Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Plays the streaming fullscreen movie.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">URL.</param>
        /// <param name="autoPlay">If set to <c>true</c> auto play.</param>
        /// <param name="style">Style.</param>
        public static void PlayStreamingFullscreenMovie(string url,
		                                                bool autoPlay = true, 
		                                                MPMovieControlStyle style=MPMovieControlStyle.Fullscreen)
            contentURL = new NSURL(url);

            if (_playerVC == null) {
                _playerVC = new MPMoviePlayerViewController();

                _playerVC.moviePlayer.movieSourceType = MPMovieSourceType.Streaming;
                _playerVC.moviePlayer.contentURL = contentURL;
            //		_playerVC.moviePlayer.SetFullscreen(true, false);
                _playerVC.moviePlayer.shouldAutoplay = autoPlay;

                _playerVC.moviePlayer.controlStyle = style;

                _playerVC.moviePlayer.LoadStateDidChange += _defaultMoviePlayerNotificationHandler;
                _playerVC.moviePlayer.DidExitFullscreen += _defaultMoviePlayerExitFullscreen;
                _playerVC.moviePlayer.PlaybackDidFinish += _defaultMoviePlayerFinishHandler;


            } else {
                _playerVC.moviePlayer.contentURL = contentURL;

            //			UIApplication.deviceRootViewController.AddChildViewController(_playerVC);
            UIApplication.deviceRootViewController.PresentViewController(_playerVC, false, null);
 // Create a new image from a file at the given url
 // Returns null if unsuccessful.
 public static ImageInfo IICreateImage(NSURL url)
     ImageInfo ii = new ImageInfo();
     // Try to create an image source to the image passed to us
     IntPtr imageSrc = CGImageSource.CreateWithURL(url, null);
     if (imageSrc != IntPtr.Zero)
         // And if we can, try to obtain the first image available
         IntPtr image = CGImageSource.CreateImageAtIndex(imageSrc, 0, null);
         if (image != IntPtr.Zero)
             // and if we could, create the ImageInfo struct with default values
             ii.fRotation = 0.0f;
             ii.fScaleX = 1.0f;
             ii.fScaleY = 1.0f;
             ii.fTranslateX = 0.0f;
             ii.fTranslateY = 0.0f;
             // the ImageInfo struct owns this CGImageRef now, so no need for a retain.
             ii.fImageRef = image;
             // the ImageInfo struct owns this CFDictionaryRef, so no need for a retain.
             ii.fProperties = CGImageSource.CopyPropertiesAtIndex(imageSrc, 0, null);
             // Setup the orientation transformation matrix so that the image will display with the proper orientation
             IIGetOrientationTransform(ref ii);
         // cleanup the image source
     return ii;
        public NSObject openDocumentWithContentsOfURL_display_error(NSURL absoluteURL, bool displayDocument, IntPtr outError)
            NSObject result = null;

            string path = absoluteURL.path().ToString();
            if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(path))
                    Boss boss = ObjectModel.Create("DirectoryEditorPlugin");
                    var open = boss.Get<IOpen>();
                    result = open.Open(path).To<NSObject>();
                catch (Exception e)
                    NSMutableDictionary userInfo = NSMutableDictionary.Create();
                    userInfo.setObject_forKey(NSString.Create("Couldn't open '{0}", path), Externs.NSLocalizedDescriptionKey);
                    userInfo.setObject_forKey(NSString.Create(e.Message), Externs.NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey);

                    NSObject error = NSError.errorWithDomain_code_userInfo(Externs.Cocoa3Domain, 2, userInfo);
                    Marshal.WriteIntPtr(outError, error);
                result = SuperCall(NSDocumentController.Class, "openDocumentWithContentsOfURL:display:error:",
                    absoluteURL, displayDocument, outError).To<NSDocument>();

            return result;
 public void setURL(string url)
         _url = new NSURL(url);
         _request =  new NSURLRequest( _url );
    void OnDestroy()
        // load a blank page before removing it
        _webview.LoadHTMLString("", new NSURL(""));

