Exemple #1
        public SearchBarView()
            TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
            WantsLayer            = true;
            Layer.BackgroundColor = NSColor.White.CGColor;

            searchIcon       = new NSImageView();
            searchIcon.Image = NSImage.ImageNamed("Search");
            searchIcon.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;

            SearchField = new NSTextField();
            SearchField.DrawsBackground = false;
            SearchField.FocusRingType   = NSFocusRingType.None;
            SearchField.Bordered        = false;
            SearchField.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
            SearchField.Font              = NSFont.FromFontName("SF UI Display Regular", 14);
            SearchField.TextColor         = NSColor.FromRgb(100, 100, 100);
            SearchField.PlaceholderString = "Search music here...";

            ProgressIndicator = new NSProgressIndicator();
            ProgressIndicator.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
            ProgressIndicator.Style = NSProgressIndicatorStyle.Spinning;
            //ProgressIndicator.Hidden = true;



Exemple #2
        public void AddItem(string identifier, string title)
            var layer = new CATextLayer();

            layer.String = title;
            layer.SetFont("SF UI Text Bold");
            layer.FontSize        = 12;
            layer.ForegroundColor = NSColor.FromRgb(80, 80, 80).CGColor;
            layer.ContentsScale   = NSScreen.MainScreen.BackingScaleFactor;

            var attrs = new NSStringAttributes();

            attrs.Font = NSFont.FromFontName("SF UI Text Bold", 12);

            var stringSize = NSStringDrawing.StringSize(layer.String, attrs);
            var frame      = new CGRect(new CGPoint(0, 0), stringSize);

            layer.Frame       = frame;
            layer.AnchorPoint = new CGPoint(0, 0.5f);

            items.Add(new BreadcrumbViewItem {
                Identifier = identifier,
                Title      = title,
                Layer      = layer


            NeedsDisplay = true;
Exemple #3
		public TerminalView (CGRect rect) : base (rect)
			fontNormal = NSFont.FromFontName ("Lucida Sans Typewriter", 14);
			fontBold = NSFont.FromFontName ("Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold", 14);
			fontItalic = NSFont.FromFontName ("Lucida Sans Typewriter Oblique", 14);
			fontBoldItalic = NSFont.FromFontName ("Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold Oblique", 14);
			ComputeCellDimensions ();

			var cols = (int)(rect.Width / cellWidth);
			var rows = (int)(rect.Height / cellHeight);

			terminal = new Terminal (this, new TerminalOptions () { Cols = cols, Rows = rows });
			FullBufferUpdate ();
			caret = new NSView (new CGRect (0, cellDelta, cellHeight, cellWidth)) {
				WantsLayer = true
			AddSubview (caret);
			debug = new NSView (new CGRect (0, 0, 10, 10)) {
				WantsLayer = true
			//AddSubview (debug);

			var caretColor = NSColor.FromColor (NSColor.Blue.ColorSpace, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.9f, 0.5f);

			caret.Layer.BackgroundColor = caretColor.CGColor;

			debug.Layer.BackgroundColor = caretColor.CGColor;
        public override void AwakeFromNib()
                string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("settings.txt");

                if (lines.Length == 4)
                    textBox3.StringValue = lines[0];
                    textBox1.StringValue = lines[1];
                    textBox2.StringValue = lines[2];
                    minerCli             = lines[3];
            catch (Exception e)
                PrintToConsoleOutput($"Could not find 'settings.txt'");

            consoleControl1.Font = NSFont.FromFontName("Courier", 11);

            Window.WillClose += (sender, e) =>
 public override void AwakeFromNib()
     codeTextView.Font = NSFont.FromFontName("Courier", 11);
     codeTextView.AutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled = false;
     helpLink.LinkClicked = (sender, e) => events.OnHelpLinkClicked();
Exemple #6
        public BooleanEditorControl()
            BooleanEditor = new NSButton {
                AllowsMixedState = true,
                ControlSize      = NSControlSize.Small,
                Font             = NSFont.FromFontName(DefaultFontName, DefaultFontSize),
                Title            = string.Empty,
                TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false,

