public Decomposer(SteeringPipeline pipeline, NavMeshPathGraph navMesh, DynamicCharacter character)
     Character = character;
     Pipeline = pipeline;
     aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic());
     aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 150;
 public Decomposer(SteeringPipeline pipeline, NavMeshPathGraph navMesh, DynamicCharacter character)
     Character        = character;
     Pipeline         = pipeline;
     aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic());
     aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 150;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        this.draw      = false;
        this.navMesh   = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];
        this.character = new DynamicCharacter(this.characterAvatar);
        this.enemies   = new List <DynamicCharacter>();
        for (int i = 0; i < enemiesAvatar.Length; i++)
            DynamicCharacter    enemy    = new DynamicCharacter(this.enemiesAvatar[i]);
            DynamicBackAndForth movement = new DynamicBackAndForth()
                Character       = enemy.KinematicData,
                MaxAcceleration = 10.0f,
                StopRadius      = 2.0f,
                SlowRadius      = 5.0f,
                MoveDistance    = 25.0f
            enemy.Movement = movement;

        this.aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic());
        this.aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;
        public GoalBounding(NavMeshPathGraph navMesh, BoundingBox mapSize) {

            //Hack to access private field with all the nodes of the mesh
            List<NavigationGraphNode> nodeList = (List<NavigationGraphNode>)Utils.Reflection.GetInstanceField(
                    typeof(RAINNavigationGraph), navMesh, "_pathNodes");
            nodeInfos = new NodeRecordArray(nodeList, mapSize);
Exemple #5
        public List <Vector3> SmoothPath(List <Vector3> pathPositions, NavMeshPathGraph _navMesh, int _mode)
            mode = _mode;
            if (mode < 0 || mode > 2)
                mode = 1;

            if (mode == 1)
                ray = new Ray();
                hit = new RaycastHit();

            navMesh = _navMesh;
            count = pathPositions.Count;

            lastAdded = pathPositions.First();

            for (int i = 0; i < count - 2; i++)
                if (!CanBeDeleted(lastAdded, pathPositions[i + 2]))
                    smoothedPositions.Add(pathPositions[i + 1]);
                    lastAdded = pathPositions[i + 1];

 public void Initialize(NavMeshPathGraph navMeshGraph, AStarPathfinding pathfindingAlgorithm)
     this.draw             = true;
     this.navMesh          = navMeshGraph;
     this.AStarPathFinding = pathfindingAlgorithm;
     this.AStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;
 public void Initialize(NavMeshPathGraph navMeshGraph, AStarPathfinding pathfindingAlgorithm)
     this.MCTSActive       = true; //change this if you want to try DL-GOAP
     this.draw             = false;
     this.navMesh          = navMeshGraph;
     this.AStarPathFinding = pathfindingAlgorithm;
     this.AStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;
 public NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(NavMeshPathGraph graph, IHeuristic heuristic) : base(graph, null, null, heuristic)
     //do not change this
     var nodes = this.GetNodesHack(graph);
     this.NodeRecordArray = new NodeRecordArray(nodes);
     this.Open = this.NodeRecordArray;
     this.Closed = this.NodeRecordArray;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        this.draw = false;
        this.currentClickNumber = 1;
        this.navMesh            = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs [0];

        this.aStarPathFinding = new AStarPathfinding(this.navMesh, new SimpleUnorderedNodeList(), new SimpleUnorderedNodeList(), new ZeroHeuristic());
    public void Initialize(NavMeshPathGraph navMeshGraph, AStarPathfinding pathfindingAlgorithm)
        this.draw    = false;
        this.navMesh = navMeshGraph;

        this.AStarPathFinding = pathfindingAlgorithm;
        this.AStarPathFinding.NodesPerFrame = 15;
Exemple #11
 public AStarPathfinding(NavMeshPathGraph graph, IOpenSet open, IClosedSet closed, IHeuristic heuristic)
     this.NavMeshGraph = graph;
     this.Open         = open;
     this.Closed       = closed;
     this.InProgress   = false;
     this.Heuristic    = heuristic;
Exemple #12
        public void Initialize(NavMeshPathGraph navMeshGraph, AStarPathfinding pathfindingAlgorithm)
            this.draw             = true;
            this.navMesh          = navMeshGraph;
            this.AStarPathFinding = pathfindingAlgorithm;
            this.AStarPathFinding.NodesPerFrame = 100; //it was NodesPerSearch before

            this.characterAnimator = this.GetComponentInChildren <Animator> ();
Exemple #13
 public InfluenceMap(NavMeshPathGraph navMesh, IOpenLocationRecord open, IClosedLocationRecord closed, IInfluenceFunction influenceFunction, float influenceThreshold)
     this.NavMeshGraph = navMesh;
     this.Open = open;
     this.Closed = closed;
     this.InfluenceFunction = influenceFunction;
     this.InfluenceThreshold = influenceThreshold;
     this.NodesPerFlood = 50;
Exemple #14
 public AStarPathfinding(NavMeshPathGraph graph, IOpenSet open, IClosedSet closed, IHeuristic heuristic)
     this.NavMeshGraph  = graph;
     this.Open          = open;
     this.Closed        = closed;
     this.NodesPerFrame = uint.MaxValue; //by default we process all nodes in a single request
     this.InProgress    = false;
     this.Heuristic     = heuristic;
Exemple #15
        public void Initialize(NavMeshPathGraph navMeshGraph, AStarPathfinding pathfindingAlgorithm)
            this.draw                       = true;
            this.navMesh                    = navMeshGraph;
            this.AStarPathfinding           = pathfindingAlgorithm;
            this.AStarPathfinding.NodeLimit = 100;

