private static async Task <bool> ShowShareUIAsync(ShareUIOptions options, DataPackage dataPackage)
            var window = NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainWindow;

            if (window == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Sharing is not possible when no window is active.");

            var view = window.ContentView;

            var dataPackageView = dataPackage.GetView();

            var sharedData = new List <NSObject>();

            if (dataPackageView.Contains(StandardDataFormats.Text))
                var text = await dataPackageView.GetTextAsync();

                sharedData.Add(new NSString(text));

            var uri = await GetSharedUriAsync(dataPackageView);

            if (uri != null)

            CGRect targetRect;

            if (options.SelectionRect != null)
                targetRect = options.SelectionRect.Value;
                // Try to center the picker within the window
                targetRect = new CGRect(
                    view.Bounds.Width / 2f - DefaultPickerWidth / 2,
                    view.Bounds.Height / 2 - DefaultPickerHeight / 2,

            var picker = new NSSharingServicePicker(sharedData.ToArray());

            var completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();

            picker.DidChooseSharingService += (s, e) =>
                completionSource.SetResult(e.Service != null);

            picker.ShowRelativeToRect(targetRect, view, NSRectEdge.MinYEdge);

            return(await completionSource.Task);
Exemple #2
        static Task PlatformShowRequestAsync(ShareRequestBase request, List <NSObject> items)
            var window = Platform.GetCurrentWindow();
            var view   = window.ContentView;

            var rect = request.PresentationSourceBounds.AsCGRect();

            rect.Y = view.Bounds.Height - rect.Bottom;

            var picker = new NSSharingServicePicker(items.ToArray());

            picker.ShowRelativeToRect(rect, view, NSRectEdge.MinYEdge);