            // update the value on 'enter'
            BooleanEditor.Activated += (sender, e) => {
                switch (BooleanEditor.State)
                case NSCellStateValue.Off:
                    ViewModel.Value = false;

                case NSCellStateValue.On:
                    ViewModel.Value = true;


            this.DoConstraints(new[] {
                BooleanEditor.ConstraintTo(this, (cb, c) => cb.Width == c.Width),
                BooleanEditor.ConstraintTo(this, (cb, c) => cb.Top == c.Top + 5),
                BooleanEditor.ConstraintTo(this, (cb, c) => cb.Left == c.Left + 4),

        public void SetItem(GenericOutlineItemWrapper item)
            this.item = item;

            if (!item.IsCategory)
                ImageView.Image     = NSImage.ImageNamed(item.Icon).Tint(NSColor.FromRgb(45, 45, 45));
                TextField.Font      = NSFont.FromFontName("SF UI Display Regular", 14);
                TextField.TextColor = NSColor.FromRgb(45, 45, 45);
                TextField.Font      = NSFont.FromFontName("SF UI Display Medium", 13);
                TextField.TextColor = NSColor.FromRgb(135, 135, 135);

            TextField.StringValue = item.Text;

            if (cachedIsCategory != item.IsCategory)
                cachedIsCategory = item.IsCategory;
Exemple #8
 public CodeEditorControlHandler()
         te                  = new Controls.Mac.TextEditor();
         te.Font             = NSFont.FromFontName("Menlo", 11.0f);
         te.Editable         = true;
         te.Selectable       = true;
         te.AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable;
         te.MaxSize          = new CGSize(1000, 10000000);
         te.Formatter        = new LanguageFormatter(te, new PythonDescriptor());
         sv                  = new NSScrollView {
             AutoresizesSubviews = true, BorderType = NSBorderType.NoBorder, HasVerticalScroller = true, HasHorizontalScroller = true, AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable
         var cv = new NSClipView {
             AutoresizesSubviews = true
         cv.DocumentView = te;
         sv.ContentView  = cv;
         this.Control    = sv;
     catch (Exception ex)
         string configfiledir = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "Documents", "DWSIM Application Data");
         if (!Directory.Exists(configfiledir))
         File.WriteAllText(System.IO.Path.Combine(configfiledir, "lasterror2.txt"), ex.ToString());
 public (bool success, string filePath) LoadFont(EmbeddedFont font)
         var data     = NSData.FromStream(font.ResourceStream);
         var provider = new CGDataProvider(data);
         var cGFont   = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(provider);
         var name     = cGFont.PostScriptName;
         if (CTFontManager.RegisterGraphicsFont(cGFont, out var error))
             return(true, name);
         else                 //Lets check if the font is already registered
             var uiFont = NSFont.FromFontName(name, 10);
             if (uiFont != null)
                 return(true, name);
     catch (Exception ex)
     return(false, null);
Exemple #10
        public override NSFont ConvertFont(NSFont fontObj, NSFontTraitMask trait)
            // be a little less conservative when converting fonts to use the name when translating to italics.
            // e.g. 'Klavika Medium' translates to 'Klavika Italic' if adding italic trait, instead of
            // 'Klavika Medium Italic'.
            if (trait == NSFontTraitMask.Italic || trait == NSFontTraitMask.Unitalic)
                var          oldName      = (string)FontTypefaceHandler.GetName(fontObj.Handle);
                const string italicSuffix = " Italic";
                string       newName      = null;
                if (trait == NSFontTraitMask.Italic)
                    newName = oldName + italicSuffix;
                else if (oldName.EndsWith(italicSuffix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    newName = oldName.Substring(0, oldName.Length - italicSuffix.Length);

                if (newName != null)
                    foreach (var descriptor in AvailableMembersOfFontFamily(fontObj.FamilyName))
                        var fontName = (string)Messaging.GetNSObject <NSString>(descriptor.ValueAt(1));
                        if (string.Equals(fontName, newName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            var postScriptName = (string)Messaging.GetNSObject <NSString>(descriptor.ValueAt(0));
                            return(NSFont.FromFontName(postScriptName, fontObj.PointSize));