            this.characterAnimator = this.GetComponentInChildren <Animator> ();
        public NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(NavMeshPathGraph graph, IHeuristic heuristic) : base(graph, null, null, heuristic)
            //do not change this
            var nodes = this.GetNodesHack(graph);

            this.NodeRecordArray = new NodeRecordArray(nodes);
            this.Open            = this.NodeRecordArray;
            this.Closed          = this.NodeRecordArray;
Exemple #17
 public InfluenceMap(NavMeshPathGraph navMesh, IOpenLocationRecord open, IClosedLocationRecord closed, IInfluenceFunction influenceFunction, float influenceThreshold)
     this.NavMeshGraph       = navMesh;
     this.Open               = open;
     this.Closed             = closed;
     this.InfluenceFunction  = influenceFunction;
     this.InfluenceThreshold = influenceThreshold;
     this.NodesPerFlood      = 50;
 public AStarPathfinding(NavMeshPathGraph graph, IOpenSet open, IClosedSet closed, IHeuristic heuristic)
     this.NavMeshGraph = graph;
     this.Open = open;
     this.Closed = closed;
     this.NodesPerSearch = uint.MaxValue; //by default we process all nodes in a single request
     this.InProgress = false;
     this.Heuristic = heuristic;
Exemple #19
 public void Initialize(NavMeshPathGraph navMeshGraph, AStarPathFinding pathFindingAlgorithm)
     this.draw             = true;
     this.navMesh          = navMeshGraph;
     this.AStarPathFinding = pathFindingAlgorithm;
     this.AStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 2000;
     this.actionsPerformed  = 0;
     this.characterAnimator = this.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>();
    private static void CalculateGoalBounds()
        //get the NavMeshGraph from the current scene
        NavMeshPathGraph navMesh = GameObject.Find("Navigation Mesh").GetComponent <NavMeshRig>().NavMesh.Graph;

        //this is needed because RAIN AI does some initialization the first time the QuantizeToNode method is called
        //if this method is not called, the connections in the navigationgraph are not properly initialized
        navMesh.QuantizeToNode(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 1.0f);

        var dijkstra = new GoalBoundsDijkstraMapFlooding(navMesh);

        GoalBoundingTable goalBoundingTable = new GoalBoundingTable();
        var nodes = GetNodesHack(navMesh);

        goalBoundingTable.table = new NodeGoalBounds[nodes.Count];

        NodeGoalBounds auxGoalBounds;

        //calculate goal bounds for each edge
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
            if (nodes[i] is NavMeshEdge)
                //initialize the GoalBounds structure for the edge
                auxGoalBounds = new NodeGoalBounds
                    connectionBounds = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.Pathfinding.DataStructures.GoalBounding.Bounds[nodes[i].OutEdgeCount]

                for (int j = 0; j < nodes[i].OutEdgeCount; j++)
                    auxGoalBounds.connectionBounds[j] = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.Pathfinding.DataStructures.GoalBounding.Bounds();

                if (i % 10 == 0)
                    float percentage = (float)i / (float)nodes.Count;
                    EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("GoalBounding precomputation progress", "Calculating goal bounds for each edge", percentage);

                //run a Dijkstra mapflooding for each node
                dijkstra.Search(nodes[i], auxGoalBounds);

                goalBoundingTable.table[i] = auxGoalBounds;

        //saving the table to a binary file
        EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("GoalBounding precomputation progress", "Saving GoalBoundsTable to an Asset file", 100);
        goalBoundingTable.Save(Application.dataPath + "/Resources/", "GoalBoundingTable.dat");

        //saving the assets, this takes forever using Unity's serialization mechanism

        public void Initialize(NavMeshPathGraph navMeshGraph, AStarPathfinding AStarPathFinding)
            this.MCTSActive       = true;
            this.draw             = true;
            this.navMesh          = navMeshGraph;
            this.AStarPathFinding = AStarPathFinding;
            this.AStarPathFinding.NodesPerFrame = 100;

            this.characterAnimator = this.GetComponentInChildren <Animator> ();
Exemple #22
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        this.character = new DynamicCharacter(characterAvatar);
        var clusterGraph = Resources.Load <ClusterGraph>("ClusterGraph");

        this.draw             = false;
        this.navMesh          = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];
        this.AStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0], new GatewayHeuristic(clusterGraph));
        this.AStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;
        public GoalBoundsDijkstraMapFlooding(NavMeshPathGraph graph)
            this.NavMeshGraph = graph;
            //do not change this
            var nodes = this.GetNodesHack(graph);

            this.NodeRecordArray = new NodeRecordArray(nodes);
            this.Open            = this.NodeRecordArray;
            this.Closed          = this.NodeRecordArray;
Exemple #24
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        this.draw = false;
        this.currentClickNumber = 1;
        this.navMesh            = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs [0];

