Exemple #1
    public NPVoxFaces Clone()
        NPVoxFaces clone = new NPVoxFaces( );

        clone.Left    = Left;
        clone.Right   = Right;
        clone.Up      = Up;
        clone.Down    = Down;
        clone.Forward = Forward;
        clone.Back    = Back;
    public NPVoxFaces GetIncludedFaces()
        NPVoxFaces      sides      = new NPVoxFaces();
        NPVoxMeshOutput meshOutput = InputMeshFactory;

        if (meshOutput != null)
            // sides.Back = (sbyte)((meshOutput.Loop.Back == 0 && meshOutput.Include.Back != 0) ? 1 : 0);
            // sides.Forward = (sbyte)((meshOutput.Loop.Forward == 0 && meshOutput.Include.Forward != 0) ? 1 : 0);
            // sides.Left = (sbyte)((meshOutput.Loop.Left == 0 && meshOutput.Include.Left != 0) ? 1 : 0);
            // sides.Right = (sbyte)((meshOutput.Loop.Right == 0 && meshOutput.Include.Right != 0) ? 1 : 0);
            // sides.Up = (sbyte)((meshOutput.Loop.Up == 0 && meshOutput.Include.Up != 0) ? 1 : 0);
            // sides.Down = (sbyte)((meshOutput.Loop.Down == 0 && meshOutput.Include.Down != 0) ? 1 : 0);

            sides.Back    = (sbyte)((meshOutput.Cutout.Back <= 0 && meshOutput.Loop.Back == 0 && meshOutput.Include.Back != 0) ? 1 : 0);
            sides.Forward = (sbyte)((!Baked45Angle && meshOutput.Cutout.Forward <= 0 && meshOutput.Loop.Forward == 0 && meshOutput.Include.Forward != 0) ? 1 : 0);
            sides.Left    = (sbyte)((!Baked45Angle && meshOutput.Cutout.Left <= 0 && meshOutput.Loop.Left == 0 && meshOutput.Include.Left != 0) ? 1 : 0);
            sides.Right   = (sbyte)((!Baked45Angle && meshOutput.Cutout.Right <= 0 && meshOutput.Loop.Right == 0 && meshOutput.Include.Right != 0) ? 1 : 0);
            sides.Up      = (sbyte)((!Baked45Angle && meshOutput.Cutout.Up <= 0 && meshOutput.Loop.Up == 0 && meshOutput.Include.Up != 0) ? 1 : 0);
            sides.Down    = (sbyte)((meshOutput.Cutout.Down <= 0 && meshOutput.Loop.Down == 0 && meshOutput.Include.Down != 0) ? 1 : 0);
Exemple #3
    public NPVoxCoord LoopCoord(NPVoxCoord coord, NPVoxFaces loop)
        if (loop.Right != 0)
            if (loop.Right < 0 && coord.X >= SizeX)
                coord.X = (sbyte)(coord.X + loop.Right);

            coord.X = (sbyte)(coord.X % SizeX);
        if (loop.Left != 0)
            if (loop.Left < 0 && coord.X < 0)
                coord.X = (sbyte)(coord.X - loop.Left);

            while (coord.X < 0)
                coord.X += SizeX;
        if (loop.Up != 0)
            if (loop.Up < 0 && coord.Y >= SizeY)
                coord.Y = (sbyte)(coord.Y + loop.Up);

            coord.Y = (sbyte)(coord.Y % SizeY);
        if (loop.Down != 0)
            if (loop.Down < 0 && coord.Y < 0)
                coord.Y = (sbyte)(coord.Y - loop.Down);

            while (coord.Y < 0)
                coord.Y += SizeY;
        if (loop.Forward != 0)
            if (loop.Forward < 0 && coord.Z >= SizeZ)
                coord.Z = (sbyte)(coord.Z + loop.Forward);

            coord.Z = (sbyte)(coord.Z % SizeZ);
        if (loop.Back != 0)
            if (loop.Back < 0 && coord.Z < 0)
                coord.Z = (sbyte)(coord.Z - loop.Back);

            while (coord.Z < 0)
                coord.Z += SizeZ;
    public static NPVoxModel CreateFlippedModel(NPVoxModel source, NPVoxCoord xFlip, NPVoxCoord yFlip, NPVoxCoord zFlip, NPVoxModel reuse = null)
        sbyte      sizeX = (sbyte)(xFlip.X * source.SizeX + xFlip.Z * source.SizeZ + xFlip.Y * source.SizeY);
        sbyte      sizeY = (sbyte)(yFlip.X * source.SizeX + yFlip.Z * source.SizeZ + yFlip.Y * source.SizeY);
        sbyte      sizeZ = (sbyte)(zFlip.X * source.SizeX + zFlip.Z * source.SizeZ + zFlip.Y * source.SizeY);
        NPVoxModel model = NPVoxModel.NewInstance(source, new NPVoxCoord(
                                                      ), reuse);
        sbyte xOffset = 0;

        if (sizeX < 0)
            xOffset = (sbyte)((sizeX - 1));
        sbyte yOffset = 0;

        if (sizeY < 0)
            yOffset = (sbyte)((sizeY - 1));
        sbyte zOffset = 0;

        if (sizeZ < 0)
            zOffset = (sbyte)((sizeZ - 1));

        NPVoxFaces allFaces = new NPVoxFaces();

        allFaces.Back    = 1;
        allFaces.Forward = 1;
        allFaces.Left    = 1;
        allFaces.Right   = 1;
        allFaces.Up      = 1;
        allFaces.Down    = 1;

        bool hasVoxelGroups = source.HasVoxelGroups();

        if (hasVoxelGroups)
        model.NumVoxelGroups = source.NumVoxelGroups;
        model.Colortable     = source.Colortable;
        model.NumVoxels      = source.NumVoxels;

        // Transform Coordinates
        foreach (NPVoxCoord sourceCoord in source.Enumerate())
            NPVoxCoord coord = new NPVoxCoord(
                (sbyte)(xOffset + (xFlip.X * sourceCoord.X + xFlip.Z * sourceCoord.Z + xFlip.Y * sourceCoord.Y)),
                (sbyte)(yOffset + (yFlip.X * sourceCoord.X + yFlip.Z * sourceCoord.Z + yFlip.Y * sourceCoord.Y)),
                (sbyte)(zOffset + (zFlip.X * sourceCoord.X + zFlip.Z * sourceCoord.Z + zFlip.Y * sourceCoord.Y))
            coord = model.LoopCoord(coord, allFaces);

            model.SetVoxel(coord, source.GetVoxel(sourceCoord));
            if (hasVoxelGroups)
                model.SetVoxelGroup(coord, source.GetVoxelGroup(sourceCoord));

