Exemple #1
         * Send/Receive Data Thread
         * Can also be called as a function. lParam is a pointer to an NTPB_IO struct.
        long SendReceiveThread(NTPB_IO cmdInfo) // retrieving datas sent by server
            uint dump_size = 0, dump_wpos = 0;
            int  rcvSize = 0, sndSize = 0, packetSize = 0, ntpbpktSize = 0, ntpbCmd = 0, ln = 0, recv_size = 0;

            byte[] pbuf;
            int    endTransmit = 0;

            //tcpClient.GetStream().ReadTimeout = 5000;

            //Send Remote CMD
            byte[] pktbuffer = new byte[65536];
            Array.Copy(ntpb_hdrMagic, 0, pktbuffer, 0, ntpb_MagicSize); //copying NTPB Magic

            WriteUInt16(pktbuffer, ntpb_MagicSize, (ushort)cmdInfo.cmdSize);
            WriteUInt16(pktbuffer, ntpb_MagicSize + 2, (ushort)cmdInfo.RemoteCMD);
            //Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((short)cmdInfo.cmdSize), 0, pktbuffer, ntpb_MagicSize, 2);
            //Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((short)cmdInfo.RemoteCMD), 0, pktbuffer, ntpb_MagicSize + 2, 2);
            //*((unsigned short *)&pktbuffer[ntpb_MagicSize]) = cmdInfo->cmdSize;
            //*((unsigned short *)&pktbuffer[ntpb_MagicSize+2]) = cmdInfo->RemoteCMD;

            if ((ClientConnected == 0) || (remote_cmd != REMOTE_CMD_NONE))
                MessageBox.Show("Client busy or not connected. Please check your request and hack again.", "NTPB Client Error");
                goto error;
            remote_cmd = cmdInfo.RemoteCMD;

            if ((cmdInfo.cmdBuf != null) && (cmdInfo.cmdSize > 0))
                Array.Copy(cmdInfo.cmdBuf, 0, pktbuffer, ntpb_hdrSize, cmdInfo.cmdSize);
                //memcpy(&pktbuffer[ntpb_hdrSize], cmdInfo->cmdBuf, cmdInfo->cmdSize);

            ntpbpktSize = ntpb_hdrSize + cmdInfo.cmdSize;

            switch (remote_cmd)
            case REMOTE_CMD_DUMP:
                dump_size = ReadUInt32(pktbuffer, ntpb_hdrSize + 4) - ReadUInt32(pktbuffer, ntpb_hdrSize);
                //dump_size = *((uint *)&pktbuffer[ntpb_hdrSize + 4]) - *((uint *)&pktbuffer[ntpb_hdrSize]);
            } break;

            case REMOTE_CMD_NONE: goto error;

            // send the ntpb packet
            tcpClient.GetStream().Write(pktbuffer, 0, ntpbpktSize);
            //sndSize = send(main_socket, &pktbuffer[0], ntpbpktSize, 0);
            //if (sndSize <= 0) {
            //    MessageBox.Show("Error: send failed !","ntpbclient");
            //    goto error;
            //I'm guessing the server sends a packet back just to acknowledge the request?
            //This looked redundant, but it wasn't working without it.
            //rcvSize = recv(main_socket, &pktbuffer[0], sizeof(pktbuffer), 0);
            //rcvSize = tcpClient.GetStream().Read(pktbuffer, 0, pktbuffer.Length);
            //if (rcvSize <= 0) {
            //    MessageBox.Show("Error: recv failed !", "ntpbclient");
            //    goto error;

            //Receive Data/Reply
            while (true)
                pbuf = pktbuffer;

                // receive the first packet
                //rcvSize = recv(main_socket, &pktbuffer[0], sizeof(pktbuffer), 0);
                rcvSize = tcpClient.GetStream().Read(pktbuffer, 0, pktbuffer.Length);
                if (rcvSize < 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error: recv failed !", "ntpbclient");
                    goto error;

                // packet sanity check
                if (check_ntpb_header(pbuf) == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error: not ntpb packet !", "ntpbclient");
                    goto error;

                ntpbpktSize = ReadUInt16(pbuf, 6);
                packetSize  = ntpbpktSize + ntpb_hdrSize;

                recv_size = rcvSize;

                // fragmented packet handling
                while (recv_size < packetSize)
                    rcvSize = tcpClient.GetStream().Read(pktbuffer, recv_size, pktbuffer.Length - recv_size);
                    //rcvSize = recv(main_socket, &pktbuffer[recv_size], sizeof(pktbuffer) - recv_size, 0);
                    if (rcvSize < 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Error: recv failed !", "ntpbclient");
                        goto error;
                        recv_size += rcvSize;

                // parses packet
                if (check_ntpb_header(pbuf) != 0)
                    ntpbCmd = ReadUInt16(pbuf, 8);

                    switch (ntpbCmd)              // treat Client Request here

                    case NTPBCMD_SEND_DUMP:
                        if ((dump_wpos + ntpbpktSize) > dump_size)
                            MessageBox.Show("Error: dump size exeeded !", "ntpbclient");
                            goto error;