        this.aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclideanHeuristic());
        //this.aStarPathFinding = new AStarPathfinding(this.navMesh, new NodePriorityHeap(), new NodeHashmap(), new EuclideanHeuristic());
        this.aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;
 private List<NavigationGraphNode> GetNodesHack(NavMeshPathGraph graph)
     //this hack is needed because in order to implement NodeArrayA* you need to have full acess to all the nodes in the navigation graph in the beginning of the search
     //unfortunately in RAINNavigationGraph class the field which contains the full List of Nodes is private
     //I cannot change the field to public, however there is a trick in C#. If you know the name of the field, you can access it using reflection (even if it is private)
     //using reflection is not very efficient, but it is ok because this is only called once in the creation of the class
     //by the way, NavMeshPathGraph is a derived class from RAINNavigationGraph class and the _pathNodes field is defined in the base class,
     //that's why we're using the type of the base class in the reflection call
     return (List<NavigationGraphNode>)Utils.Reflection.GetInstanceField(typeof(RAINNavigationGraph), graph, "_pathNodes");
 public SecureNodeArrayAStarPathFinding(AutonomousCharacter character, NavMeshPathGraph graph, IHeuristic heuristic)
     : base(graph, null, null, heuristic)
     //do not change this
     var nodes = this.GetNodesHack(graph);
     this.NodeRecordArray = new NodeRecordArray(nodes);
     this.Open = this.NodeRecordArray;
     this.Closed = this.NodeRecordArray;
     this.character = character;
Exemple #27
    public void Initialize(NavMeshPathGraph navMeshGraph, AStarPathfinding pathfindingAlgorithm)
        this.draw    = false;
        this.navMesh = navMeshGraph;

        this.AStarPathFinding = pathfindingAlgorithm;
        this.AStarPathFinding.NodesPerFrame = 200;

        this.smoothedPath = new GlobalPath();
Exemple #28
 private static List <NavigationGraphNode> GetNodesHack(NavMeshPathGraph graph)
     //this hack is needed because in order to implement NodeArrayA* you need to have full acess to all the nodes in the navigation graph in the beginning of the search
     //unfortunately in RAINNavigationGraph class the field which contains the full List of Nodes is private
     //I cannot change the field to public, however there is a trick in C#. If you know the name of the field, you can access it using reflection (even if it is private)
     //using reflection is not very efficient, but it is ok because this is only called once in the creation of the class
     //by the way, NavMeshPathGraph is a derived class from RAINNavigationGraph class and the _pathNodes field is defined in the base class,
     //that's why we're using the type of the base class in the reflection call
     return((List <NavigationGraphNode>)Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.Utils.Reflection.GetInstanceField(typeof(RAINNavigationGraph), graph, "_pathNodes"));
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        this.character = new DynamicCharacter(characterAvatar);
        var clusterGraph = Resources.Load <ClusterGraph>("ClusterGraph");

        this.draw    = false;
        this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];
        //this.AStarPathFinding = new AStarPathfinding(this.navMesh, new NodePriorityHeap(), new NodeHashTable(), new EuclidianHeuristic());
        //this.AStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclidianHeuristic());
        this.AStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new GatewayHeuristic(clusterGraph));

        this.AStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;
Exemple #30
        public static bool CheckifHit(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, NavMeshPathGraph navMesh)
            float delta = 0.0f;

            for (delta = 0.02f; delta < 1; delta += 0.02f)
                if (!navMesh.IsPointOnGraph(Vector3.Lerp(start, end, delta), 1))
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        this.draw = false;
        this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];
        this.character = new DynamicCharacter(this.characterAvatar)
            Drag = DRAG,
            MaxSpeed = MAX_SPEED


        aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic());
        aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;
Exemple #32
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        BinaryFormatter   bf   = new BinaryFormatter();
        FileStream        file = File.Open("Assets/GoalBoundingData/GoalBounding.dat", FileMode.Open);
        GoalBoundingTable goalBoundingTable = (GoalBoundingTable)bf.Deserialize(file);


        this.currentClickNumber = 1;

        navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];
        this.Initialize(NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0], new GoalBoundingPathfinding(NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0], new EuclideanHeuristic(), goalBoundingTable));
        //this.Initialize(NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0], new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0], new EuclideanHeuristic()));
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        this.draw = false;
        this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];
        this.character = new DynamicCharacter(this.characterAvatar)
            Drag = DRAG,
            MaxSpeed = MAX_SPEED

        this.bots = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Bot");

        this.decomposer = new Decomposer(new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic()));
        this.decomposer.searchAlgorithm.NodesPerSearch = 100;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Awake ()
	    this.draw = false;
		this.currentClickNumber = 1;
		this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs [0];
        BoundingBox mapSize = new BoundingBox();
        mapSize.minX = -200;
        mapSize.minZ = -200;
        mapSize.maxX = 200;
        mapSize.maxZ = 200;
        this.goalbounding = new GoalBounding(navMesh, mapSize);

        this.aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh,new SimpleHeuristic(),true);
	    this.aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;
        public NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(NavMeshPathGraph graph, IHeuristic heuristic, bool usingGoalBounding) : base(graph, null, null, heuristic)
            //do not change this
            var nodes = this.GetNodesHack(graph);
            this.NodeRecordArray = new NodeRecordArray(nodes, new BoundingBox());
            this.Open = this.NodeRecordArray;
            this.Closed = this.NodeRecordArray;
            this.UsingGoalBounding = usingGoalBounding;
            this.fileReader = new FileReader();
            if (usingGoalBounding)
                fileReader.fileName = "goalBoundingInfo.xml";
                NodeRecordArray = fileReader.readFile(this.NodeRecordArray);