            return(base.ConvertFont(fontObj, trait));
Exemple #11
        public PredefinedValuesEditor()
            base.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;

            this.comboBox = new NSComboBox {
                TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false,
                BackgroundColor = NSColor.Clear,
                StringValue     = String.Empty,
                ControlSize     = NSControlSize.Small,
                Editable        = false,
                Font            = NSFont.FromFontName(DefaultFontName, DefaultFontSize),

            this.comboBox.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => {
                ViewModel.ValueName = comboBox.SelectedValue.ToString();

            this.popUpButton = new NSPopUpButton {
                TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false,
                StringValue = String.Empty,
                ControlSize = NSControlSize.Small,
                Font        = NSFont.FromFontName(DefaultFontName, DefaultFontSize),

            popupButtonList  = new NSMenu();
            popUpButton.Menu = popupButtonList;

            popUpButton.Activated += (o, e) => {
                ViewModel.ValueName = (o as NSPopUpButton).Title;

        public Task <NSImage> LoadImageAsync(
            ImageSource imagesource,
            CancellationToken cancelationToken = default(CancellationToken),
            float scale = 1f)
            NSImage image      = null;
            var     fontsource = imagesource as FontImageSource;

            if (fontsource != null)
                var font = NSFont.FromFontName(fontsource.FontFamily ?? string.Empty, (float)fontsource.Size) ??
                var iconcolor = fontsource.Color.IsDefault ? _defaultColor : fontsource.Color;
                var attString = new NSAttributedString(fontsource.Glyph, font: font, foregroundColor: iconcolor.ToNSColor());
                var imagesize = ((NSString)fontsource.Glyph).StringSize(attString.GetAttributes(0, out _));

                using (var context = new CGBitmapContext(IntPtr.Zero, (nint)imagesize.Width, (nint)imagesize.Height, 8, (nint)imagesize.Width * 4, NSColorSpace.GenericRGBColorSpace.ColorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedFirst))
                    using (var ctline = new CTLine(attString))

                    using (var cgImage = context.ToImage())
                        image = new NSImage(cgImage, imagesize);

 public override void ViewDidLoad()
     // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
     _titleLabel.Font = NSFont.FromFontName("Kunstler Script", 72.0f);
     AppendMessage("Use the File menu to open a GEDCOM file copy of your tree. See website documentation on how to generate a GEDCOM if you are unsure.\n\n");
Exemple #14
        public NativeMacOsCell(NSString cellId)
            Identifier            = cellId;
            WantsLayer            = true;
            Layer.BackgroundColor = NSColor.FromRgb(218, 255, 127).CGColor;

            _imageView = new NSImageView();

            _headingLabel = new NSTextField()
                Font            = NSFont.FromFontName("Cochin-BoldItalic", 22f),
                TextColor       = NSColor.FromRgb(127, 51, 0),
                BackgroundColor = NSColor.Clear

            _subheadingLabel = new NSTextField()
                Font            = NSFont.FromFontName("AmericanTypewriter", 12f),
                TextColor       = NSColor.FromRgb(38, 127, 0),
                Alignment       = NSTextAlignment.Center,
                BackgroundColor = NSColor.Clear

Exemple #15
        private static NSFont GetSystemFont(nfloat size, FontWeight fontWeight, FontStyle fontStyle, string fontFamilyName)
            //based on Fonts available @ http://iosfonts.com/
            //for Windows parity feature, we will not support FontFamily="HelveticaNeue-Bold" (will ignore Bold and must be set by FontWeight property instead)
            var rootFontFamilyName = fontFamilyName.Split(new[] { '-' }).FirstOrDefault();

            if (rootFontFamilyName.HasValue())
                var font = new StringBuilder(rootFontFamilyName);
                if (fontWeight != FontWeights.Normal || fontStyle == FontStyle.Italic)

                var updatedFont = NSFont.FromFontName(font.ToString(), size);
                if (updatedFont != null)

                font.Log().Warn("Failed to apply Font " + font);

                return(NSFont.FromFontName(rootFontFamilyName, size));