        // Transform Sockets
//        Matrix4x4 t = Matrix4x4.identity;
//        if (xFlip.X != 0) t = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(xFlip.X, 1, 1));
//        if (xFlip.Y != 0) t *= Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(1, xFlip.Y, 1));
//        if (xFlip.Z != 0) t *= Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(1, 1, xFlip.Z));

        NPVoxSocket[] sockets = new NPVoxSocket[source.Sockets.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < sockets.Length; i++)
            // Anchor
            NPVoxCoord sourceCoord = source.Sockets[i].Anchor;
            NPVoxCoord anchorCoord = new NPVoxCoord(
                (sbyte)(xOffset + (xFlip.X * sourceCoord.X + xFlip.Z * sourceCoord.Z + xFlip.Y * sourceCoord.Y)),
                (sbyte)(yOffset + (yFlip.X * sourceCoord.X + yFlip.Z * sourceCoord.Z + yFlip.Y * sourceCoord.Y)),
                (sbyte)(zOffset + (zFlip.X * sourceCoord.X + zFlip.Z * sourceCoord.Z + zFlip.Y * sourceCoord.Y))
            anchorCoord = model.LoopCoord(anchorCoord, allFaces);

            sockets[i].Name   = source.Sockets[i].Name;
            sockets[i].Anchor = anchorCoord;

            // transform Quaternion
            Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(source.Sockets[i].EulerAngles);

            Vector3 anchorRight   = rotation * Vector3.right;
            Vector3 anchorUp      = rotation * Vector3.up;
            Vector3 anchorForward = rotation * Vector3.forward;

            Vector3 newRight   = anchorRight;
            Vector3 newUp      = anchorUp;
            Vector3 newForward = anchorForward;

            if (xFlip.X < 0)
                newRight.Scale(new Vector3(-1f, 1f, 1f));
                newUp.Scale(new Vector3(-1f, 1f, 1f));
                newForward.Scale(new Vector3(-1f, 1f, 1f));
                Quaternion q = Quaternion.LookRotation(newForward, newUp);
                sockets[i].EulerAngles = q.eulerAngles;
            // TODO: other mirrors not yet supported
        model.Sockets = sockets;

        model.name = "zzz Flipped Model";
    override protected Mesh CreateProduct(Mesh mesh = null)
        // Debug.Log("create product");
        NPVoxMeshOutput meshOutput = (Input as NPVoxMeshOutput);

        if (meshOutput && meshOutput.GetProduct() && TextureAtlas)

            NPVoxFaces   includedFaces = GetIncludedFaces();
            NPVoxToUnity npVoxToUnity  = InputMeshFactory.GetNPVoxToUnity();
            int          faceCount     = GetFaceCount();
            NPVoxBox     originalBox   = InputMeshFactory.GetVoxModel().BoundingBox;

            NPVoxBox   cutoutBox    = originalBox.Clone();
            NPVoxFaces cutout       = InputMeshFactory.Cutout;
            Vector3    cutoutOffset = Vector3.zero;
            if (cutout != null)
                Vector3 originalCenter = cutoutBox.SaveCenter;
                cutoutBox.Left    = (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Left);
                cutoutBox.Down    = (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Down);
                cutoutBox.Back    = (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Back);
                cutoutBox.Right   = (sbyte)(cutoutBox.Right - (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Right));
                cutoutBox.Up      = (sbyte)(cutoutBox.Up - (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Up));
                cutoutBox.Forward = (sbyte)(cutoutBox.Forward - (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Forward));
                cutoutOffset      = Vector3.Scale(originalCenter - cutoutBox.SaveCenter, InputMeshFactory.VoxelSize);

            // we have to be careful. Unlike cutout, which is already removed from the mesh we want to render, the inset is not yet applied and
            // also won't result in a "move" of the object. So it's important that we calculate a correct offset for our final mesh.
            NPVoxBox insetBox    = cutoutBox.Clone();
            Vector3  insetOffset = Vector3.zero;
            if (inset != null)
                Vector3 cutoutCenter = cutoutBox.SaveCenter;
                insetBox.Left    += (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(inset.Left);
                insetBox.Right   -= (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(inset.Right);
                insetBox.Down    += (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(inset.Down);
                insetBox.Up      -= (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(inset.Up);
                insetBox.Back    += (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(inset.Back);
                insetBox.Forward -= (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(inset.Forward);
                insetOffset       = Vector3.Scale(cutoutCenter - insetBox.SaveCenter, InputMeshFactory.VoxelSize);
            Vector3 insetCenter = insetBox.SaveCenter;

            if (Baked45Angle)
                backSlot = CreateTexture(backSlot,
                                         includedFaces.Back != 0,
                                         insetBox.Size.X, insetBox.Size.Y,
                                         Quaternion.Euler(-45, 0, 0),
                                         npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(new Vector3(insetCenter.x, insetCenter.y, insetBox.Back)),
                                         npVoxToUnity.ToUnityDirection(new Vector2(insetBox.Size.X, ((float)insetBox.Size.Y) / Mathf.Sqrt(2))) * 0.5f,
                                         Quaternion.Euler(+45, 0, 0)
                downSlot = CreateTexture(downSlot,
                                         includedFaces.Down != 0,
                                         insetBox.Size.X, insetBox.Size.Z * 3,
                                         Quaternion.Euler(-45, 0, 0),
                                         npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(new Vector3(insetCenter.x, insetBox.Down, insetCenter.z)),
                                         npVoxToUnity.ToUnityDirection(new Vector2(insetBox.Size.X, ((float)insetBox.Size.Z) / Mathf.Sqrt(2))) * 0.5f,
                                         Quaternion.Euler(-45, 0, 0)