Exemple #36
        public List <Vector3> SmoothPath(List <Vector3> pathPositions, NavMeshPathGraph _navMesh, int _mode)

            navMesh = _navMesh;
            count = pathPositions.Count;

            lastAdded = pathPositions.First();

            for (int i = 0; i < count - 2; i++)
                if (!CanBeDeleted(lastAdded, pathPositions[i + 2]))
                    smoothedPositions.Add(pathPositions[i + 1]);
                    lastAdded = pathPositions[i + 1];

    // Use this for initialization
    private void Awake()
        this.draw = true;
        NavMeshPathGraph navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];

        this.character   = new DynamicCharacter(this.characterAvatar);
        this.Pedestrians = new List <GameObject>(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Pedestrian")).ConvertAll(p => new Pedestrian(p));

        // Targeter
        TargeterComponent = new Targeter(this);

        // Decomposer
        DecomposerComponent = new Decomposer(this, navMesh, this.character);

        // TargetCollisionConstraint
        PathConstraints = new List <IConstraint>();
        PathConstraints.Add(new PedestrianAvoidanceConstraint(this, character, this.Pedestrians));
        PathConstraints.Add(new AvoidObstacleConstraint(this.character));

        // Movement Constraints
        MovementConstraints = new List <IConstraint>();
        StaticObstacleConstraint obsConstraint = new StaticObstacleConstraint(character)
            AvoidMargin = 10f


        if (CharacterInUse.Equals(CharacterType.Car))
            Actuator = new CarActuator(this.character);
        else if (CharacterInUse.Equals(CharacterType.Human))
            Actuator = new HumanActuator(this.character);
        public void Start()
            this.draw = true;
            this.influenceMapDebugMode = 0;

            this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];
            this.Character = new DynamicCharacter(this.gameObject);

            //initialization of the movement algorithms
            this.aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic(), this);
            this.aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 500;

            var steeringPipeline = new SteeringPipeline
                MaxAcceleration = 40.0f,
                MaxConstraintSteps = 2,
                Character = this.Character.KinematicData,

            this.decomposer = new PathFindingDecomposer(steeringPipeline, this.aStarPathFinding);
            this.Targeter = new FixedTargeter(steeringPipeline);
            steeringPipeline.Actuator = new FollowPathActuator(steeringPipeline);

            this.Character.Movement = steeringPipeline;

            //initialization of the Influence Maps
            this.RedInfluenceMap = new InfluenceMap(this.navMesh,new SimpleUnorderedList(), new ClosedLocationRecordDictionary(), new LinearInfluenceFunction(), 0.1f);
            this.GreenInfluenceMap = new InfluenceMap(this.navMesh, new SimpleUnorderedList(), new ClosedLocationRecordDictionary(), new LinearInfluenceFunction(), 0.1f);
            this.ResourceInfluenceMap = new InfluenceMap(this.navMesh, new SimpleUnorderedList(), new ClosedLocationRecordDictionary(), new LinearInfluenceFunction(), 0.1f);
            this.CombinedInfluence = new Dictionary<LocationRecord, float>();
            this.SecurityMap = new Dictionary<LocationRecord, float>();

            //initialization of the GOB decision making
            //let's start by creating 5 main goals
            //the eat goal is the only goal that increases at a fixed rate per second, it increases at a rate of 0.1 per second
            this.SurviveGoal = new Goal(SURVIVE_GOAL, 2.0f);
            this.EatGoal = new Goal(EAT_GOAL, 1.0f)
                ChangeRate = 0.1f
            this.GetRichGoal = new Goal(GET_RICH_GOAL, 1.0f)
                InsistenceValue = 5.0f,
                ChangeRate = 0.2f
            this.RestGoal = new Goal(REST_GOAL, 1.0f);
            this.ConquerGoal = new Goal(CONQUER_GOAL, 1.5f)
                InsistenceValue = 5.0f

            this.Goals = new List<Goal>();

            //initialize the available actions

            var restAction = new Rest(this);
            this.Actions = new List<Action>();
            this.Actions.Add(new PlaceFlag(this));

            this.ActiveResources = new Dictionary<NavigationGraphNode, IInfluenceUnit>();
            int boars = 0;
            int chests = 0;
            int trees = 0;
            int beds = 0;

            foreach (var chest in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Chest"))
                this.Actions.Add(new PickUpChest(this, chest));
                this.AddResource(new Resource(this.navMesh.QuantizeToNode(chest.transform.position, 1.0f)));

            foreach (var tree in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Tree"))
                this.Actions.Add(new GetArrows(this, tree));
                this.AddResource(new Resource(this.navMesh.QuantizeToNode(tree.transform.position, 1.0f)));

            foreach (var bed in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Bed"))
                this.Actions.Add(new Sleep(this, bed));
                this.AddResource(new Resource(this.navMesh.QuantizeToNode(bed.transform.position, 1.0f)));

            foreach (var boar in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Boar"))
                this.AddResource(new Resource(this.navMesh.QuantizeToNode(boar.transform.position, 1.0f)));
                this.Actions.Add(new MeleeAttack(this, boar));
                this.Actions.Add(new Shoot(this, boar));


