Exemple #1
        private static void OnModuleNWNXChat()
            NWPlayer pc      = NWNXChat.GetSender();
            string   newName = NWNXChat.GetMessage();

            if (!CanHandleChat(pc))

            NWItem renameItem = pc.GetLocalObject("CRAFT_RENAMING_ITEM_OBJECT");


            if (!renameItem.IsValid)
                pc.SendMessage("Cannot find the item you were renaming.");

            if (newName.Length < 3 || newName.Length > 64)
                pc.SendMessage("Item names must be between 3 and 64 characters long.");

            renameItem.Name = newName;

            pc.FloatingText("New name set!");
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Call this on the NWNX OnChat event (not the OnPlayerChat event provided by base NWN).
        /// If a player is currently setting a "Seller Note", look for the text and apply it to their
        /// temporary market data object.
        /// </summary>
        private static void OnModuleNWNXChat()
            NWPlayer player = NWNXChat.GetSender();

            if (!CanHandleChat(player))

            var model = GetPlayerMarketData(player);

            // Is the player specifying a seller note?
            if (!model.IsSettingSellerNote)
            model.IsSettingSellerNote = false;

            var message = NWNXChat.GetMessage();

            message          = message.Truncate(1024);
            model.SellerNote = message;

            player.FloatingText("Seller note set! Please click 'Refresh' to see the changes.");
        private static void OnModuleNWNXChat()
            NWPlayer player = NWNXChat.GetSender().Object;

            if (!CanHandleChat(player))
            string message = NWNXChat.GetMessage();


            player.SetLocalString("MESSAGE_BOARD_TEXT", message);
            player.SendMessage("Please click the 'Set Title' or 'Set Message' option in the menu.");
Exemple #4
        private static void OnModuleNWNXChat()
            NWPlayer player = NWNXChat.GetSender().Object;

            if (!CanHandleChat(player))
            string message = NWNXChat.GetMessage();


            message = message.Truncate(50);
            player.SetLocalString("RENAMED_ITEM_NEW_NAME", message);
            player.SendMessage("Please click 'Refresh' to see changes, then select 'Change Name' to confirm the changes.");
Exemple #5
        private static void OnModuleNWNXChat()
            ChatChannelType channel = (ChatChannelType)NWNXChat.GetChannel();

            // So we're going to play with a couple of channels here.

            // - PlayerTalk, PlayerWhisper, PlayerParty, and PlayerShout are all IC channels. These channels
            //   are subject to emote colouring and language translation. (see below for more info).
            // - PlayerParty is an IC channel with special behaviour. Those outside of the party but within
            //   range may listen in to the party chat. (see below for more information).
            // - PlayerShout sends a holocom message server-wide through the DMTell channel.
            // - PlayerDM echoes back the message received to the sender.

            bool inCharacterChat =
                channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerTalk ||
                channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerWhisper ||
                channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerParty ||
                channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerShout;

            bool messageToDm = channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerDM;

            if (!inCharacterChat && !messageToDm)
                // We don't much care about traffic on the other channels.

            NWObject sender  = NWNXChat.GetSender();
            string   message = NWNXChat.GetMessage().Trim();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
                // We can't handle empty messages, so skip it.

            if (ChatCommandService.CanHandleChat(sender, message) ||
                BaseService.CanHandleChat(sender) ||
                CraftService.CanHandleChat(sender) ||
                MarketService.CanHandleChat(sender.Object) ||
                MessageBoardService.CanHandleChat(sender) ||
                // This will be handled by other services, so just bail.

            if (channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerDM)
                // Simply echo the message back to the player.
                NWNXChat.SendMessage((int)ChatChannelType.ServerMessage, "(Sent to DM) " + message, sender, sender);

            // At this point, every channel left is one we want to manually handle.

