public IList <LoadBillInCome> GetByLoadBillNums(IEnumerable <string> loadBillNums) { var query = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery("from LoadBillInCome where LoadBillNum in (:loadBillNums)"); query.SetParameterList("loadBillNums", loadBillNums); return(query.List <LoadBillInCome>()); }
public LoadBillInCome GetByLoadBillNum(string loadBillNum) { var query = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery("from LoadBillInCome where LoadBillNum=:loadBillNum"); query.SetParameter("loadBillNum", loadBillNum); return(query.List <LoadBillInCome>().FirstOrDefault()); }
//public AbstractVueDao(string sessionFactoryConfigPath) //{ // SessionFactoryConfigPath = sessionFactoryConfigPath; //} public virtual List <ObjetListeType> GetVue(Dictionary <string, string> filters) { ////////ISession isession = NHibernateSession; ////////var query0 = from m in isession.Query<Livre>() //////// select m; ////////IEnumerable<Livre> xy = query0.ToList(); //Contract.Requires(filters != null); //TestCodeContract(null); //GetTuple(); //GetSortedSet(); IQuery query = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(QueryBuilder(filters)); if (filters != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> filter in filters) { query.SetParameter(filter.Key, filter.Value); } } return((List <ObjetListeType>)query.SetResultTransformer(NHibernate.Transform.Transformers.AliasToBean <ObjetListeType>()).List <ObjetListeType>()); }
public MonthPayOffDetail GetByLoadBillID(int loadBillID) { var query = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery("FROM MonthPayOffDetail where LoadBillBy.ID=:loadBillID"); query.SetParameter("loadBillID", loadBillID); return(query.List <MonthPayOffDetail>().FirstOrDefault()); }
public IQuery GetInfo(int poid, DateTime date, int provider, int status, int page, int pagesize, string querystring, int POtype) { string query = "select " + querystring + " from PurchaseOrder PO"; query += " join PO.Provider PV"; query += " where PO.PurchaseOrderStatus = :Status"; if (poid > 0) { query += " AND PO.Id = :Id"; } if (provider > 0) { query += " AND PV.Id = :Provider"; } if (date > Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900")) { query += " AND PO.Date = :Date"; } if (POtype > 0) { query += " AND PO.PurchaseOrderType = :POtype"; } query += " order by PO.Id"; IQuery q = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(query); q.SetString("Status", status.ToString()); if (poid > 0) { q.SetInt32("Id", poid); } if (provider > 0) { q.SetInt32("Provider", provider); } if (date > Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900")) { q.SetDateTime("Date", date); } if (POtype > 0) { q.SetEnum("POtype", (PurchaseOrderType)POtype); } if (pagesize != 0) { q.SetMaxResults(pagesize); if (page == 1) { q.SetFirstResult(0); } else { q.SetFirstResult((page - 1) * pagesize); } } return(q); }
public IList ListIdentifiersFromFunction(Type classType, Object userId, PermissionAction action) { string hql = "SELECT DISTINCT EP.Identifier FROM EntityPermission EP JOIN EP.Functions F JOIN F.Roles R JOIN R.Users U WHERE ClassName = :ClassName AND U.ID = :UserID AND EP.PermissionAction = :Action"; IQuery q = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(hql).SetString("ClassName", classType.Name).SetGuid("UserID", (Guid)userId).SetEnum("Action", action); return(q.List()); }
public Altura GetDireccionMasCercana(double lat, double lon) { var str = string.Format("order by ((a.LatitudFin + a.LatitudInicio - 2 * {0}) * (a.LatitudFin + a.LatitudInicio - 2 * {0})) \r\n + ((a.LongitudFin + a.LongitudInicio - 2 * {1}) * (a.LongitudFin + a.LongitudInicio - 2 * {1}))", lat.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), lon.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); var list = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery("from Altura a where abs(a.LatitudInicio - :lat) < 0.01 and abs(a.LongitudInicio - :lon) < 0.01 " + str).SetParameter("lat", lat).SetParameter("lon", lon).SetMaxResults(1).List <Altura>(); return((list.Count > 0) ? list[0] : null); }