            //flags used for the influence map
            this.RedFlags = new List<IInfluenceUnit>();
            foreach (var redFlag in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("RedFlag"))
                this.RedFlags.Add(new Flag(this.navMesh.QuantizeToNode(redFlag.transform.position, 1.0f), FlagColor.Red));

            this.GreenFlags = new List<IInfluenceUnit>();
            foreach (var greenFlag in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("GreenFlag"))
                this.GreenFlags.Add(new Flag(this.navMesh.QuantizeToNode(greenFlag.transform.position, 1.0f), FlagColor.Green));


            var worldModel = new CurrentStateWorldModelFEAR(this.GameManager, this.Actions, this.Goals);
            worldModel.InitArrays( boars, trees,  beds,  chests);

            this.GOAPDecisionMaking = new DepthLimitedGOAPDecisionMaking(worldModel,this.Actions,this.Goals);
    private static void CalculateGoalBounds()
        Debug.Log("Creating goalbounds table");
        DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
        //get the NavMeshGraph from the current scene
        NavMeshPathGraph navMesh = GameObject.Find("Navigation Mesh").GetComponent <NavMeshRig>().NavMesh.Graph;

        //this is needed because RAIN AI does some initialization the first time the QuantizeToNode method is called
        //if this method is not called, the connections in the navigationgraph are not properly initialized
        navMesh.QuantizeToNode(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 1.0f);

        GoalBoundingTable goalBoundingTable = new GoalBoundingTable();
        var nodes = GetNodesHack(navMesh);

        goalBoundingTable.table = new NodeGoalBounds[nodes.Count];
        var dijkstra = new GoalBoundsDijkstraMapFlooding(nodes);

        NodeGoalBounds auxGoalBounds;

        //calculate goal bounds for each edge
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
            if (nodes[i] is NavMeshEdge)
                //initialize the GoalBounds structure for the edge
                auxGoalBounds = new NodeGoalBounds();
                auxGoalBounds.connectionBounds = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.Pathfinding.DataStructures.GoalBounding.Bounds[nodes[i].OutEdgeCount];
                for (int j = 0; j < nodes[i].OutEdgeCount; j++)
                    auxGoalBounds.connectionBounds[j] = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.Pathfinding.DataStructures.GoalBounding.Bounds();

                if (i % 10 == 0)
                    float percentage = (float)i / (float)nodes.Count;
                    EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("GoalBounding precomputation progress", "Calculating goal bounds for each edge", percentage);

                //run a Dijkstra mapflooding for each node
                dijkstra.Search(nodes[i], auxGoalBounds);

                goalBoundingTable.table[i] = auxGoalBounds;

        BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();

        if (File.Exists("Assets/GoalBoundingData/GoalBounding.dat"))

        FileStream file = File.Create("Assets/GoalBoundingData/GoalBounding.dat");

        bf.Serialize(file, goalBoundingTable);


        TimeSpan time = DateTime.Now - startTime;

        Debug.Log("Duration creating goalboundtable : " + time.ToString());
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        this.draw = false;
        this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs [0];
        this.character = new DynamicCharacter(this.characterAvatar);
        this.character.Drag = 0.5f;
        StringPullingPathSmoothing.MinWidth = 0.1f;

        this.aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclideanHeuristic());
        //this.aStarPathFinding = new AStarPathfinding(this.navMesh, new SimpleUnorderedNodeList(), new SimpleUnorderedNodeList(), new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic());
        this.aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;
 public GoalBoundingNodeArrayAStarPathFinding(NavMeshPathGraph graph, IHeuristic heuristic)
     : base(graph, heuristic)
 public GoalBoundingPathfinding(NavMeshPathGraph graph, IHeuristic heuristic, GoalBoundingTable goalBoundsTable) : base(graph, heuristic)
     this.GoalBoundingTable = goalBoundsTable;
     dikjstra = new GoalBoundsDijkstraMapFlooding(graph);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        this.draw = false;
        this.currentClickNumber = 1;
        this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs [0];

        this.aStarPathFinding = new AStarPathfinding(this.navMesh, new SimpleUnorderedNodeList(), new DictionaryData(), new ZeroHeuristic());
 public InfluenceMapAStarPathfinding(NavMeshPathGraph graph, IHeuristic heuristic, InfluenceMap redMap, InfluenceMap greenMap)
     : base(graph,heuristic)
     this.RedMap = redMap;
     this.GreenMap = greenMap;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        this.draw = false;
        this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];
        this.character = new DynamicCharacter(this.characterAvatar);
        this.enemies = new List<DynamicCharacter>();
        for (int i = 0; i < enemiesAvatar.Length; i++)
            DynamicCharacter enemy = new DynamicCharacter(this.enemiesAvatar[i]);
            DynamicBackAndForth movement = new DynamicBackAndForth()
                Character = enemy.KinematicData,
                MaxAcceleration = 10.0f,
                StopRadius = 2.0f,
                SlowRadius = 5.0f,
                MoveDistance = 25.0f
            enemy.Movement = movement;

        this.aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic());
        this.aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        this.draw = false;
        this.currentClickNumber = 1;
        this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs [0];

        this.aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh,new ZeroHeuristic());
        //this.aStarPathFinding = new AStarPathfinding(this.navMesh, new NodePriorityHeap(), new DictionaryData(), new ZeroHeuristic());
        this.aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        this.draw = false;
        this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];
        this.character = new DynamicCharacter(this.characterAvatar);
        this.character.Drag = 0.3f;
        StringPullingPathSmoothing.MinWidth = 0.1f;