Exemple #16
        public override void SetupSlide(PresentationViewController presentationViewController)
            // Create the font and the materials that will be shared among the features in the word cloud
            Font = NSFont.FromFontName("Myriad Set BoldItalic", 50) != null?NSFont.FromFontName("Myriad Set BoldItalic", 50) : NSFont.FromFontName("Avenir Heavy Oblique", 50);

            var frontAndBackMaterial = SCNMaterial.Create();
            var sideMaterial         = SCNMaterial.Create();

            sideMaterial.Diffuse.Contents = NSColor.DarkGray;

            Materials = new SCNMaterial[] { frontAndBackMaterial, sideMaterial, frontAndBackMaterial };

            // Add different features to the word cloud
            PlaceFeature("Techniques", new CGPoint(10, -8), 0);
            PlaceFeature("SpriteKit materials", new CGPoint(-16, -7), 0.05f);
            PlaceFeature("Inverse Kinematics", new CGPoint(-12, -6), 0.1f);
            PlaceFeature("Actions", new CGPoint(-10, 6), 0.15f);
            PlaceFeature("SKTexture", new CGPoint(4, 9), 0.2f);
            PlaceFeature("JavaScript", new CGPoint(-4, 8), 0.25f);
            PlaceFeature("Alembic", new CGPoint(-3, -8), 0.3f);
            PlaceFeature("OpenSubdiv", new CGPoint(-1, 6), 0.35f);
            PlaceFeature("Assets catalog", new CGPoint(1, 5), 0.85f);
            PlaceFeature("SIMD bridge", new CGPoint(3, -6), 0.45f);
            PlaceFeature("Physics", new CGPoint(-0.5f, 0), 0.47f);
            PlaceFeature("Vehicle", new CGPoint(5, 3), 0.50f);
            PlaceFeature("Fog", new CGPoint(7, 2), 0.95f);
            PlaceFeature("SpriteKit Overlays", new CGPoint(-10, 1), 0.60f);
            PlaceFeature("Particles", new CGPoint(-13, -1), 0.65f);
            PlaceFeature("Forward shadows", new CGPoint(8, -1), 0.7f);
            PlaceFeature("Snapshot", new CGPoint(6, -2), 0.75f);
            PlaceFeature("Physics Fields", new CGPoint(-6, -3), 0.8f);
            PlaceFeature("Archiving", new CGPoint(-11, 3), 0.9f);
            PlaceFeature("Performance tools", new CGPoint(-2, -5), 1);
Exemple #17
        private NSFont FontForTextType(TextType type, int level)
            var fontSize = FontCGSizeorTextType(type, level);
            var font     = NSFont.FromFontName("Myriad Set Semibold", fontSize) != null?NSFont.FromFontName("Myriad Set", fontSize) : NSFont.FromFontName("Avenir Medium", fontSize);


            switch (type)
            case TextType.Code:
                font = NSFont.FromFontName("Menlo", fontSize);

            case TextType.Bullet:
                font = NSFont.FromFontName("Myriad Set", fontSize) != null?NSFont.FromFontName("Myriad Set", fontSize) : NSFont.FromFontName("Avenir Medium", fontSize);


            case TextType.Body:
                if (level != 0)
                    font = NSFont.FromFontName("Myriad Set", fontSize) != null?NSFont.FromFontName("Myriad Set", fontSize) : NSFont.FromFontName("Avenir Medium", fontSize);
Exemple #18
        private static NSFont GetFontFromFile(nfloat size, string file)
            var fileName      = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
            var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file)?.Replace(".", "");

            var url = NSBundle
                name: fileName,
                fileExtension: fileExtension,
                subdirectory: "Fonts"

            if (url == null)

            var fontData = NSData.FromUrl(url);

            if (fontData == null)

