void loadCharts() { TKChartNumericAxis yAxis = new TKChartNumericAxis(); yAxis.Range = new TKRange(new NSNumber(250), new NSNumber(750)); yAxis.Style.LabelStyle.TextAlignment = TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Right | TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Bottom; yAxis.Style.LabelStyle.FirstLabelTextAlignment = TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Right | TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Top; yAxis.AllowZoom = true; yAxis.AllowPan = true; series.YAxis = yAxis; NSDateFormatter formatter = new NSDateFormatter(); formatter.DateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; NSDate minDate = formatter.Parse("01/01/2011"); NSDate maxDate = formatter.Parse("01/01/2013"); TKChartDateTimeAxis xAxis = new TKChartDateTimeAxis(); xAxis.Range = new TKRange(minDate, maxDate); xAxis.MinorTickIntervalUnit = TKChartDateTimeAxisIntervalUnit.Days; xAxis.MajorTickIntervalUnit = TKChartDateTimeAxisIntervalUnit.Years; xAxis.MajorTickInterval = 1; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksHidden = false; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksOffset = -3; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksWidth = 1.5f; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.MaxTickClippingMode = TKChartAxisClippingMode.Visible; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksFill = new TKSolidFill(UIColor.FromRGB(203 / 255.0f, 203 / 255.0f, 203 / 255.0f)); xAxis.AllowZoom = true; xAxis.AllowPan = true; series.XAxis = xAxis; AddTrendline(new TKChartSimpleMovingAverageIndicator(this.series)); AddIndicator(new TKChartPercentageVolumeOscillator(this.series)); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad (); NSDateFormatter dateFormatter = new NSDateFormatter { DateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy" }; // Create the chart View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; nfloat margin = UserInterfaceIdiomIsPhone ? 10 : 50; CGRect frame = new CGRect (margin, margin, View.Bounds.Width - 2 * margin, View.Bounds.Height - 2 * margin); chart = new ShinobiChart (frame) { Title = "Apple Stock Pirce", AutoresizingMask = ~UIViewAutoresizing.None, LicenseKey = "", // TODO: add your trail license key here! // add X & Y axes, with explicit ranges so that the chart is initially rendered 'zoomed in' XAxis = new SChartDateTimeAxis(new SChartDateRange(dateFormatter.Parse("01-01-2010"), dateFormatter.Parse("01-06-2010"))) { Title = "Date", EnableGesturePanning = true, EnableGestureZooming = true }, YAxis = new SChartNumberAxis(new SChartNumberRange(150, 300)) { Title = "Price (USD)", EnableGesturePanning = true, EnableGestureZooming = true }, DataSource = new MultipleAxesDataSource(), Delegate = new MultipleAxesDelegate() }; // Add a secondary y-axis for volume SChartNumberAxis volumeAxis = new SChartNumberAxis { // Render on the right-hand side AxisPosition = SChartAxisPosition.Reverse, Title = "Volume", // Add an upper padding so that the volume chart occupies the bottom hald of the plot area RangePaddingHigh = new NSNumber(100) }; NSNumberFormatter volumeFormatter = (volumeAxis.LabelFormatter.Formatter as NSNumberFormatter); volumeFormatter.MaximumFractionDigits = 0; volumeFormatter.PositiveSuffix = "M"; volumeFormatter.NegativeSuffix = "M"; // Hide gridlines volumeAxis.Style.MajorGridLineStyle.ShowMajorGridLines = false; chart.AddYAxis (volumeAxis); View.AddSubview (chart); }
public static void ShowNotification(Models.Notification _Notification) { if (DateTime.ParseExact(_Notification.START_DATE, Constants.TIME_FORMAT, null) > DateTime.Now) { var HUINotification = new UILocalNotification(); NSDateFormatter HFormatter = new NSDateFormatter(); HFormatter.DateFormat = Params.Constants.TIME_FORMAT; HUINotification.FireDate = HFormatter.Parse(_Notification.START_DATE); HUINotification.AlertTitle = _Notification.CAPTION; HUINotification.AlertBody = _Notification.DESCRIPTION; HUINotification.AlertAction = "ViewAlert"; NSMutableDictionary HCustomDictionary = new NSMutableDictionary(); HCustomDictionary.SetValueForKey(new NSNumber(_Notification.EVENT_IDENT != -1), new NSString("BY_EVENT")); if (_Notification.EVENT_IDENT != -1) { HCustomDictionary.SetValueForKey(new NSNumber(_Notification.EVENT_IDENT), new NSString("EVENT_IDENT")); } else { if (_Notification.EVENT_DATE != "") { HCustomDictionary.SetValueForKey(new NSString(_Notification.EVENT_DATE), new NSString("START_DATE")); } } HUINotification.UserInfo = HCustomDictionary; UIApplication.SharedApplication.ScheduleLocalNotification(HUINotification); } }
