Exemple #1
        public bool Run(params object[] args)
            NWPlaceable resource = NWPlaceable.Wrap(Object.OBJECT_SELF);
            NWPlayer    oPC      = NWPlayer.Wrap(_.GetLastDamager(resource.Object));

            if (oPC.GetLocalInt("NOT_USING_CORRECT_WEAPON") == 1)

            PlayerCharacter pcEntity = _db.PlayerCharacters.Single(x => x.PlayerID == oPC.GlobalID);

            NWItem    oWeapon            = NWItem.Wrap(_.GetLastWeaponUsed(oPC.Object));
            Location  location           = oPC.Location;
            string    resourceItemResref = resource.GetLocalString("RESOURCE_RESREF");
            int       activityID         = resource.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_ACTIVITY");
            string    resourceName       = resource.GetLocalString("RESOURCE_NAME");
            int       resourceCount      = resource.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_COUNT");
            int       difficultyRating   = resource.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_DIFFICULTY_RATING");
            int       weaponChanceBonus;
            SkillType skillType;
            int       perkChanceBonus;
            int       secondResourceChance;
            int       durabilityChanceReduction = 0;
            int       hasteChance;
            int       lucky = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.Lucky);
            bool      hasBaggerPerk;

            if (activityID == 1) // 1 = Logging
                weaponChanceBonus = oWeapon.LoggingBonus;
                if (weaponChanceBonus > 0)
                    weaponChanceBonus        += _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.LoggingAxeExpert) * 5;
                    durabilityChanceReduction = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.LoggingAxeExpert) * 10 + lucky;

                skillType            = SkillType.Logging;
                perkChanceBonus      = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.Lumberjack) * 5 + lucky;
                secondResourceChance = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.PrecisionLogging) * 10;
                hasteChance          = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.SpeedyLogger) * 10 + lucky;

                if (pcEntity.BackgroundID == (int)BackgroundType.Lumberjack)
                    hasteChance += 10;

                hasBaggerPerk = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.WoodBagger) > 0;
            else if (activityID == 2) // Mining
                weaponChanceBonus = oWeapon.MiningBonus;
                if (weaponChanceBonus > 0)
                    weaponChanceBonus        += _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.PickaxeExpert) * 5;
                    durabilityChanceReduction = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.PickaxeExpert) * 10 + lucky;
                skillType            = SkillType.Mining;
                perkChanceBonus      = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.Miner) * 5 + lucky;
                secondResourceChance = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.PrecisionMining) * 10;
                hasteChance          = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.SpeedyMiner) * 10 + lucky;

                if (pcEntity.BackgroundID == (int)BackgroundType.Miner)
                    hasteChance += 10;

                hasBaggerPerk = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(oPC, PerkType.OreBagger) > 0;
            PCSkill skill = _skill.GetPCSkillByID(oPC.GlobalID, (int)skillType);
            int     durabilityLossChance = 100 - durabilityChanceReduction;

            if (_random.Random(100) <= durabilityLossChance)
                _durability.RunItemDecay(oPC, oWeapon);

            int baseChance = 10;
            int chance     = baseChance + weaponChanceBonus;

            chance += CalculateSuccessChanceDeltaModifier(difficultyRating, skill.Rank);
            chance += perkChanceBonus;

            bool givePityItem = false;

            if (chance > 0)
                if (_random.Random(100) + 1 <= hasteChance)
                    _.ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, _.EffectHaste(), oPC.Object, 8.0f);

                // Give an item if the player hasn't gotten anything after 6-8 attempts.
                int      attemptFailureCount = oPC.GetLocalInt("RESOURCE_ATTEMPT_FAILURE_COUNT") + 1;
                NWObject failureResource     = NWObject.Wrap(oPC.GetLocalObject("RESOURCE_ATTEMPT_FAILURE_OBJECT"));

                if (!failureResource.IsValid || !Equals(failureResource, resource))
                    failureResource     = resource;
                    attemptFailureCount = 1;

                int pityItemChance = 0;
                if (attemptFailureCount == 6)
                    pityItemChance = 60;
                else if (attemptFailureCount == 7)
                    pityItemChance = 80;
                else if (attemptFailureCount >= 8)
                    pityItemChance = 100;

                if (_random.Random(100) + 1 <= pityItemChance)
                    givePityItem        = true;
                    attemptFailureCount = 0;

                oPC.SetLocalInt("RESOURCE_ATTEMPT_FAILURE_COUNT", attemptFailureCount);
                oPC.SetLocalObject("RESOURCE_ATTEMPT_FAILURE_OBJECT", failureResource.Object);

            if (chance <= 0)
                oPC.FloatingText("You do not have enough skill to harvest this resource...");
            else if (_random.Random(100) <= chance || givePityItem)
                if (hasBaggerPerk)
                    _.CreateItemOnObject(resourceItemResref, oPC.Object);
                    _.CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM, resourceItemResref, location);

                oPC.FloatingText("You break off some " + resourceName + ".");
                resource.SetLocalInt("RESOURCE_COUNT", --resourceCount);
                _.ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, _.EffectHeal(10000), resource.Object);

                if (_random.Random(100) + 1 <= secondResourceChance)
                    oPC.FloatingText("You break off a second piece.");

                    if (hasBaggerPerk)
                        _.CreateItemOnObject(resourceItemResref, oPC.Object);
                        _.CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM, resourceItemResref, location);

                float deltaModifier = CalculateXPDeltaModifier(difficultyRating, skill.Rank);
                float baseXP        = (100 + _random.Random(20)) * deltaModifier;
                int   xp            = (int)_skill.CalculateSkillAdjustedXP(baseXP, oWeapon.RecommendedLevel, skill.Rank);
                _skill.GiveSkillXP(oPC, skillType, xp);


            if (resourceCount <= 0)
                SpawnSeed(resource, oPC);