                leftSlot    = CreateTexture(leftSlot, false, 0, 0, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.zero, Vector2.zero, Quaternion.identity);
                rightSlot   = CreateTexture(rightSlot, false, 0, 0, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.zero, Vector2.zero, Quaternion.identity);
                upSlot      = CreateTexture(upSlot, false, 0, 0, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.zero, Vector2.zero, Quaternion.identity);
                forwardSlot = CreateTexture(forwardSlot, false, 0, 0, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.zero, Vector2.zero, Quaternion.identity);
                leftSlot = CreateTexture(leftSlot,
                                         includedFaces.Left != 0,
                                         insetBox.Size.Z, insetBox.Size.Y,
                                         Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0),
                                         npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(new Vector3(insetBox.Left, insetCenter.y, insetCenter.z)),
                                         npVoxToUnity.ToUnityDirection(new Vector2(insetBox.Size.Z, insetBox.Size.Y)) * 0.5f,
                rightSlot = CreateTexture(rightSlot,
                                          includedFaces.Right != 0,
                                          insetBox.Size.Z, insetBox.Size.Y,
                                          Quaternion.Euler(0, -90, 0),
                                          npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(new Vector3(insetBox.Right, insetCenter.y, insetCenter.z)),
                                          npVoxToUnity.ToUnityDirection(new Vector2(insetBox.Size.Z, insetBox.Size.Y)) * 0.5f,
                downSlot = CreateTexture(downSlot,
                                         includedFaces.Down != 0,
                                         insetBox.Size.X, insetBox.Size.Z,
                                         Quaternion.Euler(-90, 0, 0),
                                         npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(new Vector3(insetCenter.x, insetBox.Down, insetCenter.z)),
                                         npVoxToUnity.ToUnityDirection(new Vector2(insetBox.Size.X, insetBox.Size.Z)) * 0.5f,
                upSlot = CreateTexture(upSlot,
                                       includedFaces.Up != 0,
                                       insetBox.Size.X, insetBox.Size.Z,
                                       Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 180),
                                       npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(new Vector3(insetCenter.x, insetBox.Up, insetCenter.z)),
                                       npVoxToUnity.ToUnityDirection(new Vector2(insetBox.Size.X, insetBox.Size.Z)) * 0.5f,
                backSlot = CreateTexture(backSlot,
                                         includedFaces.Back != 0,
                                         insetBox.Size.X, insetBox.Size.Y,
                                         Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0),
                                         npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(new Vector3(insetCenter.x, insetCenter.y, insetBox.Back)),
                                         npVoxToUnity.ToUnityDirection(new Vector2(insetBox.Size.X, insetBox.Size.Y)) * 0.5f,
                forwardSlot = CreateTexture(forwardSlot,
                                            includedFaces.Forward != 0,
                                            insetBox.Size.X, insetBox.Size.Y,
                                            Quaternion.Euler(-180, 0, 0),
                                            npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(new Vector3(insetCenter.x, insetCenter.y, insetBox.Forward)),
                                            npVoxToUnity.ToUnityDirection(new Vector2(insetBox.Size.X, insetBox.Size.Y)) * 0.5f,
            slotsAllocatedAtTA = TextureAtlas;

            if (mesh == null)
                mesh = new Mesh();
            mesh.name = "zzz Cube Simplifier Mesh";

            int border   = 1;
            var vertices = new Vector3[faceCount * 4];
            var uvs      = new Vector2[faceCount * 4];
            var tris     = new int[faceCount * 3 * 2];
            var normals  = new Vector3[faceCount * 4];

            int v = 0;
            int t = 0;

            int v0 = 0;

            System.Action <Vector3, NPVoxTextureAtlas.Slot> addQuad = (Vector3 dir, NPVoxTextureAtlas.Slot theSlot) =>
                normals[v0]     = dir;
                normals[v0 + 1] = dir;
                normals[v0 + 2] = dir;
                normals[v0 + 3] = dir;

                tris[t++] = v0;
                tris[t++] = v0 + 1;
                tris[t++] = v0 + 2;

                tris[t++] = v0;
                tris[t++] = v0 + 2;
                tris[t++] = v0 + 3;

                Vector2 uvMax = theSlot.GetUVmax(border);
                Vector2 uvMin = theSlot.GetUVmin(border);

                uvs[v0].x     = uvMin.x;
                uvs[v0].y     = uvMax.y;
                uvs[v0 + 1].x = uvMax.x;
                uvs[v0 + 1].y = uvMax.y;
                uvs[v0 + 2].x = uvMax.x;
                uvs[v0 + 2].y = uvMin.y;
                uvs[v0 + 3].x = uvMin.x;
                uvs[v0 + 3].y = uvMin.y;

            NPVoxBox bounds = insetBox;

            Vector3 LDB = cutoutOffset + npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(bounds.LeftDownBack) + (Vector3.left * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.x + Vector3.down * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.y + Vector3.back * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.z) * 0.5f;
            Vector3 RDB = cutoutOffset + npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(bounds.RightDownBack) + (Vector3.right * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.x + Vector3.down * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.y + Vector3.back * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.z) * 0.5f;
            Vector3 LUB = cutoutOffset + npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(bounds.LeftUpBack) + (Vector3.left * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.x + Vector3.up * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.y + Vector3.back * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.z) * 0.5f;
            Vector3 RUB = cutoutOffset + npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(bounds.RightUpBack) + (Vector3.right * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.x + Vector3.up * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.y + Vector3.back * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.z) * 0.5f;
            Vector3 LDF = cutoutOffset + npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(bounds.LeftDownForward) + (Vector3.left * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.x + Vector3.down * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.y + Vector3.forward * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.z) * 0.5f;
            Vector3 RDF = cutoutOffset + npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(bounds.RightDownForward) + (Vector3.right * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.x + Vector3.down * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.y + Vector3.forward * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.z) * 0.5f;
            Vector3 LUF = cutoutOffset + npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(bounds.LeftUpForward) + (Vector3.left * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.x + Vector3.up * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.y + Vector3.forward * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.z) * 0.5f;
            Vector3 RUF = cutoutOffset + npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(bounds.RightUpForward) + (Vector3.right * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.x + Vector3.up * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.y + Vector3.forward * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.z) * 0.5f;

            if (downSlot != null)
                v0            = v;
                vertices[v++] = LDB;
                vertices[v++] = RDB;
                vertices[v++] = RDF;
                vertices[v++] = LDF;

                addQuad(Vector3.down, downSlot);

            if (upSlot != null)
                v0            = v;
                vertices[v++] = RUB;
                vertices[v++] = LUB;
                vertices[v++] = LUF;
                vertices[v++] = RUF;

                addQuad(Vector3.up, upSlot);

            if (forwardSlot != null)
                v0            = v;
                vertices[v++] = LDF;
                vertices[v++] = RDF;
                vertices[v++] = RUF;
                vertices[v++] = LUF;

                addQuad(Vector3.forward, forwardSlot);

            if (backSlot != null)
                v0            = v;
                vertices[v++] = LUB;
                vertices[v++] = RUB;
                vertices[v++] = RDB;
                vertices[v++] = LDB;

                addQuad(Vector3.back, backSlot);
            if (leftSlot != null)
                v0            = v;
                vertices[v++] = LUF;
                vertices[v++] = LUB;
                vertices[v++] = LDB;
                vertices[v++] = LDF;

                addQuad(Vector3.left, leftSlot);
            if (rightSlot != null)
                v0            = v;
                vertices[v++] = RUB;
                vertices[v++] = RUF;
                vertices[v++] = RDF;
                vertices[v++] = RDB;

                addQuad(Vector3.right, rightSlot);

            mesh.vertices  = vertices;
            mesh.triangles = tris;
            mesh.uv        = uvs;
            mesh.normals = normals;
            // mesh.bounds = new Bounds(
            //     insetOffset,
            //     new Vector3(
            //         bounds.Size.X * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.x,
            //         bounds.Size.Y * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.y,
            //         bounds.Size.Z * npVoxToUnity.VoxeSize.z
            //     )
            // );
            Mesh sourceMesh = meshOutput.GetProduct();
            mesh.bounds = sourceMesh.bounds;
            mesh.name   = "zzz Cube Mesh ";
            Debug.LogWarning("No Input set up");
            if (mesh == null)
                mesh = new Mesh();
    public int GetFaceCount()
        NPVoxFaces faces = GetIncludedFaces();

