static int Update(IntPtr L) { try { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 0) { NGUIText.Update(); return(0); } else if (count == 1 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(bool))) { bool arg0 = LuaDLL.lua_toboolean(L, 1); NGUIText.Update(arg0); return(0); } else { return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to method: NGUIText.Update")); } } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static public int Update_s(IntPtr l) { try { int argc = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(l); if (argc == 0) { NGUIText.Update(); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } else if (argc == 1) { System.Boolean a1; checkType(l, 1, out a1); NGUIText.Update(a1); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } pushValue(l, false); LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(l, "No matched override function to call"); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
private static int Update(IntPtr L) { int result; try { int num = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (num == 0) { NGUIText.Update(); result = 0; } else if (num == 1 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(bool))) { bool request = LuaDLL.lua_toboolean(L, 1); NGUIText.Update(request); result = 0; } else { result = LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to method: NGUIText.Update"); } } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, null); } return(result); }
public static Vector2 CalcTextPrintSize(string text, Font ft, int fs, FontStyle style, bool b, int regionX, int regionY) { Font oldFt = NGUIText.dynamicFont; int oldFs = NGUIText.fontSize; FontStyle oldStyle = NGUIText.fontStyle; bool oldEncoding = NGUIText.encoding; int oldRegionX = NGUIText.regionWidth; int oldRegionY = NGUIText.regionHeight; NGUIText.dynamicFont = ft; NGUIText.fontSize = fs; NGUIText.fontStyle = style; NGUIText.encoding = b; NGUIText.rectWidth = regionX; NGUIText.rectHeight = regionY; NGUIText.regionWidth = regionX; NGUIText.regionHeight = regionY; NGUIText.Update(false); NGUIText.WrapText(text, out text, true); Vector2 ret = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(text); NGUIText.dynamicFont = oldFt; NGUIText.fontSize = oldFs; NGUIText.fontStyle = oldStyle; NGUIText.encoding = oldEncoding; NGUIText.regionWidth = oldRegionX; NGUIText.regionHeight = oldRegionY; return(ret); }
public void SetResultInfo(ISFSObject data, MahjongPlayer player, List <int> handCards, List <int> huList) { #region data int type; long totalGold; ISFSArray Groups; GameTools.TryGetValueWitheKey(data, out type, RequestKey.KeyType); GameTools.TryGetValueWitheKey(data, out _huNum, RequestKey.KeyHuNum); GameTools.TryGetValueWitheKey(data, out _gangNum, RequestKey.KeyGangNum); GameTools.TryGetValueWitheKey(data, out _fanName, RequestKey.KeyHuName); GameTools.TryGetValueWitheKey(data, out _totalNum, RequestKey.KeyGold); GameTools.TryGetValueWitheKey(data, out totalGold, RequestKey.KeyTotalGold); GameTools.TryGetValueWitheKey(data, out Groups, RequestKey.KeyGroups); var groups = GameTools.GetGroupData(Groups); YxDebug.Log("手牌总长度是:" + handCards.Count); _isWiner = type > 0; if (type == 2) //目前自摸情况下,会把胡的那张牌从手牌中带回来,这里删掉。目前只有一个胡牌,所以这么删,待扩展 { handCards.Remove(huList[0]); } YxDebug.Log("手牌实际长度是:" + handCards.Count); #endregion #region UI LabelUserName.text =; ZhuangSprite.SetActive(player.IsZhuang); LabelFanName.text = _fanName; YxTools.TrySetComponentValue(LabelHuScore, YxUtiles.GetShowNumber(_huNum).ToString()); YxTools.TrySetComponentValue(LabelGangNum, YxUtiles.GetShowNumber(_gangNum).ToString()); YxTools.TrySetComponentValue(LabelTotalScore, YxUtiles.GetShowNumber(_totalNum).ToString()); HeadTexture.mainTexture = player.CurrentInfoPanel.UserIcon.mainTexture; player.UserInfo.Gold = totalGold; player.CurrentInfoPanel.SetGold((int)totalGold); HuLogo.SetActive(IsWiner); #endregion _resultCards.Init(groups, handCards, huList, _isWiner); LabelFanName.ProcessText(); NGUIText.Update(); }