        //		_webview.hidden = true;
        _webview = null;
        _request = null;
        _url = null;
Exemple #6
        private MediaResult CreateResult(PickerOperation operation, NSDictionary <NSString, iOSObjectProxy> info)
            if (info == null)

            switch (Operation)
            case PickerOperation.PickGallery:
                // User can either pick an image or a video
                NSURL pickedURL = null;
                if (TryGetUrl(info, UIImagePickerController.UIImagePickerControllerImageURL, out pickedURL))
                    return(new MediaResult(MediaType.Image, null, pickedURL.AbsoluteString.UTF8String));
                else if (TryGetUrl(info, UIImagePickerController.UIImagePickerControllerMediaURL, out pickedURL))
                    return(new MediaResult(MediaType.Video, null, pickedURL.AbsoluteString.UTF8String));

            case PickerOperation.TakePicture:
                // Get the newly taken image, save it into the into user temporary folder and return the URL.
                // The image name will be "IMG_" + timestamp and format is JPG.
                UIImage picture = (UIImage)info.ValueForKey(UIImagePickerController.UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage,
                                                            ptr => PInvokeUtil.IsNull(ptr) ? null : new UIImage(ptr));

                if (picture == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Couldn't get the taken picture.");

                // Save the image into user temporary folder and return the URL.
                NSString tempDir = NSFileManager.NSTemporaryDirectory();

                if (tempDir == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Couldn't find the path of user's temporary directory.");

                // The image name is "IMG_" + timestamp and format is JPG.
                NSString pictureName = NSString.StringWithUTF8String("IMG_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff") + ".jpg");
                NSURL    pictureURL  = NSURL.FileURLWithPath(tempDir).URLByAppendingPathComponent(pictureName);

                if (pictureURL != null)
                    NSData imageData = UIFunctions.UIImageJPEGRepresentation(picture, 1f);
                    NSFileManager.DefaultManager.CreateFileAtPath(pictureURL.Path, imageData, null);
                    return(new MediaResult(MediaType.Image, null, pictureURL.AbsoluteString.UTF8String));

            case PickerOperation.RecordVideo:
                NSURL videoURL = null;
                if (TryGetUrl(info, UIImagePickerController.UIImagePickerControllerMediaURL, out videoURL))
                    return(new MediaResult(MediaType.Video, null, videoURL.AbsoluteString.UTF8String));

 public NSArray TableViewNamesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestinationForDraggedRowsWithIndexes(NSTableView aTableView, NSURL dropDestination, NSIndexSet indexSet)
     throw new NotImplementedException ();
 public virtual void AwakeFromNib()
     this.SelectedFinderItem = null;
 public virtual void DismissGrantingAccessToURL([Unwrapped] NSURL url)
 public void captureOutputDidFinishRecordingToOutputFileAtURLForConnectionsDueToError(QTCaptureFileOutput captureOutput, NSURL outputFileURL, NSArray connections, NSError error)
Exemple #11
 public virtual Dictionary <NSObject, AnyObject> FileAttributesToWriteToURL(NSURL url, UIDocumentSaveOperation forSaveOperation, NSErrorPointer error)
     return(default(Dictionary <NSObject, AnyObject>));
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="U3DXT.iOS.GUI.MediaPickedEventArgs"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="image">Image.</param>
 /// <param name="url">URL.</param>
 public MediaPickedEventArgs(UIImage image, NSURL url)
     this.image = image;
     this.url = url;
        // Custom members

        bool loadDocumentFromURL(NSURL url)
            data = new FooDocumentData withURL(url);