            // If this is a shout message, and the holonet is disabled, we disallow it.
            if (channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerShout && sender.IsPC &&
                sender.GetLocalInt("DISPLAY_HOLONET") == FALSE)
                NWPlayer player = sender.Object;
                player.SendMessage("You have disabled the holonet and cannot send this message.");

            List <ChatComponent> chatComponents;

            // Quick early out - if we start with "//" or "((", this is an OOC message.
            bool isOOC = false;

            if (message.Length >= 2 && (message.Substring(0, 2) == "//" || message.Substring(0, 2) == "(("))
                ChatComponent component = new ChatComponent
                    m_Text         = message,
                    m_CustomColour = true,
                    m_ColourRed    = 64,
                    m_ColourGreen  = 64,
                    m_ColourBlue   = 64,
                    m_Translatable = false

                chatComponents = new List <ChatComponent> {

                if (channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerShout)
                    _.SendMessageToPC(sender, "Out-of-character messages cannot be sent on the Holonet.");

                isOOC = true;
                if (EmoteStyleService.GetEmoteStyle(sender) == EmoteStyle.Regular)
                    chatComponents = SplitMessageIntoComponents_Regular(message);
                    chatComponents = SplitMessageIntoComponents_Novel(message);

                // For any components with colour, set the emote colour.
                foreach (ChatComponent component in chatComponents)
                    if (component.m_CustomColour)
                        component.m_ColourRed   = 0;
                        component.m_ColourGreen = 255;
                        component.m_ColourBlue  = 0;

            // Now, depending on the chat channel, we need to build a list of recipients.
            bool  needsAreaCheck = false;
            float distanceCheck  = 0.0f;

            // The sender always wants to see their own message.
            List <NWObject> recipients = new List <NWObject> {

            // This is a server-wide holonet message (that receivers can toggle on or off).
            if (channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerShout)
                recipients.AddRange(NWModule.Get().Players.Where(player => player.GetLocalInt("DISPLAY_HOLONET") == TRUE));
            // This is the normal party chat, plus everyone within 20 units of the sender.
            else if (channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerParty)
                // Can an NPC use the playerparty channel? I feel this is safe ...
                NWPlayer player = sender.Object;
                recipients.AddRange(player.PartyMembers.Cast <NWObject>().Where(x => x != sender));

                needsAreaCheck = true;
                distanceCheck  = 20.0f;
            // Normal talk - 20 units.
            else if (channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerTalk)
                needsAreaCheck = true;
                distanceCheck  = 20.0f;
            // Whisper - 4 units.
            else if (channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerWhisper)
                needsAreaCheck = true;
                distanceCheck  = 4.0f;

            if (needsAreaCheck)
                recipients.AddRange(sender.Area.Objects.Where(obj => obj.IsPC && _.GetDistanceBetween(sender, obj) <= distanceCheck));
                recipients.AddRange(AppCache.ConnectedDMs.Where(dm => dm.Area == sender.Area && _.GetDistanceBetween(sender, dm) <= distanceCheck));

            // Now we have a list of who is going to actually receive a message, we need to modify
            // the message for each recipient then dispatch them.

            foreach (NWObject obj in recipients.Distinct())
                // Generate the final message as perceived by obj.

                StringBuilder finalMessage = new StringBuilder();

                if (channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerShout)
                    finalMessage.Append("[Holonet] ");
                else if (channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerParty)
                    finalMessage.Append("[Comms] ");

                    if (obj.IsDM)
                        // Convenience for DMs - append the party members.
                        finalMessage.Append("{ ");

                        int               count        = 0;
                        NWPlayer          player       = sender.Object;
                        List <NWCreature> partyMembers = player.PartyMembers.ToList();

                        foreach (NWCreature otherPlayer in partyMembers)
                            string name = otherPlayer.Name;
                            finalMessage.Append(name.Substring(0, Math.Min(name.Length, 10)));


                            if (count >= 3)
                                finalMessage.Append(", ...");
                            else if (count != partyMembers.Count)

                        finalMessage.Append(" } ");

                SkillType language = LanguageService.GetActiveLanguage(sender);

