//Handle right click event for the TableView
 public override NSMenu MenuForEvent (NSEvent theEvent)
     CGPoint pt = this.ConvertPointFromView (theEvent.LocationInWindow, null);
     _selectedRow = this.GetRow (pt);
     NSTableViewDataSource ds = (NSTableViewDataSource)this.DataSource;
     NSMenu menu = new NSMenu ();
     if (_selectedRow >= (nint)0) {
         if (ds is NodesListView) {
             DirectoryNode node = ((ds as NodesListView).Entries [(int)_selectedRow] as DirectoryNode);
             if (node != null) {
                 if (node.NodeType == DirectoryNode.DirectoryNodeType.User) {
                     NSMenuItem ResetPassword = new NSMenuItem ("Set Password", node.RestUserPassword); 
                     menu.AddItem (ResetPassword);
                     NSMenuItem delete = new NSMenuItem ("Delete", node.Delete); 
                     menu.AddItem (delete);
                     NSMenuItem Properties = new NSMenuItem ("Properties", node.ViewProperties); 
                     menu.AddItem (Properties);
                 } else if (node.NodeType == DirectoryNode.DirectoryNodeType.Groups) {
                     NSMenuItem addUser = new NSMenuItem ("Add user to group", node.AddUserToGroup); 
                     menu.AddItem (addUser);
     NSMenu.PopUpContextMenu (menu, theEvent, theEvent.Window.ContentView);
     return base.MenuForEvent (theEvent);
		public override void DidFinishLaunching (NSNotification notification)
			var menu = new NSMenu ();

			var menuItem = new NSMenuItem ();
			menu.AddItem (menuItem);

			var appMenu = new NSMenu ();
			var quitItem = new NSMenuItem ("Quit", "q", (s, e) => NSApplication.SharedApplication.Terminate (menu));
			appMenu.AddItem (quitItem);

			menuItem.Submenu = appMenu;
			NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainMenu = menu;

			m_window = new NSWindow (
				new CGRect (0, 0, 1024, 720),
				NSWindowStyle.Closable | NSWindowStyle.Miniaturizable | NSWindowStyle.Titled | NSWindowStyle.Resizable | NSWindowStyle.TexturedBackground,
				false) {
				Title = "Bluebird WkBrowser",
				ReleasedWhenClosed = false,
				ContentMinSize = new CGSize (1024, 600),
				CollectionBehavior = NSWindowCollectionBehavior.FullScreenPrimary
			m_window.Center ();
			m_window.MakeKeyAndOrderFront (null);

			var viewController = new ViewController ();
			m_window.ContentView = viewController.View;
			m_window.ContentViewController = viewController;
			viewController.View.Frame = m_window.ContentView.Bounds;
		public static void ShowContextMenu (Gtk.Widget parent, int x, int y, NSMenu menu)
			if (parent == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("parent");
			if (menu == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("menu");

			parent.GrabFocus ();

			Gtk.Application.Invoke (delegate {
				// Explicitly release the grab because the menu is shown on the mouse position, and the widget doesn't get the mouse release event
				Gdk.Pointer.Ungrab (Gtk.Global.CurrentEventTime);
				var nsview = MonoDevelop.Components.Mac.GtkMacInterop.GetNSView (parent);
				var toplevel = parent.Toplevel as Gtk.Window;

				var nswindow = MonoDevelop.Components.Mac.GtkMacInterop.GetNSWindow (toplevel);
				var titleBarHeight = MonoDevelop.Components.Mac.GtkMacInterop.GetTitleBarHeight ();
				var pt = new CoreGraphics.CGPoint (x, nswindow.Frame.Height - y - titleBarHeight - 12);

				var tmp_event = NSEvent.MouseEvent (NSEventType.LeftMouseDown,
					0, 0,
					null, 0, 0, 0);

				NSMenu.PopUpContextMenu (menu, tmp_event, nsview);
		public override void NeedsUpdate (NSMenu menu)
			// Get list of menu items
			NSMenuItem[] Items = menu.ItemArray ();

			// Get the key window and determine if the required images are available
			var window = NSApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow as MainWindow;
			var hasImage = (window != null) && (window.Image != null);
			var hasImageOnPasteboard = (window != null) && window.Document.ImageAvailableOnPasteboard;

			// Process every item in the menu
			foreach(NSMenuItem item in Items) {
				// Take action based on the menu title
				switch (item.Title) {
				case "Cut":
				case "Copy":
				case "Delete":
					// Only enable if there is an image in the view
					item.Enabled = hasImage;
				case "Paste":
					// Only enable if there is an image on the pasteboard
					item.Enabled = hasImageOnPasteboard;
					// Only enable the item if it has a sub menu
					item.Enabled = item.HasSubmenu;
		public override void AwakeFromNib ()
			base.AwakeFromNib ();

			var n = new NSMenu ("Open");
			n.AutoEnablesItems = false;
		public static void ShowContextMenu (Gtk.Widget parent, Gdk.EventButton evt, NSMenu menu)
			int x, y;

			parent.TranslateCoordinates (parent.Toplevel, (int)evt.X, (int)evt.Y, out x, out y);

			ShowContextMenu (parent, x, y, menu);
 public override NSMenu MenuForEvent (NSEvent theEvent)
     CGPoint pt = this.ConvertPointFromView (theEvent.LocationInWindow, null);
     _selectedRow = this.GetRow (pt);
     NSTableViewDataSource ds = (NSTableViewDataSource)this.DataSource;
     NSMenu menu = new NSMenu ();
     if (_selectedRow >= (nint)0) {
         if (ds is NodesListView) {
             string data = (ds as NodesListView).Entries [(int)_selectedRow].DisplayName;
             switch (data) {
             case "Private Entities":
                 NSMenuItem addPrivateEntity = new NSMenuItem ("Add Private Entity", ((ds as NodesListView).Entries [(int)_selectedRow] as VecsPrivateKeysNode).AddPrivateKeyHandler); 
                 menu.AddItem (addPrivateEntity);
             case "Secret Keys":
                 NSMenuItem createCertificate = new NSMenuItem ("Add Secret Key", ((ds as NodesListView).Entries [(int)_selectedRow] as VecsSecretKeysNode).AddSecretKey);
                 menu.AddItem (createCertificate);
             case "Trusted Certs":
                 NSMenuItem createSigningRequest = new NSMenuItem ("Create Certificate", ((ds as NodesListView).Entries [(int)_selectedRow] as VecsTrustedCertsNode).AddCertificate);
                 menu.AddItem (createSigningRequest);
         } else if (ds is CertificateDetailsListView) {
             CertificateDetailsListView lw = ds as CertificateDetailsListView;
             CertDTO cert = lw.Entries [(int)_selectedRow];
             NSMenuItem showCert = new NSMenuItem ("Show Certificate", (object sender, EventArgs e) => CertificateService.DisplayX509Certificate2 (this, cert.Cert));
             menu.AddItem (showCert);
             NSMenuItem deleteEntry = new NSMenuItem ("Delete", (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                 UIErrorHelper.CheckedExec (delegate() {
                     if (UIErrorHelper.ConfirmDeleteOperation ("Are you sure?") == true) {
                         using (var session = new VecsStoreSession (lw.ServerDto.VecsClient, lw.Store, "")) {
                             session.DeleteCertificate (cert.Alias);
                         lw.Entries.Remove (cert);
                         UIErrorHelper.ShowAlert ("", "Successfully deleted the entry.");
                         NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.PostNotificationName ("ReloadServerData", this);
             menu.AddItem (deleteEntry);
         NSMenu.PopUpContextMenu (menu, theEvent, theEvent.Window.ContentView);
     return base.MenuForEvent (theEvent);
        public override void DidFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification)
            var menu = new NSMenu();

            var menuItem = new NSMenuItem();