            return(data != null);
 public override bool writeToURL(NSURL !url) ofType(NSString !typeName) forSaveOperation(NSSaveOperationType aveOperation) originalContentsURL(NSURL? absoluteOriginalContentsURL) error(ref NSError error)
 public override bool readFromURL(NSURL !url) ofType(NSString !typeName) error(ref NSError error)
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the native UIActivityViewController to share message, images, and URLs
        /// via Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, email, SMS, print, copy, save to camera roll, or
        /// assign to contact.
        /// Raises ShareCompleted event when completed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is available in iOS 6.0 and later.</remarks>
        /// <param name="items"> An array of items to share. Each item can be a string, NSURL, Texture2D, or UIImage.
        /// 			Strings starting with http:// or https:// will be automatically converted to URLs.</param>
        /// <param name="excludedActivityTypes"> An array of strings representing the activity types to exclude from sharing.
        /// 			See <see cref="UIActivity">Constants in UIActivity</see>.</param>
        public static void Share(object[] items, string[] excludedActivityTypes = null)
            var nativeItems = new object[items.Length];
            for (int i=0; i<items.Length; i++) {
                var item = items[i];
                if (item is string) {
                    string str = item as string;
                    if (str.StartsWith("http://") || str.StartsWith("https://"))
                        nativeItems[i] = new NSURL(str);
                        nativeItems[i] = str;
                else if (item is Texture2D)
                    nativeItems[i] = UIImage.FromTexture2D(item as Texture2D);
                else if (item is UIImage)
                    nativeItems[i] = item;
                else if (item is NSURL)
                    nativeItems[i] = item;
                    throw new U3DXTException("Unexpected item type: " + item.GetType());

            var vc = new UIActivityViewController(nativeItems, null);
            if (vc.IsNil)

            vc.completionHandler = _activityViewCompleted;
            if (excludedActivityTypes != null)
                vc.excludedActivityTypes = excludedActivityTypes;

            var rootVc = UIApplication.deviceRootViewController;
            if (CoreXT.IsiPad) {
                if (_popover == null)
                    _popover = new UIPopoverController(vc);
                    _popover.contentViewController = vc;

                var rect = rootVc.view.bounds;
                rect.x = rect.width / 2;
                rect.y = rect.height;
                rect.width = 1;
                rect.height = 1;
            } else {
                rootVc.PresentViewController(vc, true, null);
Exemple #17
        private void ProcessRequests()
            while (true)
                // wait for an artwork request

                // get the first request in the queue - leave the request in the queue for now so that if
                // the main thread requests it again, it will not get re-added and downloaded again
                string uri;
                ScalingUriConverter uriConverter;
                lock (iLock)
                    uri          = iPendingRequests.FirstRequest;
                    uriConverter = iUriConverter;

                Trace.WriteLine(Trace.kKinskyDesktop, "ArtworkCache requesting  " + uri);

                // download the image
                NSAutoreleasePool pool = new NSAutoreleasePool();

                NSImage image = null;
                    string requestUri = uri;
                    if (uriConverter != null)
                        requestUri = uriConverter.Convert(requestUri);
                    NSString s   = NSString.StringWithUTF8String(Uri.UnescapeDataString(requestUri));
                    NSURL    url = NSURL.URLWithString(s.StringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding(NSStringEncoding.NSUTF8StringEncoding));

                    image = new NSImage(url);
                catch (Exception e)
                    UserLog.WriteLine("ArtworkCache.ProcessRequests: " + uri + " (" + e.Message + ")");


                // insert the image into the cache
                List <Item> staleItems;
                lock (iLock)
                    // add to the cache
                    Item item = new Item(uri, image);
                    staleItems = iCacheData.Add(item);

                    // remove the request

                // send notification that the image was added to the cache
                if (EventImageAdded != null)
                    EventImageAdded(this, new EventArgsArtwork(uri));

                // clean up all stale items outside of the lock
                foreach (Item item in staleItems)
                    if (item.Image != null)
 public static bool CanPrintURL(NSURL url)
Exemple #19
 private static void _OnWriteCompletion(NSURL assetURL, NSError error)
     if (error == null) {
         if (_exportCompletedHandlers != null)
             _exportCompletedHandlers(null, new PhotosLibraryExportedEventArgs(assetURL.AbsoluteString()));
     } else {
         if (_exportFailedHandlers != null)
             _exportFailedHandlers(null, new U3DXTErrorEventArgs(error));
Exemple #20
 public UIPrinter([Unwrapped] NSURL URL)
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Tell OSX Speech Synthesizer to speak some text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="utterance"></param>
        /// <param name="outputfile"></param>
        internal void Speak(QueuedSpeech utterance, string outputfile)
            string message;