public MultipleAxesDataSource() : base() { NSDateFormatter dateFormatter = new NSDateFormatter { DateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy" }; JsonValue stocks = JsonObject.Load(new StreamReader("./AppleStockPrices.json")); foreach (JsonValue stock in stocks) { _timeSeries.Add (new SChartDataPoint { XValue = dateFormatter.Parse(stock["date"]), YValue = new NSNumber((double)stock["close"]), }); _volumeSeries.Add (new SChartDataPoint { XValue = dateFormatter.Parse(stock["date"]), YValue = new NSNumber((double)stock["volume"] / 1000000.0), }); }; }
private NSDate CambiarFormato() { NSDateFormatter dateFormat = new NSDateFormatter(); dateFormat.DateFormat = "HH:mm"; return(dateFormat.Parse(MinDate)); }
public static List <StockDataPoint> LoadStockPoints(int maxItems) { List <StockDataPoint> stockPoints = new List <StockDataPoint> (); string filePath = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("AppleStockPrices", "json"); NSData json = NSData.FromFile(filePath); NSError error = new NSError(); NSArray data = (NSArray)NSJsonSerialization.Deserialize(json, NSJsonReadingOptions.AllowFragments, out error); NSDateFormatter formatter = new NSDateFormatter(); formatter.DateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"; for (int i = 0; i < (int)data.Count; i++) { if (i == maxItems) { break; } NSDictionary jsonPoint = data.GetItem <NSDictionary> ((nuint)i); StockDataPoint dataPoint = new StockDataPoint(); dataPoint.DataXValue = formatter.Parse((NSString)jsonPoint ["date"]); dataPoint.Open = (NSNumber)jsonPoint ["open"]; dataPoint.Low = (NSNumber)jsonPoint ["low"]; dataPoint.Close = (NSNumber)jsonPoint ["close"]; dataPoint.Volume = (NSNumber)jsonPoint ["volume"]; dataPoint.High = (NSNumber)jsonPoint ["high"]; stockPoints.Add(dataPoint); } return(stockPoints); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Member functions of the class /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Member Functions /// Purpose: Draw the chart of Umsatz // Example: - void GetData() { PersonUmsatzList = _person.GetPersonTimeUmsatz("36", ref Application._user); NSDateFormatter dateFormatter = new NSDateFormatter { DateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy" }; for (int i = 0; i < PersonUmsatzList.Count; i++) { DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(PersonUmsatzList[i].Date, "yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (date.Year == 4028) date = date.AddYears(-2016); if (date.Year > 2015 || date.Year < 2013) Console.WriteLine("*********************** Wrong Year ******************************"); double closePrice = Double.Parse(PersonUmsatzList[i].Umsatz); SChartDataPoint dataPoint = new SChartDataPoint(); dataPoint.XValue = new NSString(""); string dateString = date.Day.ToString() + "-" + date.Month.ToString() + "-" + date.Year.ToString(); // Console.WriteLine(dateString); dataPoint.XValue = dateFormatter.Parse(dateString.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(dataPoint.XValue.ToString()); // dataPoint.XValue =dateFormatter.Parse( date.ToString()); dataPoint.YValue = new NSNumber(closePrice);// new NSString( closePrice.ToString()); dataPoints.Add(dataPoint); } }
public static List<StockDataPoint> LoadStockPoints(int maxItems) { List<StockDataPoint> stockPoints = new List<StockDataPoint> (); string filePath = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource ("AppleStockPrices", "json"); NSData json = NSData.FromFile (filePath); NSError error = new NSError (); NSArray data = (NSArray)NSJsonSerialization.Deserialize (json, NSJsonReadingOptions.AllowFragments, out error); NSDateFormatter formatter = new NSDateFormatter (); formatter.DateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"; for (int i = 0; i < (int)data.Count; i++) { if (i == maxItems) { break; } NSDictionary jsonPoint = data.GetItem<NSDictionary> ((nuint)i); StockDataPoint dataPoint = new StockDataPoint (); dataPoint.DataXValue = formatter.Parse ((NSString)jsonPoint ["date"]); dataPoint.Open = (NSNumber)jsonPoint ["open"]; dataPoint.Low = (NSNumber)jsonPoint ["low"]; dataPoint.Close = (NSNumber)jsonPoint ["close"]; dataPoint.Volume = (NSNumber)jsonPoint ["volume"]; dataPoint.High = (NSNumber)jsonPoint ["high"]; stockPoints.Add (dataPoint); } return stockPoints; }
private void GenerarEvento(SalaJuntasReservacionModel Reservaciones) { RequestAccess(EKEntityType.Event, () => { CLLocation location = new CLLocation(); if (Reservaciones.Sucursal_Id == "1") { location = new CLLocation(20.6766, -103.3812); } else { location = new CLLocation(20.6766, -103.3812); } var structuredLocation = new EKStructuredLocation(); structuredLocation.Title = Reservaciones.Sucursal_Domicilio; structuredLocation.GeoLocation = location; NSDateFormatter dateFormat = new NSDateFormatter(); dateFormat.DateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"; NSDate newFormatDate = dateFormat.Parse(Reservaciones.Sala_Fecha); EKEvent newEvent = EKEvent.FromStore(AppHelper.Current.EventStore); DateTime myDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Reservaciones.Sala_Fecha, "yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var arrTime = Reservaciones.Sala_Hora_Inicio.Split(':'); var hora = (double.Parse(arrTime[0]) - 1); var minutos = double.Parse(arrTime[1]); var newDate = myDate.AddHours(hora); var newDate2 = newDate.AddMinutes(minutos); var HoraAntesReunion = newDate2; newEvent.AddAlarm(EKAlarm.FromDate(DateTimeToNSDate(HoraAntesReunion.AddMinutes(30)))); newEvent.AddAlarm(EKAlarm.FromDate(DateTimeToNSDate(HoraAntesReunion.AddMinutes(45)))); if (newDate2 != null) { hora = hora + 1; var newDate3 = myDate.AddHours(hora); var newDate4 = newDate3.AddMinutes(minutos); var HoraInicio = this.DateTimeToNSDate(newDate4); newEvent.StartDate = HoraInicio; arrTime = Reservaciones.Sala_Hora_Fin.Split(':'); hora = double.Parse(arrTime[0]); minutos = double.Parse(arrTime[1]); var newDate5 = myDate.AddHours(hora); var newDate6 = newDate5.AddMinutes(minutos); newEvent.EndDate = this.DateTimeToNSDate(newDate6); } newEvent.Title = "Reservación de sala de juntas en " + Reservaciones.Sucursal_Descripcion + ", en el piso " + Reservaciones.Sala_Nivel + ", en la sala " + Reservaciones.Sala_Descripcion; newEvent.Notes = "Se recomienda presentarse 5 minutos antes de su hora de reservación"; newEvent.Calendar = AppHelper.Current.EventStore.DefaultCalendarForNewEvents; newEvent.Location = Reservaciones.Sucursal_Domicilio; newEvent.StructuredLocation = structuredLocation; NSError e; AppHelper.Current.EventStore.SaveEvent(newEvent, EKSpan.ThisEvent, out e); }); }
void loadCharts() { overlayChart.RemoveAllData(); indicatorsChart.RemoveAllData(); TKChartNumericAxis yAxis = new TKChartNumericAxis(); yAxis.Range = new TKRange(new NSNumber(250), new NSNumber(750)); yAxis.Style.LabelStyle.TextAlignment = TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Right | TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Bottom; yAxis.Style.LabelStyle.FirstLabelTextAlignment = TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Right | TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Top; yAxis.AllowZoom = true; yAxis.AllowPan = true; series.YAxis = yAxis; NSDateFormatter formatter = new NSDateFormatter(); formatter.DateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; NSDate minDate = formatter.Parse("01/01/2011"); NSDate maxDate = formatter.Parse("01/01/2013"); TKChartDateTimeAxis xAxis = new TKChartDateTimeAxis(); xAxis.Range = new TKRange(minDate, maxDate); xAxis.MinorTickIntervalUnit = TKChartDateTimeAxisIntervalUnit.Days; xAxis.MajorTickIntervalUnit = TKChartDateTimeAxisIntervalUnit.Years; xAxis.MajorTickInterval = 1; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksHidden = false; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksOffset = -3; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksWidth = 1.5f; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.MaxTickClippingMode = TKChartAxisClippingMode.Visible; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksFill = new TKSolidFill(UIColor.FromRGB(203 / 255.0f, 203 / 255.0f, 203 / 255.0f)); xAxis.AllowZoom = true; xAxis.AllowPan = true; series.XAxis = xAxis; OptionInfo info = Trendlines [SelectedTrendLine]; info.Handler(info, EventArgs.Empty); info = Indicators [SelectedIndicator]; info.Handler(info, EventArgs.Empty); }
public AddingAnnotationsDataSource() { NSDateFormatter dateFormatter = new NSDateFormatter { DateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy" }; JsonValue stocks = JsonObject.Load(new StreamReader("./AppleStockPrices.json")); foreach (JsonValue stock in stocks) { timeSeries.Add (new SChartDataPoint { XValue = dateFormatter.Parse(stock["date"]), YValue = new NSNumber((double)stock["close"]), }); }; }
public static string DateConverter4(string inputDate) { var formatter = new NSDateFormatter(); formatter.DateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"; NSDate date = formatter.Parse(inputDate); formatter.DateFormat = "MM월 dd일"; return(formatter.ToString(date)); }
private void Parse(NSData data) { try { var earthquakes = new List <Earthquake> (); var dump = JsonValue.Parse(NSString.FromData(data, NSStringEncoding.UTF8)) as JsonObject; JsonValue featureCollection = dump ["features"]; for (int i = 0; i < MaximumNumberOfEarthquakesToParse; i++) { var currentEarthquake = new Earthquake(); var earthquake = featureCollection [i] as JsonObject; JsonValue earthquakeProperties = earthquake ["properties"]; currentEarthquake.Magnitude = NSNumber.FromFloat((float)earthquakeProperties ["mag"]); currentEarthquake.USGSWebLink = new NSString((string)earthquakeProperties ["url"]); currentEarthquake.Location = new NSString((string)earthquakeProperties ["place"]); //date and time in milliseconds since epoch var seconds = (Int64)earthquakeProperties ["time"]; var date = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).AddMilliseconds(seconds); string str = date.