            var appMenu = new NSMenu();
            var quitItem = new NSMenuItem("Quit " + NSProcessInfo.ProcessInfo.ProcessName, "q", (s, e) => NSApplication.SharedApplication.Terminate(menu));

            menuItem.Submenu = appMenu;
            NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainMenu = menu;

            mainWindowController = new MainWindowController();
		public MDServicesMenuItem ()
			Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Services");
			var sub = NSApplication.SharedApplication.ServicesMenu;
			if (sub == null) {
				sub = new NSMenu ();
				NSApplication.SharedApplication.ServicesMenu = sub;
			} else {
				foreach (var m in sub.Supermenu.ItemArray ()) {
					if (m.Submenu == sub) {
						m.Submenu = new NSMenu ();
			Submenu = sub;
        public override void DidFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification)
            var version = "1.0.0";
            var appName = "Lotta love for the Windows Apps user group!";
            Xamarin.Insights.Initialize(Core.Keys.XamarinInsightsKey, version, appName, null);

            var menu = new NSMenu();

            var menuItem = new NSMenuItem();

            var appMenu = new NSMenu();
            var quitItem = new NSMenuItem("Quit " + NSProcessInfo.ProcessInfo.ProcessName, "q", (s, e) => NSApplication.SharedApplication.Terminate(menu));

            menuItem.Submenu = appMenu;
            NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainMenu = menu;
		public static void ShowContextMenu (Gtk.Widget parent, int x, int y, NSMenu menu, bool selectFirstItem = false)
			if (parent == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("parent");
			if (menu == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("menu");

			parent.GrabFocus ();

			Gtk.Application.Invoke (delegate {
				// Explicitly release the grab because the menu is shown on the mouse position, and the widget doesn't get the mouse release event
				Gdk.Pointer.Ungrab (Gtk.Global.CurrentEventTime);
				var nsview = MonoDevelop.Components.Mac.GtkMacInterop.GetNSView (parent);
				var toplevel = parent.Toplevel as Gtk.Window;

				var nswindow = MonoDevelop.Components.Mac.GtkMacInterop.GetNSWindow (toplevel);

				int titleBarOffset;
				if (toplevel.TypeHint == Gdk.WindowTypeHint.Toolbar && toplevel.Type == Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel && toplevel.Decorated == false) {
					// Undecorated toplevel toolbars are used for auto-hide pad windows. Don't add a titlebar offset for them.
					titleBarOffset = 0;
				} else if (MonoDevelop.Ide.DesktopService.GetIsFullscreen (toplevel)) {
					titleBarOffset = 0;
				} else {
					titleBarOffset = MonoDevelop.Components.Mac.GtkMacInterop.GetTitleBarHeight () + 12;

				if (selectFirstItem) {
					var pt = new CoreGraphics.CGPoint (x, y);
					menu.PopUpMenu (menu.ItemAt (0), pt, nsview);
				} else {
					var pt = new CoreGraphics.CGPoint (x, nswindow.Frame.Height - y - titleBarOffset);

					var tmp_event = NSEvent.MouseEvent (NSEventType.LeftMouseDown,
					                                0, 0,
					                                null, 0, 0, 0);
					NSMenu.PopUpContextMenu (menu, tmp_event, nsview);

Exemple #12
        public override void FinishedLaunching (NSObject notification)
            plotWindowController = new PlotWindowController ();

            var menu = new NSMenu ();

            var appMenu = new NSMenu ();
            appMenu.AddItem (new NSMenuItem ("Next example", "n", (s, e) => this.NextExample (1)));
            appMenu.AddItem (new NSMenuItem ("Previous example", "p", (s, e) => this.NextExample (-1)));
            appMenu.AddItem (NSMenuItem.SeparatorItem);
            appMenu.AddItem (new NSMenuItem ("Quit", "q", (s, e) => NSApplication.SharedApplication.Terminate (menu)));
            menu.AddItem (new NSMenuItem { Submenu = appMenu });

            var fileMenu = new NSMenu ("File");
            fileMenu.AddItem (new NSMenuItem ("Export", "e"));
            menu.AddItem (new NSMenuItem { Submenu = fileMenu });

            var editMenu = new NSMenu ("Edit");
            editMenu.AddItem (new NSMenuItem ("Copy", "c"));
            menu.AddItem (new NSMenuItem { Submenu = editMenu });

            var examplesMenu = new NSMenu ("Examples");
            exampleList = Examples.GetList ();

            var categories = exampleList.Select (e => e.Category).Distinct ().OrderBy (c => c).ToArray ();
            var categoryMenus = new Dictionary<string,NSMenu> ();
            foreach (var category in categories) {
                var categoryMenu = new NSMenu (category);
                examplesMenu.AddItem (new NSMenuItem (category) { Submenu = categoryMenu });
                categoryMenus.Add (category, categoryMenu);

            foreach (var example in exampleList) {
                var item = new NSMenuItem (example.Title, (s, e) => this.SetExample (example));
                var categoryMenu = categoryMenus [example.Category];
                categoryMenu.AddItem (item);
            menu.AddItem (new NSMenuItem { Submenu = examplesMenu });
            this.SetExample (exampleList.First ());

            plotWindowController.Window.MakeKeyAndOrderFront (this);
            NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainMenu = menu;
		public static void ShowContextMenu (Gtk.Widget parent, Gdk.EventButton evt, NSMenu menu)
			if (parent == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("parent");
			if (menu == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("menu");

			parent.GrabFocus ();
			int x, y;
			if (evt != null) {
				x = (int)evt.X;
				y = (int)evt.Y;
			} else {
				Gdk.ModifierType mod;
				parent.GdkWindow.GetPointer (out x, out y, out mod);

				var titleBarHeight = MonoDevelop.Components.Mac.GtkMacInterop.GetTitleBarHeight ();
				y -= titleBarHeight;

			Gtk.Application.Invoke (delegate {
				// Explicitly release the grab because the menu is shown on the mouse position, and the widget doesn't get the mouse release event
				Gdk.Pointer.Ungrab (Gtk.Global.CurrentEventTime);
				var nsview = MonoDevelop.Components.Mac.GtkMacInterop.GetNSView (parent);
				var toplevel = parent.Toplevel as Gtk.Window;

				var screenPoint = NSEvent.CurrentMouseLocation;
				var screenRect = new CoreGraphics.CGRect (screenPoint.X, screenPoint.Y, 0, 0);
				var nswindow = MonoDevelop.Components.Mac.GtkMacInterop.GetNSWindow (toplevel);
				var rect = nswindow.ConvertRectFromScreen (screenRect);
				var pt = rect.Location;

				var tmp_event = NSEvent.MouseEvent (NSEventType.LeftMouseDown,
					0, 0,
					null, 0, 0, 0);

				NSMenu.PopUpContextMenu (menu, tmp_event, nsview);
        public override NSMenu MenuForEvent (NSEvent theEvent)
            CGPoint pt = this.ConvertPointFromView (theEvent.LocationInWindow, null);
            nint row = this.GetRow (pt);
            if (row >= (nint)0) {
                NSObject obj = this.ItemAtRow (row);
                if (obj != null) {
                    NSMenu menu = new NSMenu ();
                    if (obj is VecsStoresNode) {
                        VecsStoresNode node = obj as VecsStoresNode;
                        NSMenuItem createStore = new NSMenuItem ("Create Store", node.CreateStore);
                        menu.AddItem (createStore);
                    } else if (obj is VecsPrivateKeysNode) {
                        VecsPrivateKeysNode node = obj as VecsPrivateKeysNode;
                        NSMenuItem addPrivate = new NSMenuItem ("Add Private Key", node.AddPrivateKeyHandler);
                        menu.AddItem (addPrivate);
                    } else if (obj is VecsSecretKeysNode) {
                        VecsSecretKeysNode node = obj as VecsSecretKeysNode;
                        NSMenuItem addSecret = new NSMenuItem ("Add  Secret Key", node.AddSecretKey);
                        menu.AddItem (addSecret);
                    } else if (obj is VecsTrustedCertsNode) {
                        VecsTrustedCertsNode node = obj as VecsTrustedCertsNode;
                        NSMenuItem createCertificate = new NSMenuItem ("Add Certificate", node.AddCertificate);
                        menu.AddItem (createCertificate);
                    } else if (obj is VecsStoreNode) {
                        VecsStoreNode node = obj as VecsStoreNode;
                        NSMenuItem deleteStore = new NSMenuItem ("Delete Store", node.DeleteStore);
                        //disable delete option for the following three certstores.
                        if (node.StoreName.Equals ("MACHINE_SSL_CERT") || node.StoreName.Equals ("TRUSTED_ROOTS") || node.StoreName.Equals ("TRUSTED_ROOT_CRLS"))
                            deleteStore.Hidden = true;
                        menu.AddItem (deleteStore);