public UserAccount GetByAccount(string account) { var query = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery("from Core.UserModule.UserAccount where Account=:account"); query.SetParameter("account", account); return(query.UniqueResult <UserAccount>()); }
public IList <WayBillException> GetByExpressNo(string expressNo) { var query = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery("FROM WayBillException WHERE ExpressNo =:ExpressNo"); query.SetParameter("ExpressNo", expressNo); return(query.List <WayBillException>()); }
/// <summary> /// Get all items for the current type /// </summary> /// <returns>A list of Lookup objects</returns> public IList <Lookup> List(LookupType type) { //Cache Section string cacheKey = null; MembershipHelperUser mhu = MembershipHelper.GetUser(); if (mhu != null) { cacheKey = string.Format("LOOKUPS_{0}_{1}_{2}", mhu.UserId, typeof(Lookup).ToString(), type.ToString()); } object result = CacheManager.GetCached(typeof(Lookup), cacheKey); ICriteria crit = GetCriteria(); if (result == null) { string query = "SELECT L FROM Lookup L WHERE"; query += " LookupType = :Type"; query += " ORDER BY UPPER(Description)"; IQuery q = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(query); q.SetEnum("Type", type); result = q.List <Lookup>(); //crit.Add(Expression.Eq("LookupType", type)); //crit.AddOrder(new Order("Description", true)); //result = crit.List<Lookup>(); CacheManager.AddItem(typeof(Lookup), cacheKey, result); } return(result as IList <Lookup>); }
public VnsHtSoCtMax SetSoChungTuMaxByThangNamEtc(Guid LoaichungtuId, int SoChungTuMax, int Thang, int Nam) { String sql = "Select a from VnsHtSoCtMax a " + " where a.LoaichungtuId = :LoaichungtuId " + " and Thang = :Thang " + " and Nam = :Nam "; IQuery q = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(sql); q.SetParameter("LoaichungtuId", LoaichungtuId); q.SetParameter("Thang", Thang); q.SetParameter("Nam", Nam); IList <VnsHtSoCtMax> ls = q.List <VnsHtSoCtMax>(); VnsHtSoCtMax maxct = new VnsHtSoCtMax(); if (ls == null || ls.Count == 0) { maxct.LoaichungtuId = LoaichungtuId; maxct.Thang = Thang; maxct.Nam = Nam; maxct.SoChungtuMax = SoChungTuMax; Save(maxct); } else { maxct = ls[0]; maxct.SoChungtuMax = SoChungTuMax; Update(maxct); } return(maxct); }
public ProductView GetProductView(int id, int toCurrency) { string hql = "SELECT WLI.ID, P.Description, P.Code, PI.PriceSell, PI.Price, PI.CTM, PI.CTR, PI.Index, PI.LastPrice, PI.PCR, WLI.WorkListItemStatus, PI.PLCurrencyId, PI.PricePurchase"; hql += " FROM ProductInfoByPriceList PI"; hql += " JOIN PI.WorkListItem WLI"; hql += " JOIN WLI.PriceAttribute PA"; hql += " JOIN PA.PriceGroup PG"; hql += " JOIN PA.PriceBase PB"; hql += " JOIN PB.Provider PV"; hql += " JOIN PB.Product P"; hql += " WHERE PB.Status = :Status"; hql += " AND P.Status = :ProductStatus"; hql += " AND WLI.ID = :Id"; IQuery q = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(hql); q.SetEnum("Status", PriceBaseStatus.Verified); q.SetEnum("ProductStatus", ProductStatus.Active); q.SetInt32("Id", id); q.SetMaxResults(1); q.SetResultTransformer(new NHibernate.Transform.AliasToBeanConstructorResultTransformer(typeof(ProductView).GetConstructors()[3])); return(q.UniqueResult <ProductView>()); }
public IList <Permission> ListForCurrentUserAndSite(object userId, Enum action, string siteCode) { Site s = ControllerManager.Site.Get(siteCode); if (s == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(string.Format("There is no site with the code '{0}' defined.", siteCode)); } if (userId == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("There is no Membership User logged."); } string hql = "select distinct P from HierarchyFunctionsView HFV join HFV.ParentFunction PF join HFV.ChildFunction F join F.Permissions P join PF.Roles R join R.Users U where U.ID = :UserID and PF.Site = :Site"; if (action != null) { hql += " and P.PermissionAction = :Action"; } IQuery q = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(hql).SetEntity("Site", s).SetGuid("UserID", (Guid)userId); if (action != null) { q.SetEnum("PermissionAction", action); } return(q.List <Permission>()); }
