static void Main(string[] args) { NSApplication.Init(); NSApplication.Main(args); }
partial void PlatformSpecificInitialization() { NSApplication.Init(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { NSApplication.Init(); NSApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate = new AppDelegate(); NSApplication.Main(args); }
/// <summary> /// Inits code to allow us to use AppKit on Mac OSX /// This lets us use the native browser and native file open/save dialogs /// Thia initialisation must be done once and only once /// Keeping this in a separate function allows the Microsoft .Net Frameworks /// to run even when MonoDoc.dll is not present (that is, with Microsoft, /// checking for referenced DLLs seems to occur on a "method", rather than "class" basis. /// The Mono runtime works differently. /// </summary> private void InitMac() { NSApplication.Init(); }
private static void Main(string[] arguments) { NSApplication.Init(); NSApplication.Main(arguments); }
static Task <int> Main(string[] args) { NSApplication.Init(); return(RunTests(args)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { NSApplication.Init(); SetCurrentCulture(); NSApplication.Main(args); }
/// <summary> /// Initialize MonoMac. Use instead of the above functions when running /// in an embedded environment. /// </summary> internal static void MonoMacInit() { NSApplication.Init(); NSApplication.InitDrawingBridge(); }
public Controller() : base() { using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool()) { NSApplication.Init(); } NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.NotificationCenter.AddObserver( NSWorkspace.WillSleepNotification, delegate { Logger.Info(String.Format("Machine sleep event detected, stop all repositories")); StopAll(); } ); NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.NotificationCenter.AddObserver( NSWorkspace.DidWakeNotification, delegate { Logger.Info(String.Format("Machine sleep event detected, start all repositories")); StartAll(); } ); // We get the Default notification Center notificationCenter = NSUserNotificationCenter.DefaultUserNotificationCenter; notificationCenter.DidDeliverNotification += (s, e) => { //Console.WriteLine("Notification Delivered"); }; notificationCenter.DidActivateNotification += (s, e) => { if (IsNotificationTransmission(e.Notification)) { LocalFolderClicked(Path.GetDirectoryName(e.Notification.InformativeText)); } if (IsNotificationCredentials(e.Notification)) { //RemoveNotificationCredentials(e.Notification.Title); EditRepositoryCredentials(e.Notification.Title); } }; // If we return true here, Notification will show up even if your app is TopMost. notificationCenter.ShouldPresentNotification = (c, n) => { return(false); }; ShowChangePassword += delegate(string reponame) { InsertNotificationCredentials(reponame); }; SuccessfulLogin += delegate(string reponame) { RemoveNotificationCredentials(reponame); }; OnTransmissionListChanged += delegate { using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool()) { notificationCenter.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(delegate { lock (transmissionLock) { List <FileTransmissionEvent> transmissions = ActiveTransmissions(); NSUserNotification[] notifications = notificationCenter.DeliveredNotifications; List <NSUserNotification> finishedNotifications = new List <NSUserNotification>(); foreach (NSUserNotification notification in notifications) { if (!IsNotificationTransmission(notification)) { continue; } FileTransmissionEvent transmission = transmissions.Find((FileTransmissionEvent e) => { return(e.Path == notification.InformativeText); }); if (transmission == null) { finishedNotifications.Add(notification); } else { if (transmissionFiles.ContainsKey(transmission.Path)) { transmissions.Remove(transmission); } else { notificationCenter.RemoveDeliveredNotification(notification); } } } finishedNotifications.Sort(new ComparerNSUserNotification()); for (int i = 0; i < (notifications.Length - notificationKeep) && i < finishedNotifications.Count; ++i) { notificationCenter.RemoveDeliveredNotification(finishedNotifications[i]); } foreach (FileTransmissionEvent transmission in transmissions) { if (transmission.Status.Aborted == true) { continue; } if (transmission.Status.FailedException != null) { continue; } if (startedTransmissions.Contains(transmission.Path)) { continue; } startedTransmissions.Add(transmission.Path); NSUserNotification notification = new NSUserNotification(); notification.Title = Path.GetFileName(transmission.Path); notification.Subtitle = TransmissionStatus(transmission); notification.InformativeText = transmission.Path; NSMutableDictionary userInfo = new NSMutableDictionary(); userInfo.Add((NSString)notificationType, (NSString)notificationTypeTransmission); notification.UserInfo = userInfo; notification.DeliveryDate = NSDate.Now; notificationCenter.DeliverNotification(notification); transmissionFiles.Add(transmission.Path, NSDate.Now); transmission.TransmissionStatus += TransmissionReport; } } }); } }; }
static void Main(string[] args) { NSApplication.Init(); NSApplication.SharedApplication.ActivationPolicy = NSApplicationActivationPolicy.Regular; var xPos = NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame.Width / 2; // NSWidth([[window screen] frame])/ 2 - NSWidth([window frame])/ 2; var yPos = NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame.Height / 2; // NSHeight([[window screen] frame])/ 2 - NSHeight([window frame])/ 2; var mainWindow = new MacAccInspectorWindow(new CGRect(xPos, yPos, 300, 368), NSWindowStyle.Titled | NSWindowStyle.Resizable | NSWindowStyle.Closable, NSBackingStore.Buffered, false); var stackView = new NSStackView() { Orientation = NSUserInterfaceLayoutOrientation.Vertical }; mainWindow.ContentView = stackView; stackView.AddArrangedSubview(new NSTextField { StringValue = "123" }); stackView.AddArrangedSubview(new NSTextField { StringValue = "45" }); stackView.AddArrangedSubview(new NSTextField { StringValue = "345" }); var button = new NSButton { Title = "Press to show a message" }; stackView.AddArrangedSubview(button); var hotizontalView = new NSStackView() { Orientation = NSUserInterfaceLayoutOrientation.Horizontal }; hotizontalView.AddArrangedSubview(new NSTextField() { StringValue = "test" }); stackView.AddArrangedSubview(hotizontalView); button.Activated += (sender, e) => { var alert = new NSAlert(); alert.MessageText = "You clicked the button!!!"; alert.InformativeText = "Are you sure!?"; alert.AddButton("OK!"); alert.RunModal(); }; var button2 = new NSButton { Title = "Opens Localized text" }; button2.Activated += (sender, e) => { var window = new NSWindow() { StyleMask = NSWindowStyle.Titled | NSWindowStyle.Resizable | NSWindowStyle.Closable }; var stack = NativeViewHelper.CreateHorizontalStackView(); var label = NativeViewHelper.CreateLabel(Strings.HelloText); stack.AddArrangedSubview(label); window.ContentView = stack; window.WillClose += (sender1, e1) => { window.Dispose(); }; window.MakeKeyAndOrderFront(mainWindow); }; stackView.AddArrangedSubview(button2); button2.HeightAnchor.ConstraintEqualToConstant(100).Active = true;; mainWindow.Title = "Example Debug Xamarin.Mac"; //mainWindow.MakeKeyWindow(); mainWindow.MakeKeyAndOrderFront(null); NSApplication.SharedApplication.ActivateIgnoringOtherApps(true); NSApplication.SharedApplication.Run(); //mainWindow.Dispose(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { NSApplication.Init(); RunTests(); }
static NSApplicationInitializer() { NSApplication.Init(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { f(10); // throwing function NSApplication.Init(); NSApplication.Main(args); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Kpo4310_asadovrs.AppGlobalSettings.Initialize(); NSApplication.Init(); NSApplication.Main(args); }