            // Remove any embedded command delimiters.
            string sayThis = Regex.Replace( utterance.message, @"\[\[", "" );

            if (utterance.isAction)
                // Action statements are spoken all together.  Such as
                // "/me looks nervous."  The "/me" will have been substituted
                // with the correct name earlier.
                message = utterance.speaker + " " + sayThis;
                // Normal speech has the name spoken quickly and slightly softer.
                message = "[[rate +1.0;volm -10.0]]" +
                    utterance.speaker +
                    "[[rate -1.0;volm +10.0;slnc 200]]" +       // 200ms pause after name


            NSURL fileURL = new NSURL("file://" + outputfile);
            syn.StartSpeakingStringToURL(message, fileURL);

            // Wait for it to finish.  This proceeds at faster than
            // speaking speed because output is to a file.
            // TODO use a callback to detect this.
            while (syn.IsSpeaking)
                Thread.Sleep(200);  // Check 5x per second.
Exemple #22
 public virtual bool ConfigurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURL([Unwrapped] NSURL storeURL, [Unwrapped] string ofType, [Optional] string modelConfiguration, Dictionary <NSObject, AnyObject> storeOptions, NSErrorPointer error)
Exemple #23
		// This is called every time the document is saved...
		public new void setFileURL(NSURL url)
			Unused.Value = SuperCall(NSDocument.Class, "setFileURL:", url);
			if (m_controller != null && url != m_url)
				Broadcaster.Invoke("document path changed", m_controller.Boss);
        /// <summary>
        /// Alls the inbox files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <UPInboxFile> AllInboxFiles()
            List <UPInboxFile> files = new List <UPInboxFile>();

            Exception     error;
            List <string> pathNames = NSFileManager.DefaultManager().ContentsOfDirectoryAtPathError(this.InboxPath, error);
            if (error)
                if (error.Code() == NSFileReadNoSuchFileError)
                    DDLogInfo("Inbox directory %@ does not exist.", this.InboxPath);
                    DDLogError("Could not load files from inbox: %@", error);

            foreach (string path in pathNames)
                UPInboxFile file = new UPInboxFile(this.InboxPath.StringByAppendingPathComponent(path), NSURL.FileURLWithPathIsDirectory(this.InboxPath.StringByAppendingPathComponent(path), false));
Exemple #25
 public virtual void RevertToContentsOfURL(NSURL url, Action <bool> completionHandler)
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if it is able to reveal the indicated item in a Finder window.  The Finder will be switched into the forground during the processing of this call.  Returns NO if an error occurs during processing.
        /// </summary>
        public bool FinderRevealFileURL(NSURL theFileURL)
            bool result = false;

            try {
                // Retrieve the Finder application Scripting Bridge object.
                FinderApplication finder = SBApplication.ApplicationWithBundleIdentifier ("com.apple.finder").CastAs<FinderApplication> ();

                // Retrieve a reference to our finder item asking for it by location
                FinderItem theItem = finder.Items.ObjectAtLocation (theFileURL).CastAs<FinderItem> ();

                // Display the item
                theItem.Reveal ();

                // Activate the Finder application
                finder.Activate ();

                // successful result
                result = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine (e);
                result = false;

            // Return YES on success
            return result;
Exemple #27
 public virtual bool ReadAdditionalContentFromURL(NSURL absoluteURL, NSErrorPointer error)
 public NSArray TableViewNamesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestinationForDraggedRowsWithIndexes(NSTableView aTableView, NSURL dropDestination, NSIndexSet indexSet)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="U3DXT.iOS.GUI.MediaPickedEventArgs"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="image">Image.</param>
 /// <param name="url">URL.</param>
 public MediaPickedEventArgs(UIImage image, NSURL url)
     this.image = image;
     this.url   = url;
Exemple #30
 public virtual AnyObject AdditionalContentForURL(NSURL absoluteURL, NSErrorPointer error)
Exemple #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an NSString containing the referenced item's finder comment (aka Spotlight comment) an item referenced by the file url.  Returns nil if an error occurs during processing.
        /// </summary>
        public NSString FinderCommentForFileURL(NSURL theFileURL)
            NSString result = null;

            try {
                // Retrieve the Finder application Scripting Bridge object.
                FinderApplication finder = SBApplication.ApplicationWithBundleIdentifier ("com.apple.finder").CastAs<FinderApplication> ();

                // Retrieve a reference to our finder item asking for it by location
                FinderItem theItem = finder.Items.ObjectAtLocation (theFileURL).CastAs<FinderItem> ();