                NWObject prop = NWObject.Wrap(resource.GetLocalObject("RESOURCE_PROP_OBJ"));
                if (prop.IsValid)
 public void OnRemoved(NWPlayer oPC)
 public bool CanCastSpell(NWPlayer oPC, NWObject oTarget)
 public float CastingTime(NWPlayer oPC, float baseCastingTime)
 public void OnImpact(NWPlayer oPC, NWObject oTarget)
 public void OnImpact(NWPlayer player, NWObject target, int perkLevel)
Exemple #7
        public string Description(NWPlayer player, NWItem target, params string[] args)
            int value = Convert.ToInt32(args[0]);

            return("Harvesting +" + value);
        public static void CalculateEffectiveStats(NWPlayer player, NWItem item)
            if (item == null || !item.IsValid || !player.IsPlayer || player.IsDMPossessed || player.IsDM || !player.IsInitializedAsPlayer)

            // Calculating effective stats can be expensive, so we cache it on the item.
            SkillType skill;

            if (item.BaseItemType == BaseItem.Amulet || item.BaseItemType == BaseItem.Ring)
                var forceArmor = SkillService.GetPCSkill(player, (int)SkillType.ForceArmor);
                var lightArmor = SkillService.GetPCSkill(player, (int)SkillType.LightArmor);
                var heavyArmor = SkillService.GetPCSkill(player, (int)SkillType.HeavyArmor);
                var highest    = forceArmor.Rank;
                skill = SkillType.ForceArmor;

                if (lightArmor.Rank > highest)
                    highest = lightArmor.Rank;
                    skill   = SkillType.LightArmor;
                if (heavyArmor.Rank > highest)
                    skill = SkillType.HeavyArmor;
                skill = ItemService.GetSkillTypeForItem(item);

            var rank = DataService.PCSkill.GetByPlayerIDAndSkillID(player.GlobalID, (int)skill).Rank;

            using (new Profiler("PlayerStatService::ApplyStatChanges::GetPlayerItemEffectiveStats::ItemLoop::CalculateEffectiveStats"))
                // Only scale cooldown recovery if it's a bonus. Penalties remain regardless of skill level difference.
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_COOLDOWN_RECOVERY", item.CooldownRecovery > 0
                    ? CalculateAdjustedValue(item.CooldownRecovery, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 1)
                    : item.CooldownRecovery);

                item.SetLocalFloat("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_ENMITY_RATE", CalculateAdjustedValue(0.01f * item.EnmityRate, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0.00f));

                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_LUCK_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.LuckBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_MEDITATE_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.MeditateBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_REST_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.RestBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_MEDICINE_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.MedicineBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_HP_REGEN_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.HPRegenBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_FP_REGEN_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.FPRegenBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_WEAPONSMITH_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.CraftBonusWeaponsmith, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_COOKING_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.CraftBonusCooking, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_ENGINEERING_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.CraftBonusEngineering, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_FABRICATION_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.CraftBonusFabrication, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_ARMORSMITH_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.CraftBonusArmorsmith, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_HARVESTING_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.HarvestingBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_PILOTING_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.PilotingBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_SCAVENGING_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.ScavengingBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_SNEAK_ATTACK_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.SneakAttackBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));

                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_STRENGTH_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.StrengthBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_DEXTERITY_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.DexterityBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_CONSTITUTION_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.ConstitutionBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_WISDOM_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.WisdomBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_INTELLIGENCE_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.IntelligenceBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_CHARISMA_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.CharismaBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_HP_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.HPBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
                item.SetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_FP_BONUS", CalculateAdjustedValue(item.FPBonus, item.RecommendedLevel, rank, 0));
        public static EffectiveItemStats GetPlayerItemEffectiveStats(NWPlayer player, NWItem ignoreItem = null)
            int heavyRank   = DataService.PCSkill.GetByPlayerIDAndSkillID(player.GlobalID, (int)SkillType.HeavyArmor).Rank;
            int lightRank   = DataService.PCSkill.GetByPlayerIDAndSkillID(player.GlobalID, (int)SkillType.LightArmor).Rank;
            int forceRank   = DataService.PCSkill.GetByPlayerIDAndSkillID(player.GlobalID, (int)SkillType.ForceArmor).Rank;
            int martialRank = DataService.PCSkill.GetByPlayerIDAndSkillID(player.GlobalID, (int)SkillType.MartialArts).Rank;

            EffectiveItemStats stats = new EffectiveItemStats();

            stats.EnmityRate = 1.0f;

            HashSet <NWItem> processed = new HashSet <NWItem>();

            for (int itemSlot = 0; itemSlot < NumberOfInventorySlots; itemSlot++)
                NWItem item = _.GetItemInSlot((InventorySlot)itemSlot, player);

                if (!item.IsValid || item.Equals(ignoreItem))

                // Have we already processed this particular item? Skip over it.
                // NWN likes to include the same weapon in multiple slots for some reasons, so this works around that.
                // If someone has a better solution to this please feel free to change it.
                if (processed.Contains(item))