            //iOS loads NSFonts based on the PostScriptName of the font file
            using (var fontProvider = new CGDataProvider(fontData))
                using (var font = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(fontProvider))
                    return(font != null?NSFont.FromFontName(font.PostScriptName, size) : null);
Exemple #19
        public override void SetupSlide(PresentationViewController presentationViewController)
            // Create the font and the materials that will be shared among the features in the word cloud
            Font = NSFont.FromFontName("Myriad Set BoldItalic", 50) != null?NSFont.FromFontName("Myriad Set BoldItalic", 50) : NSFont.FromFontName("Avenir Heavy Oblique", 50);

            var frontAndBackMaterial = SCNMaterial.Create();
            var sideMaterial         = SCNMaterial.Create();

            sideMaterial.Diffuse.Contents = NSColor.DarkGray;

            Materials = new SCNMaterial[] { frontAndBackMaterial, sideMaterial, frontAndBackMaterial };

            // Add different features to the word cloud
            PlaceFeature("Export to DAE", new CGPoint(10, -8), 0);
            PlaceFeature("OpenGL Core Profile", new CGPoint(-16, -7), 0.05f);
            PlaceFeature("Warmup", new CGPoint(-12, -10), 0.1f);
            PlaceFeature("Constraints", new CGPoint(-10, 6), 0.15f);
            PlaceFeature("Custom projection", new CGPoint(4, 9), 0.2f);
            PlaceFeature("Skinning", new CGPoint(-4, 8), 0.25f);
            PlaceFeature("Morphing", new CGPoint(-3, -8), 0.3f);
            PlaceFeature("Performance Statistics", new CGPoint(-1, 6), 0.35f);
            PlaceFeature("CIFilters", new CGPoint(1, 5), 0.85f);
            PlaceFeature("GLKit Math", new CGPoint(3, -10), 0.45f);
            PlaceFeature("Depth of Field", new CGPoint(-0.5f, 0), 0.47f);
            PlaceFeature("Animation Events", new CGPoint(5, 3), 0.50f);
            PlaceFeature("Shader Modifiers", new CGPoint(7, 2), 0.95f);
            PlaceFeature("GOBO", new CGPoint(-10, 1), 0.60f);
            PlaceFeature("Ray testing", new CGPoint(-8, 0), 0.65f);
            PlaceFeature("Skybox", new CGPoint(8, -1), 0.7f);
            PlaceFeature("Fresnel", new CGPoint(6, -2), 0.75f);
            PlaceFeature("SCNShape", new CGPoint(-6, -3), 0.8f);
            PlaceFeature("Levels of detail", new CGPoint(-11, 3), 0.9f);
            PlaceFeature("Animation blending", new CGPoint(-2, -5), 1);
Exemple #20
        public static NSAttributedString AttributedTitle(string title, NSColor color, String fontName, float fontSize, NSTextAlignment textAlignment)
            NSMutableParagraphStyle ps = new NSMutableParagraphStyle();

            ps.Alignment   = textAlignment;
            ps.LineSpacing = 0.0f;
            NSColor fontColor = color;
            NSFont  font      = NSFont.FromFontName(fontName, fontSize);

            if (font == null)
                font = NSFont.SystemFontOfSize(fontSize);
            NSString titleObj = new NSString(title);

            NSStringAttributes attributes = new NSStringAttributes();

            attributes.Font            = font;
            attributes.ForegroundColor = fontColor;
            attributes.ParagraphStyle  = ps;
            attributes.ToolTip         = titleObj;
            NSAttributedString buttonString = new NSAttributedString(title, attributes);

        public StringEditorControl()
            StringEditor = new NSTextField {
                BackgroundColor = NSColor.Clear,
                ControlSize     = NSControlSize.Small,
                Font            = NSFont.FromFontName(DefaultFontName, DefaultFontSize),
                StringValue     = string.Empty,
                TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false,