static int Update(IntPtr L) { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 0) { NGUIText.Update(); return(0); } else if (count == 1) { bool arg0 = LuaScriptMgr.GetBoolean(L, 1); NGUIText.Update(arg0); return(0); } else { LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "invalid arguments to method: NGUIText.Update"); } return(0); }
public void UpdateNGUIText() { Font trueTypeFont = this.trueTypeFont; bool flag = trueTypeFont != null; NGUIText.fontSize = mPrintedSize; NGUIText.fontStyle = mFontStyle; NGUIText.rectWidth = mWidth; NGUIText.rectHeight = mHeight; NGUIText.regionWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)mWidth * (mDrawRegion.z - mDrawRegion.x)); NGUIText.regionHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)mHeight * (mDrawRegion.w - mDrawRegion.y)); NGUIText.gradient = (mApplyGradient && (mFont == null || !mFont.packedFontShader)); NGUIText.gradientTop = mGradientTop; NGUIText.gradientBottom = mGradientBottom; NGUIText.encoding = mEncoding; NGUIText.premultiply = mPremultiply; NGUIText.symbolStyle = mSymbols; NGUIText.maxLines = mMaxLineCount; NGUIText.spacingX = (float)mSpacingX; NGUIText.spacingY = (float)mSpacingY; NGUIText.fontScale = ((!flag) ? ((float)mFontSize / (float)mFont.defaultSize * mScale) : mScale); if (mFont != null) { NGUIText.bitmapFont = mFont; while (true) { UIFont replacement = NGUIText.bitmapFont.replacement; if (replacement == null) { break; } NGUIText.bitmapFont = replacement; } if (NGUIText.bitmapFont.isDynamic) { NGUIText.dynamicFont = NGUIText.bitmapFont.dynamicFont; NGUIText.bitmapFont = null; } else { NGUIText.dynamicFont = null; } } else { NGUIText.dynamicFont = trueTypeFont; NGUIText.bitmapFont = null; } if (flag && keepCrisp) { UIRoot root = base.root; if (root != null) { NGUIText.pixelDensity = ((!(root != null)) ? 1f : root.pixelSizeAdjustment); } } else { NGUIText.pixelDensity = 1f; } if (mDensity != NGUIText.pixelDensity) { ProcessText(legacyMode: false, full: false); NGUIText.rectWidth = mWidth; NGUIText.rectHeight = mHeight; NGUIText.regionWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)mWidth * (mDrawRegion.z - mDrawRegion.x)); NGUIText.regionHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)mHeight * (mDrawRegion.w - mDrawRegion.y)); } if (alignment == NGUIText.Alignment.Automatic) { switch (base.pivot) { case Pivot.TopLeft: case Pivot.Left: case Pivot.BottomLeft: NGUIText.alignment = NGUIText.Alignment.Left; break; case Pivot.TopRight: case Pivot.Right: case Pivot.BottomRight: NGUIText.alignment = NGUIText.Alignment.Right; break; default: NGUIText.alignment = NGUIText.Alignment.Center; break; } } else { NGUIText.alignment = alignment; } NGUIText.Update(); }
private void ProcessText(bool legacyMode, bool full) { if (!this.isValid) { return; } this.mChanged = true; this.shouldBeProcessed = false; float num = this.mDrawRegion.z - this.mDrawRegion.x; float num2 = this.mDrawRegion.w - this.mDrawRegion.y; NGUIText.rectWidth = ((!legacyMode) ? base.width : ((this.mMaxLineWidth == 0) ? 1000000 : this.mMaxLineWidth)); NGUIText.rectHeight = ((!legacyMode) ? base.height : ((this.mMaxLineHeight == 0) ? 1000000 : this.mMaxLineHeight)); NGUIText.regionWidth = ((num == 1f) ? NGUIText.rectWidth : Mathf.RoundToInt((float)NGUIText.rectWidth * num)); NGUIText.regionHeight = ((num2 == 1f) ? NGUIText.rectHeight : Mathf.RoundToInt((float)NGUIText.rectHeight * num2)); this.mFinalFontSize = Mathf.Abs((!legacyMode) ? this.defaultFontSize : Mathf.RoundToInt(base.cachedTransform.localScale.x)); this.mScale = 1f; if (NGUIText.regionWidth < 1 || NGUIText.regionHeight < 0) { this.mProcessedText = string.Empty; return; } bool flag = this.trueTypeFont != null; if (flag && this.keepCrisp) { UIRoot root = base.root; if (root != null) { this.mDensity = ((!(root != null)) ? 