public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DrawDefaultInspector(); foreach (var targ in targets.Cast <GridManager>()) { var grid = targ.Grid; if (GUILayout.Button("Generate Grid") || grid == null) { targ.BuildGrid(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Update Edges") || grid == null) { NavMeshExtensions.CalculateEdges(UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh.CalculateTriangulation()); SceneView.RepaintAll(); } if (grid != null) { GUILayout.Label($"Nodes: {grid.InnerGrid.Length}"); GUILayout.Label($"InnerArraySize: {grid.InnerGrid.Length}"); } } }
private void EnsureDestroyed() { Grid?.Dispose(); NavMeshExtensions.Dispose(); }
private void Update() { if (!agent.pathPending && !busy) { // Has arrived at task if (agent.remainingDistance <= agent.stoppingDistance && agent.hasPath) { if (currentTask != null) { Debug.Log(; Debug.Log(; transform.LookAt(; // Double check the task hasn't become invalid since (or removed). // Bear in mind, this could happen at any point so to avoid pointless // running, perhaps do a lazy task check pulse thing instead. if (queue.GetTaskById( != null) { StartCoroutine(SimulateTaskWait(currentTask)); } else { currentTask = null; } } else { // Must be wandering... StartCoroutine("JustIdle"); } } // If wandering and a new task arrives (this would be better on a lazy check as mentioned elsewhere) /* Broken * if(busy && currentTask == null) * { * StopCoroutine("JustIdle"); * busy = false; * }*/ // BUG: When selecting things in quick succession, the agent gives up and stops all of it's movement. // Looks for new task (might be better as a state) //if (agent.remainingDistance <= agent.stoppingDistance) //{ if (!agent.hasPath) // || agent.velocity.sqrMagnitude == 0f { var taskQuery = queue.GetNextTaskExcluding(invalidTasks); if (taskQuery == null) { var randomPos = NavMeshExtensions.GetRandomPoint(transform.position, 4f); agent.SetDestination(randomPos); return; } // What sort of tile is it if (taskQuery.tileType == TILE_TYPE.DIGGABLE) { var digNodes = <Wall>() .digNodes; NavMeshPath path = new NavMeshPath(); foreach (Transform digNode in digNodes) { var calc = agent.CalculatePath(digNode.transform.position, path); if (path.status == NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete) { currentTask = taskQuery; agent.SetDestination(digNode.transform.position); break; } } if (currentTask == null) { invalidTasks.Add(; } } } //} } }