            // update the value on keypress
            StringEditor.Changed += (sender, e) => {
                ViewModel.Value = StringEditor.StringValue;

            this.DoConstraints(new[] {
                StringEditor.ConstraintTo(this, (s, c) => s.Width == c.Width - 34),
                StringEditor.ConstraintTo(this, (s, c) => s.Height == DefaultControlHeight - 3),
                StringEditor.ConstraintTo(this, (s, c) => s.Left == s.Left + 4),
                StringEditor.ConstraintTo(this, (s, c) => s.Top == s.Top + 1),

        public RectangleEditorControl()
            // TODO localize
            XLabel.Frame       = new CGRect(38, 27, 25, 22);
            XLabel.Font        = NSFont.FromFontName(DefaultFontName, DefaultDescriptionLabelFontSize);       // TODO: Washed-out color following specs
            XLabel.StringValue = "X";

            XEditor.Frame = new CGRect(4, 46, 90, 20);

            YLabel.Frame       = new CGRect(166, 27, 25, 22);
            YLabel.Font        = NSFont.FromFontName(DefaultFontName, DefaultDescriptionLabelFontSize);       // TODO: Washed-out color following specs
            YLabel.StringValue = "Y";

            YEditor.Frame = new CGRect(132, 46, 90, 20);

            WidthLabel.Frame       = new CGRect(24, -6, 50, 22);
            WidthLabel.Font        = NSFont.FromFontName(DefaultFontName, DefaultDescriptionLabelFontSize);       // TODO: Washed-out color following specs
            WidthLabel.StringValue = "WIDTH";

            WidthEditor.Frame = new CGRect(4, 13, 90, 20);

            HeightLabel.Frame       = new CGRect(150, -6, 50, 22);
            HeightLabel.Font        = NSFont.FromFontName(DefaultFontName, DefaultDescriptionLabelFontSize);       // TODO: Washed-out color following specs
            HeightLabel.StringValue = "HEIGHT";

            HeightEditor.Frame = new CGRect(132, 13, 90, 20);

            RowHeight = 66;
Exemple #23
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Style.Add <ListBox, NSScrollView>("ListNative", (widget, control) => {
                control.BorderType           = NSBorderType.NoBorder;
                var list                     = control.DocumentView as NSTableView;
                list.SelectionHighlightStyle = NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyle.SourceList;

            Style.Add <TextArea, NSScrollView>("TextConsole", (widget, control) => {
                control.BorderType = NSBorderType.NoBorder;
                var textbox        = control.DocumentView as NSTextView;
                textbox.RichText   = false;
                textbox.Font       = NSFont.FromFontName("Monaco", 12);

            Style.Add <ToolBar, NSToolbar>("ToolBar", (widget, control) => {
                control.DisplayMode = NSToolbarDisplayMode.Icon;

            Style.Add <Window, NSWindow> ("MainWindow", (widget, control) => {
                control.CollectionBehavior |= NSWindowCollectionBehavior.FullScreenPrimary;

            var generator = Generator.GetGenerator("Eto.Platform.Mac.Generator, Eto.Platform.Mac");
            var app       = new Program(generator);

Exemple #24
        private static NSFont _ToUIFont(string family, float size, FontAttributes attributes)
            bool isBold   = (uint)(attributes & FontAttributes.Bold) > 0U;
            bool isItalic = (uint)(attributes & FontAttributes.Italic) > 0U;

            if (family != null)
                    var uiFont1 = NSFont.FromFontName(family, (nfloat)size);
                    if (uiFont1 != null)
            if (isBold & isItalic)
                var uiFont = NSFont.SystemFontOfSize((nfloat)size);
            if (isBold)

            //if (isItalic)
            //	return NSFont.ItalicSystemFontOfSize ((nfloat)size);

Exemple #25
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Style.Add <ListBoxHandler>("ListNative", handler => {
                handler.Scroll.BorderType = NSBorderType.NoBorder;
                handler.Control.SelectionHighlightStyle = NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyle.SourceList;

            Style.Add <TextAreaHandler>("TextConsole", handler => {
                handler.Scroll.BorderType = NSBorderType.NoBorder;
                handler.Control.RichText  = false;
                handler.Control.Font      = NSFont.FromFontName("Monaco", 12);