                SkillType skill = ItemService.GetSkillTypeForItem(item);
                var       rank  = DataService.PCSkill.GetByPlayerIDAndSkillID(player.GlobalID, (int)skill).Rank;
                stats.CooldownRecovery += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_COOLDOWN_RECOVERY");
                stats.EnmityRate       += item.GetLocalFloat("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_ENMITY_RATE");
                stats.Luck             += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_LUCK_BONUS");
                stats.Meditate         += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_MEDITATE_BONUS");
                stats.Rest             += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_REST_BONUS");
                stats.Medicine         += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_MEDICINE_BONUS");
                stats.HPRegen          += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_HP_REGEN_BONUS");
                stats.FPRegen          += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_FP_REGEN_BONUS");
                stats.Weaponsmith      += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_WEAPONSMITH_BONUS");
                stats.Cooking          += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_COOKING_BONUS");
                stats.Engineering      += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_ENGINEERING_BONUS");
                stats.Fabrication      += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_FABRICATION_BONUS");
                stats.Armorsmith       += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_ARMORSMITH_BONUS");
                stats.Harvesting       += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_HARVESTING_BONUS");
                stats.Piloting         += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_PILOTING_BONUS");
                stats.Scavenging       += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_SCAVENGING_BONUS");
                stats.SneakAttack      += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_SNEAK_ATTACK_BONUS");
                stats.Strength         += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_STRENGTH_BONUS");
                stats.Dexterity        += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_DEXTERITY_BONUS");
                stats.Constitution     += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_CONSTITUTION_BONUS");
                stats.Wisdom           += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_WISDOM_BONUS");
                stats.Intelligence     += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_INTELLIGENCE_BONUS");
                stats.Charisma         += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_CHARISMA_BONUS");
                stats.HP += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_HP_BONUS");
                stats.FP += item.GetLocalInt("STAT_EFFECTIVE_LEVEL_FP_BONUS");

                // Calculate base attack bonus
                if (ItemService.WeaponBaseItemTypes.Contains(item.BaseItemType))
                    int itemLevel = item.RecommendedLevel;
                    int delta     = itemLevel - rank;
                    int itemBAB   = item.BaseAttackBonus;
                    if (delta >= 1)
                    if (delta > 0)
                        itemBAB = itemBAB - delta / 5;

                    if (itemBAB <= 0)
                        itemBAB = 0;
                    stats.BAB += itemBAB;

                // Calculate AC
                if (ItemService.ArmorBaseItemTypes.Contains(item.BaseItemType) ||
                    int skillRankToUse;
                    if (item.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.HeavyArmor)
                        skillRankToUse = heavyRank;
                    else if (item.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.LightArmor)
                        skillRankToUse = lightRank;
                    else if (item.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.ForceArmor)
                        skillRankToUse = forceRank;
                    else if (item.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.MartialArtWeapon)
                        skillRankToUse = martialRank;

                    int itemAC = item.CustomAC;
                    itemAC    = CalculateAdjustedValue(itemAC, item.RecommendedLevel, skillRankToUse, 0);
                    stats.AC += itemAC;

            // Final casting speed adjustments
            if (stats.CooldownRecovery < -99)
                stats.CooldownRecovery = -99;
            else if (stats.CooldownRecovery > 99)
                stats.CooldownRecovery = 99;

            // Final enmity adjustments
            if (stats.EnmityRate < 0.5f)
                stats.EnmityRate = 0.5f;
            else if (stats.EnmityRate > 1.5f)
                stats.EnmityRate = 1.5f;

            var stance = CustomEffectService.GetCurrentStanceType(player);

            if (stance == CustomEffectType.ShieldOath)
                stats.EnmityRate = stats.EnmityRate + 0.2f;

Exemple #10
 public void OnItemUnequipped(NWPlayer oPC, NWItem oItem)
     ApplyFeatChanges(oPC, oItem);
Exemple #11
        public bool Run(params object[] args)
            int nodeType = (int)args[0];
            int nodeID   = (int)args[1];

            NWPlayer     player = NWPlayer.Wrap(_.GetPCSpeaker());
            PlayerDialog dialog = _dialog.LoadPlayerDialog(player.GlobalID);
            DialogPage   page   = dialog.CurrentPage;
            int          currentSelectionNumber = nodeID + 1;
            bool         displayNode            = false;
            string       newNodeText            = string.Empty;
            int          dialogOffset           = (_dialog.NumberOfResponsesPerPage + 1) * (dialog.DialogNumber - 1);

            if (currentSelectionNumber == _dialog.NumberOfResponsesPerPage + 1) // Next page
                int displayCount = page.NumberOfResponses - (_dialog.NumberOfResponsesPerPage * dialog.PageOffset);

                if (displayCount > _dialog.NumberOfResponsesPerPage)
                    displayNode = true;
            else if (currentSelectionNumber == _dialog.NumberOfResponsesPerPage + 2) // Previous Page
                if (dialog.PageOffset > 0)
                    displayNode = true;
            else if (nodeType == 2)
                int responseID = (dialog.PageOffset * _dialog.NumberOfResponsesPerPage) + nodeID;
                if (responseID + 1 <= page.NumberOfResponses)
                    DialogResponse response = page.Responses[responseID];

                    if (response != null)
                        newNodeText = response.Text;
                        displayNode = response.IsActive;
            else if (nodeType == 1)
                IConversation convo = App.ResolveByInterface <IConversation>("Conversation." + dialog.ActiveDialogName);
                if (player.GetLocalInt("DIALOG_SYSTEM_INITIALIZE_RAN") != 1)
                    player.SetLocalInt("DIALOG_SYSTEM_INITIALIZE_RAN", 1);

                if (dialog.IsEnding)

                page        = dialog.CurrentPage;
                newNodeText = page.Header;

                _.SetCustomToken(90000 + dialogOffset, newNodeText);