                    NSMenu.PopUpContextMenu (menu, theEvent, theEvent.Window.ContentView);
            return base.MenuForEvent (theEvent);
Exemple #15
        void SetViewFontMenuEnable(bool isEnable, bool isHide)
            NSMenu sysmenu = NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainMenu;

            NSMenuItem subMenuItem = sysmenu.ItemAt(3);
            NSMenu     subMenu     = subMenuItem.Submenu;

            subMenu.AutoEnablesItems = false;

            //actual size
            NSMenuItem subItem = subMenu.ItemAt(0);

            subItem.Enabled = isEnable;
            //Console.WriteLine ("title:{0}:{1}",subItem.Title, subItem.Enabled);

            //zoom text in
            subItem         = subMenu.ItemAt(1);
            subItem.Enabled = isMaxFontSize == true?false:isEnable;

            //zoom text out
            subItem         = subMenu.ItemAt(2);
            subItem.Enabled = isMiniFontSize == true?false:isEnable;

            //orgnize publications
            subItem = subMenu.ItemAt(4);
            bool isItemEnable = false;

            if (isHide)
                isItemEnable = false;
                isItemEnable = !isEnable;
            subItem.Enabled = isItemEnable;
        public void Show(Control control, Point pos)
            if (control == null)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            src_control = control;


            NSPoint _pos  = new NSPoint(pos.X, pos.Y);
            var     point = control.m_view.ConvertPointToBase(_pos);

            NSMenu.PopUpContextMenu(m_view, NSEvent.MouseEvent(NSEventType.LeftMouseUp, point, NSEventModifierMask.Shift, 0, NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainWindow.WindowNumber, new NSGraphicsContext(), 0, 1, 1f), control, NSFont.MenuBarFontOfSize(12));
            //m_view.PopUpMenu(new NSMenuItem("test",""),pos,control);

Exemple #17
            /// <summary>
            /// Initializes the menu.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="menu">The menu whose items are to be set.</param>
            internal void InitializeMenu(NSMenu menu)
                var ports = DeviceConnectionViewModel.GetAvailableConnections(_ltoFlash);

                var shortcutNumber = 0;

                foreach (var port in ports)
                    var menuItem = SetActiveDeviceCommand.CreateMenuItemForCommand(_group, true, null);
                    menuItem.Title      = port.Name;
                    menuItem.Activated += HandleSetActiveDeviceCommandActivated; // doesn't use standard approach
                    menuItem.Enabled    = SetActiveDeviceCommand.CanExecute(port);
                    if (shortcutNumber < 10)
                        menuItem.KeyEquivalent             = shortcutNumber.ToString();
                        menuItem.KeyEquivalentModifierMask = NSEventModifierMask.CommandKeyMask;
                    _deviceConnectionViewModels[menuItem.GetHashCode()] = port;
Exemple #18
        public MDServicesMenuItem()
            Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Services");
            var sub = NSApplication.SharedApplication.ServicesMenu;

            if (sub == null)
                sub = new NSMenu();
                NSApplication.SharedApplication.ServicesMenu = sub;
                foreach (var m in sub.Supermenu.ItemArray())
                    if (m.Submenu == sub)
                        m.Submenu = new NSMenu();
            Submenu = sub;
Exemple #19
        public override void DidFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification)
            NSApplication.SharedApplication.ActivationPolicy = NSApplicationActivationPolicy.Accessory;

            var menu = new NSMenu();

            this.statusItem.Title         = "-";
            this.statusItem.HighlightMode = true;
            this.statusItem.Image         = this.slack0;
            this.statusItem.Menu          = menu;

            menu.AddItem(new NSMenuItem {
                Title = "Slack", Action = new ObjCRuntime.Selector("slack:")
            menu.AddItem(new NSMenuItem {
                Title = "Setting", Action = new ObjCRuntime.Selector("setting:")
            menu.AddItem(new NSMenuItem {
                Title = "Quit", Action = new ObjCRuntime.Selector("quit:")

 public static NSMenu ToNSMenu(this Menu menus, NSMenu nsMenu = null)
     if (nsMenu == null)
         nsMenu = new NSMenu(menus.Text ?? "");
     foreach (var menu in menus)
         var menuItem = new NSMenuItem(menu.Text ?? "");
         var subMenu  = new NSMenu(menu.Text ?? "");
         menuItem.Submenu = subMenu;
         foreach (var item in menu.Items)
             var subMenuItem = item.ToNSMenuItem();
             GetAccelerators(subMenuItem, item);
             item.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) => (sender as MenuItem)?.UpdateNSMenuItem(subMenuItem, new string[] { e.PropertyName });
Exemple #21
        void SetEditMenuStatus()
            NSMenu sysmenu = NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainMenu;

            //Edit menu
            NSMenuItem subMenuItem = sysmenu.ItemAt(2);
            NSMenu     subMenu     = subMenuItem.Submenu;

            NSMenuItem [] itemArray = subMenu.ItemArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < itemArray.Length; i++)
                //Console.WriteLine ("{0}",itemArray [i].Title);
                if (itemArray [i].Title == "Start Dictation…")
                    itemArray [i].Hidden = true;

                if (itemArray [i].Title == "Emoji & Symbols")
                    itemArray [i].Hidden = true;
        public override void AwakeFromNib()
            versionLabel.StringValue   = ClientInfo.AboutBoxVersionString;
            versionLabel.ToolTip       = ClientInfo.AboutBoxVersionTooltip;
            appNameLabel.StringValue   = ClientInfo.FullProductName;
            copyrightLabel.StringValue = BuildInfo.Copyright;

            licensesMenu = new NSMenu(Catalog.GetString("Licenses & Notices"));

            licensesMenu.AddItem(new NSMenuItem(
                                     Catalog.GetString("Microsoft Software License Terms…"),
                                     (o, e) => NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.OpenFile(
                                         NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("License", "rtf"))));

            licensesMenu.AddItem(new NSMenuItem(
                                     Catalog.GetString("Third Party Notices…"),
                                     (o, e) => NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.OpenFile(
                                         NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("ThirdPartyNotices", "txt"))));

            licensesMenu.AddItem(new NSMenuItem(
                                     Catalog.GetString("Microsoft Enterprise and Developer Privacy Statement…"),
                                     (o, e) => AppDelegate.SharedAppDelegate.ShowPrivacyStatement((NSObject)o)));
Exemple #23
        public override void RightMouseDown(NSEvent theEvent)

            var row = GetRowByMouseEventArgs(theEvent);

            if (row > -1)
                var selectedRowIndexes = SelectedRows.AsEnumerable().ToList();

                if (!selectedRowIndexes.Contains((nuint)row))
                    var extendSelection = UiStateHelper.CommandKeyDown;
                    SelectRow(row, extendSelection);
                    selectedRowIndexes = SelectedRows.AsEnumerable().ToList();

                var menuItems = new List <NSMenuItem>();
                PrepareContextMenu?.Invoke(this, new ContextMenuArguments(menuItems, selectedRowIndexes));

                if (menuItems.Any())
                    var menu = new NSMenu();

                    foreach (var item in menuItems)

