
            closestDistSqrTmp = (tmp - thisPos).sqrMagnitude;
            if (closestDistSqr > closestDistSqrTmp)
                closestDistSqr = closestDistSqrTmp;
                enemyPos       = tmp;

        // Get hiding spot
        Transform hidingSpot = Navigation_manual.nearest_cover(thisPos, enemyPos);

        // Flee to hiding spot
        if (hidingSpot != null)

            // Combat point reach
            bool positionReached = movement.positionReached(hidingSpot.position);
            if (positionReached)
        // Flee from enemy
            Vector2 moveDir = thisPos - enemyPos;
    // OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state
    override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex)
        int totalPatrolSpotCount = Navigation_manual.getPatrolLocationCount();
        int patrolIndex          = -1;

        if (totalPatrolSpotCount > 0)
            patrolIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, totalPatrolSpotCount - 1);

        animator.SetInteger("PatrolLocationIndex", patrolIndex);
    public float getNavigationDistance(Vector2 from, Vector2 to)
        float ret = 0;

        List <Vector2> route = Navigation_manual.RequestPathInstant(from, to, navSize);

        if (route.Count > 0)
            ret += (route[0] - movement.getPosition()).magnitude;
            for (int i = 1; i < route.Count; i++)
                ret += (route[i] - route[i - 1]).magnitude;
            ret += (to - movement.getPosition()).magnitude;

Exemple #5
 // Use this for initialization
 void Awake()
     nav = GetComponent <Navigation_manual>();
 void Awake()
     Singleton = this;
 void OnDestroy()
     Singleton = null;
    //public void setNavigationNodePath(List<Node> path)
    //    nodePath.Clear();
    //    nodePath = path;

    public void Move(Vector2 _targetPosition)
        float        agentSize          = navSize;
        Vector2      targetPosition     = _targetPosition;
        Vector2      thisPos            = movement.getPosition();
        Vector2      direction          = targetPosition - thisPos;
        float        distance           = direction.magnitude;
        float        agentSizeTolerance = 0.2f;
        RaycastHit2D block = Physics2D.CircleCast(thisPos, agentSize, direction, distance, navBlockMask);

        if (block)
            // Navigation unavaiable, move to target
            if (navPath.Count == 0)
                Navigation_manual.RequestPath(new NavRequest(this, targetPosition, thisPos, agentSize));
                movement.Move(targetPosition - thisPos);
                Debug.LogWarning("Navigation unavailable");
            // Destination changed
            else if (prevTargetPosition != targetPosition)
                Navigation_manual.RequestPath(new NavRequest(this, targetPosition, thisPos, agentSize));
                movement.Move(targetPosition - thisPos);
            // Navigation available
                // Periodic update
                if (Time.time > time_to_request + navRequestInterval)
                    time_to_request = Time.time;
                    Navigation_manual.RequestPath(new NavRequest(this, targetPosition, thisPos, agentSize));

                // Debug
                if (debugOn)
                    Debug.DrawLine(thisPos, navPath[0], debugColor);
                    for (int i = 0; i < navPath.Count - 1; i++)
                        Debug.DrawLine(navPath[i], navPath[i + 1], debugColor);

                //// Get the node to go
                //Node curNode = nodePath[0];
                //Vector2 nodePos = curNode.transform.position;

                //Vector2 nodeDir = nodePos - thisPos;

                //// Get the location to slingshot toward
                //Vector2 slingToPos = targetPosition;
                //if(nodePath.Count > 1) // slerp to position is the nextNode
                //    slingToPos = nodePath[1].transform.position;

                //Vector2 straightPosition = slingToPos;

                //// Should perform slingshot?
                //Vector2 leftEdgeVec = Test_script.getPerpendicularEdgeVector(AgentEdge.left, thisPos, nodePos, agentSize);
                //Vector2 rightEdgeVec = Test_script.getPerpendicularEdgeVector(AgentEdge.right, thisPos, nodePos, agentSize);
                //Vector2 leftEdgePos = leftEdgeVec * agentSize + thisPos;
                //Vector2 rightEdgePos = rightEdgeVec * agentSize + thisPos;
                //Debug.DrawLine(nodePos, leftEdgePos, Color.white);
                //Debug.DrawLine(nodePos, rightEdgePos, Color.magenta);
                //bool leftEdgeAginstWall = Test_script.againstWall(leftEdgePos, curNode, slingToPos);
                //bool rightEdgeAginstWall = Test_script.againstWall(rightEdgePos, curNode, slingToPos);

                //DotTurn leftEdgeTurnDir = Test_script.turnLeft_or_Right(leftEdgePos, nodePos, slingToPos);
                //DotTurn rightEdgeTurnDir = Test_script.turnLeft_or_Right(rightEdgePos, nodePos, slingToPos);

                //Vector2 farEnd = Vector2.zero;

                //// Turn Left
                //if (leftEdgeAginstWall && leftEdgeTurnDir == DotTurn.TurnLeft)
                //    farEnd = (Vector2)(Quaternion.AngleAxis(-90, Vector3.forward) * (slingToPos - nodePos)).normalized * agentSize + nodePos;
                //    Debug.DrawLine(nodePos, farEnd);
                //    straightPosition = nodePos - leftEdgeVec * agentSize;
                //// Turn right
                //if (rightEdgeAginstWall && rightEdgeTurnDir == DotTurn.TurnRight)
                //    farEnd = (Vector2)(Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.forward) * (slingToPos - nodePos)).normalized * agentSize + nodePos;
                //    Debug.DrawLine(nodePos, farEnd);
                //    straightPosition = nodePos - rightEdgeVec * agentSize;

                // Get node location and move there
                Vector2 straightPosition = navPath[0];
                //Debug.DrawLine(thisPos, straightPosition, Color.red);
                //Debug.DrawLine(thisPos, slingToPos, Color.cyan);
                movement.Move(straightPosition - thisPos);

                // Reach node location
                if (movement.positionReached(straightPosition, agentSizeTolerance))
            if (debugOn)
                Debug.DrawLine(thisPos, targetPosition, debugColor);
            movement.Move(targetPosition - thisPos);

        prevTargetPosition = targetPosition;