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'"); currentEarthquake.Date = dateFormatter.Parse(str); JsonValue earthquakeGeometry = earthquake ["geometry"]; var coordinates = earthquakeGeometry ["coordinates"] as JsonArray; currentEarthquake.Longitude = NSNumber.FromFloat(coordinates [0]); currentEarthquake.Latitude = NSNumber.FromFloat(coordinates [1]); if (earthquakes.Count > SizeOfEarthquakesBatch) { AddEarthquakesToList(earthquakes); earthquakes.Clear(); } else { earthquakes.Add(currentEarthquake); } } if (earthquakes.Count > 0) { AddEarthquakesToList(earthquakes); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace + e.Message); var userInfo = NSDictionary.FromObjectAndKey(new NSString("Error while parsing GeoJSON"), NSError.LocalizedDescriptionKey); var parsingError = new NSError(new NSString(), 0, userInfo); InvokeOnMainThread(new Selector("HandleEarthquakesError:"), parsingError); } }
public static NSDate GetDateFromString(string theString) { var temp = theString.Split('T'); var string1 = temp[0]; var formatter = new NSDateFormatter(); formatter.DateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"; NSDate date = formatter.Parse(string1); return(date); }
void loadData(JobCIS jobDetail) { ///string htmlString = "<html><body><p style='font-family:verdana;margin-left:10px;font-size:15px;'>The MonoTouch API supports two styles of event notification: the Objective-C style that uses a delegate class or the C# style using event notifications.\n\nThe C# style allows the user to add or remove event handlers at runtime by assigning to the events of properties of this class. Event handlers can be anyone of a method, an anonymous methods or a lambda expression. Using the C# style events or properties will override any manual settings to the Objective-C Delegate or WeakDelegate settings.\n\nThe Objective-C style requires the user to create a new class derived from UIWebViewDelegate class and assign it to the UIKit.Delegate property. Alternatively, for low-level control, by creating a class derived from NSObject which has every entry point properly decorated with an [Export] attribute. The instance of this object can then be assigned to the UIWebView.WeakDelegate property.</p><p><b>Hey</b> you. My <b>name </b> is <h1> Joe </h1></p> </body></html>"; //string htmlString = "<html><body><p style='font-family:verdana;margin-left:10px;font-size:15px;'>The MonoTouch API supports two styles of event notification: the Objective-C style that uses a delegate class or the C# style using event notifications.\n\nThe C# style allows the user to add or remove event handlers at runtime by assigning to the events of properties of this class. Event handlers can be anyone of a method, an anonymous methods or a lambda expression. Using the C# style events or properties will override any manual settings to the Objective-C Delegate or WeakDelegate settings.\n\nThe Objective-C style requires the user to create a new class derived from UIWebViewDelegate class and assign it to the UIKit.Delegate property. Alternatively, for low-level control, by creating a class derived from NSObject which has every entry point properly decorated with an [Export] attribute. The instance of this object can then be assigned to the UIWebView.WeakDelegate property.</p><p><b>Hey</b> you. My <b>name </b> is <h1> Joe </h1></p> </body></html>"; string endDate = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobDetail.PostingEndDate)) { string[] tokens = jobDetail.PostingEndDate.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None); endDate = tokens[0]; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobDetail.PostedDate)) { string[] tokens = jobDetail.PostedDate.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None); endDate = tokens[0]; } NSDateFormatter dateFormat = new NSDateFormatter(); dateFormat.DateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; NSDate date = dateFormat.Parse(endDate); DateTime dt = ConvertNsDateToDateTime(date); endDate = calculateJobPostedDate(dt); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate) && !(endDate.Equals("NoContent"))) { this.PostedDateLabel.Text = endDate; } else { this.PostedDateLabel.Hidden = true; this.btnPostedDate.Hidden = true; } //var htmlString = String.Format("<html><body><p style='font-family:verdana;margin-left:10px;font-size:13px;’> {0} </p></body></html>", jobDetail.Description); //= String.Format("<font face='Helvetica' size='2'> {0}", jobDetail.Description); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobDetail.Description)) { var htmlString = String.Format("<font face='Helvetica' size='2'> {0}", jobDetail.Description); webView.LoadHtmlString(htmlString, null); } else { webView.LoadHtmlString(string.Format("<html><center><font size=+5 color='red'>An error occurred:<br></font></center></html>"), null); } }
