private void NameChanger_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { WriteText("^1-- ^5N^7o ^5H^7ost ^5M^7od ^5M^7enu ^5B^7y ^5M^7rNiato ^1--\n\n^5Simple Mods\nPrestige Menu\nStats Menu\n^2-->^5Name Changer\n\n\n\n^\n^3Facebook : ^1Guillaume ^2MrNiato"); if (Key_IsDown.DetectKey(Key_IsDown.Key.Cross)) { NameChanger.Stop(); N1.Start(); groupBox4.Enabled = true; } if (Key_IsDown.DetectKey(Key_IsDown.Key.DPAD_DOWN)) { NameChanger.Stop(); HostMainMenu.Start(); groupBox4.Enabled = false; } if (Key_IsDown.DetectKey(Key_IsDown.Key.DPAD_UP)) { NameChanger.Stop(); StatsMenu.Start(); groupBox4.Enabled = false; } if (Key_IsDown.DetectKey(Key_IsDown.Key.R3)) { NameChanger.Stop(); Sleep.Start(); groupBox4.Enabled = false; } }
void Start() { // Loop through the Container foreach (RDPlanetListItemContainer planetItem in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <RDPlanetListItemContainer>()) { // Barycenter if (Templates.barycenters.Contains(planetItem.label_planetName.text) || Templates.notSelectable.Contains(planetItem.label_planetName.text)) { // Call function recursively Utility.DoRecursive(planetItem, i => Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <RDPlanetListItemContainer>().Where(p => p.parent == i), (item) => { // Reparent foreach (RDPlanetListItemContainer child in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <RDPlanetListItemContainer>().Where(p => p.parent == item)) { child.parent = item.parent; child.hierarchy_level += 1; float scale = 0.8f; float container_height = 60f; if (child.hierarchy_level > 1) { scale = 0.5f; container_height = 60f; } float magnitude = child.planet.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.bounds.size.magnitude; FieldInfo float0 = child.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Where(f => f.FieldType == typeof(float)).ToArray()[0]; FieldInfo float1 = child.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Where(f => f.FieldType == typeof(float)).ToArray()[1]; float0.SetValue(child, 80f / magnitude * scale); float1.SetValue(child, (80f / magnitude * scale) * 1.1f); child.planet.transform.localScale = * (80f / magnitude * scale); child.layoutElement.preferredHeight = container_height; } }); // Hide planetItem.Hide(); } // namechanges if (FindObjectsOfType <NameChanger>().Where(n => n.oldName == planetItem.label_planetName.text).Count() != 0 && !"NAMECHANGER")) { NameChanger changer = FindObjectsOfType <NameChanger>().First(n => n.oldName == planetItem.label_planetName.text); planetItem.label_planetName.text = changer.newName; += "NAMECHANGER"; } } }
private void sendInfo() { NameChanger nc = ModMain.instance.getNameChanger(); string result = "Is running: " + nc.isRunning() + "\n" + "Mode: " + nc.getMode() + "\n" + "Interval(ms): " + nc.getInterval() + "\n" + "Names:\n"; foreach (string s in nc.getNames()) { result += "- " + s + "\n"; } result += "Step count: " + nc.getStepCount() + '\n'; result += "Colors:\n"; foreach (int i in nc.getFadeColors()) { result += "- " + i.ToString("X6"); } ModMain.instance.sendToPlayer(result); }
void Start() { // Loop through the Container foreach (RDPlanetListItemContainer planetItem in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <RDPlanetListItemContainer>()) { // Barycenter if (Templates.barycenters.Contains(planetItem.label_planetName.text) || Templates.notSelectable.Contains(planetItem.label_planetName.text) || Templates.hiddenRnD.Contains(planetItem.label_planetName.text)) { planetItem.planet.SetActive(false); planetItem.label_planetName.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; } // namechanges if (FindObjectsOfType <NameChanger>().Count(n => n.oldName == planetItem.label_planetName.text) != 0 && !"NAMECHANGER")) { NameChanger changer = FindObjectsOfType <NameChanger>().First(n => n.oldName == planetItem.label_planetName.text); planetItem.label_planetName.text = changer.newName; += "NAMECHANGER"; } } }
private void StatsMenu_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { WriteText("^1-- ^5N^7o ^5H^7ost ^5M^7od ^5M^7enu ^5B^7y ^5M^7rNiato ^1--\n\n^5Simple Mods\nPrestige Menu\n^2-->^5Stats Menu\nName Changer\n\n\n\n^\n^3Facebook : ^2Guillaume ^1MrNiato"); if (Key_IsDown.DetectKey(Key_IsDown.Key.Cross)) { StatsMenu.Stop(); S1.Start(); } if (Key_IsDown.DetectKey(Key_IsDown.Key.DPAD_DOWN)) { StatsMenu.Stop(); NameChanger.Start(); } if (Key_IsDown.DetectKey(Key_IsDown.Key.DPAD_UP)) { StatsMenu.Stop(); PrestigeMenu.Start(); } if (Key_IsDown.DetectKey(Key_IsDown.Key.R3)) { HostMainMenu.Stop(); Sleep.Start(); } }