                    // TODO location and synchronization state
                    var locationInView = this.ConvertPointToView(theEvent.LocationInWindow, null);
                    locationInView.X -= 26;

                    menu.PopUpMenu(null, locationInView, this);
 //Right click menu event for the outlineview.
 public override NSMenu MenuForEvent (NSEvent theEvent)
     int row = (int)this.SelectedRow;
     if (row >= (nint)0) {
         NSObject obj = this.ItemAtRow (row);
         if (obj != null) {
             NSMenu menu = new NSMenu ();
             if (obj is DirectoryNode) {
                 DirectoryNode node = obj as DirectoryNode;
                 if (node.NodeType == DirectoryNode.DirectoryNodeType.User) {
                     NSMenuItem addUsertoGroup = new NSMenuItem ("Add to a Group", node.AddUserToGroup);
                     menu.AddItem (addUsertoGroup);
                     NSMenuItem resetPassword = new NSMenuItem ("Set Password", node.RestUserPassword);
                     menu.AddItem (resetPassword);
                 } else if (node.NodeType == DirectoryNode.DirectoryNodeType.Groups) {
                     NSMenuItem addGrouptoGroup = new NSMenuItem ("Add to a Group", node.AddUserToGroup);
                     menu.AddItem (addGrouptoGroup);
                 } else {
                     NSMenuItem addUser = new NSMenuItem ("Add User", node.AddUser);
                     menu.AddItem (addUser);
                     NSMenuItem addGroup = new NSMenuItem ("Add Group", node.AddGroup);
                     menu.AddItem (addGroup);
                     NSMenuItem add = new NSMenuItem ("Add Object", node.Add);
                     menu.AddItem (add);
                 NSMenuItem delete = new NSMenuItem ("Delete", node.Delete);
                 menu.AddItem (delete);
                 NSMenuItem properties = new NSMenuItem ("Properties", node.ViewProperties);
                 menu.AddItem (properties);
                 NSMenuItem refresh = new NSMenuItem ("Refresh", node.RefreshNode);
                 menu.AddItem (refresh);
             NSMenu.PopUpContextMenu (menu, theEvent, theEvent.Window.ContentView);
     return base.MenuForEvent (theEvent);
Exemple #25
            void CreateMenuItem(NSMenu menu, IRuntimeModel runtime)
                var menuItem = new NSMenuItem {
                    IndentationLevel = runtime.IsIndented ? 2 : 1,
                    Enabled          = runtime.Enabled,
                    Hidden           = !runtime.Visible,
                    AttributedTitle  = new NSAttributedString(runtime.DisplayString, new NSStringAttributes {
                        Font = runtime.Notable ? NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.ConvertFont(menu.Font, NSFontTraitMask.Bold) : menu.Font,

                var subMenu = CreateSubMenuForRuntime(runtime);

                if (subMenu != null)
                    menuItem.Submenu = subMenu;
                    menuItem.Enabled = true;
                    menuItem.Activated += (o2, e2) => {
                        string old = ActiveRuntime.FullDisplayString;
                        ActiveRuntime = runtimeModel.First(r => r.FullDisplayString == runtime.FullDisplayString);
                        var ea = new HandledEventArgs();
                        if (RuntimeChanged != null)
                            RuntimeChanged(o2, ea);

                        if (ea.Handled)
                            ActiveRuntime = runtimeModel.First(r => r.FullDisplayString == old);
Exemple #26
        private void RequirePopup()
            if (this.popupButton != null)


            this.popupButton = new FocusablePopUpButton {
                AllowsExpansionToolTips = true,
                Cell =
                    LineBreakMode      = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail,
                    UsesSingleLineMode = true,
                ControlSize = NSControlSize.Small,
                Font        = NSFont.SystemFontOfSize(NSFont.SystemFontSizeForControlSize(NSControlSize.Small)),
                TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false,
                StringValue = String.Empty,

            this.popupButtonList        = new NSMenu();
            this.popupButton.Menu       = this.popupButtonList;
            this.popupButton.Activated += PopupButton_Activated;


            AddConstraints(new[] {
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(this.popupButton, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterY, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, this, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterY, 1f, 0f),
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(this.popupButton, NSLayoutAttribute.Left, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, this, NSLayoutAttribute.Left, 1f, 0f),
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(this.popupButton, NSLayoutAttribute.Width, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, this, NSLayoutAttribute.Width, 1f, 0),

            this.firstKeyView = this.popupButton;
            this.lastKeyView  = this.popupButton;
Exemple #27
        partial void StartSearch(NSSearchField sender)
            var    noteResults    = AppDelegate.NoteEngine.GetNotes(sender.StringValue, true);
            NSMenu noteSearchMenu = new NSMenu("Search Results");
            var    action         = new MonoMac.ObjCRuntime.Selector("searchResultSelected");

            foreach (var name in noteResults.Values.Select(n => n.Title))
                noteSearchMenu.AddItem(name, action, string.Empty);
            NSEvent evt = NSEvent.OtherEvent(NSEventType.ApplicationDefined,
                                             new PointF(sender.Frame.Left, sender.Frame.Top),
                                             0, 0);

            NSMenu.PopUpContextMenu(noteSearchMenu, evt, searchField);
 public override NSMenu MenuForEvent (NSEvent theEvent)
     CGPoint pt = this.ConvertPointToView (theEvent.LocationInWindow, null);
     nint row = this.GetRow (pt);
     if (row >= (nint)0) {
         NSObject obj = this.ItemAtRow ((int)row);
         if (obj != null) {
             NSMenu menu = new NSMenu ();
             if (obj is VMCAServerNode) {
                 VMCAServerNode serverNode = obj as VMCAServerNode;
                 if (serverNode.IsLoggedIn) {
                     NSMenuItem getVersion = new NSMenuItem ("Get Server Version", serverNode.GetServerVersion);
                     menu.AddItem (getVersion);
                     NSMenuItem showRoot = new NSMenuItem ("Show Root Certificate", serverNode.ShowRootCertificate);
                     menu.AddItem (showRoot);
                     NSMenuItem addCert = new NSMenuItem ("Add Root Certificate", serverNode.AddRootCertificate);
                     menu.AddItem (addCert);
             } else if (obj is VMCAKeyPairNode) {
                 VMCAKeyPairNode node = obj as VMCAKeyPairNode;
                 NSMenuItem createKeyPair = new NSMenuItem ("Create KeyPair", node.CreateKeyPair);
                 menu.AddItem (createKeyPair);
             } else if (obj is VMCACSRNode) {
                 VMCACSRNode node = obj as VMCACSRNode;
                 NSMenuItem createSigningRequest = new NSMenuItem ("Create Signing Request", node.HandleSigningRequest);
                 menu.AddItem (createSigningRequest);
             } else if (obj is VMCAPersonalCertificatesNode) {
                 VMCAPersonalCertificatesNode node = obj as VMCAPersonalCertificatesNode;
                 NSMenuItem createCertificate = new NSMenuItem ("Create Certificate", node.CreateCertificate);
                 menu.AddItem (createCertificate);
             NSMenu.PopUpContextMenu (menu, theEvent, theEvent.Window.ContentView);
     return base.MenuForEvent (theEvent);
Exemple #29
        public override bool ShowContextMenu(CommandManager commandManager, Gtk.Widget widget, double x, double y, CommandEntrySet entrySet, object initialCommandTarget = null)
            Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate {
                // Explicitly release the grab because the menu is shown on the mouse position, and the widget doesn't get the mouse release event
                var menu     = new MDMenu(commandManager, entrySet, CommandSource.ContextMenu, initialCommandTarget);
                var nsview   = MacInterop.GtkQuartz.GetView(widget);
                var toplevel = widget.Toplevel as Gtk.Window;
                int trans_x, trans_y;
                widget.TranslateCoordinates(toplevel, (int)x, (int)y, out trans_x, out trans_y);

                var pt = nsview.ConvertPointFromBase(new PointF((float)trans_x, (float)trans_y));

                var tmp_event = NSEvent.MouseEvent(NSEventType.LeftMouseDown,
                                                   0, 0,
                                                   null, 0, 0, 0);