public static NSDictionary <NSString, NSObject> Convert(this TimeTrackerApp.Services.IIdentifiable item) { var dict = new NSMutableDictionary <NSString, NSObject>(); var jsonStr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item); var propertyDict = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(jsonStr); foreach (var key in propertyDict.Keys) { if (key.Equals("ID")) { continue; } var nsKey = new NSString(key); NSObject nsVal = null; var value = propertyDict[key]; if (value is string str) { nsVal = new NSString(str); } else if (value is double dblVal) { nsVal = new NSNumber(dblVal); } else if (value is bool boolVal) { nsVal = new NSNumber(boolVal); } else if (Int32.TryParse(value.ToString(), out int intVal)) { nsVal = new NSNumber(intVal); } else if (value is DateTime dtVal) { var formatter = new NSDateFormatter(); var dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-ddHH:mm:ss"; formatter.DateFormat = dateFormat; var dtStr = dtVal.ToString(dateFormat); nsVal = formatter.Parse(dtStr); } if (nsVal != null) { dict.Add(nsKey, nsVal); } } return(NSDictionary <NSString, NSObject> .FromObjectsAndKeys(dict.Values, dict.Keys)); }
public CandlestickChartDataSource() { NSDateFormatter dateFormatter = new NSDateFormatter { DateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy" }; JsonValue stocks = JsonObject.Load(new StreamReader("./AppleStockPrices.json")); foreach (JsonValue stock in stocks) { timeSeries.Add (new SChartMultiYDataPoint { XValue = dateFormatter.Parse(stock["date"]), YValues = new NSMutableDictionary() { { new NSString(SChartCandlestickSeries.KeyOpen), new NSNumber((double)stock["open"]) }, { new NSString(SChartCandlestickSeries.KeyHigh), new NSNumber((double)stock["high"]) }, { new NSString(SChartCandlestickSeries.KeyLow), new NSNumber((double)stock["low"]) }, { new NSString(SChartCandlestickSeries.KeyClose), new NSNumber((double)stock["close"]) }, } }); }; }
private void GenerarEvento() { RequestAccess(EKEntityType.Event, () => { CLLocation location = new CLLocation(); if (SucursalModel.Sucursal_Id == "1") { location = new CLLocation(20.6766, -103.3812); } else { location = new CLLocation(20.6766, -103.3812); } var structuredLocation = new EKStructuredLocation(); structuredLocation.Title = SucursalModel.Sucursal_Domicilio; structuredLocation.GeoLocation = location; NSDateFormatter dateFormat = new NSDateFormatter(); dateFormat.DateFormat = "E, d MMM yyyy HH:mm"; NSDate newFormatDate = dateFormat.Parse(this.FechaReservacion); EKEvent newEvent = EKEvent.FromStore(AppHelper.Current.EventStore); DateTime myDate = ((DateTime)newFormatDate).ToLocalTime(); var HoraAntesReunion = myDate.AddHours(1 * -1); newEvent.AddAlarm(EKAlarm.FromDate(DateTimeToNSDate(HoraAntesReunion.AddMinutes(30)))); newEvent.AddAlarm(EKAlarm.FromDate(DateTimeToNSDate(HoraAntesReunion.AddMinutes(45)))); if (myDate != null) { newEvent.StartDate = DateTimeToNSDate(myDate); newEvent.EndDate = DateTimeToNSDate(myDate.AddHours(1)); } newEvent.Title = "Visita de invitados en " + SucursalModel.Sucursal_Descripcion; newEvent.Notes = "Invitados: "; foreach (UsuarioModel Invitado in InvitadosCalendar) { newEvent.Notes = newEvent.Notes + Invitado.Usuario_Nombre + " " + Invitado.Usuario_Apellidos + ". "; } newEvent.Notes = newEvent.Notes + " Asunto: " + Asunto; newEvent.Calendar = AppHelper.Current.EventStore.DefaultCalendarForNewEvents; newEvent.Location = SucursalModel.Sucursal_Domicilio; newEvent.StructuredLocation = structuredLocation; NSError e; AppHelper.Current.EventStore.SaveEvent(newEvent, EKSpan.ThisEvent, out e); }); }
partial void btnConfirmar_Touch(UIButton sender) { var OperacionTerminada = false; if (InternetConectionHelper.VerificarConexion()) { DateTime myDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Reservacion.Sala_Fecha, "yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (Reservacion.Sala_Hora_Inicio == "24:00") { Reservacion.Sala_Hora_Inicio = "00:00"; } if (Reservacion.Sala_Hora_Fin == "24:00") { Reservacion.Sala_Hora_Fin = "00:00"; } var asignacion = new SalasJuntasController().AsignarSalaJuntas("ALTA", Reservacion.Sala_Id, KeyChainHelper.GetKey("Usuario_Id"), KeyChainHelper.GetKey("Usuario_Tipo"), myDate, Reservacion.Sala_Hora_Inicio, Reservacion.Sala_Hora_Fin, Reservacion.Creditos_Usados.ToString()); if (asignacion != -1) { OperacionTerminada = true; } else { OperacionTerminada = false; } } if (OperacionTerminada) { this.DismissViewController(true, () => { this.GenerarEvento(Reservacion); NSDateFormatter dateFormat = new NSDateFormatter(); dateFormat.DateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"; NSDate newFormatDate = dateFormat.Parse(FechaReservacion); this.EnviarMail(MenuHelper.Usuario, SalaActual, newFormatDate, Reservacion); this.EventosReservacionesDelegate.ReservacionConfirmada(this.Reservacion); }); } }