        return(faces.Back + faces.Forward + faces.Left + faces.Right + faces.Up + faces.Down);
Exemple #7
    public static void CreateMesh(
        NPVoxModel model,
        Mesh mesh,
        Vector3 cubeSize,
        Vector3 NormalVariance,
        int NormalVarianceSeed         = 0,
        NPVoxOptimization optimization = NPVoxOptimization.OFF,
        NPVoxNormalMode NormalMode     = NPVoxNormalMode.SMOOTH,
        int BloodColorIndex            = 0,
        NPVoxFaces loop     = null,
        NPVoxFaces cutout   = null,
        NPVoxFaces include  = null,
        int MinVertexGroups = 1,
        NPVoxNormalMode[] NormalModePerVoxelGroup = null,
        NPVoxNormalProcessorList normalProcessors = null
        bool hasVoxelGroups   = model.HasVoxelGroups();
        var  vertices         = new Vector3[model.NumVoxels * 8];
        byte vertexGroupCount = model.NumVoxelGroups;
        var  triangles        = new int[vertexGroupCount, model.NumVoxels * 36];

        var normals  = new Vector3[model.NumVoxels * 8];
        var tangents = new Vector4[model.NumVoxels * 8];
        var colors   = new Color[model.NumVoxels * 8];

        var tmp = new NPVoxMeshTempData[model.NumVoxels];

        int currentVertexIndex   = 0;
        var currentTriangleIndex = new int[vertexGroupCount];

        for (int i = 0; i < vertexGroupCount; i++)
            currentTriangleIndex[i] = 0;


        if (loop == null)
            loop = new NPVoxFaces();

        if (include == null)
            include = new NPVoxFaces(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);

        NPVoxBox voxelsToInclude = model.BoundingBox;
        Vector3  cutoutOffset    = Vector3.zero;

        if (cutout != null)
            Vector3 originalCenter = voxelsToInclude.SaveCenter;
            voxelsToInclude.Left    = (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Left);
            voxelsToInclude.Down    = (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Down);
            voxelsToInclude.Back    = (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Back);
            voxelsToInclude.Right   = (sbyte)(voxelsToInclude.Right - (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Right));
            voxelsToInclude.Up      = (sbyte)(voxelsToInclude.Up - (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Up));
            voxelsToInclude.Forward = (sbyte)(voxelsToInclude.Forward - (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Forward));
            cutoutOffset            = Vector3.Scale(originalCenter - voxelsToInclude.SaveCenter, cubeSize);

        NPVoxToUnity npVoxToUnity = new NPVoxToUnity(model, cubeSize);
        Vector3      size         = new Vector3(
            voxelsToInclude.Size.X * cubeSize.x,
            voxelsToInclude.Size.Y * cubeSize.y,
            voxelsToInclude.Size.Z * cubeSize.z

        NPVoxBox voxelNormalNeighbours = new NPVoxBox(new NPVoxCoord(-1, -1, -1), new NPVoxCoord(1, 1, 1));

        // Collect temporary data to use for model generation
        int voxIndex = 0;

        foreach (NPVoxCoord voxCoord in voxelsToInclude.Enumerate())
            if (model.HasVoxel(voxCoord))
                tmp[voxIndex] = new NPVoxMeshTempData();

                tmp[voxIndex].loop    = loop;
                tmp[voxIndex].cutout  = cutout;
                tmp[voxIndex].include = include;

                // Compute voxel center
                tmp[voxIndex].voxelCenter = npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(voxCoord) + cutoutOffset;
                tmp[voxIndex].voxCoord    = voxCoord;

                tmp[voxIndex].voxToUnity = npVoxToUnity;

                // Determine vertex group index
                tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex = 0;
                if (hasVoxelGroups)
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex = model.GetVoxelGroup(voxCoord);

                // Determine normal Mode
                if (NormalModePerVoxelGroup != null && NormalModePerVoxelGroup.Length > tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex)
                    tmp[voxIndex].normalMode = NormalModePerVoxelGroup[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex];
                    tmp[voxIndex].normalMode = NormalMode;

                // do we have this side
                tmp[voxIndex].hasLeft    = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.LEFT, loop));
                tmp[voxIndex].hasRight   = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.RIGHT, loop));
                tmp[voxIndex].hasDown    = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.DOWN, loop));
                tmp[voxIndex].hasUp      = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.UP, loop));
                tmp[voxIndex].hasForward = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.FORWARD, loop));
                tmp[voxIndex].hasBack    = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.BACK, loop));

                // do we actually want to include this side in our mesh
                // NOTE: cutout < 0 means we still render the mesh even though it is cutout
                //       cutout > 0 means we don't render the mesh when cutout
                tmp[voxIndex].includeLeft    = (tmp[voxIndex].hasLeft || (cutout.Left < 0 && voxCoord.X == voxelsToInclude.Left)) && include.Left == 1;
                tmp[voxIndex].includeRight   = (tmp[voxIndex].hasRight || (cutout.Right < 0 && voxCoord.X == voxelsToInclude.Right)) && include.Right == 1;
                tmp[voxIndex].includeUp      = (tmp[voxIndex].hasUp || (cutout.Up < 0 && voxCoord.Y == voxelsToInclude.Up)) && include.Up == 1;
                tmp[voxIndex].includeDown    = (tmp[voxIndex].hasDown || (cutout.Down < 0 && voxCoord.Y == voxelsToInclude.Down)) && include.Down == 1;
                tmp[voxIndex].includeBack    = (tmp[voxIndex].hasBack || (cutout.Back < 0 && voxCoord.Z == voxelsToInclude.Back)) && include.Back == 1;
                tmp[voxIndex].includeForward = (tmp[voxIndex].hasForward || (cutout.Forward < 0 && voxCoord.Z == voxelsToInclude.Forward)) && include.Forward == 1;

                tmp[voxIndex].isHidden = !tmp[voxIndex].hasForward &&
                                         !tmp[voxIndex].hasBack &&
                                         !tmp[voxIndex].hasLeft &&
                                         !tmp[voxIndex].hasRight &&
                                         !tmp[voxIndex].hasUp &&

                if (tmp[voxIndex].isHidden && optimization == NPVoxOptimization.PER_VOXEL)

                if (tmp[voxIndex].isHidden && BloodColorIndex > 0)
                    model.SetVoxel(voxCoord, (byte)BloodColorIndex); // WTF WTF WTF?!? we should not modify the MODEL in here !!!!           elfapo: AAAAHHH NOOOO!!!! :O    j.k. ;)

                Color color = model.GetColor(voxCoord);

                // prepare cube vertices
                tmp[voxIndex].numVertices            = 0;
                tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin = currentVertexIndex;

