Exemple #1
            internal static NagEvent Parse(string pLine, DateTime pIgnoreBefore)
                if (!REGEX_EVENT_LINE.IsMatch(pLine))

                Match    vM     = REGEX_EVENT_LINE.Match(pLine);
                NagEvent vEvent = new NagEvent();

                vEvent.mTime    = DateTime.ParseExact(vM.Groups["date"].Value, @"MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss", null);
                vEvent.mHost    = vM.Groups["host"].Value;
                vEvent.mService = vM.Groups["service"].Value;
                vEvent.mState   = (NagiosEventState)Enum.Parse(typeof(NagiosEventState), vM.Groups["state"].Value, true);
                vEvent.mFixed   = vEvent.mState == NagiosEventState.OK || vEvent.mState == NagiosEventState.UNKNOWN;

                //consider events BEFORE the limit to be all fixed anyway
                if (vEvent.mTime < pIgnoreBefore)
                    vEvent.mFixed = true;

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the status of Nagios using a custom report: all the HARD alerts over the last 7 days
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public NagiosEventState CheckStatus()
            try {
                HttpWebRequest vRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(this.mNagiosURL);
                vRequest.Credentials     = new NetworkCredential(this.mNagiosLogin, this.mNagiosPassword);
                vRequest.PreAuthenticate = true;

                using (WebResponse vResponse = vRequest.GetResponse()) {
                    using (StreamReader vSR = new StreamReader(vResponse.GetResponseStream())) {
                        string vLine = null;

                        //trash everything line by line before the table
                            vLine = vSR.ReadLine().Trim();
                            if (vLine == null)
                                //something wrong happened
                                throw new Exception("Could not get content table from Nagios.");
                        }while (!TABLE_START.Equals(vLine, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                        //now we're in the table, parse it
                        int vEventUIDCount = int.MaxValue;
                        SortedList <int, NagEvent> vEventList = new SortedList <int, NagEvent>();
                            vLine = vSR.ReadLine().Trim();
                            if (vLine == null)
                                //something wrong happened
                                throw new Exception("Unexpected EOF from Nagios");

                            NagEvent vEvt = NagEvent.Parse(vLine, this.mIgnoreBefore);
                            if (vEvt != null)
                                //exclude servers we don't want to see
                                if (!HOST_IGNORE_PATTERN.Any(s => vEvt.mHost.Contains(s)))
                                    vEvt.UID = vEventUIDCount--;
                                    vEventList.Add(vEvt.UID, vEvt);
                        }while (!TABLE_END.Equals(vLine, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                        //now we have an ordered list of events. Let's extract the status
                        NagiosEventState vResult = ComputeCurrentStatus(vEventList);

                        if (this.mLogLineCallback != null)
                            this.mLogLineCallback("Successfully checked Nagios status with result : " + vResult);

            catch (Exception ex) {
                string vErrMsg = "ERROR getting Nagios data: " + ex.Message;
                if (this.mLogLineCallback != null)
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the list of events (oldest first) and apply the logic: is there an event WARN or CRITICAL that is not followed by a OK?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pEventList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static NagiosEventState ComputeCurrentStatus(SortedList <int, NagEvent> pEventList)
            if (pEventList == null || pEventList.Count == 0)

            //go through all the events and set the fixed/not fixed status
            for (int i = 0; i < pEventList.Count; i++)
                NagEvent e = pEventList.Values[i];

                //skip OK states
                if (e.mState == NagiosEventState.OK)

                for (int j = i + 1; j < pEventList.Count; j++)
                    NagEvent efix = pEventList.Values[j];

                    if (e.mHost == efix.mHost && e.mService == efix.mService)
                        //same host, same service

                        //is it a fix ?
                        if (efix.mState == NagiosEventState.OK)
                            e.mFixed = true;

            //now check if there's "not fixed" issues
            NagiosEventState vResult = NagiosEventState.OK;

            for (int i = 0; i < pEventList.Count; i++)
                NagEvent e = pEventList.Values[i];
                if (!e.mFixed)
                    //if ok get wrong
                    if (vResult == NagiosEventState.OK)
                        vResult = e.mState;
                        //if warn stay warn or escalate
                        if (vResult == NagiosEventState.WARNING)
                            vResult = e.mState;
            internal static NagEvent Parse(string pLine, DateTime pIgnoreBefore)
                if (!REGEX_EVENT_LINE.IsMatch(pLine))
                    return null;

                Match vM = REGEX_EVENT_LINE.Match(pLine);
                NagEvent vEvent = new NagEvent();

                vEvent.mTime = DateTime.ParseExact(vM.Groups["date"].Value, @"MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss", null);
                vEvent.mHost = vM.Groups["host"].Value;
                vEvent.mService = vM.Groups["service"].Value;
                vEvent.mState = (NagiosEventState)Enum.Parse(typeof(NagiosEventState), vM.Groups["state"].Value, true);
                vEvent.mFixed = vEvent.mState == NagiosEventState.OK || vEvent.mState == NagiosEventState.UNKNOWN;

                //consider events BEFORE the limit to be all fixed anyway
                if (vEvent.mTime < pIgnoreBefore) {
                    vEvent.mFixed = true;

                return vEvent;