                NSMenu.PopUpContextMenu(menu, tmp_event, nsview);

        private void PopulateFestivalDaysMenu(NSMenu menu)
            // Delete existing festival day menu items.
            foreach (var menuItem in _dayItems)

            // Loop through the festival days
            _dayItems = new List <NSMenuItem> {
            var plan = _controller.Plan;
            var tag  = _FirstFestivalDaysMenuItemTag;

            foreach (var day in ScreeningsPlan.FestivalDays)
                var item = new NSMenuItem(ItemTitle(day));
                item.Tag        = tag++;
                item.Enabled    = day != plan.CurrDay;
                item.Activated += (sender, e) => _controller.GoToDay(day);
            public override void MenuWillOpen(NSMenu menu)
                if (owner.currentMenu != menu)
                    var cancelEventArgs = new CancelEventArgs();
                    if (owner.owner_item != null && owner.owner_item is ToolStripDropDownItem)
                        ToolStripDropDownItem dropdown_owner = (ToolStripDropDownItem)owner.owner_item;
                    if (!cancelEventArgs.Cancel)
                    if (cancelEventArgs.Cancel)

                owner.is_visible  = true;
                owner.currentMenu = menu;

                // Send WM_CANCELMODE to cancel any grabs

                // Convert all the menu items to NSMenuItems (w/ embedded views if necessary)
                if (!beforePopupCalled)

Exemple #32
        void PopulateArrayItems(CommandArrayInfo infos, NSMenu parent, ref NSMenuItem lastSeparator, ref int index)
            foreach (CommandInfo ci in infos)
                if (ci.IsArraySeparator)
                    var n = NSMenuItem.SeparatorItem;
                    n.Hidden      = true;
                    n.Target      = this;
                    lastSeparator = n;
                    parent.InsertItem(n, index++);

                var item = new MDExpandedArrayItem {
                    Info   = ci,
                    Target = this,
                    Action = ActionSel,

                if (ci is CommandInfoSet)
                    item.Submenu = new NSMenu();
                    int        i   = 0;
                    NSMenuItem sep = null;
                    PopulateArrayItems(((CommandInfoSet)ci).CommandInfos, item.Submenu, ref sep, ref i);
                SetItemValues(item, ci);

                if (!item.Hidden)
                    MDMenu.ShowLastSeparator(ref lastSeparator);
                parent.InsertItem(item, index++);
        public override NSMenu MenuForEvent(NSEvent theEvent)
            if (SelectedRow >= (nint)0)
                NSObject obj = this.ItemAtRow(SelectedRow);
                if (obj != null)
                    NSMenu menu = new NSMenu();

                    if (obj is VMDirSchemaClassEntryNode)
                        var        node         = obj as VMDirSchemaClassEntryNode;
                        NSMenuItem addAttribute = new NSMenuItem(VMDirSchemaConstants.VMDIRSCHEMA_PROPERTIES, node.ShowProperties);
                    else if (obj is VMDirSchemaClassBaseNode)
                        var        node           = obj as VMDirSchemaClassBaseNode;
                        NSMenuItem addObjectClass = new NSMenuItem(VMDirSchemaConstants.VMDIRSCHEMA_ADDCLASS, node.AddObjectClass);
                    else if (obj is VMDirSchemaAttributeBaseNode)
                        var        node         = obj as VMDirSchemaAttributeBaseNode;
                        NSMenuItem addAttribute = new NSMenuItem(VMDirSchemaConstants.VMDIRSCHEMA_ADDATTRIBUTE, node.AddNewAttribute);
                        //do nothing
                    NSMenu.PopUpContextMenu(menu, theEvent, theEvent.Window.ContentView);
Exemple #34
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            // Do any additional setup after loading the view

            titleText.AttributedStringValue = titleString;
            hoverarea = new NSTrackingArea(SettingsButton.Bounds, NSTrackingAreaOptions.MouseEnteredAndExited | NSTrackingAreaOptions.ActiveAlways, this, null);

            //Contextual Menu for settings
            settingsMenu = new NSMenu();

            launch = new NSMenuItem("Launch at Login", new ObjCRuntime.Selector("launch:"), "");
            NSMenuItem about = new NSMenuItem("About", new ObjCRuntime.Selector("about:"), "");
            NSMenuItem quit  = new NSMenuItem("Quit", new ObjCRuntime.Selector("quit:"), "q");


            cursor = NSCursor.CurrentSystemCursor;
Exemple #35
        private NSMenuItem CreateMenuItem(object sender, RepositoryAction action, ContextMenuArguments arguments)
            if (action.BeginGroup)

            var item = new NSMenuItem(action.Name, (s, e) => action.Action?.Invoke(s, e));

            item.Enabled = action.CanExecute;

            // this is a deferred submenu. We want to make sure that the context menu can pop up
            // fast, while submenus are not evaluated yet. We don't want to make the context menu
            // itself slow because the creation of the submenu items takes some time.
            if (action.DeferredSubActionsEnumerator != null)
                var submenu = new NSMenu {
                    AutoEnablesItems = false
                submenu.Delegate = new DeferredInitializerDelegate(arguments.Initializers);

                arguments.Initializers.Add(item, () =>
                    foreach (var subAction in action.DeferredSubActionsEnumerator())
                        submenu.AddItem(CreateMenuItem(sender, subAction, arguments));

                    Console.WriteLine($"Added {submenu.Items.Length} deferred sub action(s).");

                item.Submenu = submenu;

        public override void DidFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification)

            // Set our custom menu with Cocoa
            if (true)
                // From XIB/NIB file (editable in Xcode Interface Builder)
                NSArray arr;
                bool    res = NSBundle.MainBundle.LoadNibNamed("MainMenu", NSApplication.SharedApplication, out arr);
                // Or we can create it programatically
                var menu1 = new NSMenu();
                menu1.AddItem(new NSMenuItem("Hi there"));
                menu1.AddItem(new NSMenuItem("Exit", (sender, e) => NSApplication.SharedApplication.Terminate(menu1)));

                var menu2 = new NSMenu("Second menu");
                menu2.AddItem(new NSMenuItem("What"));
                menu2.AddItem(new NSMenuItem("Hey"));

                var menubar = new NSMenu();
                menubar.AddItem(new NSMenuItem {
                    Submenu = menu1
                menubar.AddItem(new NSMenuItem {
                    Submenu = menu2

                NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainMenu = menubar;
        public override void NeedsUpdate(NSMenu menu)
            // Define some aliases for improved readability.
            ViewController             viewController          = _app.Controller;
            FilmRatingDialogController ratingController        = _app.FilmsDialogController;
            ScreeningDialogController  screeningInfoController = viewController.ScreeningInfoDialog;
            FilmInfoDialogController   filmInfoController      = _app.FilmInfoController;
            AnalyserDialogController   analyserController      = _app.AnalyserDialogController;

            // Process every item in the menu
            foreach (NSMenuItem item in menu.Items)
                // If the Combine or Uncombine film dialog is active, all menu
                // items must be inactive.
                if (_app.CombineTitleController != null || _app.UncombineTitleController != null)
                    item.Enabled = false;