                        Array.Copy(pktbuffer, ntpb_hdrSize, cmdInfo.outBuffer, dump_wpos, ntpbpktSize);

                        //if (cmdInfo->fh_dump) { fwrite(&pktbuffer[ntpb_hdrSize], 1, ntpbpktSize, cmdInfo->fh_dump); }
                        //else { memcpy(cmdInfo->outBuffer, &pktbuffer[ntpb_hdrSize], ntpbpktSize); }
                        dump_wpos += (uint)ntpbpktSize;

                        // stepping progress bar
                        //UpdateProgressBar(PBM_STEPIT, 0, 0);

                    case NTPBCMD_END_TRANSMIT:
                        //if(cmdInfo->fh_dump) fclose(cmdInfo->fh_dump);
                        endTransmit = 1;


                    //*((unsigned short *)&pktbuffer[ntpb_hdrSize]) = 1;
                    WriteUInt16(pktbuffer, ntpb_hdrSize, 1);
                    WriteUInt16(pktbuffer, 6, 0);
                    //*((unsigned short *)&pktbuffer[6]) = 0;
                    packetSize = ntpb_hdrSize + 2;

                    // send the response packet
                    //sndSize = send(main_socket, &pktbuffer[0], packetSize, 0);
                    tcpClient.GetStream().Write(pktbuffer, 0, packetSize);
                    //if (sndSize <= 0) {
                    //    MessageBox.Show("Error: send failed !", "ntpbclient");
                    //    goto error;

                    if (endTransmit != 0)

            // resetting progress bar
            //UpdateProgressBar(PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0);
            //UpdateStatusBar("Idle", 0, 0);

            remote_cmd = REMOTE_CMD_NONE;
            //Notify main thread (1 on success, 0 on failure)
            //if (cmdInfo->NotifyId) SendMessage(cmdInfo->NotifyHwnd, WM_COMMAND, cmdInfo->NotifyId, 1);

            //Connection failed
            ClientConnected = 0;

Exemple #2
        public byte[] DumpRAM(uint dump_start, uint dump_end)
            NTPB_IO cmdInfo = new NTPB_IO();
            uint    dump_size;

            cmdInfo.RemoteCMD = REMOTE_CMD_NONE;
            if ((dump_start >= 00100000) && (dump_end <= 0x02000000))
            { //EE Dump
                cmdInfo.RemoteCMD = REMOTE_CMD_DUMP;
            else if ((dump_start >= 0) && (dump_end <= 0x00200000))
            { //IOP Dump
                cmdInfo.RemoteCMD = REMOTE_CMD_DUMP;
            else if ((dump_start >= 0x80000000) && (dump_end <= 0x82000000))
            { //Kernel Dump
                cmdInfo.RemoteCMD = REMOTE_CMD_DUMP;
            else if ((dump_start >= 0x70000000) && (dump_end <= 0x70004000))
            { //ScratchPad Dump
                cmdInfo.RemoteCMD = REMOTE_CMD_DUMP;

            //checking address range to determine course of action
            //cmdInfo.RemoteCMD = REMOTE_CMD_NONE;
            if (dump_start > dump_end)
                //sprintf(ErrTxt, "Search area start (%08X) is higher thand end (%08X). THINK about it. (DumpRAM)", dump_start, dump_end);
            //cmdInfo.RemoteCMD = REMOTE_CMD_DUMP;
            //Check that we're trying to dump a valid area
            if (cmdInfo.RemoteCMD == REMOTE_CMD_NONE)
                //sprintf(ErrTxt, "Invalid search/dump area specifed. (DumpRAM)");

            // create the dump file
            //cmdInfo.fh_dump = fopen(dump_file, "wb");
            //if (!cmdInfo.fh_dump) {
            //    sprintf(ErrTxt, "Failed to create dump file! (DumpRAM");
            //    return 0;

            // fill remote cmd buffer
            //*((unsigned int *)&cmdInfo.cmdBuf[0]) = dump_start;
            //*((unsigned int *)&cmdInfo.cmdBuf[4]) = dump_end;
            cmdInfo.cmdSize = 8;
            cmdInfo.cmdBuf  = new byte[64];
            WriteUInt32(cmdInfo.cmdBuf, 0, dump_start);
            WriteUInt32(cmdInfo.cmdBuf, 4, dump_end);

            //init progress bar
            dump_size = dump_end - dump_start;
            //UpdateProgressBar(PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(0, dump_size/8192));
            //UpdateProgressBar(PBM_SETSTEP, 1, 0);
            //UpdateStatusBar("Dumping Memory...", 0, 0);

            cmdInfo.outBuffer = new byte[dump_size];

            // send remote cmd
            //HANDLE ioThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, SendReceiveThread, &cmdInfo, 0, NULL); // no stack, 1MB by default