1f : root.pixelSizeAdjustment); } } else { this.mDensity = 1f; } if (full) { this.UpdateNGUIText(); } if (this.mOverflow == UILabel.Overflow.ResizeFreely) { NGUIText.rectWidth = 1000000; NGUIText.regionWidth = 1000000; } if (this.mOverflow == UILabel.Overflow.ResizeFreely || this.mOverflow == UILabel.Overflow.ResizeHeight) { NGUIText.rectHeight = 1000000; NGUIText.regionHeight = 1000000; } if (this.mFinalFontSize > 0) { bool keepCrisp = this.keepCrisp; for (int i = this.mFinalFontSize; i > 0; i--) { if (keepCrisp) { this.mFinalFontSize = i; NGUIText.fontSize = this.mFinalFontSize; } else { this.mScale = (float)i / (float)this.mFinalFontSize; NGUIText.fontScale = ((!flag) ? ((float)this.mFontSize / (float)this.mFont.defaultSize * this.mScale) : this.mScale); } NGUIText.Update(false); bool flag2 = NGUIText.WrapText(this.mText, out this.mProcessedText, true, false); if (this.mOverflow != UILabel.Overflow.ShrinkContent || flag2) { if (this.mOverflow == UILabel.Overflow.ResizeFreely) { this.mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(this.mProcessedText); this.mWidth = Mathf.Max(this.minWidth, Mathf.CeilToInt(this.mCalculatedSize.x)); if (num != 1f) { this.mWidth = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)this.mWidth / num); } this.mHeight = Mathf.Max(this.minHeight, Mathf.CeilToInt(this.mCalculatedSize.y)); if (num2 != 1f) { this.mHeight = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)this.mHeight / num2); } if ((this.mWidth & 1) == 1) { this.mWidth++; } if ((this.mHeight & 1) == 1) { this.mHeight++; } } else if (this.mOverflow == UILabel.Overflow.ResizeHeight) { this.mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(this.mProcessedText); this.mHeight = Mathf.Max(this.minHeight, Mathf.CeilToInt(this.mCalculatedSize.y)); if (num2 != 1f) { this.mHeight = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)this.mHeight / num2); } if ((this.mHeight & 1) == 1) { this.mHeight++; } } else { this.mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(this.mProcessedText); } if (legacyMode) { base.width = Mathf.RoundToInt(this.mCalculatedSize.x); base.height = Mathf.RoundToInt(this.mCalculatedSize.y); base.cachedTransform.localScale =; } break; } if (--i <= 1) { break; } } } else { base.cachedTransform.localScale =; this.mProcessedText = string.Empty; this.mScale = 1f; } if (full) { NGUIText.bitmapFont = null; NGUIText.dynamicFont = null; } }
public void UpdateNGUIText() { Font trueTypeFont = this.trueTypeFont; bool flag = trueTypeFont != null; NGUIText.fontSize = this.mFinalFontSize; NGUIText.fontStyle = this.mFontStyle; NGUIText.rectWidth = this.mWidth; NGUIText.rectHeight = this.mHeight; NGUIText.regionWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)this.mWidth * (this.mDrawRegion.z - this.mDrawRegion.x)); NGUIText.regionHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)this.mHeight * (this.mDrawRegion.w - this.mDrawRegion.y)); NGUIText.gradient = (this.mApplyGradient && (this.mFont == null || !this.mFont.packedFontShader)); NGUIText.gradientTop = this.mGradientTop; NGUIText.gradientBottom = this.mGradientBottom; NGUIText.encoding = this.mEncoding; NGUIText.premultiply = this.mPremultiply; NGUIText.symbolStyle = this.mSymbols; NGUIText.maxLines = this.mMaxLineCount; NGUIText.spacingX = this.effectiveSpacingX; NGUIText.spacingY = this.effectiveSpacingY; NGUIText.fontScale = ((!flag) ? ((float)this.mFontSize / (float)this.mFont.defaultSize * this.mScale) : this.mScale); if (this.mFont != null) { NGUIText.bitmapFont = this.mFont; for (;;) { UIFont replacement = NGUIText.bitmapFont.replacement; if (replacement == null) { break; } NGUIText.bitmapFont = replacement; } if (NGUIText.bitmapFont.isDynamic) { NGUIText.dynamicFont = NGUIText.bitmapFont.dynamicFont; NGUIText.bitmapFont = null; } else { NGUIText.dynamicFont = null; } } else { NGUIText.dynamicFont = trueTypeFont; NGUIText.bitmapFont = null; } if (flag && this.keepCrisp) { UIRoot root = base.root; if (root != null) { NGUIText.pixelDensity = ((!(root != null)) ? 1f : root.pixelSizeAdjustment); } } else { NGUIText.pixelDensity = 1f; } if (this.mDensity != NGUIText.pixelDensity) { this.ProcessText(false, false); NGUIText.rectWidth = this.mWidth; NGUIText.rectHeight = this.mHeight; NGUIText.regionWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)this.mWidth * (this.mDrawRegion.z - this.mDrawRegion.x)); NGUIText.regionHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)this.mHeight * (this.mDrawRegion.w - this.mDrawRegion.y)); } if (this.alignment == NGUIText.Alignment.Automatic) { UIWidget.Pivot pivot = base.pivot; if (pivot == UIWidget.Pivot.Left || pivot == UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft || pivot == UIWidget.Pivot.BottomLeft) { NGUIText.alignment = NGUIText.Alignment.Left; } else if (pivot == UIWidget.Pivot.Right || pivot == UIWidget.Pivot.TopRight || pivot == UIWidget.Pivot.BottomRight) { NGUIText.alignment = NGUIText.Alignment.Right; } else { NGUIText.alignment = NGUIText.Alignment.Center; } } else { NGUIText.alignment = this.alignment; } NGUIText.Update(); }