                // Take action based on the menu tag.
                switch (item.Tag)
                case _showFilmsMenuItemTag:
                    item.Enabled = ratingController == null && viewController.ViewIsActive();

                case _toggleOnlyFilmsWithScreeningsMenuItemTag:
                    item.Enabled = ratingController != null;

                case _toggleTypeMatchMethodMenuItemTag:
                    item.Enabled = ratingController != null;

                case _showFilmInfoMenuItemTag:
                    item.Enabled = screeningInfoController != null ||
                                   viewController.RunningPopupsCount == 0 ||
                                   (ratingController != null &&
                                    !ratingController.TextBeingEdited &&
                                    ratingController.OneFilmSelected() &&
                                    filmInfoController == null);

                case _visitFilmWebsiteMenuItemTag:
                    item.Enabled = screeningInfoController != null ||
                                   viewController.RunningPopupsCount == 0 ||
                                   (ratingController != null &&
                                    !ratingController.TextBeingEdited &&
                                    ratingController.OneFilmSelected()) ||
                                   filmInfoController != null ||
                                   (analyserController != null &&
                                    analyserController.GetSelectedFilm() != null);

                case _combineTitlesMenuItemTag:
                    item.Enabled = ratingController != null &&
                                   !ratingController.TextBeingEdited &&

                case _uncombineTitleMenuItemTag:
                    item.Enabled = ratingController != null &&
                                   !ratingController.TextBeingEdited &&

                    item.Enabled = false;
Exemple #38
 public override void MenuDidClose(NSMenu menu)
Exemple #39
 public override void MenuWillOpen(NSMenu menu)
			void MenuDidClose (NSMenu menu)
				if (CloseHandler != null) {
					CloseHandler ();
Exemple #41
 public override void MenuWillOpen(NSMenu menu)
     InvokeOnMainThread(delegate {
         NSApplication.SharedApplication.DockTile.BadgeLabel = null;
		public override void MenuWillHighlightItem (NSMenu menu, NSMenuItem item)
        protected virtual void SetupMainAppMenu(NSMenu nativeMenu)
            var menu = Element.GetMenu(_application);

            menu.ToNSMenu(nativeMenu, NativeMenuItemCreator);
Exemple #44
			void CreateMenuItem (NSMenu menu, IRuntimeModel runtime)
				var menuItem = new NSMenuItem {
					IndentationLevel = runtime.IsIndented ? 2 : 1,
					Enabled = runtime.Enabled,
					Hidden = !runtime.Visible,
					AttributedTitle = new NSAttributedString (runtime.DisplayString, new NSStringAttributes {
						Font = runtime.Notable ? NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.ConvertFont (menu.Font, NSFontTraitMask.Bold) : menu.Font,

				var subMenu = CreateSubMenuForRuntime (runtime);
				if (subMenu != null) {
					menuItem.Submenu = subMenu;
					menuItem.Enabled = true;
				} else {
					menuItem.Activated += (o2, e2) => {
						string old = ActiveRuntime.FullDisplayString;
						ActiveRuntime = runtimeModel.First (r => r.FullDisplayString == runtime.FullDisplayString);
						var ea = new HandledEventArgs ();
						if (RuntimeChanged != null)
							RuntimeChanged (o2, ea);

						if (ea.Handled)
							ActiveRuntime = runtimeModel.First (r => r.FullDisplayString == old);
				menu.AddItem (menuItem);
Exemple #45
			NSMenu CreateSubMenuForRuntime (IRuntimeModel runtime)
				if (!runtime.Children.Any ())
					return null;

				var menu = new NSMenu {
					AutoEnablesItems = false,
					ShowsStateColumn = false,
					Font = NSFont.MenuFontOfSize (12),
				foreach (var item in runtime.Children)
					CreateMenuItem (menu, item);
				return menu;
Exemple #46
			public PathSelectorView (CGRect frameRect) : base (frameRect)
				PathComponentCells = new [] {
					new NSPathComponentCell {
						Image = ImageService.GetIcon ("project").ToNSImage (),
						Title = ConfigurationPlaceholder,
						Enabled = false,
						TextColor = NSColor.FromRgba (0.34f, 0.34f, 0.34f, 1),
					new NSPathComponentCell {
						Image = ImageService.GetIcon ("device").ToNSImage (),
						Title = RuntimePlaceholder,
						Enabled = false,
						TextColor = NSColor.FromRgba (0.34f, 0.34f, 0.34f, 1),

				BackgroundColor = NSColor.Clear;
				FocusRingType = NSFocusRingType.None;
				Activated += (sender, e) => {
					var item = ClickedPathComponentCell;
					if (item == null)

					var componentRect = ((NSPathCell)Cell).GetRect (item, Frame, this);
					int idx = -1;
					int i = 0;

					var menu = new NSMenu {
						AutoEnablesItems = false,
						ShowsStateColumn = false,
						Font = NSFont.MenuFontOfSize (12),
					if (object.ReferenceEquals (ClickedPathComponentCell, PathComponentCells [ConfigurationIdx])) {
						foreach (var configuration in ConfigurationModel) {
							if (idx == -1 && configuration.OriginalId == ActiveConfiguration.OriginalId)
								idx = i;

							var _configuration = configuration;
							menu.AddItem (new NSMenuItem (configuration.DisplayString, (o2, e2) => {
								ActiveConfiguration = configurationModel.First (c => c.OriginalId == _configuration.OriginalId);
								if (ConfigurationChanged != null)
									ConfigurationChanged (o2, e2);
								UpdatePathText (ConfigurationIdx, _configuration.DisplayString);
							}) {
								Enabled = true,
								IndentationLevel = 1,
					} else if (object.ReferenceEquals (ClickedPathComponentCell, PathComponentCells [RuntimeIdx])) {
						foreach (var runtime in RuntimeModel) {
							if (idx == -1 && runtime.DisplayString == ActiveRuntime.DisplayString)
								idx = i;

							if (runtime.HasParent)

							if (runtime.IsSeparator)
								menu.AddItem (NSMenuItem.SeparatorItem);
								CreateMenuItem (menu, runtime);
					} else
						throw new NotSupportedException ();

					if (menu.Count > 1) {
						var offs = new CGPoint (componentRect.Left + 3, componentRect.Top + 3);

						if (Window.Screen.BackingScaleFactor == 2)
							offs.Y += 0.5f; // fine tune menu position on retinas

						menu.PopUpMenu (null, offs, this);
			void MenuWillHighlightItem (NSMenu menu, NSMenuItem willHighlightItem)
				if (oldItem != null) {
					oldItem.FireDeselectedEvent ();
					oldItem = null;
				if (willHighlightItem == null)
				int index = (int)menu.IndexOf (willHighlightItem);
				if (index < 0)
				oldItem = this.menu.Items [index];

				oldItem.FireSelectedEvent (new Xwt.Rectangle (lastOpenPositon.X, lastOpenPositon.Y, menu.Size.Width, menu.Size.Height));
			void CreateMenuItem (NSMenu menu, IRuntimeModel runtime)
				NSMenuItem menuItem;
				string runtimeFullDisplayString;

				using (var mutableModel = runtime.GetMutableModel ()) {
					runtimeFullDisplayString = mutableModel.FullDisplayString;

					menuItem = new NSMenuItem {
						IndentationLevel = runtime.IsIndented ? 2 : 1,
						AttributedTitle = new NSAttributedString (mutableModel.DisplayString, new NSStringAttributes {
							Font = runtime.Notable ? NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.ConvertFont (menu.Font, NSFontTraitMask.Bold) : menu.Font,
						Enabled = mutableModel.Enabled,
						Hidden = !mutableModel.Visible,

				var subMenu = CreateSubMenuForRuntime (runtime);
				if (subMenu != null) {
					menuItem.Submenu = subMenu;
					menuItem.Enabled = true;
				} else {
					menuItem.Activated += (o2, e2) => {
						string old;
						using (var activeMutableModel = ActiveRuntime.GetMutableModel ())
							old = activeMutableModel.FullDisplayString;

