Exemple #1
// Generating method code for compile
        public virtual net.sourceforge.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Script Compile(NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlPage htmlPage, string sourceCode, string sourceName, int startLine)
            return(WObj.compile((com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage)htmlPage.WrappedObject, sourceCode, sourceName, startLine));
Exemple #2
// Generating method code for callFunction
        public virtual object CallFunction(NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlPage htmlPage, net.sourceforge.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Function function, net.sourceforge.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Scriptable scope, net.sourceforge.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Scriptable thisObject, System.Object[] args)
            return(WObj.callFunction((com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage)htmlPage.WrappedObject, function, scope, thisObject, args));
Exemple #3
// Generating method code for callFunction
        public virtual object CallFunction(NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlPage htmlPage, net.sourceforge.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Function javaScriptFunction, net.sourceforge.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Scriptable thisObject, System.Object[] args, NHtmlUnit.Html.DomNode htmlElement)
            return(WObj.callFunction((com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage)htmlPage.WrappedObject, javaScriptFunction, thisObject, args, (com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.DomNode)htmlElement.WrappedObject));
Exemple #4
// Generating method code for execute
        public virtual object Execute(NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlPage htmlPage, net.sourceforge.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Script script)
            return(WObj.execute((com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage)htmlPage.WrappedObject, script));
Exemple #5
// Generating method code for execute
        public virtual object Execute(NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlPage htmlPage, string sourceCode, string sourceName, int startLine)
            return(WObj.execute((com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage)htmlPage.WrappedObject, sourceCode, sourceName, startLine));
 public ScriptException(NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlPage page, System.Exception throwable)
     : this(new com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.ScriptException((com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage)page.WrappedObject, throwable))
Exemple #7
// Generating method code for processSynchron
        public virtual bool ProcessSynchron(NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlPage page, NHtmlUnit.WebRequest request, bool async)
            return(WObj.processSynchron((com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage)page.WrappedObject, (com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebRequest)request.WrappedObject, async));
Exemple #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            /*  Set the client to mimic Firefox.  By default I believe it mimics IE, and that implementation has some issues.  For example, the call below
             *  to generateLink.Click() fails when the default WebClient constructor is called (IE), but succeeds when Firefox is mimiced.  This seems to be a
             *  jQuery problem - see https://github.com/playframework/playframework/issues/5050 et. al.
            WebClient webClient = new WebClient(BrowserVersion.FIREFOX_38);

            // This actually takes us to the /index page in test-login.py, but since we're not logged in yet, it will bump us to /auth/login,
            // then back to /index once the login is successful.
            NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlPage currentPage = webClient.GetHtmlPage("");

             * At this point we assume that we're on /index, but it's always a good idea to check.  Two ways to do this are:
             * 1. currentPage.BaseURL.ToString() (assuming you're confident of the page's content once you know the URL)
             * 2. currentPage.AsText(), and then parse the string to determine the page's content, looking for specific text - especially
             *      useful if the page is dynamically-generated, and you don't know if what you're looking for is present (or present yet).

            NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlTextInput username = (NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlTextInput)currentPage.GetElementByName("username");
            username.Text = "joe";

            NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlPasswordInput password = (NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlPasswordInput)currentPage.GetElementByName("password");
            password.Text = "secret";

             * The login button has no name or ID (see auth.py, get_loginform) - so we need to iterate through each HTML element to find it.  We could give it
             * a name or ID, but the code below highlights how to handle a situation where we have no control over the web page.
            NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlSubmitInput loginButton = null;
            bool foundLoginButton = false;

            foreach (NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlElement el in currentPage.TabbableElements)
                if (!foundLoginButton)
                        //try casting each element to a submit button - the right one will succeed, the wrong ones will throw exceptions
                        loginButton      = (NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlSubmitInput)el;
                        foundLoginButton = true;
                    catch (Exception /*ee*/)
                        //keep looking for it

            currentPage = (NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlPage)loginButton.Click();

            //The Click() method returns when the next page (which is /index) is loaded.  We'll go to the "Generate Random String" link and "click" it.

            // It would be simpler to just call GetHtmlPage("/generate"), but this highlights a useful feature - moving to a page where we know the link
            // text, but not the URL.  If you know the URL but not the text, use GetAnchorByHref()
            NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlAnchor generateLink = currentPage.GetAnchorByText("Generate Random String");
            currentPage = (NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlPage)generateLink.Click();
            //The Click() method returns when the next page (which is /generate) is loaded.

            NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlButton generateButton = (NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlButton)currentPage.GetElementById("generate-string");

            NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlTextInput randomString = (NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlTextInput)currentPage.GetElementById("random-string");
            string theRandomString = randomString.Text;

             *  Ah-ha!!!  At this point, the value of theRandomString will be empty, even though one might think that it should contain the random string.
             *  Even if you (in the debugger) stop on a breakpoint immediately after generateButton.Click() for hours, the string will be empty.
             *  We need to tell the web client to wait (e.g. for 500ms) for the Javascript to complete - this function *also* updates the state of the HtmlPage
             *  object (and child objects like text inputs), so we can read the random string.
            theRandomString = randomString.Text;



// Generating method code for definePropertiesInStandardsMode
        public virtual void DefinePropertiesInStandardsMode(NHtmlUnit.Html.HtmlPage page)