            Style.Add <ToolBarHandler>("ToolBar", handler => {
                handler.Control.DisplayMode = NSToolbarDisplayMode.Icon;

            Style.Add <FormHandler> ("MainWindow", handler => {
                handler.Control.CollectionBehavior |= NSWindowCollectionBehavior.FullScreenPrimary;

            var app = new Program(Eto.Platforms.Mac);

        public override NSView GetViewForItem(NSTableView tableView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, nint row)
            int index = Convert.ToInt32(row);

            string          title         = null;
            NSTableCellView tableCellView = null;

            if (row == 0)
                title = "Page Results";

                tableCellView = (NSTableCellView)tableView.MakeView("GROUPITEM", this);

                var textField = (NSTextField)tableCellView.Subviews [0];
                textField.StringValue = title;

                var gridView = tableCellView.Subviews [1];

                gridView.WantsLayer            = true;
                gridView.Layer.BackgroundColor = NSColor.Grid.CGColor;

                tableCellView.WantsLayer            = true;
                tableCellView.Layer.BackgroundColor = NSColor.Control.CGColor;


            tableCellView = (NSTableCellView)tableView.MakeView("PAGEITEM", this);

            int rowIndex = index - 1;

            title = SearchResults [rowIndex].FileTitle;
            string section = SearchResults [rowIndex].GuideCardTitle;

            var viewList = tableCellView.Subviews;

            NSTextField titleTF = (NSTextField)viewList [0];

            titleTF.Cell.DrawsBackground = true;
            titleTF.Cell.BackgroundColor = NSColor.Clear;
            titleTF.Cell.Font            = NSFont.FromFontName("Helvetica Neue Medium", 12);
            titleTF.StringValue          = title;
            titleTF.ToolTip = title;

            NSTextField sectionTF = (NSTextField)viewList [1];

            sectionTF.Cell.DrawsBackground = true;
            sectionTF.Cell.BackgroundColor = NSColor.Clear;
            sectionTF.Cell.Font            = NSFont.FromFontName("Helvetica Neue", 12);
            sectionTF.StringValue          = section;
            sectionTF.ToolTip = section;

            var boxView = (NSView)viewList [2];

            boxView.WantsLayer            = true;
            boxView.Layer.BackgroundColor = NSColor.Grid.CGColor;

Exemple #27
        protected BasePointEditorControl(IHostResourceProvider hostResources)
            : base(hostResources)
            XLabel = new UnfocusableTextField {
                Font = NSFont.FromFontName(DefaultFontName, DefaultDescriptionLabelFontSize),
                TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false,

            XEditor = new NumericSpinEditor <T> (hostResources)
                BackgroundColor = NSColor.Clear,
                Value           = 0.0f
            XEditor.ProxyResponder = new ProxyResponder(this, ProxyRowType.FirstView);
            XEditor.ValueChanged  += OnInputUpdated;

            YLabel = new UnfocusableTextField {
                Font = NSFont.FromFontName(DefaultFontName, DefaultDescriptionLabelFontSize),
                TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false,

            YEditor = new NumericSpinEditor <T> (hostResources)
                BackgroundColor = NSColor.Clear,
                Value           = 0.0f
            YEditor.ProxyResponder = new ProxyResponder(this, ProxyRowType.LastView);
            YEditor.ValueChanged  += OnInputUpdated;


            const float editorHeight = 18;

            this.AddConstraints(new[] {
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(XEditor, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, this, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, 1f, 3f),
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(XEditor, NSLayoutAttribute.Left, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, this, NSLayoutAttribute.Left, 1f, 0f),
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(XEditor, NSLayoutAttribute.Right, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, YEditor, NSLayoutAttribute.Left, 1f, -10f),
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(XEditor, NSLayoutAttribute.Height, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, 1f, editorHeight),

                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(XLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, XEditor, NSLayoutAttribute.Bottom, 1f, -4f),
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(XLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.Height, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, 1f, editorHeight),