						IRuntimeModel newRuntime = runtimeModel.FirstOrDefault (r => {
							using (var newRuntimeMutableModel = r.GetMutableModel ())
								return newRuntimeMutableModel.FullDisplayString == runtimeFullDisplayString;
						if (newRuntime == null)

						ActiveRuntime = newRuntime;
						var ea = new HandledEventArgs ();
						if (RuntimeChanged != null)
							RuntimeChanged (o2, ea);

						if (ea.Handled)
							ActiveRuntime = runtimeModel.First (r => {
								using (var newRuntimeMutableModel = r.GetMutableModel ())
									return newRuntimeMutableModel.FullDisplayString == old;
				menu.AddItem (menuItem);
			void MenuDidClose (NSMenu menu)
				if (menu.Supermenu != null)
				if (CloseHandler != null) {
					CloseHandler ();
				this.menu.FireClosedEvent ();
        public override NSMenu MenuForEvent (NSEvent theEvent)
            UIErrorHelper.CheckedExec (delegate() {
                CGPoint pt = this.ConvertPointFromView (theEvent.LocationInWindow, null);
                _selectedRow = this.GetRow (pt);
                //get datasource and node information
                NSTableViewDataSource ds = (NSTableViewDataSource)this.DataSource;
                NSMenu menu = new NSMenu ();
                if (_selectedRow >= 0) {
                    if (ds is NodesListView) {
                        string data = (ds as NodesListView).Entries [(int)_selectedRow].DisplayName;
                        switch (data) {
                        case "Key Pairs":
                            NSMenuItem createKeyPair = new NSMenuItem ("Create Key Pair", HandleKeyPairRequest); 
                            menu.AddItem (createKeyPair);
                        case "Certificates":
                            NSMenuItem createCertificate = new NSMenuItem ("Create Certificate", HandleCreateSelfSignedCertificate);
                            menu.AddItem (createCertificate);
                        case "Signing Requests":
                            NSMenuItem createSigningRequest = new NSMenuItem ("Create SigningRequest", HandleCreateSigningRequest);
                            menu.AddItem (createSigningRequest);
                    } else if (ds is CertificateDetailsListView || ds is PrivateCertsListView) {
                        X509Certificate2 cert = null;
                        if (ds is CertificateDetailsListView) {
                            CertificateDetailsListView lw = ds as CertificateDetailsListView;
                            cert = lw.Entries [(int)_selectedRow];
                            if (lw.CertificateState == (int)VMCA.CertificateState.Active) {
                                NSMenuItem revokeCert = new NSMenuItem ("Revoke Certificate", (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                                    UIErrorHelper.CheckedExec (delegate() {
                                        VMCACertificateService.RevokeCertificate (cert, lw.ServerDto);
                                        NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.PostNotificationName ("ReloadAll", this);
                                menu.AddItem (revokeCert);
                        if (ds is PrivateCertsListView) {
                            cert = CertificateExtensions.GetX509Certificate2FromString ((ds as PrivateCertsListView).Entries [(int)_selectedRow].Certificate);
                        NSMenuItem showCert = new NSMenuItem ("Show Certificate", (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                            CertificateService.DisplayX509Certificate2 (this, cert);
                        menu.AddItem (showCert);
                        NSMenuItem showCertString = new NSMenuItem ("Show Certificate String", (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                            UIHelper.ShowGenericWindowAsSheet (VMCACertificate.GetCertificateAsString (cert), "Certificate String", VMCAAppEnvironment.Instance.MainWindow);
                        menu.AddItem (showCertString);
                        /* if (lw.CertificateState == -1) {
                        NSMenuItem deleteString = new NSMenuItem ("Delete Certificate", (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                            lw.ServerDto.PrivateCertificates.RemoveAll (x => x.Certificate.Equals (cert.ToString ()));
                            NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.PostNotificationName ("ReloadTableView", this);

                        menu.AddItem (deleteString);
                    } else if (ds is CSRDetailListView) {

                        CSRDetailListView lw = ds as CSRDetailListView;
                        var csr = lw.Entries [(int)_selectedRow].CSR;
                        NSMenuItem showCert = new NSMenuItem ("Show CSR", (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                            UIHelper.ShowGenericWindowAsSheet (csr, "CSR", VMCAAppEnvironment.Instance.MainWindow);
                        menu.AddItem (showCert);
                    } else if (ds is KeyPairDetailListView) {
                        KeyPairDetailListView lw = ds as KeyPairDetailListView;
                        var privateKey = lw.Entries [(int)_selectedRow].PrivateKey;
                        var publicKey = lw.Entries [(int)_selectedRow].PublicKey;
                        KeyPairData keyPair = new KeyPairData (privateKey, publicKey);
                        NSMenuItem showCert = new NSMenuItem ("Export KeyPair", (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                            VMCAKeyPairNode.SaveKeyData (keyPair);
                        menu.AddItem (showCert);
                    NSMenu.PopUpContextMenu (menu, theEvent, theEvent.Window.ContentView);

            return base.MenuForEvent (theEvent);
Exemple #51
        private static void AddToolbarItem(NSMutableDictionary theDict, NSString identifier, NSString label, NSString paletteLabel, NSString toolTip, Id target, IntPtr settingSelector, Id itemContent, IntPtr action, NSMenu menu)
            NSMenuItem mItem;

            // here we create the NSToolbarItem and setup its attributes in line with the parameters
            NSToolbarItem item = new NSToolbarItem(identifier);
            item.Label = label;
            item.PaletteLabel = paletteLabel;
            item.ToolTip = toolTip;
            // the settingSelector parameter can either be @selector(setView:) or @selector(setImage:).  Pass in the right
            // one depending upon whether your NSToolbarItem will have a custom view or an image, respectively
            // (in the itemContent parameter).  Then this next line will do the right thing automatically.
            item.PerformSelectorWithObject(settingSelector, itemContent);
            item.Target = target;
            item.Action = action;
            // If this NSToolbarItem is supposed to have a menu "form representation" associated with it (for text-only mode),
            // we set it up here.  Actually, you have to hand an NSMenuItem (not a complete NSMenu) to the toolbar item,
            // so we create a dummy NSMenuItem that has our real menu as a submenu.
            if (menu != null)
                // we actually need an NSMenuItem here, so we construct one
                mItem = new NSMenuItem();
                mItem.Submenu = menu;
                mItem.Title = menu.Title;
                item.MenuFormRepresentation = mItem;

            // Now that we've setup all the settings for this new toolbar item, we add it to the dictionary.
            // The dictionary retains the toolbar item for us, which is why we could autorelease it when we created
            // it (above).
            theDict[identifier] = item;
		void PopulateArrayItems (CommandArrayInfo infos, NSMenu parent, ref NSMenuItem lastSeparator, ref int index)
			if (infos == null)

			foreach (CommandInfo ci in infos) {
				if (ci.IsArraySeparator) {
					var n = NSMenuItem.SeparatorItem;
					n.Hidden = true;
					n.Target = this;
					lastSeparator = n;
					parent.InsertItem (n, index++);

				var item = new MDExpandedArrayItem {
					Info = ci,
					Target = this,
					Action = ActionSel,

				if (ci is CommandInfoSet) {
					item.Submenu = new NSMenu ();
					int i = 0;
					NSMenuItem sep = null;
					PopulateArrayItems (((CommandInfoSet)ci).CommandInfos, item.Submenu, ref sep, ref i);
				SetItemValues (item, ci, true);

				if (!item.Hidden)
					MDMenu.ShowLastSeparator (ref lastSeparator);
				parent.InsertItem (item, index++);
Exemple #53
		public override bool SetGlobalMenu (CommandManager commandManager, string commandMenuAddinPath, string appMenuAddinPath)
			if (setupFail)
				return false;

			try {
				InitApp (commandManager);