private void AgendarSala() { var OperacionTerminada = false; if (InternetConectionHelper.VerificarConexion()) { DateTime myDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Reservacion.Sala_Fecha, "yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (Reservacion.Sala_Hora_Inicio == "24:00") { Reservacion.Sala_Hora_Inicio = "00:00"; } if (Reservacion.Sala_Hora_Fin == "24:00") { Reservacion.Sala_Hora_Fin = "00:00"; } var asignacion = new SalasJuntasController().AsignarSalaJuntas("ALTA", Reservacion.Sala_Id, KeyChainHelper.GetKey("Usuario_Id"), KeyChainHelper.GetKey("Usuario_Tipo"), myDate, Reservacion.Sala_Hora_Inicio, Reservacion.Sala_Hora_Fin, Reservacion.Creditos_Usados.ToString()); if (asignacion != -1) { OperacionTerminada = true; } else { OperacionTerminada = false; } } if (OperacionTerminada) { this.GenerarEvento(Reservacion); NSDateFormatter dateFormat = new NSDateFormatter(); dateFormat.DateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"; NSDate newFormatDate = dateFormat.Parse(this.FechaSeleccionada); this.EnviarMail(MenuHelper.Usuario, SalaJuntasSeleccionada, newFormatDate, Reservacion); this.PerformSegue("Confirmacion", null); } }
public void UpdateCell(JobCMS aJob) { this.titleLabel.Text = aJob.JobTitle; this.LocationLabel.Text = aJob.JobLocation; //this.datePostedLabel.Hidden = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aJob.Salary) && !(aJob.Salary.Equals("NoContent"))) { this.ContractType.Text = aJob.Salary; this.ContractTypeImgView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("eurosymbol.png"); // } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aJob.ContractTypeTitle) && !(aJob.ContractTypeTitle.Equals("NoContent"))) { this.ContractType.Text = aJob.ContractTypeTitle; this.ContractTypeImgView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("calender-icon.png"); } else { this.ContractType.Text = "N/A"; this.ContractTypeImgView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("calender-icon.png"); //this.expLable.Hidden = true; //this.expImgView.Hidden = tr } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aJob.JobCategoryTitle) && !(aJob.JobCategoryTitle.Equals("NoContent"))) { this.CategoryLabel.Text = aJob.JobCategoryTitle; this.CategoryImageView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("Truck.png"); } else { this.CategoryLabel.Text = "N/A"; this.CategoryImageView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("Truck.png"); //this.expLable.Hidden = true; //this.expImgView.Hidden = tr } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aJob.isExpiredorNew)) { this.lblNew.Hidden = false; this.lblNew.Layer.CornerRadius = 5.0f; } else { this.lblNew.Hidden = true; } //btnFavJob.Hidden = true; // iPhone 5 customization AppDelegate appDelegate = (AppDelegate)UIApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate; if (appDelegate.Window.Frame.Size.Width == 320 && appDelegate.Window.Frame.Size.Height == 568) { this.titleLabel.Frame = new CGRect(5, 5, 270, 25); this.btnFavJob.Frame = new CGRect(275, 5, 40, 40); this.datePostedLabel.Frame = new CGRect(220, 60, 95, 20); } else if (appDelegate.Window.Frame.Size.Width == 414) { // iPhone 6+ this.titleLabel.Frame = new CGRect(5, 5, 350, 25); this.btnFavJob.Frame = new CGRect(360, 5, 40, 40); this.datePostedLabel.Frame = new CGRect(300, 60, 95, 20); } string endDate = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aJob.PostedDate)) { string[] tokens = aJob.PostedDate.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None); endDate = tokens[0]; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aJob.PostingEndDate)) { string[] tokens = aJob.PostingEndDate.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None); endDate = tokens[0]; } NSDateFormatter dateFormat = new NSDateFormatter(); dateFormat.DateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; NSDate date = dateFormat.Parse(endDate); DateTime dt = ConvertNsDateToDateTime(date); endDate = calculateJobPostedDate(dt); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate) && !(endDate.Equals("NoContent"))) { this.datePostedLabel.Text = endDate; } else { this.datePostedLabel.Hidden = true; } if (Constants.JobDetailSiteName.Equals("adecco.fr")) { this.datePostedLabel.Frame = new CGRect(273, 60, 85, 20); this.CategoryLabel.Hidden = true; this.CategoryImageView.Hidden = true; } }