            _.SetCustomToken(90001 + nodeID + dialogOffset, newNodeText);
Exemple #12
 public void OnItemEquipped(NWPlayer oPC, NWItem oItem)
     ApplyFeatChanges(oPC, null);
Exemple #13
 public void OnRemoved(NWPlayer oPC)
     _nwnxCreature.RemoveFeat(oPC, FEAT_DODGE);
Exemple #14
 public void OnPurchased(NWPlayer oPC, int newLevel)
     ApplyFeatChanges(oPC, null);
Exemple #15
        public static void InitializePlayerLanguages(NWPlayer player)
            RacialType     race       = (RacialType)player.RacialType;
            BackgroundType background = (BackgroundType)player.Class1;
            var            languages  = new List <SkillType>(new[] { SkillType.Basic });

            switch (race)
            case RacialType.Bothan:

            case RacialType.Chiss:

            case RacialType.Zabrak:

            case RacialType.Wookiee:

            case RacialType.Twilek:

            case RacialType.Cathar:

            case RacialType.Trandoshan:

            case RacialType.Cyborg:

            case RacialType.Mirialan:

            case RacialType.MonCalamari:

            case RacialType.Ugnaught:

            case RacialType.Togruta:

            case RacialType.Rodian:

            case RacialType.KelDor:

            switch (background)
            case BackgroundType.Mandalorian:

            // Fair warning: We're short-circuiting the skill system here.
            // Languages don't level up like normal skills (no stat increases, SP, etc.)
            // So it's safe to simply set the player's rank in the skill to max.

            List <int> languageSkillIDs = languages.ConvertAll(x => (int)x);
            var        pcSkills         = DataService.PCSkill.GetAllByPlayerIDAndSkillIDs(player.GlobalID, languageSkillIDs).ToList();

            foreach (var pcSkill in pcSkills)
                var skill     = DataService.Skill.GetByID(pcSkill.SkillID);
                int maxRank   = skill.MaxRank;
                int maxRankXP = SkillService.SkillXPRequirements[maxRank];

                pcSkill.Rank = maxRank;
                pcSkill.XP   = maxRankXP - 1;

                DataService.SubmitDataChange(pcSkill, DatabaseActionType.Update);
        public static void ApplyStatChanges(NWPlayer player, NWItem ignoreItem, bool isInitialization = false)
            if (!player.IsPlayer)
            if (!player.IsInitializedAsPlayer)
            if (player.GetLocalInt("IS_SHIP") == 1)

            // Don't fire for ammo as it reapplies bonuses we **just** removed from blasters.
            if (ignoreItem != null &&
                (ignoreItem.BaseItemType == BaseItem.Bolt ||
                 ignoreItem.BaseItemType == BaseItem.Arrow ||
                 ignoreItem.BaseItemType == BaseItem.Bullet))

            Player         pcEntity = DataService.Player.GetByID(player.GlobalID);
            List <PCSkill> skills   = DataService.PCSkill
                                      .Where(x => x.Rank > 0).ToList();
            EffectiveItemStats itemBonuses = GetPlayerItemEffectiveStats(player, ignoreItem);

            float strBonus = 0.0f;
            float dexBonus = 0.0f;
            float conBonus = 0.0f;
            float intBonus = 0.0f;
            float wisBonus = 0.0f;
            float chaBonus = 0.0f;

            foreach (PCSkill pcSkill in skills)
                Skill           skill     = DataService.Skill.GetByID(pcSkill.SkillID);
                CustomAttribute primary   = (CustomAttribute)skill.Primary;
                CustomAttribute secondary = (CustomAttribute)skill.Secondary;
                CustomAttribute tertiary  = (CustomAttribute)skill.Tertiary;

                // Primary Bonuses
                if (primary == CustomAttribute.STR)
                    strBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (primary == CustomAttribute.DEX)
                    dexBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (primary == CustomAttribute.CON)
                    conBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (primary == CustomAttribute.INT)
                    intBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (primary == CustomAttribute.WIS)
                    wisBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (primary == CustomAttribute.CHA)
                    chaBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;

                // Secondary Bonuses
                if (secondary == CustomAttribute.STR)
                    strBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (secondary == CustomAttribute.DEX)
                    dexBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (secondary == CustomAttribute.CON)
                    conBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (secondary == CustomAttribute.INT)
                    intBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (secondary == CustomAttribute.WIS)
                    wisBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (secondary == CustomAttribute.CHA)
                    chaBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;

                // Tertiary Bonuses
                if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.STR)
                    strBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.DEX)
                    dexBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.CON)
                    conBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.INT)
                    intBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.WIS)
                    wisBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.CHA)
                    chaBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;

            // Check caps.
            if (strBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                strBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;
            if (dexBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                dexBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;
            if (conBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                conBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;
            if (intBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                intBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;
            if (wisBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                wisBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;
            if (chaBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                chaBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;

            // Apply item bonuses
            strBonus += itemBonuses.Strength;
            dexBonus += itemBonuses.Dexterity;
            conBonus += itemBonuses.Constitution;
            wisBonus += itemBonuses.Wisdom;
            intBonus += itemBonuses.Intelligence;
            chaBonus += itemBonuses.Charisma;

            // Check final caps
            if (strBonus > 55)
                strBonus = 55;
            if (dexBonus > 55)
                dexBonus = 55;
            if (conBonus > 55)
                conBonus = 55;
            if (intBonus > 55)
                intBonus = 55;
            if (wisBonus > 55)
                wisBonus = 55;
            if (chaBonus > 55)
                chaBonus = 55;

            // Apply attributes
            NWNXCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, AbilityType.Strength, (int)strBonus + pcEntity.STRBase);
            NWNXCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, AbilityType.Dexterity, (int)dexBonus + pcEntity.DEXBase);
            NWNXCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, AbilityType.Constitution, (int)conBonus + pcEntity.CONBase);
            NWNXCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, AbilityType.Intelligence, (int)intBonus + pcEntity.INTBase);
            NWNXCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, AbilityType.Wisdom, (int)wisBonus + pcEntity.WISBase);
            NWNXCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, AbilityType.Charisma, (int)chaBonus + pcEntity.CHABase);