                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || tmp[voxIndex].includeBack || tmp[voxIndex].includeLeft || tmp[voxIndex].includeDown)
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[0] = tmp[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[0]] = new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || tmp[voxIndex].includeBack || tmp[voxIndex].includeRight || tmp[voxIndex].includeDown)
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[1] = tmp[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[1]] = new Vector3(0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || tmp[voxIndex].includeBack || tmp[voxIndex].includeLeft || tmp[voxIndex].includeUp)
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[2] = tmp[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[2]] = new Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || tmp[voxIndex].includeBack || tmp[voxIndex].includeRight || tmp[voxIndex].includeUp)
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[3] = tmp[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[3]] = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || tmp[voxIndex].includeForward || tmp[voxIndex].includeLeft || tmp[voxIndex].includeDown)
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[4] = tmp[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[4]] = new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || tmp[voxIndex].includeForward || tmp[voxIndex].includeRight || tmp[voxIndex].includeDown)
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[5] = tmp[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[5]] = new Vector3(0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || tmp[voxIndex].includeForward || tmp[voxIndex].includeLeft || tmp[voxIndex].includeUp)
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[6] = tmp[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[6]] = new Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || tmp[voxIndex].includeForward || tmp[voxIndex].includeRight || tmp[voxIndex].includeUp)
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[7] = tmp[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    tmp[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[7]] = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

                // add cube faces
                int i = currentTriangleIndex[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex];

                // back
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || tmp[voxIndex].includeBack)
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[0];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[2];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[1];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[2];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[3];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[1];

                // Forward
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || tmp[voxIndex].includeForward)
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[6];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[4];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[5];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[7];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[6];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[5];

                // right
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || tmp[voxIndex].includeRight)
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[1];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[3];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[5];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[3];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[7];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[5];

                // left
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || tmp[voxIndex].includeLeft)
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[0];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[4];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[2];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[2];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[4];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[6];

                // up
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || tmp[voxIndex].includeUp)
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[2];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[6];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[3];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[3];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[6];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[7];

                // down
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || tmp[voxIndex].includeDown)
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[0];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[1];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[4];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[1];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[5];
                    triangles[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex, i++] = tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[4];

                // Tangents
                for (int t = 0; t < tmp[voxIndex].numVertices; t++)
                    // store voxel center for shader usage
                    Vector4 tangent = new Vector4();
                    tangent.x = tmp[voxIndex].voxelCenter.x;
                    tangent.y = tmp[voxIndex].voxelCenter.y;
                    tangent.z = tmp[voxIndex].voxelCenter.z;
                    // encode model size
                    tangent.w = ((voxelsToInclude.Size.X & 0x7F) << 14) | ((voxelsToInclude.Size.Y & 0x7F) << 7) | (voxelsToInclude.Size.Z & 0x7F);

                    tangents[tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + t] = tangent;

                // UVs
                for (int t = 0; t < tmp[voxIndex].numVertices; t++)
                    colors[tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + t] = color;

                // translate & scale vertices to voxel position
                for (int t = 0; t < tmp[voxIndex].numVertices; t++)
                    vertices[tmp[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin + t] = tmp[voxIndex].voxelCenter + Vector3.Scale(tmp[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[t], cubeSize);

                currentTriangleIndex[tmp[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex] = i;
                currentVertexIndex += tmp[voxIndex].numVertices;

        // elfapo: Remove invalid voxel information
        Array.Resize(ref tmp, voxIndex);

        ////////////////////////////////////// NORMAL STAGES ////////////////////////////////////////
        // elfapo TODO: Test area 'Normal Processor' Move Normal Processor stages to Normal Processor Pipeline:

        //NPVoxNormalProcessor_Voxel generator = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<NPVoxNormalProcessor_Voxel>();
        //NPVoxNormalProcessor_Variance processor = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<NPVoxNormalProcessor_Variance>();


        //processor.NormalVariance = NormalVariance;
        //processor.NormalVarianceSeed = NormalVarianceSeed;

        //if (NormalModePerVoxelGroup != null && NormalModePerVoxelGroup.Length > 0)
        //    for (int i = 0; i < NormalModePerVoxelGroup.Length; i++)
        //    {
        //        generator.ClearVoxelGroupFilters();
        //        generator.AddVoxelGroupFilter(i);
        //        generator.NormalMode = NormalModePerVoxelGroup[i];
        //        generator.Process(model, tmp, normals, normals);
        //    }

        //    processor.Process(model, tmp, normals, normals);
        //    generator.NormalMode = NormalMode;
        //    generator.Process(model, tmp, normals, normals);
        //    processor.Process(model, tmp, normals, normals);


        if (normalProcessors != null)
            normalProcessors.Run(model, tmp, normals, normals);


        // shrink arrays as needed
        if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.OFF)
            Array.Resize(ref vertices, currentVertexIndex);
            Array.Resize(ref normals, currentVertexIndex);
            Array.Resize(ref tangents, currentVertexIndex);
            Array.Resize(ref colors, currentVertexIndex);

        mesh.vertices = vertices;
        if (hasVoxelGroups)
            mesh.subMeshCount = Math.Max(vertexGroupCount, MinVertexGroups);
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexGroupCount; i++)
                int   numberOfTrianglesForVertexGroup = currentTriangleIndex[i];
                int[] trianglesForVertexGroup         = new int[numberOfTrianglesForVertexGroup];
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfTrianglesForVertexGroup; j++)
                    trianglesForVertexGroup[j] = triangles[i, j];
                mesh.SetTriangles(trianglesForVertexGroup, i);
            int   numberOfTrianglesForVertexGroup = currentTriangleIndex[0];
            int[] trianglesForVertexGroup         = new int[numberOfTrianglesForVertexGroup];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(triangles, 0,
                             trianglesForVertexGroup, 0,
                             numberOfTrianglesForVertexGroup * sizeof(int));

            if (MinVertexGroups < 2)
                mesh.triangles = trianglesForVertexGroup;
                mesh.subMeshCount = MinVertexGroups;
                mesh.SetTriangles(trianglesForVertexGroup, 0);

        mesh.normals  = normals;
        mesh.tangents = tangents;
        mesh.colors   = colors;
        mesh.bounds   = new Bounds(Vector3.zero, size);

        if (NormalMode == NPVoxNormalMode.AUTO)
Exemple #8
    public static void CreateMesh(
        NPVoxModel model,
        Mesh mesh,
        Vector3 cubeSize,
        Vector3 NormalVariance,
        int NormalVarianceSeed         = 0,
        NPVoxOptimization optimization = NPVoxOptimization.OFF,
        NPVoxNormalMode NormalMode     = NPVoxNormalMode.SMOOTH,
        int BloodColorIndex            = 0,
        NPVoxFaces loop     = null,
        NPVoxFaces cutout   = null,
        NPVoxFaces include  = null,
        int MinVertexGroups = 1,
        NPVoxNormalMode[] NormalModePerVoxelGroup = null
        bool hasVoxelGroups   = model.HasVoxelGroups();
        var  vertices         = new Vector3[model.NumVoxels * 8];
        byte vertexGroupCount = model.NumVoxelGroups;
        var  triangles        = new int[vertexGroupCount, model.NumVoxels * 36];

        var normals  = new Vector3[model.NumVoxels * 8];
        var tangents = new Vector4[model.NumVoxels * 8];
        var colors   = new Color[model.NumVoxels * 8];

        int currentVertexIndex   = 0;
        var currentTriangleIndex = new int[vertexGroupCount];

        for (int i = 0; i < vertexGroupCount; i++)
            currentTriangleIndex[i] = 0;


        if (loop == null)
            loop = new NPVoxFaces();

        if (include == null)
            include = new NPVoxFaces(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);