        this.aStarPathFindingEuclidean = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic());
        this.aStarPathFindingGBEuclidean = new GoalBoundingNodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic());
        this.aStarPathFindingZero = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new ZeroHeuristic());
        this.aStarPathFindingGBZero = new GoalBoundingNodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new ZeroHeuristic());
        this.aStarPathFindingEuclidean.NodesPerSearch = 100;
        this.aStarPathFindingZero.NodesPerSearch = 100;
        this.aStarPathFindingGBEuclidean.NodesPerSearch = 100;
        this.aStarPathFindingGBEuclidean.NodesPerSearch = 100;

        this.aStarPathFinding = this.aStarPathFindingGBEuclidean;
        currentAStar = "A* GoalBounding Euclidean Distance";
Exemple #48
        public void Start()
            this.draw = true;
            this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];
            this.Character = new DynamicCharacter(this.gameObject);

            //initialization of the movement algorithms
               // this.aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic());
            //this.aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;

            //initialization of the GOB decision making
            //let's start by creating 4 main goals
            //the eatgoal is the only goal that increases at a fixed rate per second, it increases at a rate of 0.1 per second
            this.SurviveGoal = new Goal(SURVIVE_GOAL, 2.0f);
            this.EatGoal = new Goal(EAT_GOAL, 1.0f)
                ChangeRate = 0.1f
            this.GetRichGoal = new Goal(GET_RICH_GOAL, 1.0f)
                InsistenceValue = 5.0f,
                ChangeRate = 0.2f
            this.RestGoal = new Goal(REST_GOAL, 1.0f);

            this.Goals = new List<Goal>();

            //initialize the available actions

            var restAction = new Rest(this);
            this.Actions = new List<Action>();

            foreach (var chest in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Chest"))
                this.Actions.Add(new PickUpChest(this, chest));

            foreach (var tree in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Tree"))
                this.Actions.Add(new GetArrows(this, tree));

            foreach (var bed in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Bed"))
                this.Actions.Add(new Sleep(this, bed));

            foreach (var boar in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Boar"))
                this.Actions.Add(new MeleeAttack(this, boar));
                this.Actions.Add(new Shoot(this, boar));

            this.Character.Movement = InitializeSteeringPipeline(this.Character);
 public NodeAStarDecomposer()
     this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];
     this.aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclideanHeuristic());
     this.aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        this.draw = false;
        this.currentClickNumber = 1;
        this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs [0];

        IHeuristic heuristic = null;

        switch (Heuristic)
            case HeuristicType.Zero:
                heuristic = new ZeroHeuristic();
            case HeuristicType.Euclidean:
                heuristic = new EuclideanHeuristic();

        this.aStarPathFinding = new AStarPathfinding(this.navMesh, new SimpleUnorderedNodeList(), new HashTableNodeList(), heuristic);
 public override void RestartNodeArray(NavMeshPathGraph graph)
     var nodes = this.GetNodesHack(graph);
     this.NodeRecordArray = new NodeRecordArray(nodes);
        public void Start()
            this.draw = true;
            this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs [0];
            this.Character = new DynamicCharacter(this.gameObject) { Drag = 0.3f};

            //initialization of the movement algorithms
            this.aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic());
            this.aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;

            var steeringPipeline = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.SteeringPipeline.SteeringPipeline
                MaxAcceleration = 40.0f,
                MaxConstraintSteps = 2,
                Character = this.Character.KinematicData,

            this.decomposer = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.SteeringPipeline.NodeAStarDecomposer(this.aStarPathFinding);
            this.Targeter = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.SteeringPipeline.TargetPosition();
            var obstacles = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Obstacle");
                new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.SteeringPipeline.ConstraitColisionWithWalls(obstacles, 500.0f)
                AvoidMargin = 7f,
                MaxLookAhead = 5f,
                MaxWhiskersLookAhead = 7f
            steeringPipeline.Actuator = actuator = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.SteeringPipeline.PathFollowingActuator()
                movement = new DynamicFollowPath()
                    MaxAcceleration = 40.0f,
                    PathOffset = 0.05f,
                    Movement = new DynamicCarSeek()
                        MaxSpeed = this.Character.MaxSpeed,
                        MinSpeed = 4f
                SecondsToSmooth = 2f

            this.Character.Movement = steeringPipeline;

            //initialization of the GOB decision making
            //let's start by creating 4 main goals
            //the eatgoal is the only goal that increases at a fixed rate per second, it increases at a rate of 0.1 per second
            this.SurviveGoal = new Goal(SURVIVE_GOAL, 2.0f);
            this.EatGoal = new Goal(EAT_GOAL, 1.0f)
                ChangeRate = 0.1f
            this.GetRichGoal = new Goal(GET_RICH_GOAL, 1.0f)
                InsistenceValue = 5.0f,
                ChangeRate = 0.2f
            this.RestGoal = new Goal(REST_GOAL, 1.0f);

            this.Goals = new List<Goal>();

            //initialize the available actions

            var restAction = new Rest(this);
            this.Actions = new List<Action>();

            foreach (var chest in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Chest"))
                this.Actions.Add(new PickUpChest(this, chest));

            foreach (var tree in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Tree"))
                this.Actions.Add(new GetArrows(this, tree));

            foreach (var bed in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Bed"))
                this.Actions.Add(new Sleep(this, bed));

            foreach (var boar in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Boar"))
                this.Actions.Add(new MeleeAttack(this, boar));
                this.Actions.Add(new Shoot(this, boar));
Exemple #53
        public void Start()
            this.draw = true;
            this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];
            this.Character = new DynamicCharacter(this.gameObject);