				NSApplication.SharedApplication.HelpMenu = null;

				var rootMenu = NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainMenu;
				if (rootMenu == null) {
					rootMenu = new NSMenu ();
					NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainMenu = rootMenu;
				} else {
					rootMenu.RemoveAllItems ();

				CommandEntrySet appCes = commandManager.CreateCommandEntrySet (appMenuAddinPath);
				rootMenu.AddItem (new MDSubMenuItem (commandManager, appCes));

				CommandEntrySet ces = commandManager.CreateCommandEntrySet (commandMenuAddinPath);
				foreach (CommandEntry ce in ces) {
					rootMenu.AddItem (new MDSubMenuItem (commandManager, (CommandEntrySet) ce));
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				try {
					var m = NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainMenu;
					if (m != null) {
						m.Dispose ();
					NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainMenu = null;
				} catch {}
				LoggingService.LogError ("Could not install global menu", ex);
				setupFail = true;
				return false;
			return true;
Exemple #54
 public override void MenuDidClose(NSMenu menu)
Exemple #55
        public void CreateMenu()
            using (NSAutoreleasePool a = new NSAutoreleasePool())
                this.menu = new NSMenu();
                this.menu.AutoEnablesItems = false;

                this.state_item = new NSMenuItem()
                    Title   = Controller.StateText,
                    Enabled = false

                this.folder_item = new NSMenuItem()
                    Title = "SparkleShare"

                this.folder_item.Activated += delegate {

                this.folder_item.Image      = this.sparkleshare_image;
                this.folder_item.Image.Size = new SizeF(16, 16);
                this.folder_item.Enabled    = true;

                this.add_item = new NSMenuItem()
                    Title   = "Add Hosted Project…",
                    Enabled = true

                this.add_item.Activated += delegate {

                this.recent_events_item = new NSMenuItem()
                    Title   = "View Recent Changes…",
                    Enabled = Controller.OpenRecentEventsItemEnabled

                if (Controller.Folders.Length > 0)
                    this.recent_events_item.Activated += delegate {

                this.notify_item = new NSMenuItem()
                    Enabled = (Controller.Folders.Length > 0)

                if (Program.Controller.NotificationsEnabled)
                    this.notify_item.Title = "Turn Notifications Off";
                    this.notify_item.Title = "Turn Notifications On";

                this.notify_item.Activated += delegate {

                    InvokeOnMainThread(delegate {
                        if (Program.Controller.NotificationsEnabled)
                            this.notify_item.Title = "Turn Notifications Off";
                            this.notify_item.Title = "Turn Notifications On";

                this.about_item = new NSMenuItem()
                    Title   = "About SparkleShare",
                    Enabled = true

                this.about_item.Activated += delegate {

                this.quit_item = new NSMenuItem()
                    Title   = "Quit",
                    Enabled = Controller.QuitItemEnabled

                this.quit_item.Activated += delegate {


                this.folder_menu_items = new NSMenuItem [Controller.Folders.Length];
                this.submenu_items     = new NSMenuItem [Controller.OverflowFolders.Length];

                if (Controller.Folders.Length > 0)
                    this.folder_tasks   = new EventHandler [Controller.Folders.Length];
                    this.overflow_tasks = new EventHandler [Controller.OverflowFolders.Length];

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (string folder_name in Controller.Folders)
                        NSMenuItem item = new NSMenuItem();
                        item.Title = folder_name;

                        if (Program.Controller.UnsyncedFolders.Contains(folder_name))
                            item.Image = this.caution_image;
                            item.Image = this.folder_image;

                        item.Image.Size       = new SizeF(16, 16);
                        this.folder_tasks [i] = OpenFolderDelegate(folder_name);

                        this.folder_menu_items [i]            = item;
                        this.folder_menu_items [i].Activated += this.folder_tasks [i];


                    i = 0;
                    foreach (string folder_name in Controller.OverflowFolders)
                        NSMenuItem item = new NSMenuItem();
                        item.Title = folder_name;

                        if (Program.Controller.UnsyncedFolders.Contains(folder_name))
                            item.Image = this.caution_image;
                            item.Image = this.folder_image;

                        item.Image.Size         = new SizeF(16, 16);
                        this.overflow_tasks [i] = OpenFolderDelegate(folder_name);

                        this.submenu_items [i]            = item;
                        this.submenu_items [i].Activated += this.overflow_tasks [i];


                foreach (NSMenuItem item in this.folder_menu_items)

                if (this.submenu_items.Length > 0)
                    this.submenu = new NSMenu();

                    foreach (NSMenuItem item in this.submenu_items)

                    this.more_item = new NSMenuItem()
                        Title   = "More Projects",
                        Submenu = this.submenu



                this.menu.Delegate    = new SparkleStatusIconMenuDelegate();
                this.status_item.Menu = this.menu;
Exemple #56
        public void DidBecomeReady(ICDevice device)
            var scanner        = device as ICScannerDevice;
            var availabeTypes  = scanner.AvailableFunctionalUnitTypes;
            var functionalUnit = scanner.SelectedFunctionalUnit;

            Console.WriteLine($"{nameof (DidBecomeReady)}: {scanner}");

            FunctionalUnitMenu.Enabled = false;

            if (availabeTypes.Length > 0)
                var menu = new NSMenu();
                FunctionalUnitMenu.Enabled = true;

                foreach (var item in availabeTypes)
                    NSMenuItem menuItem;
                    switch ((ICScannerFunctionalUnitType)item.Int32Value)
                    case ICScannerFunctionalUnitType.Flatbed:
                        menuItem = new NSMenuItem("Flatbed", "", SelectFunctionalUnit)
                            Tag = (nint)(long)ICScannerFunctionalUnitType.Flatbed

                    case ICScannerFunctionalUnitType.PositiveTransparency:
                        menuItem = new NSMenuItem("PositiveTransparency", "", SelectFunctionalUnit)
                            Tag = (nint)(long)ICScannerFunctionalUnitType.PositiveTransparency

                    case ICScannerFunctionalUnitType.NegativeTransparency:
                        menuItem = new NSMenuItem("NegativeTransparency", "", SelectFunctionalUnit)
                            Tag = (nint)(long)ICScannerFunctionalUnitType.NegativeTransparency

                    case ICScannerFunctionalUnitType.DocumentFeeder:
                        menuItem = new NSMenuItem("DocumentFeeder", "", SelectFunctionalUnit)
                            Tag = (nint)(long)ICScannerFunctionalUnitType.DocumentFeeder
                FunctionalUnitMenu.Menu = menu;
            Console.WriteLine($"observeValueForKeyPath - functionalUnit: {functionalUnit}");
            if (functionalUnit != null)
Exemple #57
 void MenuWillOpen(NSMenu menu)
		static NSMenu FromMenu (ContextMenu menu, Action closeHandler)
			var result = new NSMenu () { AutoEnablesItems = false };
			result.WeakDelegate = new ContextMenuDelegate { CloseHandler = closeHandler };

			foreach (var menuItem in menu.Items) {
				var item = CreateMenuItem (menuItem);
				result.AddItem (item);

			return result;
Exemple #59
 public override void MenuWillHighlightItem(NSMenu menu, NSMenuItem item)
Exemple #60
		void MenuNeedsUpdate (NSMenu menu)
			Debug.Assert (menu == this);

			// MacOS calls this for each menu when it's about to open, but also for every menu on every keystroke.
			// We only want to do the update when the menu's about to open, since it's expensive. Checking whether
			// NSMenuProperty.Image needs to be updated is the only way to distinguish between these cases.
			// http://www.cocoabuilder.com/archive/cocoa/285859-reason-for-menuneedsupdate-notification.html
			if (PropertiesToUpdate ().HasFlag (NSMenuProperty.Image))
				UpdateCommands ();