// public void UpdateGooglePlusId(Guid id, string googlePlusId) { NHibernateSession.CreateQuery("update User set GooglePlusId = :googlePlusId where id = :id") .SetParameter("googlePlusId", googlePlusId) .SetParameter("id", id) .ExecuteUpdate(); }
public IList <PriceImportLogView> GetList(Guid id, PriceImportLogStatus piLogStatus, int pageSize, int pageNumber, out int totalcount) { string hql = "SELECT COUNT(PI.Description) FROM PriceImport PI JOIN PI.LogResults PIL WHERE PI.ID = :Id AND PIL.Status = :Status"; IQuery qcount = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(hql).SetGuid("Id", id).SetEnum("Status", piLogStatus); totalcount = Convert.ToInt32(qcount.UniqueResult()); hql = "SELECT PIL FROM PriceImport PI JOIN PI.LogResults PIL WHERE PI.ID = :Id AND PIL.Status = :Status"; IQuery q = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(hql); q.SetGuid("Id", id); q.SetEnum("Status", piLogStatus); if (pageNumber != 0 && pageSize != 0) { q.SetFirstResult((pageNumber * pageSize) - pageSize); q.SetMaxResults(pageSize); } q.SetResultTransformer(new NHibernate.Transform.AliasToBeanConstructorResultTransformer(typeof(PriceImportLogView).GetConstructors()[1])); IList <PriceImportLogView> pil = q.List <PriceImportLogView>(); if (pil.Count > 0) { return(pil); } return(new List <PriceImportLogView>()); }
public IList <MonthPayOff> GetPayOffMonth(IList <int> loadBillIDs) { var query = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery("SELECT a.MonthPayOffBy FROM MonthPayOffDetail a where a.LoadBillBy.ID IN (:loadBillIDs);"); query.SetParameterList("loadBillIDs", loadBillIDs); return(query.List <MonthPayOff>()); }
public IList <RpNganSachTongHop> GetKeHoachTrongNam(String MaCt, DateTime TuNgay, DateTime DenNgay) { try { String HQuery = "select sum(d.SoTien) as SoTien, h.MaCt as MaCt, d.LoaiKhoanId as LoaiKhoanId, d.KhoanChiId as KhoanChiId, h.DonViId as DonViId " + "from VnsKhNganSach h inner join h.LstNganSach d " + "where h.NgayKeHoach >= :TuNgay And h.NgayKeHoach <= :DenNgay " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MaCt) ? "" : " and h.MaCt = :MaCt ") + "Group by h.MaCt, d.LoaiKhoanId, d.KhoanChiId, h.DonViId"; IQuery query = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(HQuery); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(MaCt)) { query.SetParameter("MaCt", MaCt); } query.SetParameter("TuNgay", TuNgay); query.SetParameter("DenNgay", DenNgay); query.SetResultTransformer(Transformers.AliasToBean <RpNganSachTongHop>()); IList <RpNganSachTongHop> lst = query.List <RpNganSachTongHop>(); return(lst); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// 根据运单查询运单成本详细 /// </summary> /// <param name="ExpressNo"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IList <WayBillCost> GetCostByExpressNo(string expressNo) { var query = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery("from WayBillCost where ExpressNo=:expressNo"); query.SetParameter("expressNo", expressNo); return(query.List <WayBillCost>()); }
public IList <Site> CanManage(object userId) { string hql = "SELECT DISTINCT R.Site FROM Rol R JOIN R.Users U WHERE R.IsAdministrator = :IsAdministrator AND U.ID = :UserID"; return(NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(hql).SetBoolean("IsAdministrator", true).SetGuid("UserID", (Guid)userId).List <Site>()); }
private object GetAggregatedValue(string fnName, FilterExpression filter) { // adding filter List <object> parameterValues = new List <object>(); string filterString = filter.GetFilterString(parameterValues); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterString) == false) { filterString = " Where (" + filterString + ")"; } string hqlQuery = "Select " + fnName + " from " + this.GetTableName(GetSourceTypeEnum.View) + filterString; hqlQuery = hqlQuery.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""); var query = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(hqlQuery); // adding parameters for (int i = 0; i < parameterValues.Count; i++) { query.SetParameter(Filter.ParameterPrefix.Substring(1) + i, parameterValues[i]); } var currentSeq = query.List(); if (currentSeq == null) { return(null); } else { return(currentSeq[0]); } }