        NPVoxBox voxelsToInclude = model.BoundingBox;
        Vector3  cutoutOffset    = Vector3.zero;

        if (cutout != null)
            Vector3 originalCenter = voxelsToInclude.SaveCenter;
            voxelsToInclude.Left    = (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Left);
            voxelsToInclude.Down    = (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Down);
            voxelsToInclude.Back    = (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Back);
            voxelsToInclude.Right   = (sbyte)(voxelsToInclude.Right - (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Right));
            voxelsToInclude.Up      = (sbyte)(voxelsToInclude.Up - (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Up));
            voxelsToInclude.Forward = (sbyte)(voxelsToInclude.Forward - (sbyte)Mathf.Abs(cutout.Forward));
            cutoutOffset            = Vector3.Scale(originalCenter - voxelsToInclude.SaveCenter, cubeSize);

        NPVoxToUnity npVoxToUnity = new NPVoxToUnity(model, cubeSize);
        Vector3      size         = new Vector3(
            voxelsToInclude.Size.X * cubeSize.x,
            voxelsToInclude.Size.Y * cubeSize.y,
            voxelsToInclude.Size.Z * cubeSize.z

        NPVoxBox voxelNormalNeighbours = new NPVoxBox(new NPVoxCoord(-1, -1, -1), new NPVoxCoord(1, 1, 1));

        NPVoxNormalMode normalMode = NormalMode;

        foreach (NPVoxCoord voxCoord in voxelsToInclude.Enumerate())
            if (model.HasVoxel(voxCoord))
                Vector3 voxelCenter = npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(voxCoord) + cutoutOffset;

                int vertexGroupIndex = 0;
                if (hasVoxelGroups)
                    vertexGroupIndex = model.GetVoxelGroup(voxCoord);

                if (NormalModePerVoxelGroup != null && NormalModePerVoxelGroup.Length > vertexGroupIndex)
                    normalMode = NormalModePerVoxelGroup[vertexGroupIndex];
                    normalMode = NormalMode;

                // do we have this side
                bool hasLeft    = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.LEFT, loop));
                bool hasRight   = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.RIGHT, loop));
                bool hasDown    = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.DOWN, loop));
                bool hasUp      = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.UP, loop));
                bool hasForward = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.FORWARD, loop));
                bool hasBack    = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.BACK, loop));

                // do we actually want to include this side in our mesh
                // NOTE: cutout < 0 means we still render the mesh even though it is cutout
                //       cutout > 0 means we don't render the mesh when cutout
                bool includeLeft    = (hasLeft || (cutout.Left < 0 && voxCoord.X == voxelsToInclude.Left)) && include.Left == 1;
                bool includeRight   = (hasRight || (cutout.Right < 0 && voxCoord.X == voxelsToInclude.Right)) && include.Right == 1;
                bool includeUp      = (hasUp || (cutout.Up < 0 && voxCoord.Y == voxelsToInclude.Up)) && include.Up == 1;
                bool includeDown    = (hasDown || (cutout.Down < 0 && voxCoord.Y == voxelsToInclude.Down)) && include.Down == 1;
                bool includeBack    = (hasBack || (cutout.Back < 0 && voxCoord.Z == voxelsToInclude.Back)) && include.Back == 1;
                bool includeForward = (hasForward || (cutout.Forward < 0 && voxCoord.Z == voxelsToInclude.Forward)) && include.Forward == 1;

                bool isHidden = !hasForward && !hasBack && !hasLeft && !hasRight && !hasUp && !hasDown;

                if (isHidden && optimization == NPVoxOptimization.PER_VOXEL)

                if (isHidden && BloodColorIndex > 0)
                    model.SetVoxel(voxCoord, (byte)BloodColorIndex); // WTF WTF WTF?!? we should not modify the MODEL in here !!!!

                Color color = model.GetColor(voxCoord);

                // prepare cube vertices
                int numVertices = 0;

                int[]     vertexIndexOffsets    = new int[8];
                Vector3[] vertexPositionOffsets = new Vector3[8];

                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || includeBack || includeLeft || includeDown)
                    vertexIndexOffsets[0] = numVertices++;
                    vertexPositionOffsets[vertexIndexOffsets[0]] = new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || includeBack || includeRight || includeDown)
                    vertexIndexOffsets[1] = numVertices++;
                    vertexPositionOffsets[vertexIndexOffsets[1]] = new Vector3(0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || includeBack || includeLeft || includeUp)
                    vertexIndexOffsets[2] = numVertices++;
                    vertexPositionOffsets[vertexIndexOffsets[2]] = new Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || includeBack || includeRight || includeUp)
                    vertexIndexOffsets[3] = numVertices++;
                    vertexPositionOffsets[vertexIndexOffsets[3]] = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || includeForward || includeLeft || includeDown)
                    vertexIndexOffsets[4] = numVertices++;
                    vertexPositionOffsets[vertexIndexOffsets[4]] = new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || includeForward || includeRight || includeDown)
                    vertexIndexOffsets[5] = numVertices++;
                    vertexPositionOffsets[vertexIndexOffsets[5]] = new Vector3(0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || includeForward || includeLeft || includeUp)
                    vertexIndexOffsets[6] = numVertices++;
                    vertexPositionOffsets[vertexIndexOffsets[6]] = new Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || includeForward || includeRight || includeUp)
                    vertexIndexOffsets[7] = numVertices++;
                    vertexPositionOffsets[vertexIndexOffsets[7]] = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

                // add cube faces
                int i = currentTriangleIndex[vertexGroupIndex];

                // back
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || includeBack)
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[0];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[2];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[1];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[2];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[3];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[1];

                // Forward
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || includeForward)
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[6];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[4];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[5];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[7];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[6];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[5];

                // right
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || includeRight)
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[1];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[3];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[5];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[3];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[7];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[5];

                // left
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || includeLeft)
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[0];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[4];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[2];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[2];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[4];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[6];