            // Apply AC
            int ac = EffectiveArmorClass(player, ignoreItem, itemBonuses);

            NWNXCreature.SetBaseAC(player, ac);

            // Apply BAB
            int bab = CalculateBAB(player, ignoreItem, itemBonuses);

            NWNXCreature.SetBaseAttackBonus(player, bab);

            // Apply HP
            int hp = EffectiveMaxHitPoints(player, itemBonuses);

            for (int level = 1; level <= 5; level++)
                NWNXCreature.SetMaxHitPointsByLevel(player, level, 1);

            for (int level = 1; level <= 5; level++)
                if (hp > 255) // Levels can only contain a max of 255 HP
                    NWNXCreature.SetMaxHitPointsByLevel(player, level, 255);
                    hp = hp - 254;
                else // Remaining value gets set to the level. (<255 hp)
                    NWNXCreature.SetMaxHitPointsByLevel(player, level, hp + 1);

            if (player.CurrentHP > player.MaxHP)
                int amount = player.CurrentHP - player.MaxHP;
                var damage = _.EffectDamage(amount);
                _.ApplyEffectToObject(DurationType.Instant, damage, player.Object);

            // Apply FP
            pcEntity.MaxFP = EffectiveMaxFP(player, itemBonuses);

            if (isInitialization)
                pcEntity.CurrentFP = pcEntity.MaxFP;

            DataService.SubmitDataChange(pcEntity, DatabaseActionType.Update);

            // Attempt a refresh of the character sheet UI in a second.
            _.DelayCommand(1.0f, () =>
Exemple #17
 public int FPCost(NWPlayer oPC, int baseFPCost)
        private static int CalculateBAB(NWPlayer oPC, NWItem ignoreItem, EffectiveItemStats stats)
            NWItem weapon = oPC.RightHand;

            // The unequip event fires before the item is actually unequipped, so we need
            // to have additional checks to make sure we're not getting the weapon that's about to be
            // unequipped.
            if (weapon.Equals(ignoreItem))
                weapon = null;
                NWItem offHand = oPC.LeftHand;

                if (offHand.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.Vibroblade ||
                    offHand.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.FinesseVibroblade ||
                    offHand.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.Baton ||
                    offHand.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.HeavyVibroblade ||
                    offHand.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.Saberstaff ||
                    offHand.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.Polearm ||
                    offHand.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.TwinBlade ||
                    offHand.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.MartialArtWeapon ||
                    offHand.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.BlasterPistol ||
                    offHand.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.BlasterRifle ||
                    offHand.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.Throwing)
                    weapon = offHand;

            if (weapon == null || !weapon.IsValid)
                weapon = oPC.Arms;
            if (!weapon.IsValid)

            SkillType itemSkill = ItemService.GetSkillTypeForItem(weapon);

            if (itemSkill == SkillType.Unknown ||
                itemSkill == SkillType.LightArmor ||
                itemSkill == SkillType.HeavyArmor ||
                itemSkill == SkillType.ForceArmor ||
                itemSkill == SkillType.Shields)

            int     weaponSkillID = (int)itemSkill;
            PCSkill skill         = DataService.PCSkill.GetByPlayerIDAndSkillID(oPC.GlobalID, weaponSkillID);

            if (skill == null)
            int            skillBAB                = skill.Rank / 10;
            int            perkBAB                 = 0;
            int            backgroundBAB           = 0;
            BackgroundType background              = (BackgroundType)oPC.Class1;
            bool           receivesBackgroundBonus = false;

            switch (weapon.CustomItemType)
            case CustomItemType.FinesseVibroblade:
                receivesBackgroundBonus = background == BackgroundType.Duelist;

            case CustomItemType.Baton:
                receivesBackgroundBonus = background == BackgroundType.SecurityOfficer;

            case CustomItemType.HeavyVibroblade:
                receivesBackgroundBonus = background == BackgroundType.Soldier;

            case CustomItemType.TwinBlade:
                receivesBackgroundBonus = background == BackgroundType.Berserker;

            case CustomItemType.MartialArtWeapon:
                receivesBackgroundBonus = background == BackgroundType.TerasKasi;

            case CustomItemType.BlasterPistol:
                receivesBackgroundBonus = background == BackgroundType.Smuggler;

            case CustomItemType.BlasterRifle:
                receivesBackgroundBonus = background == BackgroundType.Sharpshooter || background == BackgroundType.Mandalorian;

            if (receivesBackgroundBonus)
                backgroundBAB = background == BackgroundType.Mandalorian ? 1 : 2;

            return(1 + skillBAB + perkBAB + stats.BAB + backgroundBAB); // Note: Always add 1 to BAB. 0 will cause a crash in NWNX.
Exemple #19
 public void OnCustomEnmityRule(NWPlayer oPC, int amount)
Exemple #20
 public override void Back(NWPlayer player, string beforeMovePage, string afterMovePage)
 public int ManaCost(NWPlayer oPC, int baseManaCost)
Exemple #22
        public bool Run(params object[] args)
            NWPlaceable container = Object.OBJECT_SELF;
            NWObject    owner     = container.GetLocalObject("QUEST_OWNER");

