public override void _Ready() { if (NX.IsUnderRoot(this)) { //Load Game Scene GameScene = ResourceLoader.Load <PackedScene>(GameScenePath); //Instance game scene Node Game = GameScene.Instance(); //Add to tree GetTree().Root.CallDeferred("add_child", Game); //Remove us from tree GetParent().CallDeferred("remove_child", this); //Add under Game node's 'CurrentLevel' and set owner Game.GetNode("CurrentLevel").CallDeferred("add_child", this); SetDeferred("owner", Game.GetNode("CurrentLevel")); Game.Set("current_level", this); } foreach (string path in HideNodes) { GetNode <Spatial>(path).Visible = false; } }
public override void _Ready() { base._Ready(); LiftMesh = GetNode <MeshInstance>(LiftMeshPath); PreviewMesh = GetNode <MeshInstance>(PreviewMeshPath); CollisionShapes = NX.FindAll <CollisionShape>(Owner, true); }
public override void _Ready() { PlacementPreview = GetNode <KinematicBody>("PlacementPreview"); PreviewMesh = GetNode <MeshInstance>("PreviewMesh"); PlacementArea = NX.GetNodeWithNameType <Area>(PreviewMesh); PlacementArea.Connect("body_entered", this, "_OnAreaBodyEntered"); PlacementArea.Connect("body_exited", this, "_OnAreaBodyExited"); PreviewBoxShape = (BoxShape)NX.GetNodeWithNameType <CollisionShape>(PlacementPreview).Shape; }
private void _OnBodyExited(object body) { //Decrement number of bodies Bodies -= 1; //Search for GroundSound Node. If found, update sound library. GroundSound groundSound = NX.Find <GroundSound>((Node)body); if (groundSound != null && groundSound == OverlappedGroundSounds[groundSound.Priority]) { OverlappedGroundSounds.Remove(groundSound.Priority); UpdateAudioPlayers(); } }
bool WriteFromGRDECL(string file) { try { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file, true)) { sw.WriteLine(string.Empty); sw.WriteLine(grdecl_kw_specgrid); sw.WriteLine(NX.ToString() + " " + NY.ToString() + " " + NZ.ToString() + " 1 F /"); sw.WriteLine(string.Empty); sw.WriteLine("COORDSYS"); sw.WriteLine("1 " + NZ + " /"); } } catch (Exception) { Init(); return(false); } return(true); }
private void _OnBodyEntered(object body) { //Increment number of bodies Bodies += 1; //Search for GroundSound Node. If found, update sound library. GroundSound groundSound = NX.Find <GroundSound>((Node)body); if (groundSound != null) { if (!OverlappedGroundSounds.ContainsKey(groundSound.Priority)) { OverlappedGroundSounds.Add(groundSound.Priority, groundSound); UpdateAudioPlayers(); } else { OverlappedGroundSounds[groundSound.Priority] = groundSound; } } //Allow character to bunny hop again CanBunnyHop = true; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ScreenWork(); MessageBox.Show(SWH.ToString() + " " + SWW.ToString() + "\n" + NX.ToString() + " " + NY.ToString() + "\n" + PSH.ToString() + " " + PSW.ToString()); int x = -SWW, y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NY; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < NX; j++) { Process P = Process.Start("notepad"); // Process P = Process.Start(S,"-File "+PS); while (P.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { Application.DoEvents(); } MoveWindow(P.MainWindowHandle, x + SWW, y, SWW, SWH, true); SetWindowText(P.MainWindowHandle, "" + i + " " + j); x += SWW; } x = -SWW; y += SWH; } /*Process P1 = Process.Start("C:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe"); * while (P1.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) * Application.DoEvents(); * * MoveWindow(P1.MainWindowHandle, 201, 0, 200, 200, true);*/ }