                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(YEditor, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, this, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, 1f, 3f),
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(YEditor, NSLayoutAttribute.Right, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, this, NSLayoutAttribute.Right, 1f, 0),
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(YEditor, NSLayoutAttribute.Width, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, XEditor, NSLayoutAttribute.Width, 1f, 0f),
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(YEditor, NSLayoutAttribute.Height, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, 1f, editorHeight),

                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(YLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, XLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, 1f, 0f),
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(YLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.Height, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, 1f, editorHeight),

                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(XLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, XEditor.Subviews[0], NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, 1f, 0),
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(YLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, YEditor.Subviews[0], NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, 1f, 0),

Exemple #28
        static NSFont _ToNativeFont(string family, float size, FontAttributes attributes)
            NSFont           defaultFont = NSFont.SystemFontOfSize(size);
            NSFont           font        = null;
            NSFontDescriptor descriptor  = null;
            var bold   = (attributes & FontAttributes.Bold) != 0;
            var italic = (attributes & FontAttributes.Italic) != 0;

            if (family != null && family != DefaultFontName)
                    descriptor = new NSFontDescriptor().FontDescriptorWithFamily(family);
                    font       = NSFont.FromDescription(descriptor, size);

                    if (font == null)
                        var cleansedFont = CleanseFontName(family);
                        font = NSFont.FromFontName(cleansedFont, size);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Could not load font named: {0}", family);

            //if we didn't found a Font or Descriptor for the FontFamily use the default one
            if (font == null)
                font       = defaultFont;
                descriptor = defaultFont.FontDescriptor;

            if (descriptor == null)
                descriptor = defaultFont.FontDescriptor;

            if (bold || italic)
                var traits = (NSFontSymbolicTraits)0;
                if (bold)
                    traits |= NSFontSymbolicTraits.BoldTrait;
                if (italic)
                    traits |= NSFontSymbolicTraits.ItalicTrait;

                var fontDescriptorWithTraits = descriptor.FontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits(traits);

                font = NSFont.FromDescription(fontDescriptorWithTraits, size);

Exemple #29
        public static NSAttributedString AttributedPartialTitle(string title, List <string> keyWordsList, NSColor fontColor,
                                                                string fontName, float fontSize, NSTextAlignment textAlignment, NSLineBreakMode breakMode)
            string patten = "\\b(";
            int    i      = 0;

            foreach (var item in keyWordsList)
                if (i != 0)
                    patten = patten + "|" + item;
                    patten = patten + item;
            patten = patten + ")\\b";
            string [] results = Regex.Split(title, patten);

            NSMutableParagraphStyle ps = new NSMutableParagraphStyle();

            ps.Alignment     = textAlignment;
            ps.LineBreakMode = breakMode;

            NSMutableAttributedString attrTitle = new NSMutableAttributedString();

            foreach (var item in results)
                //Console.WriteLine ("result:{0}", item);
                if (item.Length == 0)
                if (keyWordsList.Contains(item))
                    NSStringAttributes attributes = new NSStringAttributes();

                    attributes.Font            = NSFont.FromFontName(fontName + " Bold Italic", fontSize);
                    attributes.ForegroundColor = Utility.ColorWithRGB(0, 0, 0, 0.45f);
                    attributes.ParagraphStyle  = ps;

                    NSAttributedString attrString = new NSAttributedString(item, attributes);
                    NSStringAttributes attributes = new NSStringAttributes();
                    attributes.Font            = NSFont.FromFontName(fontName, fontSize);
                    attributes.ForegroundColor = fontColor;
                    attributes.ParagraphStyle  = ps;
                    NSAttributedString attrString = new NSAttributedString(item, attributes);

Exemple #30
        public static double GetLineHeight(string fontName)
            var editorFont = Xwt.Drawing.Font.FromName(fontName);

            using (var nsFont = NSFont.FromFontName(editorFont.Family, (nfloat)editorFont.Size))
                using (var lm = new NSLayoutManager())