            NWPlayer player            = _.GetLastDisturbed();
            NWItem   item              = _.GetInventoryDisturbItem();
            int      disturbType       = _.GetInventoryDisturbType();
            string   crafterPlayerID   = item.GetLocalString("CRAFTER_PLAYER_ID");
            Guid?    crafterPlayerGUID = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(crafterPlayerID))
                crafterPlayerGUID = new Guid(crafterPlayerID);

            if (disturbType == INVENTORY_DISTURB_TYPE_ADDED)
                int                 questID  = container.GetLocalInt("QUEST_ID");
                PCQuestStatus       status   = DataService.Single <PCQuestStatus>(x => x.PlayerID == player.GlobalID && x.QuestID == questID);
                PCQuestItemProgress progress = DataService.SingleOrDefault <PCQuestItemProgress>(x => x.PCQuestStatusID == status.ID && x.Resref == item.Resref);
                DatabaseActionType  action   = DatabaseActionType.Update;

                if (progress == null)
                    _.CopyItem(item, player, TRUE);
                    player.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Red("That item is not required for this quest."));
                else if (progress.MustBeCraftedByPlayer && crafterPlayerGUID != player.GlobalID)
                    _.CopyItem(item, player, TRUE);
                    player.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Red("You may only submit items which you have personally created for this quest."));

                    if (progress.Remaining <= 0)
                        var progressCopy = progress;
                        progress = DataService.Single <PCQuestItemProgress>(x => x.ID == progressCopy.ID);
                        action   = DatabaseActionType.Delete;
                    DataService.SubmitDataChange(progress, action);

                    // Recalc the remaining items needed.
                    int remainingCount = DataService.GetAll <PCQuestItemProgress>().Count(x => x.PCQuestStatusID == status.ID);
                    if (remainingCount <= 0)
                        QuestService.AdvanceQuestState(player, owner, questID);

                    player.SendMessage("You need " + progress.Remaining + " " + item.Name + " for this quest.");

                var questItemProgresses = DataService.Where <PCQuestItemProgress>(x => x.PCQuestStatusID == status.ID);
                if (!questItemProgresses.Any())
                    string conversation = _.GetLocalString(owner, "CONVERSATION");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(conversation))
                        DialogService.StartConversation(player, owner, conversation);
                        player.AssignCommand(() =>
                            _.ActionStartConversation(owner, "", TRUE, FALSE);

 public float CooldownTime(NWPlayer oPC, float baseCooldownTime)
Exemple #24
 public string ValidateArguments(NWPlayer user, params string[] args)
 public void OnPurchased(NWPlayer oPC, int newLevel)
Exemple #26
        public static void ApplyDefaultAppearance(NWPlayer player)
            CustomRaceType race = (CustomRaceType)player.RacialType;
            int            maleHead;
            int            femaleHead;
            int            skinColor;
            int            hairColor;
            int            gender     = player.Gender;
            int            appearance = APPEARANCE_TYPE_HUMAN;

            int maleNeck         = 1;
            int maleTorso        = 1;
            int malePelvis       = 1;
            int maleRightBicep   = 1;
            int maleRightForearm = 1;
            int maleRightHand    = 1;
            int maleRightThigh   = 1;
            int maleRightShin    = 1;
            int maleRightFoot    = 1;
            int maleLeftBicep    = 1;
            int maleLeftForearm  = 1;
            int maleLeftHand     = 1;
            int maleLeftThigh    = 1;
            int maleLeftShin     = 1;
            int maleLeftFoot     = 1;

            int femaleNeck         = 1;
            int femaleTorso        = 1;
            int femalePelvis       = 1;
            int femaleRightBicep   = 1;
            int femaleRightForearm = 1;
            int femaleRightHand    = 1;
            int femaleRightThigh   = 1;
            int femaleRightShin    = 1;
            int femaleRightFoot    = 1;
            int femaleLeftBicep    = 1;
            int femaleLeftForearm  = 1;
            int femaleLeftHand     = 1;
            int femaleLeftThigh    = 1;
            int femaleLeftShin     = 1;
            int femaleLeftFoot     = 1;

            switch (race)
            case CustomRaceType.Human:
                skinColor  = 2;
                hairColor  = 0;
                maleHead   = 1;
                femaleHead = 1;

            case CustomRaceType.Bothan:
                skinColor  = 6;
                hairColor  = 1;
                appearance = APPEARANCE_TYPE_ELF;
                maleHead   = 40;
                femaleHead = 109;

            case CustomRaceType.Chiss:
                skinColor  = 137;
                hairColor  = 134;
                maleHead   = 33;
                femaleHead = 191;

            case CustomRaceType.Zabrak:
                skinColor  = 88;
                hairColor  = 0;
                maleHead   = 103;
                femaleHead = 120;

            case CustomRaceType.Twilek:
                skinColor  = 52;
                hairColor  = 0;
                maleHead   = 115;
                femaleHead = 145;

            case CustomRaceType.Cyborg:
                skinColor  = 2;
                hairColor  = 0;
                maleHead   = 168;
                femaleHead = 41;

            case CustomRaceType.Mirialan:
                skinColor  = 38;
                hairColor  = 3;
                maleHead   = 20;
                femaleHead = 1;

            case CustomRaceType.Echani:
                skinColor  = 164;
                hairColor  = 16;
                maleHead   = 182;
                femaleHead = 45;

            case CustomRaceType.Cathar:
                skinColor  = 54;
                hairColor  = 0;
                appearance = APPEARANCE_TYPE_HALF_ORC;
                maleHead   = 27;
                femaleHead = 18;

            case CustomRaceType.Trandoshan:
                skinColor        = 39;
                hairColor        = 4;
                maleHead         = 162;
                femaleHead       = 135;
                maleNeck         = 201;
                maleTorso        = 201;
                malePelvis       = 201;
                maleRightBicep   = 201;
                maleRightForearm = 201;
                maleRightHand    = 201;
                maleRightThigh   = 201;
                maleRightShin    = 201;
                maleRightFoot    = 201;
                maleLeftBicep    = 201;
                maleLeftForearm  = 201;
                maleLeftHand     = 201;
                maleLeftThigh    = 201;
                maleLeftShin     = 201;
                maleLeftFoot     = 201;