void RoundTripCopyRewriteAndExecute(string assemblyName, string pdbName, bool verificationMayFail) { PeVerifyResult expectedResult = !verificationMayFail ? PeVerify.VerifyAssembly(assemblyName) : PeVerify.RunPeVerifyOnAssembly(assemblyName); string expectedOutput = Execute(assemblyName); IAssembly assembly = LoadAssembly(assemblyName); using (var f = File.OpenRead(pdbName)) { using (var pdbReader = new PdbReader(f, host)) { var codeAssembly = Decompiler.GetCodeModelFromMetadataModel(, assembly, pdbReader); var copier = new CodeDeepCopier(host); codeAssembly = copier.Copy(codeAssembly); NameChanger namechanger = new NameChanger(, new Regex("[A-Za-z0-9_]*"), new MatchEvaluator(this.eval)); codeAssembly = namechanger.Change(codeAssembly); Checker checker = new Checker(; checker.Traverse(codeAssembly); Debug.Assert(checker.Errors.Count == 0); AssertWriteToPeFile(expectedResult, codeAssembly, pdbReader); AssertExecute(expectedOutput, assemblyName); } } }
public void init(object gm) { if (File.Exists("log.txt")) { logOut = File.AppendText("log.txt"); } else { logOut = File.CreateText("log.txt"); } #if DEBUG this.debugOut = File.CreateText("debug.log"); #endif this.log("====init() was called===="); try { this.fGameManager = (FengGameManagerMKII)gm; GameObject go = new GameObject(); = "ModUI"; GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(go); this.modUI = go.AddComponent <ModUI>(); this.log("----Initializing mod."); this.log("Loading the configuration."); this.config = ConfigManager.load("config.cfg"); this.log("Loading settings file."); if (File.Exists("settings.json")) { try { this.settingsObject = JsonObject.fromFile("settings.json"); File.Move("settings.json", "settings.json.corrupted" + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10000)); }catch (JsonException e) { this.log(e); this.settingsObject = new JsonObject(); } } else { this.settingsObject = new JsonObject(); } this.taskManager = new TaskManager(); gameModInterface = new GameModEventInterface(this); this.spawnController = new SpawnController(this.fGameManager, config.get("TitanWaveAmountFunction"), config.get("WaveEndMessage")); this.commandBinder = new CommandBinder(this.taskManager); this.cManager = new CManager(); this.nameManager = new NameManager(this.config); commandManager = new CommandManager(); PhotonNetwork.OnEventCall = this.eventCallback; this.averageDamage = float.Parse(config.get("averageDamage")); this.log("Initializing extras."); this.log("Creating the greeter."); greeter = new PlayerGreeter(this); this.log("Creating the mod thread."); bct = new MainModThread(this); opcm = new OtherPlayerCommandsManager(this.fGameManager); thController = new TitanHealthController(); this.nameChanger = new NameChanger(this); this.lagController = new LagController(); KillCmd.titanName = this.config.get("killTitanName"); this.setChatLogEnabled(this.getConfig().getBool("chatLogEnabled")); this.setUseGas(true); this.setUseBlades(true); this.log("Registering mod API"); AoTModAPI.AoTModAPI.setModAPI(this.gameModInterface); this.log("Updating values from the settings file."); this.log("Starting mod thread."); bct.start(); } catch (System.Exception e) { this.log("Error while initializing mod, who knows what will happen."); this.log(e); } this.messagePrefix = this.getConfig().get("messagePrefix"); this.messageSuffix = this.getConfig().get("messageSuffix"); this.log("Mod initialized."); ModMain.instance = this; this.log("Instance: " + ModMain.instance); this.commandManager.buildHelpList(); }
void Start() { // FIX BODIES MOVED POSTSPAWN // bool postSpawnChanges = false; foreach (CelestialBody cb in PSystemManager.Instance.localBodies.Where(b => b.Has("orbitPatches"))) { // Fix position if the body gets moved PostSpawn ConfigNode patch = cb.Get <ConfigNode>("orbitPatches"); if (patch.GetValue("referenceBody") != null || patch.GetValue("semiMajorAxis") != null) { // Get the body, the old parent and the new parent PSystemBody body = PSystemManager.Instance.systemPrefab.GetComponentsInChildren <PSystemBody>(true).First(b => == name); PSystemBody oldParent = PSystemManager.Instance.systemPrefab.GetComponentsInChildren <PSystemBody>(true).First(b => b.children.Contains(body)); PSystemBody newParent = oldParent; if (patch.GetValue("referenceBody") != null) { newParent = PSystemManager.Instance.systemPrefab.GetComponentsInChildren <PSystemBody>(true).First(b => == patch.GetValue("referenceBody")); } if (body != null && oldParent != null) { // If there is no new SMA it means only the parent changed NumericParser <double> newSMA = body.orbitDriver.orbit.semiMajorAxis; if (patch.GetValue("semiMajorAxis") != null) { newSMA.SetFromString(patch.GetValue("semiMajorAxis")); } // Count how many children comes before our body in the newParent.child list int index = 0; foreach (PSystemBody child in newParent.children) { if (child.orbitDriver.orbit.semiMajorAxis < newSMA.value) { index++; } } // Add the body as child for the new parent and remove it for the old parent if (index > newParent.children.Count) { newParent.children.Add(body); } else { newParent.children.Insert(index, body); } oldParent.children.Remove(body); postSpawnChanges = true; } } } // Rebuild Archives if (postSpawnChanges) { AddPlanets(); } // RDVisibility = SKIP // List <KeyValuePair <PSystemBody, PSystemBody> > skipList = new List <KeyValuePair <PSystemBody, PSystemBody> >(); // Create a list with body to hide and their parent PSystemBody[] bodies = PSystemManager.Instance.systemPrefab.GetComponentsInChildren <PSystemBody>(true); foreach (CelestialBody body in PSystemManager.Instance.localBodies.Where(b => b.Has("hiddenRnD"))) { if (body.Get <PropertiesLoader.RDVisibility>("hiddenRnD") == PropertiesLoader.RDVisibility.SKIP) { PSystemBody hidden = Utility.FindBody(PSystemManager.Instance.systemPrefab.rootBody, name); if (hidden.children.Count == 0) { body.Set("hiddenRnd", PropertiesLoader.RDVisibility.HIDDEN); } else { PSystemBody parent = bodies.First(b => b.children.Contains(hidden)); if (parent != null) { if (skipList.Any(b => b.Key == parent)) { int index = skipList.IndexOf(skipList.First(b => b.Key == parent)); skipList.Insert(index, new KeyValuePair <PSystemBody, PSystemBody>(hidden, parent)); } else { skipList.Add(new KeyValuePair <PSystemBody, PSystemBody>(hidden, parent)); } } } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <PSystemBody, PSystemBody> pair in skipList) { // Get hidden body and parent PSystemBody hidden = pair.Key; PSystemBody parent = pair.Value; // Find where the hidden body is int index = parent.children.IndexOf(hidden); // Put its children in its place parent.children.InsertRange(index, hidden.children); // Remove the hidden body from its parent's children list so it won't show up when clicking the parent parent.children.Remove(hidden); } if (skipList.Count > 0) { // Rebuild Archives AddPlanets(); // Undo the changes to the PSystem for (int i = skipList.Count; i > 0; i = i - 1) { PSystemBody hidden = skipList.ElementAt(i).Key; PSystemBody parent = skipList.ElementAt(i).Value; int oldIndex = parent.children.IndexOf(hidden.children.First()); parent.children.Insert(oldIndex, hidden); foreach (PSystemBody child in hidden.children) { if (parent.children.Contains(child)) { parent.children.Remove(child); } } } } // RDVisibility = HIDDEN // RDVisibility = NOICON // // Loop through the Container foreach (RDPlanetListItemContainer planetItem in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <RDPlanetListItemContainer>()) { // Barycenter CelestialBody body = PSystemManager.Instance.localBodies.Find(b => == planetItem.label_planetName.text); if (body.Has("barycenter") || body.Has("notSelectable")) { planetItem.planet.SetActive(false); planetItem.label_planetName.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineLeft; } // RD Visibility if (body.Has("hiddenRnD")) { PropertiesLoader.RDVisibility visibility = body.Get <PropertiesLoader.RDVisibility>("hiddenRnD"); if (visibility == PropertiesLoader.RDVisibility.NOICON) { planetItem.planet.SetActive(false); planetItem.label_planetName.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineLeft; } else if (visibility == PropertiesLoader.RDVisibility.HIDDEN) { planetItem.gameObject.SetActive(false); planetItem.Hide(); planetItem.HideChildren(); } else { planetItem.planet.SetActive(true); planetItem.label_planetName.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineRight; } } // namechanges if (FindObjectsOfType <NameChanger>().Count(n => n.oldName == planetItem.label_planetName.text) != 0 && !"NAMECHANGER")) { NameChanger changer = FindObjectsOfType <NameChanger>().First(n => n.oldName == planetItem.label_planetName.text); planetItem.label_planetName.text = changer.newName; += "NAMECHANGER"; } } }
public static string AnonymizeStory(string story, List <FullName> names) { string anonymizedStory = NameChanger.ChangeNames(story, names); return(anonymizedStory); }