void loadCharts() { overlayChart.RemoveAllData (); indicatorsChart.RemoveAllData (); TKChartNumericAxis yAxis = new TKChartNumericAxis (); yAxis.Range = new TKRange (new NSNumber (250), new NSNumber (750)); yAxis.Style.LabelStyle.TextAlignment = TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Right | TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Bottom; yAxis.Style.LabelStyle.FirstLabelTextAlignment = TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Right | TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Top; yAxis.AllowZoom = true; yAxis.AllowPan = true; series.YAxis = yAxis; NSDateFormatter formatter = new NSDateFormatter (); formatter.DateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; NSDate minDate = formatter.Parse ("01/01/2011"); NSDate maxDate = formatter.Parse ("01/01/2013"); TKChartDateTimeAxis xAxis = new TKChartDateTimeAxis (); xAxis.Range = new TKRange (minDate, maxDate); xAxis.MinorTickIntervalUnit = TKChartDateTimeAxisIntervalUnit.Days; xAxis.MajorTickIntervalUnit = TKChartDateTimeAxisIntervalUnit.Years; xAxis.MajorTickInterval = 1; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksHidden = false; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksOffset = -3; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksWidth = 1.5f; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.MaxTickClippingMode = TKChartAxisClippingMode.Visible; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksFill = new TKSolidFill (UIColor.FromRGB(203/255.0f, 203/255.0f, 203/255.0f)); xAxis.AllowZoom = true; xAxis.AllowPan = true; series.XAxis = xAxis; OptionInfo info = Trendlines [SelectedTrendLine]; info.Handler (info, EventArgs.Empty); info = Indicators [SelectedIndicator]; info.Handler (info, EventArgs.Empty); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); nfloat WidthView = 0; nfloat XLabelDia = 0; nfloat XLabelDiaNumero = 0; nfloat XLabekNivel = 0; nfloat XLabelNombreSala = 0; nfloat XLabelHoraInicioFin = 0; nfloat XVistaDianNumero = 0; /* for (int indice = 0; indice < this.Reservaciones.Count; indice++) * { * WidthView = WidthView + this.vwVistaInfoReservacion.Frame.Width; * }*/ this.btnAtras.Hidden = true; this.btnAtras.Enabled = false; this.btnAdelante.Hidden = true; this.btnAdelante.Enabled = false; CGRect newFrame = new CGRect(this.vwInfoConfirmacion.Frame.X, this.vwInfoConfirmacion.Frame.Y, WidthView, this.vwInfoConfirmacion.Frame.Height); this.vwInfoConfirmacion.Frame = newFrame; var PrimeraReservacion = Reservaciones; dateFormat.DateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"; NSDate newFormatDate = dateFormat.Parse(PrimeraReservacion.Sala_Fecha); this.lblDia.Text = this.FormatoDiaSeleccionado(newFormatDate); this.lblNivel.Text = "NIVEL " + PrimeraReservacion.Sala_Nivel; dateFormat.DateFormat = "dd"; var DiaSeleccionado = dateFormat.ToString(newFormatDate); this.lblDiaNumero.Text = DiaSeleccionado; this.lblNombreSala.Text = "SALA " + PrimeraReservacion.Sala_Descripcion; this.lblHoraInicioFin.Text = PrimeraReservacion.Sala_Hora_Inicio + ":00" + " - " + PrimeraReservacion.Sala_Hora_Fin + ":00"; /*foreach (SalaJuntasReservacionModel Reservacion in Reservaciones) * { * XLabelDia = XLabelDia + this.lblDia.Frame.Width; * UILabel LabelDia = new UILabel(); * LabelDia.Frame = new CGRect(XLabelDia, this.lblDia.Frame.Y, this.lblDia.Frame.Width, this.lblDia.Frame.Height); * dateFormat.DateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"; * newFormatDate = dateFormat.Parse(Reservacion.Sala_Fecha); * LabelDia.Text = this.FormatoDiaSeleccionado(newFormatDate); * LabelDia.Font = lblDia.Font; * LabelDia.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; * * XLabekNivel = XLabekNivel + this.lblNivel.Frame.Width; * UILabel LabelNivel = new UILabel(); * LabelNivel.Frame = new CGRect(XLabekNivel, this.lblNivel.Frame.Y, this.lblNivel.Frame.Width, this.lblNivel.Frame.Height); * LabelNivel.Text = "NIVEL " + Reservacion.Sala_Nivel; * LabelNivel.Font = lblNivel.Font; * LabelNivel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; * LabelNivel.TextColor = lblNivel.TextColor; * * XLabelNombreSala = XLabelNombreSala + this.lblNombreSala.Frame.Width; * UILabel LabelNombreSala = new UILabel(); * LabelNombreSala.Frame = new CGRect(XLabelNombreSala, this.lblNombreSala.Frame.Y, this.lblNombreSala.Frame.Width, this.lblNombreSala.Frame.Height); * LabelNombreSala.Text = "SALA " + Reservacion.Sala_Descripcion; * LabelNombreSala.Font = lblNombreSala.Font; * LabelNombreSala.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; * * XLabelHoraInicioFin = XLabelHoraInicioFin + this.lblHoraInicioFin.Frame.Width; * UILabel LabelHoraInicoFin = new UILabel(); * LabelHoraInicoFin.Frame = new CGRect(XLabelHoraInicioFin, this.lblHoraInicioFin.Frame.Y, this.lblHoraInicioFin.Frame.Width, this.lblHoraInicioFin.Frame.Height); * LabelHoraInicoFin.Text = Reservacion.Sala_Hora_Inicio + ":00" + " - " + Reservacion.Sala_Hora_Fin+ ":00"; * LabelHoraInicoFin.Font = lblHoraInicioFin.Font; * LabelHoraInicoFin.