/// <summary> /// Process the raw text, called when something changes. /// </summary> void ProcessText(bool legacyMode) { if (!isValid) { return; } mChanged = true; hasChanged = false; float pxSize = pixelSize; int fontSize = this.fontSize; float invFontSize = 1f / fontSize; NGUIText.rectWidth = legacyMode ? (mMaxLineWidth != 0 ? mMaxLineWidth : 1000000) : width; NGUIText.rectHeight = legacyMode ? (mMaxLineHeight != 0 ? mMaxLineHeight : 1000000) : height; mScale = 1f; mPrintedSize = Mathf.Abs(legacyMode ? Mathf.RoundToInt(cachedTransform.localScale.x) : fontSize); if (NGUIText.rectWidth < 1 || NGUIText.rectHeight < 0) { mProcessedText = ""; return; } UpdateNGUIText(fontSize, mWidth, mHeight); if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely) { NGUIText.rectWidth = 1000000; } if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely || mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeHeight) { NGUIText.rectHeight = 1000000; } if (mPrintedSize > 0) { for (;;) { mScale = mPrintedSize * invFontSize; NGUIText.pixelSize = pxSize * mScale; NGUIText.Update(false); // Wrap the text bool fits = NGUIText.WrapText(mText, out mProcessedText); // Remember the final printed size if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mProcessedText)) { mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(mProcessedText); } else { mCalculatedSize =; } if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely) { mWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.x); mHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y); if ((mWidth & 1) == 1) { ++mWidth; } if ((mHeight & 1) == 1) { ++mHeight; } } else if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeHeight) { mHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y); } else if (mOverflow == Overflow.ShrinkContent && !fits) { if (--mPrintedSize > 1) { continue; } } // Upgrade to the new system if (legacyMode) { width = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.x); height = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y); cachedTransform.localScale =; } break; } } else { cachedTransform.localScale =; mProcessedText = ""; mScale = 1f; } }
/// <summary> /// Process the raw text, called when something changes. /// </summary> void ProcessText(bool legacyMode, bool full) { if (!isValid) { return; } mChanged = true; shouldBeProcessed = false; NGUIText.rectWidth = legacyMode ? (mMaxLineWidth != 0 ? mMaxLineWidth : 1000000) : width; NGUIText.rectHeight = legacyMode ? (mMaxLineHeight != 0 ? mMaxLineHeight : 1000000) : height; mPrintedSize = Mathf.Abs(legacyMode ? Mathf.RoundToInt(cachedTransform.localScale.x) : defaultFontSize); mScale = 1f; if (NGUIText.rectWidth < 1 || NGUIText.rectHeight < 0) { mProcessedText = ""; return; } #if DYNAMIC_FONT bool isDynamic = (trueTypeFont != null); if (isDynamic && keepCrisp) { UIRoot rt = root; if (rt != null) { mDensity = (rt != null) ? rt.pixelSizeAdjustment : 1f; } } else { mDensity = 1f; } #endif if (full) { UpdateNGUIText(); } if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely) { NGUIText.rectWidth = 1000000; } if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely || mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeHeight) { NGUIText.rectHeight = 1000000; } if (mPrintedSize > 0) { #if DYNAMIC_FONT bool adjustSize = keepCrisp; #endif for (int ps = mPrintedSize; ps > 0; --ps) { #if DYNAMIC_FONT // Adjust either the size, or the scale if (adjustSize) { mPrintedSize = ps; NGUIText.fontSize = mPrintedSize; } else #endif { mScale = (float)ps / mPrintedSize; #if DYNAMIC_FONT