                // Wookiees cannot speak any other language (but they can understand them).
                // Swap their language if they attempt to speak in any other language.
                CustomRaceType race = (CustomRaceType)_.GetRacialType(sender);
                if (race == CustomRaceType.Wookiee && language != SkillType.Shyriiwook)
                    LanguageService.SetActiveLanguage(sender, SkillType.Shyriiwook);
                    language = SkillType.Shyriiwook;

                int  colour = LanguageService.GetColour(language);
                byte r      = (byte)(colour >> 24 & 0xFF);
                byte g      = (byte)(colour >> 16 & 0xFF);
                byte b      = (byte)(colour >> 8 & 0xFF);

                if (language != SkillType.Basic)
                    string languageName = LanguageService.GetName(language);
                    finalMessage.Append(ColorTokenService.Custom($"[{languageName}] ", r, g, b));

                foreach (ChatComponent component in chatComponents)
                    string text = component.m_Text;

                    if (component.m_Translatable && language != SkillType.Basic)
                        text = LanguageService.TranslateSnippetForListener(sender, obj.Object, language, component.m_Text);

                        if (colour != 0)
                            text = ColorTokenService.Custom(text, r, g, b);

                    if (component.m_CustomColour)
                        text = ColorTokenService.Custom(text, component.m_ColourRed, component.m_ColourGreen, component.m_ColourBlue);


                // Dispatch the final message - method depends on the original chat channel.
                // - Shout and party is sent as DMTalk. We do this to get around the restriction that
                //   the PC needs to be in the same area for the normal talk channel.
                //   We could use the native channels for these but the [shout] or [party chat] labels look silly.
                // - Talk and whisper are sent as-is.

                ChatChannelType finalChannel = channel;

                if (channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerShout || channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerParty)
                    finalChannel = ChatChannelType.DMTalk;

                // There are a couple of colour overrides we want to use here.
                // - One for holonet (shout).
                // - One for comms (party chat).

                string finalMessageColoured = finalMessage.ToString();

                if (channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerShout)
                    finalMessageColoured = ColorTokenService.Custom(finalMessageColoured, 0, 180, 255);
                else if (channel == ChatChannelType.PlayerParty)
                    finalMessageColoured = ColorTokenService.Orange(finalMessageColoured);

                NWNXChat.SendMessage((int)finalChannel, finalMessageColoured, sender, obj);

            MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnChatProcessed(sender, channel, isOOC));
Exemple #6
        private static void OnModuleNWNXChat()
            NWPlayer sender          = Object.OBJECT_SELF;
            string   originalMessage = NWNXChat.GetMessage().Trim();

            if (!CanHandleChat(sender, originalMessage))

            var split = originalMessage.Split(' ').ToList();

            // Commands with no arguments won't be split, so if we didn't split anything then add the command to the split list manually.
            if (split.Count <= 0)

            split[0] = split[0].ToLower();
            string command = split[0].Substring(1, split[0].Length - 1);



            if (!IsChatCommandRegistered(command))
                sender.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Red("Invalid chat command. Use '/help' to get a list of available commands."));

            IChatCommand chatCommand = GetChatCommandHandler(command);
            string       args        = string.Join(" ", split);

            if (!chatCommand.RequiresTarget)
                ProcessChatCommand(chatCommand, sender, null, null, args);
                string error = chatCommand.ValidateArguments(sender, split.ToArray());
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(error))

                sender.SetLocalString("CHAT_COMMAND", command);
                sender.SetLocalString("CHAT_COMMAND_ARGS", args);
                sender.SendMessage("Please use your 'Chat Command Targeter' feat to select the target of this chat command.");

                if (_.GetHasFeat((int)CustomFeatType.ChatCommandTargeter, sender) == FALSE || sender.IsDM)
                    NWNXCreature.AddFeatByLevel(sender, (int)CustomFeatType.ChatCommandTargeter, 1);

                    if (sender.IsDM)
                        var qbs = NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(sender, 11);
                        if (qbs.ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                            NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(sender, 11, NWNXPlayerQuickBarSlot.UseFeat((int)CustomFeatType.ChatCommandTargeter));