                // Set the result.
                result = theItem.Comment;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine (e);
                result = null;

            // return YES on success
            return result;
Exemple #32
 public virtual bool WriteAdditionalContent([Unwrapped] AnyObject content, [Unwrapped] NSURL toURL, [Unwrapped] NSURL originalContentsURL, NSErrorPointer error)
Exemple #33
partial         void SelectFileForComment(Id sender)
            NSOpenPanel theOpenPanel;
            NSInteger opResult;

            // Create an open panel
            theOpenPanel = NSOpenPanel.OpenPanel;
            theOpenPanel.Delegate = this;

            // Set the prompt and title
            theOpenPanel.Message = "Select a file or folder for comment editing.";
            theOpenPanel.Title = "Choose File or Folder";

            // Directories okay, only one at a time
            theOpenPanel.CanChooseDirectories = true;
            theOpenPanel.AllowsMultipleSelection = false;

            // Run the panel
            opResult = theOpenPanel.RunModalForDirectoryFileTypes (FoundationFramework.NSHomeDirectory (), null, null);
            if (NSPanel.NSOKButton == opResult) {
                // Get and save the path
                this.SelectedFinderItem = theOpenPanel.URLs.ObjectAtIndex (0).CastTo<NSURL> ();

                // Attempt to retrieve the comment
                NSString theComment = this.FinderCommentForFileURL (this.SelectedFinderItem);
                if (theComment != null) {
                    // set the path in the display
                    this.fileNameField.StringValue = this.SelectedFinderItem.Path;

                    // Retrieve the finder comment
                    NSUInteger p = this.commentField.TextStorage.String.Length;
                    this.commentField.SetSelectedRange (new NSRange (0, p));
                    this.commentField.InsertText (theComment);
                } else {
                    this.ShowErrorMessageWithTitle ("Unable to update the finder comment for the selected item.", "Error getting comment");
Exemple #34
        public bool PanelIsValiFilename(Id sender, NSString filename)
            bool result = true;

            NSURL url = new NSURL(filename);
            if ((url.NativePointer != IntPtr.Zero) && url.IsFileURL)
                NSArray pathPieces = url.Path.PathComponents;
                NSString actualFilename = pathPieces.ObjectAtIndex(pathPieces.Count - 1).CastTo<NSString>();
                if (actualFilename.IsEqualToString("text.txt"))
                    NSAlert alert = NSAlert.AlertWithMessageTextDefaultButtonAlternateButtonOtherButtonInformativeTextWithFormat(NSString.String,
                                                                                                                                 "Please pick a new name.");
                    result = false;

            return result;
Exemple #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns YES if it is able to change the finder comment (aka Spotlight comment) for an item referenced by the file url.  Returns NO if an error occurs during processing.
        /// </summary>
        public bool ChangeFinderCommentForFileURL(NSString comment, NSURL theFileURL)
            bool result = false;

            try {
                // Retrieve the Finder application Scripting Bridge object.
                FinderApplication finder = SBApplication.ApplicationWithBundleIdentifier ("com.apple.finder").CastAs<FinderApplication> ();

                // Retrieve a reference to our finder item asking for it by location
                FinderItem theItem = finder.Items.ObjectAtLocation (theFileURL).CastAs<FinderItem> ();

                // Attempt to set the comment for the Finder item.
                theItem.Comment = comment;

                // Successful result
                result = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine (e);
                result = false;

            // Return YES on success
            return result;
 public virtual void ProvidePlaceholderAtURL(NSURL url, Action <NSError> completionHandler)
Exemple #37
        private bool TryGetUrl(NSDictionary <NSString, iOSObjectProxy> info, NSString key, out NSURL url)
                NSURL nsurl = (NSURL)info.ValueForKey(key, ptr =>
                    if (ptr.Equals(IntPtr.Zero))

                    return(new NSURL(ptr));