            //initialization of the movement algorithms
            this.aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic());
            this.aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;

            var steeringPipeline = new SteeringPipeline
                MaxAcceleration = 40.0f,
                MaxConstraintSteps = 2,
                Character = this.Character.KinematicData,

            this.decomposer = new PathFindingDecomposer(steeringPipeline, this.aStarPathFinding);
            this.Targeter = new FixedTargeter(steeringPipeline);
            steeringPipeline.Actuator = new FollowPathActuator(steeringPipeline);

            this.Character.Movement = steeringPipeline;

            //initialization of the GOB decision making
            //let's start by creating 4 main goals
            //the eatgoal is the only goal that increases at a fixed rate per second, it increases at a rate of 0.1 per second
            this.SurviveGoal = new Goal(SURVIVE_GOAL, 2.0f);
            this.EatGoal = new Goal(EAT_GOAL, 1.0f)
                ChangeRate = 0.1f
            this.GetRichGoal = new Goal(GET_RICH_GOAL, 1.0f)
                InsistenceValue = 5.0f,
                ChangeRate = 0.2f
            this.RestGoal = new Goal(REST_GOAL, 1.0f);

            this.Goals = new List<Goal>();

            //initialize the available actions

            var restAction = new Rest(this);
            this.Actions = new List<Action>();

            foreach (var chest in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Chest"))
                this.Actions.Add(new PickUpChest(this, chest));

            foreach (var tree in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Tree"))
                this.Actions.Add(new GetArrows(this, tree));

            foreach (var bed in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Bed"))
                this.Actions.Add(new Sleep(this, bed));

            foreach (var boar in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Boar"))
                this.Actions.Add(new MeleeAttack(this, boar));
                this.Actions.Add(new Shoot(this, boar));

            var worldModel = new CurrentStateWorldModel(this.GameManager, this.Actions, this.Goals);

            this.GOAPDecisionMaking = new DepthLimitedGOAPDecisionMaking(worldModel,this.Actions,this.Goals);
 public virtual void RestartNodeArray(NavMeshPathGraph graph)
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        this.draw = false;
        this.currentClickNumber = 1;
        this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs [0];

        this.aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclideanHeuristic());
        //this.aStarPathFinding = new AStarPathfinding(this.navMesh, new RightPriorityList(), new HashTableNodeList(), new EuclideanHeuristic());
        this.aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 50;
        // This will regenerate the navigation mesh when called
        public void GenerateNavmesh()
            NavMeshRig tRig = GetComponent<NavMeshRig>();

            // Unregister any navigation mesh we may already have (probably none if you are using this)

            tRig.NavMesh.Size = 40;
            tRig.NavMesh.MaxSlope = 45;
            tRig.NavMesh.WalkableHeight = 2;
            tRig.NavMesh.WalkableRadius = 3;
            tRig.NavMesh.StepHeight = 0.75f;
            tRig.NavMesh.CellSize = 0.5f;

            while (tRig.NavMesh.Creating)

                // This could be changed to a yield (and the function to a coroutine) although as
                // of RAIN of (fixed since then), our navigation mesh editor has issues with it

            this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];
Exemple #57
    private static void CreateClusterGraph()
        Cluster cluster;
        Gateway gateway;

        //get cluster game objects
        var clusters = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Cluster");
        //get gateway game objects
        var gateways = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Gateway");
        //get the NavMeshGraph from the current scene
        NavMeshPathGraph navMesh = GameObject.Find("Navigation Mesh").GetComponent <NavMeshRig>().NavMesh.Graph;

        ClusterGraph clusterGraph = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ClusterGraph>();

        //create gateway instances for each gateway game object
        for (int i = 0; i < gateways.Length; i++)
            var gatewayGO = gateways[i];
            gateway = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Gateway>();
            gateway.Initialize(i, gatewayGO);

        //create cluster instances for each cluster game object and check for connections through gateways
        foreach (var clusterGO in clusters)
            cluster = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Cluster>();

            //determine intersection between cluster and gateways and add connections when they intersect
            foreach (var gate in clusterGraph.gateways)
                if (MathHelper.BoundingBoxIntersection(cluster.min, cluster.max, gate.min, gate.max))

        // Second stage of the algorithm, calculation of the Gateway table

        GlobalPath solution = null;
        //float cost;
        Gateway startGate;
        Gateway endGate;

        var pathfindingAlgorithm = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic());

        clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable = new GatewayDistanceTableRow[clusterGraph.gateways.Count];

        for (int i = 0; i < clusterGraph.gateways.Count; i++)
            var row = new GatewayDistanceTableRow();
            row.entries = new GatewayDistanceTableEntry[clusterGraph.gateways.Count];
            startGate   = clusterGraph.gateways[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < clusterGraph.gateways.Count; j++)
                endGate = clusterGraph.gateways[j];

                row.entries[j] = new GatewayDistanceTableEntry()
                    startGatewayPosition = startGate.Localize(),
                    endGatewayPosition   = endGate.Localize()

                if (i != j)
                    pathfindingAlgorithm.InitializePathfindingSearch(startGate.Localize(), endGate.Localize());
                    bool finished = pathfindingAlgorithm.Search(out solution);
                    if (finished && solution != null)
                        row.entries[j].shortestDistance = solution.Length;
                        row.entries[j].shortestDistance = float.MaxValue;
                    row.entries[j].shortestDistance = 0.0f;
            clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable[i] = row;