public IList <MonthPayOff> GetByPayOffMonth(DateTime dt) { var query = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery("from MonthPayOff where PayOffMonth=:dt"); query.SetParameter("dt", dt); return(query.List <MonthPayOff>()); }
public List <CodeProvView> GetCodProvViewList() { string hql = "select P.ID, P.Code, PV.ID, PB.ProviderCode from Product P JOIN P.Providers PV JOIN P.PriceBases PB"; IQuery q = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(hql); q.SetResultTransformer(new NHibernate.Transform.AliasToBeanConstructorResultTransformer(typeof(CodeProvView).GetConstructors()[1])); return(q.List <CodeProvView>() as List <CodeProvView>); }
public IList ListUsersForEntity(Object o, string identifier, PermissionAction action) { string hql = "SELECT DISTINCT U.Email FROM EntityPermission EP JOIN EP.Users U WHERE EP.ClassName = :ClassName AND (EP.Identifier = :Identifier OR EP.Identifier is NULL)AND EP.PermissionAction = :Action"; IQuery q = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(hql).SetString("ClassName", o.GetType().Name).SetString("Identifier", identifier).SetEnum("Action", action); return(q.List()); }
public List <IDIDView> GetProviderIds() { string hql = "select P.ID, PV.ID from Provider PV JOIN PV.Products P"; IQuery q = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(hql); q.SetResultTransformer(new NHibernate.Transform.AliasToBeanConstructorResultTransformer(typeof(IDIDView).GetConstructors()[1])); return(q.List <IDIDView>() as List <IDIDView>); }
public IList <Country> GetAll(string orderField) { string query = "SELECT C FROM Country C"; query += " ORDER BY UPPER(" + orderField + ")"; IQuery q = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(query); return(q.List <Country>()); }
private string GetNewCote(string cleCote) { string _query = "select max(Cote) as result from Exemplaire where Cote like :ParamCote"; IQuery query = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(_query).SetString("ParamCote", cleCote + "%").SetMaxResults(1); IList <string> _lastCote = query.List <string>(); int _LastCote = _lastCote[0] == null ? 0 : int.Parse(_lastCote[0].Substring(_lastCote[0].LastIndexOf("-") + 1)); return(cleCote + "-" + string.Format("{0:00000}", _LastCote + 1)); }
public IList <Direccion> GetByAlturaSinProvincia(string[] tokens, int altura) { var list = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(QueryBuilder.CreateAlturaQueryBuilder(altura).AddCalle(tokens, 3).GetQuery()).SetCacheable(true).List <Altura>(); var list2 = new List <Direccion>(list.Count); foreach (var current in list) { list2.Add(new Direccion(current, altura)); } return(list2); }
public IList <Direccion> GetByEsquinaEnProvincia(string[] tokens, string[] tokensEsquina, int provincia) { var list = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(QueryBuilder.CreateCruceQueryBuilder().AddCalle(tokens, 3).AddEsquina(tokensEsquina, 3).AddProvincia(provincia).GetQuery()).SetCacheable(true).List <Cruce>(); var list2 = new List <Direccion>(list.Count); foreach (var current in list) { list2.Add(new Direccion(current)); } return(list2); }
public IList <Info> GetLikeMa(String Ma) { String HQuery = "from Info i where i.Ma like :Ma"; IQuery query = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(HQuery); query.SetParameter("Ma", Ma + "%"); IList <Info> lst = query.List <Info>(); return(lst); }
private Int64 GetCountByProduct(int productId) { string hql = "Select Count (THW.Id) FROM TransactionHistoryWeekly THW "; hql += "JOIN THW.ProductID P Where P.Id = :productId"; IQuery q = NHibernateSession.CreateQuery(hql); q.SetInt32("productId", productId); return(q.UniqueResult <Int64>()); }