public Vector2[] CalcPath(Vector2 start, Vector2 end)
        var curPath  = pathmaker.GetSimplePath(start, end, true);
        var testPath = pathmaker.GetSimplePath(start, pathmaker.GetClosestPoint(end), true);

        if (end != pathmaker.GetClosestPoint(end))
            end.x = end.x + 0.01f;
        bool optiChoice = true;

        return(pathmaker.GetSimplePath(start, end, optiChoice));
    // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
    public override void _Ready()
        GD.Print("doing ready on " + this.Name);
        floor = GetNode("Navigation2D/TileMap") as TileMap;

        pathmaker = GetNode("Navigation2D") as Navigation2D;
        Vector2 startPoint = pathmaker.GetClosestPoint(new Vector2(25, 25));
        Vector2 endPoint   = pathmaker.GetClosestPoint(new Vector2(350, 25));

        //var difDemoPath = pathmaker.GetSimplePath(startPoint,endPoint, true) as Godot.Collections.Array<Vector2>;
        Vector2[] demoPath = pathmaker.GetSimplePath(startPoint, endPoint, true);
        foreach (var point in demoPath)
            GD.Print("raw points: " + point);
            GD.Print("tilepoints: " + floor.WorldToMap(point));