        //Debug.Log("Distance table with: " + clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable.Length + " rows and " + clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable[0].entries.Length + " columns.");
        //string print = "[";
        //for (int i = 0; i < clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable.Length; i++)
        //    print += "[";
        //    for(int j= 0; j < clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable[i].entries.Length; j++)
        //    {
        //        print += clusterGraph.gatewayDistanceTable[i].entries[j].shortestDistance + ", ";
        //    }
        //    print += "]\n";
        //print += "]";

        //do not change this
        var nodes = GetNodesHack(navMesh);

        clusterGraph.nodesCluster = new Cluster[nodes.Count];
        foreach (var n in nodes)
            var pos = n.LocalPosition;
            foreach (var c in clusterGraph.clusters)
                if (pos.x >= c.min.x && pos.x <= c.max.x && pos.z >= c.min.z && pos.z <= c.max.z)
                    clusterGraph.nodesCluster[n.NodeIndex] = c;

        //create a new asset that will contain the ClusterGraph and save it to disk (DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE)
        public void Start()
            this.draw = true;
            this.influenceMapDebugMode = 0;
            this.navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];
            this.Character = new DynamicCharacter(this.gameObject);

            //initialization of the movement algorithms
            this.aStarPathFinding = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(this.navMesh, new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic());
            this.aStarPathFinding.NodesPerSearch = 100;

            var steeringPipeline = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.SteeringPipeline.SteeringPipeline
                MaxAcceleration = 40.0f,
                MaxConstraintSteps = 2,
                Character = this.Character.KinematicData,

            this.decomposer = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.SteeringPipeline.NodeAStarDecomposer(this.aStarPathFinding);
            this.Targeter = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.SteeringPipeline.TargetPosition();
            steeringPipeline.Actuator = actuator = new Assets.Scripts.IAJ.Unity.SteeringPipeline.PathFollowingActuator()
                movement = new DynamicFollowPath()
                    MaxAcceleration = 40.0f,
                    PathOffset = 0.05f,
                    Movement = new DynamicCarSeek()
                        MaxSpeed = this.Character.MaxSpeed,
                        MinSpeed = 4f
                SecondsToSmooth = 2f

            this.Character.Movement = steeringPipeline;

            //initialization of the Influence Maps
            this.RedInfluenceMap = new InfluenceMap(this.navMesh,new SimpleUnorderedList(), new ClosedLocationRecordDictionary(), new LinearInfluenceFunction(), 0.1f);
            this.GreenInfluenceMap = new InfluenceMap(this.navMesh, new SimpleUnorderedList(), new ClosedLocationRecordDictionary(), new LinearInfluenceFunction(), 0.1f);

            //initialization of the GOB decision making
            //let's start by creating 4 main goals
            //the eatgoal is the only goal that increases at a fixed rate per second, it increases at a rate of 0.1 per second
            this.SurviveGoal = new Goal(SURVIVE_GOAL, 2.0f);
            this.EatGoal = new Goal(EAT_GOAL, 1.0f)
                ChangeRate = 0.1f
            this.GetRichGoal = new Goal(GET_RICH_GOAL, 1.0f)
                InsistenceValue = 5.0f,
                ChangeRate = 0.2f
            this.RestGoal = new Goal(REST_GOAL, 1.0f);
            this.ConquerGoal = new Goal(CONQUER_GOAL, 1.5f)
                InsistenceValue = 5.0f

            this.Goals = new List<Goal>();

            //initialize the available actions

            var restAction = new Rest(this);
            this.Actions = new List<Action>();

            foreach (var chest in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Chest"))
                this.Actions.Add(new PickUpChest(this, chest));

            foreach (var tree in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Tree"))
                this.Actions.Add(new GetArrows(this, tree));


            foreach (var bed in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Bed"))
                this.Actions.Add(new Sleep(this, bed));


            foreach (var boar in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Boar"))
                this.Actions.Add(new MeleeAttack(this, boar));
                this.Actions.Add(new Shoot(this, boar));

            //flags used for the influence map
            this.RedFlags = new List<IInfluenceUnit>();
            foreach (var redFlag in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("RedFlag"))
                this.RedFlags.Add(new Flag(this.navMesh.QuantizeToNode(redFlag.transform.position, 1.0f), FlagColor.Red));

            this.GreenFlags = new List<IInfluenceUnit>();
            foreach (var greenFlag in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("GreenFlag"))
                this.GreenFlags.Add(new Flag(this.navMesh.QuantizeToNode(greenFlag.transform.position, 1.0f), FlagColor.Green));


            var worldModel = new CurrentStateWorldModel(this.GameManager, this.Actions, this.Goals);

            this.GOAPDecisionMaking = new DepthLimitedGOAPDecisionMaking(worldModel,this.Actions,this.Goals);
 public GoalBoundingPathfinding(NavMeshPathGraph graph, IHeuristic heuristic, GoalBoundingTable goalBoundsTable) : base(graph, heuristic)
     this.GoalBoundingTable = goalBoundsTable;
 public void Start()
     navMesh = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs[0];