Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Captures a video frame, asynchronously.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A task that represents the asynchronous capture operation.</returns>
        /// <feature>http://tizen.org/feature/multimedia.raw_video</feature>
        /// <remarks>The player must be in the <see cref="PlayerState.Playing"/> or <see cref="PlayerState.Paused"/> state.</remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ObjectDisposedException">The player has already been disposed of.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The player is not in the valid state.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">The required feature is not supported.</exception>
        /// <since_tizen> 3 </since_tizen>
        public async Task <CapturedFrame> CaptureVideoAsync()

            ValidatePlayerState(PlayerState.Playing, PlayerState.Paused);

            TaskCompletionSource <CapturedFrame> t = new TaskCompletionSource <CapturedFrame>();

            NativePlayer.VideoCaptureCallback cb = (data, width, height, size, _) =>
                Debug.Assert(size <= int.MaxValue);

                byte[] buf = new byte[size];
                Marshal.Copy(data, buf, 0, (int)size);

                t.TrySetResult(new CapturedFrame(buf, width, height));

            using (var cbKeeper = ObjectKeeper.Get(cb))
                NativePlayer.CaptureVideo(Handle, cb)
                .ThrowIfFailed(this, "Failed to capture the video");

                return(await t.Task);