                // up
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || includeUp)
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[2];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[6];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[3];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[3];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[6];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[7];

                // down
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || includeDown)
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[0];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[1];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[4];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[1];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[5];
                    triangles[vertexGroupIndex, i++] = currentVertexIndex + vertexIndexOffsets[4];

                // TODO create some kind of strategy pattern for the normal calculation, else this here is becomming a mess ...
                Vector3 variance = Vector3.zero;
                if (NormalVariance.x != 0 || NormalVariance.y != 0 || NormalVariance.z != 0)
                    variance.x = -NormalVariance.x * 0.5f + 2 * UnityEngine.Random.value * NormalVariance.x;
                    variance.y = -NormalVariance.y * 0.5f + 2 * UnityEngine.Random.value * NormalVariance.y;
                    variance.z = -NormalVariance.z * 0.5f + 2 * UnityEngine.Random.value * NormalVariance.z;

                // calculate normals based on present neighbour voxels
                Vector3 voxelNormal = Vector3.zero;
                if (!isHidden)
                    foreach (NPVoxCoord offset in voxelNormalNeighbours.Enumerate())
                        NPVoxCoord checkCoord = voxCoord + offset;
                        checkCoord = model.LoopCoord(checkCoord, loop);
                        if (!model.HasVoxel(checkCoord))
                            voxelNormal += NPVoxCoordUtil.ToVector(offset);
                    voxelNormal = voxelCenter.normalized;

                // Normals
                for (int t = 0; t < numVertices; t++)
                    Vector3 normal = Vector3.zero;

                    switch (normalMode)
                    case NPVoxNormalMode.VOXEL:
                        normal = voxelNormal;

                        normal = Vector3.zero;

                        if (vertexPositionOffsets[t].x < 0.0f)
                            if (hasLeft && !hasForward && !hasBack && !hasUp && !hasDown)
                                normal.x = -1;
                                normal.x = voxelNormal.x;
                        else if (vertexPositionOffsets[t].x > 0.0f)
                            if (hasRight && !hasForward && !hasBack && !hasUp && !hasDown)
                                normal.x = 1;
                                normal.x = voxelNormal.x;

                        if (vertexPositionOffsets[t].y < 0.0f)
                            if (hasUp && !hasForward && !hasBack && !hasLeft && !hasRight)
                                normal.y = -1;
                                normal.y = voxelNormal.y;
                        else if (vertexPositionOffsets[t].y > 0.0f)
                            if (hasDown && !hasForward && !hasBack && !hasLeft && !hasRight)
                                normal.y = +1;
                                normal.y = voxelNormal.y;

                        if (vertexPositionOffsets[t].z < 0.0f)
                            if (hasBack && !hasLeft && !hasRight && !hasUp && !hasDown)
                                normal.z = -1;
                                normal.z = voxelNormal.z;
                        else if (vertexPositionOffsets[t].z > 0.0f)
                            if (hasForward && !hasLeft && !hasRight && !hasUp && !hasDown)
                                normal.z = +1;
                                normal.z = voxelNormal.z;

                        if (Mathf.Abs(normal.x) < 0.1f && Mathf.Abs(normal.y) < 0.1f && Mathf.Abs(normal.z) < 0.1f)
                            // we would like to have full color when we are a stand-alone voxel, however there is no way to do so right now, so we just
                            // fallback to the centoid normal
                            normal = voxelCenter;


                    case NPVoxNormalMode.SMOOTH:
                        normal = Vector3.zero;

                        for (float xx = -0.5f; xx < 1.0f; xx += 1f)
                            for (float yy = -.5f; yy < 1; yy += 1)
                                for (float zz = -.5f; zz < 1; zz += 1)
                                    sbyte xCoord = (sbyte)Mathf.Round(vertexPositionOffsets[t].x + xx);
                                    sbyte yCoord = (sbyte)Mathf.Round(vertexPositionOffsets[t].y + yy);
                                    sbyte zCoord = (sbyte)Mathf.Round(vertexPositionOffsets[t].z + zz);

                                    if (!model.HasVoxel(voxCoord + new NPVoxCoord((sbyte)xCoord, (sbyte)yCoord, (sbyte)zCoord)))
                                        normal += new Vector3(


                    case NPVoxNormalMode.FORWARD: normal = Vector3.forward; break;

                    case NPVoxNormalMode.BACK: normal = Vector3.back; break;

                    case NPVoxNormalMode.UP: normal = Vector3.up; break;

                    case NPVoxNormalMode.DOWN: normal = Vector3.down; break;

                    case NPVoxNormalMode.LEFT: normal = Vector3.left; break;

                    case NPVoxNormalMode.RIGHT: normal = Vector3.right; break;

                    normals[currentVertexIndex + t] = (normal + variance).normalized;

                    // store voxel center for shader usage
                    Vector4 tangent = new Vector4();
                    tangent.x = voxelCenter.x;
                    tangent.y = voxelCenter.y;
                    tangent.z = voxelCenter.z;
                    // encode model size
                    tangent.w = ((voxelsToInclude.Size.X & 0x7F) << 14) | ((voxelsToInclude.Size.Y & 0x7F) << 7) | (voxelsToInclude.Size.Z & 0x7F);

                    tangents[currentVertexIndex + t] = tangent;

                // UVs
                for (int t = 0; t < numVertices; t++)
                    colors[currentVertexIndex + t] = color;

                // translate & scale vertices to voxel position
                for (int t = 0; t < numVertices; t++)
                    vertices[currentVertexIndex + t] = voxelCenter + Vector3.Scale(vertexPositionOffsets[t], cubeSize);

                currentTriangleIndex[vertexGroupIndex] = i;
                currentVertexIndex += numVertices;

        // shrink arrays as needed
        if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.OFF)
            Array.Resize(ref vertices, currentVertexIndex);
            Array.Resize(ref normals, currentVertexIndex);
            Array.Resize(ref tangents, currentVertexIndex);
            Array.Resize(ref colors, currentVertexIndex);

        mesh.vertices = vertices;
        if (hasVoxelGroups)
            mesh.subMeshCount = Math.Max(vertexGroupCount, MinVertexGroups);
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexGroupCount; i++)
                int   numberOfTrianglesForVertexGroup = currentTriangleIndex[i];
                int[] trianglesForVertexGroup         = new int[numberOfTrianglesForVertexGroup];
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfTrianglesForVertexGroup; j++)
                    trianglesForVertexGroup[j] = triangles[i, j];
                mesh.SetTriangles(trianglesForVertexGroup, i);
            int   numberOfTrianglesForVertexGroup = currentTriangleIndex[0];
            int[] trianglesForVertexGroup         = new int[numberOfTrianglesForVertexGroup];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(triangles, 0,
                             trianglesForVertexGroup, 0,
                             numberOfTrianglesForVertexGroup * sizeof(int));