NGUIText.fontScale = isDynamic ? mScale : ((float)mFontSize / mFont.defaultSize) * mScale; #else NGUIText.fontScale = ((float)mFontSize / mFont.defaultSize) * mScale; #endif } NGUIText.Update(false); // Wrap the text bool fits = NGUIText.WrapText(mText, out mProcessedText, true); if (mOverflow == Overflow.ShrinkContent && !fits) { if (--ps > 1) { continue; } else { break; } } else if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely) { mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(mProcessedText); mWidth = Mathf.Max(minWidth, Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.x)); mHeight = Mathf.Max(minHeight, Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y)); if ((mWidth & 1) == 1) { ++mWidth; } if ((mHeight & 1) == 1) { ++mHeight; } } else if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeHeight) { mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(mProcessedText); mHeight = Mathf.Max(minHeight, Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y)); if ((mHeight & 1) == 1) { ++mHeight; } } else { mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(mProcessedText); } // Upgrade to the new system if (legacyMode) { width = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.x); height = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y); cachedTransform.localScale =; } break; } } else { cachedTransform.localScale =; mProcessedText = ""; mScale = 1f; } }
private void ProcessText(bool legacyMode, bool full) { if (!isValid) { return; } mChanged = true; shouldBeProcessed = false; NGUIText.rectWidth = ((!legacyMode) ? base.width : ((mMaxLineWidth != 0) ? mMaxLineWidth : 1000000)); NGUIText.rectHeight = ((!legacyMode) ? base.height : ((mMaxLineHeight != 0) ? mMaxLineHeight : 1000000)); mPrintedSize = Mathf.Abs(legacyMode ? Mathf.RoundToInt(base.cachedTransform.localScale.x) : defaultFontSize); mScale = 1f; if (NGUIText.rectWidth < 1 || NGUIText.rectHeight < 0) { mProcessedText = ""; return; } bool flag = trueTypeFont != null; if (flag && keepCrisp) { UIRoot uIRoot = base.root; if (uIRoot != null) { mDensity = ((uIRoot != null) ? uIRoot.pixelSizeAdjustment : 1f); } } else { mDensity = 1f; } if (full) { UpdateNGUIText(); } if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely) { NGUIText.rectWidth = 1000000; } if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely || mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeHeight) { NGUIText.rectHeight = 1000000; } if (mPrintedSize > 0) { bool flag2 = keepCrisp; int num = mPrintedSize; while (num > 0) { if (flag2) { mPrintedSize = num; NGUIText.fontSize = mPrintedSize; } else { mScale = (float)num / (float)mPrintedSize; NGUIText.fontScale = (flag ? mScale : ((float)mFontSize / (float)mFont.defaultSize * mScale)); } NGUIText.Update(request: false); bool flag3 = NGUIText.WrapText(mText, out mProcessedText, keepCharCount: true); if (mOverflow == Overflow.ShrinkContent && !flag3) { if (--num <= 1) { break; } num--; continue; } if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely) { mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(mProcessedText); mWidth = Mathf.Max(minWidth, Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.x)); mHeight = Mathf.Max(minHeight, Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y)); if ((mWidth & 1) == 1) { mWidth++; } if ((mHeight & 1) == 1) { mHeight++; } } else if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeHeight) { mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(mProcessedText); mHeight = Mathf.Max(minHeight, Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y)); if ((mHeight & 1) == 1) { mHeight++; } } else { mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(mProcessedText); } if (legacyMode) { base.width = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.x); base.height = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y); base.cachedTransform.localScale =; } break; } } else { base.cachedTransform.localScale =; mProcessedText = ""; mScale = 1f; } }