public override void _Ready() { _CollisionStand = GetNode <CollisionShape>("CollisionStand"); _CollisionCrouch = GetNode <CollisionShape>("CollisionCrouch"); CapsuleShape shape1 = (CapsuleShape)_CollisionStand.Shape; CapsuleShape shape2 = (CapsuleShape)_CollisionCrouch.Shape; StandHeight = shape1.Height; CrouchHeight = shape2.Height; OtherCollision = NX.FindAll <CollisionShape>(this, true); OtherCollision.Remove(_CollisionStand); OtherCollision.Remove(_CollisionCrouch); StandArea = GetNode <Area>("StandArea"); Head = GetNode <Spatial>("Head"); Neck = GetNode <Spatial>("Head/Wrapper1/Neck"); _Camera = GetNode <Camera>("Head/Wrapper1/Neck/Wrapper2/Wrapper3/Camera"); HighlightCamera = GetNode <Camera>("Head/Wrapper1/Neck/Wrapper2/Wrapper3/Camera/Viewport2/Camera"); ArmWrapper = GetNode <Spatial>("Head/Wrapper1/Neck/Wrapper2/Wrapper3/Camera/Viewport/Wrapper4"); ClimbTimer = GetNode <Timer>("ClimbTimer"); ClimbTimer.Connect("timeout", this, "_OnClimbTimerTimeout"); //_JumpArea = GetNode<PlayerFeet>("JumpArea"); _SnapArea = GetNode <SnapArea>("SnapArea"); GroundRay = GetNode <RayCast>("GroundRay"); LedgeRays = new RayCast[GetNode <Node>(("Head/LedgeRays")).GetChildCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < LedgeRays.Length; ++i) { LedgeRays[i] = GetNode <RayCast>("Head/LedgeRays/LedgeRay" + (i + 1)); } ClimbLabel = GetNode <Label>("UI/Reticle/ClimbLabel"); JumpLabel = GetNode <Label>("UI/JumpLabel"); ScanRay = GetNode <RayCast>("Head/Wrapper1/Neck/ScanRay"); PointerProjectRay = GetNode <RayCast>("Head/Wrapper1/Neck/PointerProjectRay"); ScanPlayer = ScanRay.GetNode <AudioStreamPlayer>("Player"); ScanTimer = GetNode <Timer>("ScanTimer"); ScanTimer.Connect("timeout", this, "_OnScanTimerTimeout"); //Check for vital actions in InputMap IX.CheckAndAddAction("move_forward", KeyList.W); IX.CheckAndAddAction("move_backward", KeyList.S); IX.CheckAndAddAction("move_left", KeyList.A); IX.CheckAndAddAction("move_right", KeyList.D); IX.CheckAndAddAction("move_up", KeyList.E); IX.CheckAndAddAction("move_down", KeyList.Q); IX.CheckAndAddAction("toggle_fly", KeyList.V); IX.CheckAndAddAction("interact", KeyList.E); IX.CheckAndAddAction("drop", KeyList.R); IX.CheckAndAddAction("release_mouse", KeyList.F1, false, false, true); IX.CheckAndAddAction("place_debug_camera", KeyList.F2, false, false, true); Input.Singleton.Connect("joy_connection_changed", this, "_OnJoyConnectionChanged"); MaxSlopeSlip = Mathf.Deg2Rad(MaxSlopeSlip); MaxSlopeNoWalk = Mathf.Deg2Rad(MaxSlopeNoWalk); //Set jumps left JumpsLeft = JumpCount; //Set animation HeadBobbing = _headBobbing; SwingTarget = Vector2.Zero; //Capture mouse Input.SetMouseMode(Input.MouseMode.Captured); StandArea.Monitoring = true; }
private void _actionCenter_ReceivedCapture(int id, Image screenShot, NX.Hooks.HookEventArgs[] eventArgs) { string log = HookEventHelper.HookEventsToString(eventArgs); this._neuroLog.WriteFormat("Received Capture", "Image: {0}\n\nLog:\n{1}", screenShot != null ? "True" : "False", log); if (log != "") this.UpdateTerminal(this._tabClientPageIndices[id].CaptureLog, Color.YellowGreen, log); if (screenShot != null) { this._snapQueue.Enqueue(new TabImagePair(id, screenShot)); this._neuroLog.Write("Start Screen Display Timer"); this.StartScreenDisplayTimer(); } }