                url = nsurl;
                return(nsurl != null);
            catch (Exception)
                url = null;
 public virtual void StartProvidingItemAtURL(NSURL url, Action <NSError> completionHandler)
Exemple #39
 public virtual bool OpenURL(NSURL url)
 public virtual void StopProvidingItemAtURL(NSURL url)
Exemple #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the native UIActivityViewController to share message, images, and URLs
        /// via Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, email, SMS, print, copy, save to camera roll, or
        /// assign to contact.
        /// Raises ShareCompleted event when completed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is available in iOS 6.0 and later.</remarks>
        /// <param name="items"> An array of items to share. Each item can be a string, NSURL, Texture2D, or UIImage.
        ///             Strings starting with http:// or https:// will be automatically converted to URLs.</param>
        /// <param name="excludedActivityTypes"> An array of strings representing the activity types to exclude from sharing.
        ///             See <see cref="UIActivity">Constants in UIActivity</see>.</param>
        public static void Share(object[] items, string[] excludedActivityTypes = null)
            var nativeItems = new object[items.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                var item = items[i];
                if (item is string)
                    string str = item as string;
                    if (str.StartsWith("http://") || str.StartsWith("https://"))
                        nativeItems[i] = new NSURL(str);
                        nativeItems[i] = str;
                else if (item is Texture2D)
                    nativeItems[i] = UIImage.FromTexture2D(item as Texture2D);
                else if (item is UIImage)
                    nativeItems[i] = item;
                else if (item is NSURL)
                    nativeItems[i] = item;
                    throw new U3DXTException("Unexpected item type: " + item.GetType());

            var vc = new UIActivityViewController(nativeItems, null);

            if (vc.IsNil)

            vc.completionHandler = _activityViewCompleted;
            if (excludedActivityTypes != null)
                vc.excludedActivityTypes = excludedActivityTypes;

            var rootVc = UIApplication.deviceRootViewController;

            if (CoreXT.IsiPad)
                if (_popover == null)
                    _popover = new UIPopoverController(vc);
                    _popover.contentViewController = vc;

                var rect = rootVc.view.bounds;
                rect.x      = rect.width / 2;
                rect.y      = rect.height;
                rect.width  = 1;
                rect.height = 1;
                rootVc.PresentViewController(vc, true, null);
 public static NSURL PlaceholderURLForURL(NSURL url)
Exemple #43
        // Save the given image to a file at the given url.
        // Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
        public static bool IISaveImage(ImageView view, NSURL url, uint width, uint height)
            ImageInfo image = view.Image;
            bool result = false;

            // If there is no image, no destination, or the width/height is 0, then fail early.
            if ((url != null) && (width != 0) && (height != 0))
                // Try to create a jpeg image destination at the url given to us
                IntPtr imageDest = CGImageDestination.CreateWithURL(url, UTType.kUTTypeJPEG, 1, null);
                if (imageDest != IntPtr.Zero)
                    // And if we can, then we can start building our final image.
                    // We begin by creating a CGBitmapContext to host our desintation image.

                    // Allocate enough space to hold our pixels
                    IntPtr imageData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int) (Marshal.SizeOf(typeof (UInt32))*width*height));

                    // Create the bitmap context
                    IntPtr bitmapContext = CGBitmapContext.Create(
                        imageData, // image data we just allocated...
                        width, // width
                        height, // height
                        8, // 8 bits per component
                        sizeof (UInt32)*width, // bytes per pixel times number of pixels wide
                        CGImage.GetColorSpace(image.fImageRef), // use the same colorspace as the original image
                        (CGBitmapInfo) CGImageAlphaInfo.kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst); // use premultiplied alpha

                    // Check that all that went well
                    if (bitmapContext != IntPtr.Zero)
                        // Now, we draw the image to the bitmap context
                        IIDrawImageTransformed(ref image, bitmapContext, CGRect.CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, width, height));

                        // We have now gotten our image data to the bitmap context, and correspondingly
                        // into imageData. If we wanted to, we could look at any of the pixels of the image
                        // and manipulate them in any way that we desire, but for this case, we're just
                        // going to ask ImageIO to write this out to disk.