                femaleNeck         = 201;
                femaleTorso        = 201;
                femalePelvis       = 201;
                femaleRightBicep   = 201;
                femaleRightForearm = 201;
                femaleRightHand    = 201;
                femaleRightThigh   = 201;
                femaleRightShin    = 201;
                femaleRightFoot    = 201;
                femaleLeftBicep    = 201;
                femaleLeftForearm  = 201;
                femaleLeftHand     = 201;
                femaleLeftThigh    = 201;
                femaleLeftShin     = 201;
                femaleLeftFoot     = 201;


            case CustomRaceType.Wookiee:

                appearance       = APPEARANCE_TYPE_ELF;
                skinColor        = 0;
                hairColor        = 0;
                maleHead         = 192;
                femaleHead       = 110;
                maleNeck         = 1;
                maleTorso        = 208;
                malePelvis       = 208;
                maleRightBicep   = 208;
                maleRightForearm = 208;
                maleRightHand    = 208;
                maleRightThigh   = 208;
                maleRightShin    = 208;
                maleRightFoot    = 208;
                maleLeftBicep    = 208;
                maleLeftForearm  = 208;
                maleLeftHand     = 208;
                maleLeftThigh    = 208;
                maleLeftShin     = 208;
                maleLeftFoot     = 208;

                femaleNeck         = 1;
                femaleTorso        = 208;
                femalePelvis       = 208;
                femaleRightBicep   = 208;
                femaleRightForearm = 208;
                femaleRightHand    = 208;
                femaleRightThigh   = 208;
                femaleRightShin    = 208;
                femaleRightFoot    = 208;
                femaleLeftBicep    = 208;
                femaleLeftForearm  = 208;
                femaleLeftHand     = 208;
                femaleLeftThigh    = 208;
                femaleLeftShin     = 208;
                femaleLeftFoot     = 208;


            case CustomRaceType.MonCalamari:
                skinColor = 6;
                hairColor = 7;

                maleHead         = 6;
                femaleHead       = 6;
                maleNeck         = 1;
                maleTorso        = 204;
                malePelvis       = 204;
                maleRightBicep   = 204;
                maleRightForearm = 204;
                maleRightHand    = 204;
                maleRightThigh   = 204;
                maleRightShin    = 204;
                maleRightFoot    = 204;
                maleLeftBicep    = 204;
                maleLeftForearm  = 204;
                maleLeftHand     = 204;
                maleLeftThigh    = 204;
                maleLeftShin     = 204;
                maleLeftFoot     = 204;

                femaleNeck         = 1;
                femaleTorso        = 204;
                femalePelvis       = 204;
                femaleRightBicep   = 204;
                femaleRightForearm = 204;
                femaleRightHand    = 204;
                femaleRightThigh   = 204;
                femaleRightShin    = 204;
                femaleRightFoot    = 204;
                femaleLeftBicep    = 204;
                femaleLeftForearm  = 204;
                femaleLeftHand     = 204;
                femaleLeftThigh    = 204;
                femaleLeftShin     = 204;
                femaleLeftFoot     = 204;

                _.BootPC(player, "You have selected an invalid race. This could be due to files in your override folder. Ensure these are removed from the folder and then try creating a new character. If you have any problems, visit our website at http://starwarsnwn.com");
            _.SetCreatureAppearanceType(player, appearance);
            _.SetColor(player, COLOR_CHANNEL_SKIN, skinColor);
            _.SetColor(player, COLOR_CHANNEL_HAIR, hairColor);

            if (gender == GENDER_MALE)
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_HEAD, maleHead, player);

                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_NECK, maleNeck, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_TORSO, maleTorso, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_PELVIS, malePelvis, player);

                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_RIGHT_BICEP, maleRightBicep, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_RIGHT_FOREARM, maleRightForearm, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_RIGHT_HAND, maleRightHand, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_RIGHT_THIGH, maleRightThigh, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_RIGHT_SHIN, maleRightShin, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_RIGHT_FOOT, maleRightFoot, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_LEFT_BICEP, maleLeftBicep, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_LEFT_FOREARM, maleLeftForearm, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_LEFT_HAND, maleLeftHand, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_LEFT_THIGH, maleLeftThigh, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_LEFT_SHIN, maleLeftShin, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_LEFT_FOOT, maleLeftFoot, player);
            else if (gender == GENDER_FEMALE)
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_HEAD, femaleHead, player);

                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_NECK, femaleNeck, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_TORSO, femaleTorso, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_PELVIS, femalePelvis, player);

