/// <summary>
        /// Runs and compiles a linq-query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configuration">the configuration that is used for compiling the provided linq-query</param>
        /// <param name="target">the target object on which to run the query</param>
        /// <param name="nameOfTarget">the name of the parameter holding the target-object</param>
        /// <param name="expression">the expression to run on the target object</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">arguments for the query. each property of the given object will lead to a parameter of the resulting method</param>
        /// <returns>the result of the compiled and executed method</returns>
        public static object RunLinqQuery(string configuration, object target, string nameOfTarget, string expression, IDictionary <string, object> arguments)
            var cfg = configurations.GetOrAdd(configuration, new NativeConfiguration());

            if (cfg.AutoReferences)
                ApplyAutoRef(cfg, arguments.Values, false);
                ApplyAutoRef(cfg, new[] { target }, true);

            string roslynHash   = GetFlatString(expression);
            var    roslynScript = roslynScripts.GetOrAdd(roslynHash, new Lazy <ScriptRunner <object> >(() =>
                ScriptOptions scriptoptions;
                lock (cfg)
                    scriptoptions = ScriptOptions.Default
                                    .WithImports(cfg.Usings.Union(new[] { "System", "System.Linq", "System.Collections.Generic" }))
                        typeof(FileStyleUriParser).Assembly, typeof(Action).Assembly,
                    }.Union(from t in cfg.References select NamedAssemblyResolve.LoadAssembly(t)).ToArray())

                //var retVal = CSharpScript.Create(expression, scriptoptions, typeof(NativeScriptObjectHelper), Loader);
                var retVal = CSharpScript.Create(expression, scriptoptions, typeof(NativeScriptObjectHelper));
            var dic  = new ExpandoObject();
            var idic = dic as IDictionary <string, object>;

            idic[nameOfTarget] = target;
            foreach (var argument in arguments)
                idic[argument.Key] = argument.Value;

            return(AsyncHelpers.RunSync(() => roslynScript.Value(new NativeScriptObjectHelper {
                Global = idic
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Command Executor object that is capable for executing the requested command
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">the Query to execute on the offline tables</param>
        /// <returns>a procy object that is capable for executing the requested query</returns>
        public static Script <object> CreateCommand(string command)
            var roslynHash   = GetHashSha256(command);
            var roslynScript = roslynScripts.GetOrAdd(roslynHash, new Lazy <Script <object> >(() =>
                var scriptoptions = ScriptOptions.Default.WithImports(dynamicUsings.Union(new[] { "System", "System.Linq", "System.Collections.Generic", "ITVComponents", "ITVComponents.DataAccess", "ITVComponents.DataAccess.Extensions", "ITVComponents.DataAccess.Linq" })).WithReferences(new[] { typeof(FileStyleUriParser).Assembly, typeof(Action).Assembly }.Union(from t in Extensions.Union(dynamicExtensions).Distinct() select NamedAssemblyResolve.LoadAssembly(t)));
                return(CSharpScript.Create(command, scriptoptions, typeof(NativeScriptObjectHelper)));