            if (MinVertexGroups < 2)
                mesh.triangles = trianglesForVertexGroup;
                mesh.subMeshCount = MinVertexGroups;
                mesh.SetTriangles(trianglesForVertexGroup, 0);

        mesh.normals  = normals;
        mesh.tangents = tangents;
        mesh.colors   = colors;
        mesh.bounds   = new Bounds(Vector3.zero, size);

        if (NormalMode == NPVoxNormalMode.AUTO)
Exemple #9
    public static NPVoxMeshData[] GenerateVoxMeshData(
        NPVoxModel model,
        Vector3 cubeSize,
        NPVoxOptimization optimization = NPVoxOptimization.OFF,
        int BloodColorIndex            = 0,
        NPVoxFaces loop    = null,
        NPVoxFaces cutout  = null,
        NPVoxFaces include = null)
        bool hasVoxelGroups   = model.HasVoxelGroups();
        byte vertexGroupCount = model.NumVoxelGroups;

        var voxMeshData = new NPVoxMeshData[model.NumVoxels];

        int currentVertexIndex = 0;

        if (loop == null)
            loop = new NPVoxFaces();

        if (include == null)
            include = new NPVoxFaces(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);

        NPVoxBox voxelsToInclude = model.BoundingBox;
        Vector3  cutoutOffset    = Vector3.zero;

        if (cutout != null)
            Vector3 originalCenter = voxelsToInclude.SaveCenter;
            voxelsToInclude.Left    = ( sbyte )Mathf.Abs(cutout.Left);
            voxelsToInclude.Down    = ( sbyte )Mathf.Abs(cutout.Down);
            voxelsToInclude.Back    = ( sbyte )Mathf.Abs(cutout.Back);
            voxelsToInclude.Right   = ( sbyte )(voxelsToInclude.Right - ( sbyte )Mathf.Abs(cutout.Right));
            voxelsToInclude.Up      = ( sbyte )(voxelsToInclude.Up - ( sbyte )Mathf.Abs(cutout.Up));
            voxelsToInclude.Forward = ( sbyte )(voxelsToInclude.Forward - ( sbyte )Mathf.Abs(cutout.Forward));
            cutoutOffset            = Vector3.Scale(originalCenter - voxelsToInclude.SaveCenter, cubeSize);

        NPVoxToUnity npVoxToUnity = new NPVoxToUnity(model, cubeSize);
        Vector3      size         = new Vector3(
            voxelsToInclude.Size.X * cubeSize.x,
            voxelsToInclude.Size.Y * cubeSize.y,
            voxelsToInclude.Size.Z * cubeSize.z

        NPVoxBox voxelNormalNeighbours = new NPVoxBox(new NPVoxCoord(-1, -1, -1), new NPVoxCoord(1, 1, 1));

        // Collect temporary data to use for model generation
        int voxIndex = 0;

        foreach (NPVoxCoord voxCoord in voxelsToInclude.Enumerate())
            if (model.HasVoxel(voxCoord))
                voxMeshData[voxIndex] = new NPVoxMeshData();

                voxMeshData[voxIndex].loop    = loop;
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].cutout  = cutout;
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].include = include;

                // Compute voxel center
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].voxelCenter = npVoxToUnity.ToUnityPosition(voxCoord) + cutoutOffset;
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].voxCoord    = voxCoord;

                voxMeshData[voxIndex].voxToUnity = npVoxToUnity;

                // Determine vertex group index
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex = 0;
                if (hasVoxelGroups)
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexGroupIndex = model.GetVoxelGroup(voxCoord);

                // do we have this side
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasLeft    = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.LEFT, loop));
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasRight   = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.RIGHT, loop));
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasDown    = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.DOWN, loop));
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasUp      = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.UP, loop));
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasForward = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.FORWARD, loop));
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasBack    = !model.HasVoxel(model.LoopCoord(voxCoord + NPVoxCoord.BACK, loop));

                // do we actually want to include this side in our mesh
                // NOTE: cutout < 0 means we still render the mesh even though it is cutout
                //       cutout > 0 means we don't render the mesh when cutout
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeLeft    = (voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasLeft || (cutout.Left < 0 && voxCoord.X == voxelsToInclude.Left)) && include.Left == 1;
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeRight   = (voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasRight || (cutout.Right < 0 && voxCoord.X == voxelsToInclude.Right)) && include.Right == 1;
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeUp      = (voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasUp || (cutout.Up < 0 && voxCoord.Y == voxelsToInclude.Up)) && include.Up == 1;
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeDown    = (voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasDown || (cutout.Down < 0 && voxCoord.Y == voxelsToInclude.Down)) && include.Down == 1;
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeBack    = (voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasBack || (cutout.Back < 0 && voxCoord.Z == voxelsToInclude.Back)) && include.Back == 1;
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeForward = (voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasForward || (cutout.Forward < 0 && voxCoord.Z == voxelsToInclude.Forward)) && include.Forward == 1;

                voxMeshData[voxIndex].isHidden = !voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasForward &&
                                                 !voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasBack &&
                                                 !voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasLeft &&
                                                 !voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasRight &&
                                                 !voxMeshData[voxIndex].hasUp &&

                if (voxMeshData[voxIndex].isHidden && optimization == NPVoxOptimization.PER_VOXEL)

                if (voxMeshData[voxIndex].isHidden && BloodColorIndex > 0)
                    model.SetVoxel(voxCoord, ( byte )BloodColorIndex);    // WTF WTF WTF?!? we should not modify the MODEL in here !!!!           elfapo: AAAAHHH NOOOO!!!! :O    j.k. ;)

                // prepare cube vertices
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].numVertices            = 0;
                voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsetBegin = currentVertexIndex;

                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeBack || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeLeft || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeDown)
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[0] = voxMeshData[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[0]] = new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeBack || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeRight || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeDown)
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[1] = voxMeshData[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[1]] = new Vector3(0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeBack || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeLeft || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeUp)
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[2] = voxMeshData[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[2]] = new Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeBack || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeRight || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeUp)
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[3] = voxMeshData[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[3]] = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeForward || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeLeft || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeDown)
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[4] = voxMeshData[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[4]] = new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeForward || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeRight || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeDown)
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[5] = voxMeshData[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[5]] = new Vector3(0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeForward || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeLeft || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeUp)
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[6] = voxMeshData[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[6]] = new Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                if (optimization != NPVoxOptimization.PER_FACE || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeForward || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeRight || voxMeshData[voxIndex].includeUp)
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[7] = voxMeshData[voxIndex].numVertices++;
                    voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexPositionOffsets[voxMeshData[voxIndex].vertexIndexOffsets[7]] = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

                currentVertexIndex += voxMeshData[voxIndex].numVertices;

        Array.Resize(ref voxMeshData, voxIndex);