                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_RIGHT_BICEP, femaleRightBicep, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_RIGHT_FOREARM, femaleRightForearm, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_RIGHT_HAND, femaleRightHand, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_RIGHT_THIGH, femaleRightThigh, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_RIGHT_SHIN, femaleRightShin, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_RIGHT_FOOT, femaleRightFoot, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_LEFT_BICEP, femaleLeftBicep, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_LEFT_FOREARM, femaleLeftForearm, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_LEFT_HAND, femaleLeftHand, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_LEFT_THIGH, femaleLeftThigh, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_LEFT_SHIN, femaleLeftShin, player);
                _.SetCreatureBodyPart(CREATURE_PART_LEFT_FOOT, femaleLeftFoot, player);
 public void OnItemUnequipped(NWPlayer oPC, NWItem oItem)
Exemple #28
        public static string TranslateSnippetForListener(NWObject speaker, NWObject listener, SkillType language, string snippet)
            Dictionary <SkillType, Type> map = new Dictionary <SkillType, Type>
                { SkillType.Bothese, typeof(TranslatorBothese) },
                { SkillType.Catharese, typeof(TranslatorCatharese) },
                { SkillType.Cheunh, typeof(TranslatorCheunh) },
                { SkillType.Dosh, typeof(TranslatorDosh) },
                { SkillType.Droidspeak, typeof(TranslatorDroidspeak) },
                { SkillType.Huttese, typeof(TranslatorHuttese) },
                { SkillType.Mandoa, typeof(TranslatorMandoa) },
                { SkillType.Shyriiwook, typeof(TranslatorShyriiwook) },
                { SkillType.Twileki, typeof(TranslatorTwileki) },
                { SkillType.Zabraki, typeof(TranslatorZabraki) },
                { SkillType.Mirialan, typeof(TranslatorMirialan) },
                { SkillType.MonCalamarian, typeof(TranslatorMonCalamarian) },
                { SkillType.Ugnaught, typeof(TranslatorUgnaught) },
                { SkillType.Togruti, typeof(TranslatorTogruti) },
                { SkillType.Rodese, typeof(TranslatorRodese) },
                { SkillType.KelDor, typeof(TranslatorKelDor) }

            Type type = typeof(TranslatorGeneric);

            map.TryGetValue(language, out type);
            ITranslator translator = (ITranslator)Activator.CreateInstance(type);

            if (speaker.IsPC && !speaker.IsDM)
                // Get the rank and max rank for the speaker, and garble their English text based on it.
                NWPlayer speakerAsPlayer     = speaker.Object;
                int      speakerSkillRank    = SkillService.GetPCSkillRank(speakerAsPlayer, language);
                int      speakerSkillMaxRank = SkillService.GetSkill(language).MaxRank;

                if (speakerSkillRank != speakerSkillMaxRank)
                    int garbledChance = 100 - (int)(((float)speakerSkillRank / (float)speakerSkillMaxRank) * 100);

                    string[] split = snippet.Split(' ');
                    for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; ++i)
                        if (RandomService.Random(100) <= garbledChance)
                            split[i] = new string(split[i].ToCharArray().OrderBy(s => (RandomService.Random(2) % 2) == 0).ToArray());

                    snippet = split.Aggregate((a, b) => a + " " + b);

            if (!listener.IsPC || listener.IsDM)
                // Short circuit for a DM or NPC - they will always understand the text.

            // Let's grab the max rank for the listener skill, and then we roll for a successful translate based on that.
            NWPlayer listenerAsPlayer = listener.Object;
            int      rank             = SkillService.GetPCSkillRank(listenerAsPlayer, language);
            int      maxRank          = SkillService.GetSkill(language).MaxRank;

            // Check for the Comprehend Speech concentration ability.
            Player dbPlayer     = DataService.Player.GetByID(listenerAsPlayer.GlobalID);
            bool   grantSenseXP = false;

            if (dbPlayer.ActiveConcentrationPerkID == (int)PerkType.ComprehendSpeech)
                int bonus = 5 * dbPlayer.ActiveConcentrationTier;
                rank        += bonus;
                grantSenseXP = true;

            // Ensure we don't go over the maximum.
            if (rank > maxRank)
                rank = maxRank;

            if (rank == maxRank || speaker == listener)
                // Guaranteed success - return original.

            string textAsForeignLanguage = translator.Translate(snippet);

            if (rank != 0)
                int englishChance = (int)(((float)rank / (float)maxRank) * 100);

                string[] originalSplit = snippet.Split(' ');
                string[] foreignSplit  = textAsForeignLanguage.Split(' ');

                StringBuilder endResult = new StringBuilder();

                // WARNING: We're making the assumption that originalSplit.Length == foreignSplit.Length.
                // If this assumption changes, the below logic needs to change too.
                for (int i = 0; i < originalSplit.Length; ++i)
                    if (RandomService.Random(100) <= englishChance)

                    endResult.Append(" ");

                textAsForeignLanguage = endResult.ToString();

            long now             = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            int  lastSkillUpLow  = listenerAsPlayer.GetLocalInt("LAST_LANGUAGE_SKILL_INCREASE_LOW");
            int  lastSkillUpHigh = listenerAsPlayer.GetLocalInt("LAST_LANGUAGE_SKILL_INCREASE_HIGH");
            long lastSkillUp     = lastSkillUpHigh;

            lastSkillUp = (lastSkillUp << 32) | (uint)lastSkillUpLow;
            long differenceInSeconds = (now - lastSkillUp) / 10000000;

            if (differenceInSeconds / 60 >= 2)
                int amount = Math.Max(10, Math.Min(150, snippet.Length) / 3);
                // Reward exp towards the language - we scale this with character count, maxing at 50 exp for 150 characters.
                SkillService.GiveSkillXP(listenerAsPlayer, language, amount);

                // Grant Sense XP if player is concentrating Comprehend Speech.
                if (grantSenseXP)
                    SkillService.GiveSkillXP(listenerAsPlayer, SkillType.ForceSense, amount * 10);

                listenerAsPlayer.SetLocalInt("LAST_LANGUAGE_SKILL_INCREASE_LOW", (int)(now & 0xFFFFFFFF));
                listenerAsPlayer.SetLocalInt("LAST_LANGUAGE_SKILL_INCREASE_HIGH", (int)((now >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF));

 public string CannotCastSpellMessage(NWPlayer oPC, NWObject oTarget)
 public void OnImpact(NWPlayer player, NWObject target, int perkLevel, int spellFeatID)