                        // Obtain a CGImageRef from the bitmap context for ImageIO
                        IntPtr imageIOImage = CGBitmapContext.CreateImage(bitmapContext);

                        // Check if we have additional properties from the original image
                        if (image.fProperties != null)
                            // If we do, then we want to inspect the orientation property.
                            // If it exists and is not the default orientation, then we
                            // want to replace that orientation in the destination file
                            int orientation = IIGetImageOrientation(ref image);
                            if (orientation != 1)
                                // If the orientation in the original image was not the default,
                                // then we need to replace that key in a duplicate of that dictionary
                                // and then pass that dictionary to ImageIO when adding the image.
                                NSMutableDictionary prop = new NSMutableDictionary(image.fProperties);
                                orientation = 1;
                                prop.SetValueForKey(NSNumber.NumberWithInt(orientation), CGImageProperties.kCGImagePropertyOrientation);

                                // And add the image with the new properties
                                CGImageDestination.AddImage(imageDest, imageIOImage, prop);

                                // Clean up after ourselves
                                // Otherwise, the image was already in the default orientation and we can just save
                                // it with the original properties.
                                CGImageDestination.AddImage(imageDest, imageIOImage, image.fProperties);
                            // If we don't, then just add the image without properties
                            CGImageDestination.AddImage(imageDest, imageIOImage, null);

                        // Release the image and the context, since we are done with both.

                    // Deallocate the image data

                    // Finalize the image destination
                    result = CGImageDestination.Finalize(imageDest);

            return result;
 public static bool WritePlaceholderAtURL(NSURL placeholderURL, Dictionary <NSObject, AnyObject> withMetadata, NSErrorPointer error)
Exemple #45
 public UIDocumentInteractionController(NSURL URL)
 public virtual string PersistentIdentifierForItemAtURL(NSURL url)
Exemple #47
		private void DoResetURL(NSURL url)
			if (url != m_url)
				if (m_url != null)
				m_url = url;
				if (m_url != null)
 public virtual void ItemChangedAtURL(NSURL url)
Exemple #49
 public virtual bool ReadFromURL(NSURL url, NSErrorPointer error)
        public void StartSpeakingTextViewToURL(NSURL url)
            if (this._speechSynthesizer.IsSpeaking)
                // Grab the selection substring, or if no selection then grab entire text.
                this._orgSelectionRange = this._textToSpeechExampleTextView.SelectedRange;

                NSString theViewText;
                if (this._orgSelectionRange.length == 0)
                    theViewText = this._textToSpeechExampleTextView.String;
                    this._offsetToSpokenText = 0;
                    theViewText = this._textToSpeechExampleTextView.String.SubstringWithRange(this._orgSelectionRange);
                    this._offsetToSpokenText = this._orgSelectionRange.location;

                if (this._voicePop.IndexOfSelectedItem == 0)
                    // Pass NULL as the voice to use the system voice.
                    this._speechSynthesizer.SetVoice(NSSpeechSynthesizer.AvailableVoices.ObjectAtIndex((uint) this._voicePop.IndexOfSelectedItem - kNumOfFixedMenuItemsInVoicePopup).CastTo<NSString>());

                if (url != null)
                    this._speechSynthesizer.StartSpeakingStringToURL(theViewText, url);
                    this._textToSpeechExampleSpeakButton.IsEnabled = false;
                    this._saveButton.Title = FoundationFramework.NSLocalizedString("Stop Saving", "Save file button name (stop)");
                    this._textToSpeechExampleSpeakButton.Title = FoundationFramework.NSLocalizedString("Stop Speaking", "Speaking button name (stop)");
                    this._saveButton.IsEnabled = false;
                this._voicePop.IsEnabled = false;
Exemple #51
 public UIDocument(NSURL fileURL)
Exemple #52
        /// <exclude/>
        public NSDirectoryEnumerator enumeratorAtURL_includingPropertiesForKeys_options_errorHandler(
			NSURL url,
			NSArray keys,
			uint mask,
			Func<NSURL, NSError, bool> callback)
            Func<IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, byte> thunk = (IntPtr context, IntPtr urlPtr, IntPtr errorPtr) =>
                var url2 = NSObject.Lookup(urlPtr).To<NSURL>();
                var error = NSObject.Lookup(errorPtr).To<NSError>();
                bool stopped = callback(url2, error);
                return stopped ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0;

            var block = new ExtendedBlock(thunk);
            var e = Call("enumeratorAtURL:includingPropertiesForKeys:options:errorHandler:",

            return e;