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; * LabelHoraInicoFin.TextColor = lblHoraInicioFin.TextColor; * * XVistaDianNumero = XVistaDianNumero + this.vwDiaNumero.Frame.Width; * UIView ViewVistaDiaNumero = new UIView(); * ViewVistaDiaNumero.Frame = new CGRect(XVistaDianNumero, this.vwDiaNumero.Frame.Y, this.vwDiaNumero.Frame.Width, this.vwDiaNumero.Frame.Height); * * XLabelDiaNumero = XLabelDiaNumero + this.lblDiaNumero.Frame.Width; * UILabel LabelDiaNumero = new UILabel(); ; * LabelDiaNumero.Frame = this.lblDiaNumero.Frame;//new CGRect(this.lblDiaNumero.Frame.X, this.lblDiaNumero.Frame.Y, this.lblDiaNumero.Frame.Width, this.lblDiaNumero.Frame.Height); * dateFormat.DateFormat = "dd"; * DiaSeleccionado = dateFormat.ToString(newFormatDate); * LabelDiaNumero.Text = DiaSeleccionado; * LabelDiaNumero.Font = lblDiaNumero.Font; * LabelDiaNumero.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; * LabelDiaNumero.TextColor = lblDiaNumero.TextColor; * * ViewVistaDiaNumero.Add(LabelDiaNumero); * ViewVistaDiaNumero.BackgroundColor = vwDiaNumero.BackgroundColor; * ViewVistaDiaNumero.Layer.MasksToBounds = true; * ViewVistaDiaNumero.Layer.CornerRadius = 5f; * * this.vwInfoConfirmacion.Add(LabelDia); * this.vwInfoConfirmacion.Add(ViewVistaDiaNumero); * this.vwInfoConfirmacion.Add(LabelNivel); * this.vwInfoConfirmacion.Add(LabelNombreSala); * this.vwInfoConfirmacion.Add(LabelHoraInicoFin); * }*/ this.svwInfoConfirmacion.ContentSize = vwInfoConfirmacion.Frame.Size; }
/* * This is the main delegate method Anyline uses to report its results */ void IAnylineOCRModuleDelegate.DidFindResult(AnylineOCRModuleView anylineOCRModuleView, ALOCRResult result) { StopAnyline(); if (_drivingLicenseResultView != null) { View.BringSubviewToFront(_drivingLicenseResultView); } string[] comps = result.Result.ToString().Split('|'); string name = comps[0]; string birthdateID = comps[1]; string[] nameComps = name.Split(' '); switch (nameComps.Length) { case 0: break; case 1: _drivingLicenseResultView.Surname.Text = nameComps[0]; _drivingLicenseResultView.Surname2.Text = ""; _drivingLicenseResultView.GivenNames.Text = ""; break; case 2: _drivingLicenseResultView.Surname.Text = nameComps[0]; _drivingLicenseResultView.Surname2.Text = ""; _drivingLicenseResultView.GivenNames.Text = nameComps[1]; break; case 3: _drivingLicenseResultView.Surname.Text = nameComps[0]; _drivingLicenseResultView.Surname2.Text = nameComps[1]; _drivingLicenseResultView.GivenNames.Text = nameComps[2]; break; default: break; } string[] birthdateIDComps = birthdateID.Split(' '); string birthday = birthdateIDComps[0]; NSDateFormatter formatter = new NSDateFormatter(); formatter.DateFormat = @"ddMMyyyy"; NSDate date = formatter.Parse(birthday); if (date == null) { formatter.DateFormat = @"yyyyMMdd"; date = formatter.Parse(birthday); } formatter.DateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd"; _drivingLicenseResultView.Birthdate.Text = formatter.StringFor(date); _drivingLicenseResultView.IDNumber.Text = birthdateIDComps[1]; // Present the information to the user _drivingLicenseResultView?.AnimateFadeIn(View); }
NSDate MinimumDateForCalendar(FSCalendar calendar) { return(DateFormatter.Parse("2016-07-08")); }
void loadCharts() { TKChartNumericAxis yAxis = new TKChartNumericAxis (); yAxis.Range = new TKRange (new NSNumber (250), new NSNumber (750)); yAxis.Style.LabelStyle.TextAlignment = TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Right | TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Bottom; yAxis.Style.LabelStyle.FirstLabelTextAlignment = TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Right | TKChartAxisLabelAlignment.Top; yAxis.AllowZoom = true; yAxis.AllowPan = true; series.YAxis = yAxis; NSDateFormatter formatter = new NSDateFormatter (); formatter.DateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; NSDate minDate = formatter.Parse ("01/01/2011"); NSDate maxDate = formatter.Parse ("01/01/2013"); TKChartDateTimeAxis xAxis = new TKChartDateTimeAxis (); xAxis.Range = new TKRange (minDate, maxDate); xAxis.MinorTickIntervalUnit = TKChartDateTimeAxisIntervalUnit.Days; xAxis.MajorTickIntervalUnit = TKChartDateTimeAxisIntervalUnit.Years; xAxis.MajorTickInterval = 1; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksHidden = false; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksOffset = -3; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksWidth = 1.5f; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.MaxTickClippingMode = TKChartAxisClippingMode.Visible; xAxis.Style.MajorTickStyle.TicksFill = new TKSolidFill (UIColor.FromRGB(203/255.0f, 203/255.0f, 203/255.0f)); xAxis.AllowZoom = true; xAxis.AllowPan = true; series.XAxis = xAxis; AddTrendline (new TKChartSimpleMovingAverageIndicator (this.series)); AddIndicator (new TKChartPercentageVolumeOscillator (this.series)); }