public void UpdateNGUIText() { Font font = trueTypeFont; bool flag = font != null; NGUIText.fontSize = mPrintedSize; NGUIText.fontStyle = mFontStyle; NGUIText.rectWidth = mWidth; NGUIText.rectHeight = mHeight; NGUIText.gradient = mApplyGradient && (mFont == null || !mFont.packedFontShader); NGUIText.gradientTop = mGradientTop; NGUIText.gradientBottom = mGradientBottom; NGUIText.encoding = mEncoding; NGUIText.premultiply = mPremultiply; NGUIText.symbolStyle = mSymbols; NGUIText.maxLines = mMaxLineCount; NGUIText.spacingX = mSpacingX; NGUIText.spacingY = mSpacingY; NGUIText.fontScale = (flag ? mScale : ((float)mFontSize / (float)mFont.defaultSize * mScale)); if (mFont != null) { NGUIText.bitmapFont = mFont; while (true) { bool flag2 = true; UIFont replacement = NGUIText.bitmapFont.replacement; if (replacement == null) { break; } NGUIText.bitmapFont = replacement; } if (NGUIText.bitmapFont.isDynamic) { NGUIText.dynamicFont = NGUIText.bitmapFont.dynamicFont; NGUIText.bitmapFont = null; } else { NGUIText.dynamicFont = null; } } else { NGUIText.dynamicFont = font; NGUIText.bitmapFont = null; } if (flag && keepCrisp) { UIRoot uIRoot = base.root; if (uIRoot != null) { NGUIText.pixelDensity = ((uIRoot != null) ? uIRoot.pixelSizeAdjustment : 1f); } } else { NGUIText.pixelDensity = 1f; } if (mDensity != NGUIText.pixelDensity) { ProcessText(legacyMode: false, full: false); NGUIText.rectWidth = mWidth; NGUIText.rectHeight = mHeight; } if (alignment == NGUIText.Alignment.Automatic) { Pivot pivot = base.pivot; if (pivot == Pivot.Left || pivot == Pivot.TopLeft || pivot == Pivot.BottomLeft) { NGUIText.alignment = NGUIText.Alignment.Left; } else if (pivot == Pivot.Right || pivot == Pivot.TopRight || pivot == Pivot.BottomRight) { NGUIText.alignment = NGUIText.Alignment.Right; } else { NGUIText.alignment = NGUIText.Alignment.Center; } } else { NGUIText.alignment = alignment; } NGUIText.Update(); }
/// <summary> /// Process the raw text, called when something changes. /// </summary> void ProcessText(bool legacyMode) { if (!isValid) { return; } mChanged = true; hasChanged = false; int fs = fontSize; float invFS = 1f / fs; float ps = pixelSize; float invSize = 1f / ps; float lw = legacyMode ? (mMaxLineWidth != 0 ? mMaxLineWidth * invSize : 1000000) : width * invSize; float lh = legacyMode ? (mMaxLineHeight != 0 ? mMaxLineHeight * invSize : 1000000) : height * invSize; mScale = 1f; mPrintedSize = Mathf.Abs(legacyMode ? Mathf.RoundToInt(cachedTransform.localScale.x) : fs); UpdateNGUIText(fs, mWidth, mHeight); if (mPrintedSize > 0) { for (;;) { mScale = mPrintedSize * invFS; bool fits = true; NGUIText.lineWidth = (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely) ? 1000000 : Mathf.RoundToInt(lw / mScale); if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely || mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeHeight) { NGUIText.lineHeight = 1000000; } else { NGUIText.lineHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(lh / mScale); } NGUIText.Update(false); if (lw > 0f || lh > 0f) { fits = NGUIText.WrapText(mText, out mProcessedText); } else { mProcessedText = mText; } // Remember the final printed size if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mProcessedText)) { mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(mProcessedText); } else { mCalculatedSize =; } if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely) { mWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.x * ps); mHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y * ps); if ((mWidth & 1) == 1) { ++mWidth; } if ((mHeight & 1) == 1) { ++mHeight; } } else if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeHeight) { mHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y * ps); } else if (mOverflow == Overflow.ShrinkContent && !fits) { if (--mPrintedSize > 1) { continue; } } // Upgrade to the new system if (legacyMode) { width = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.x * ps); height = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y * ps); cachedTransform.localScale =; } break; } } else { cachedTransform.localScale =; mProcessedText = ""; mScale = 1f; } }
private void ProcessText(bool legacyMode, bool full) { if (isValid) { mChanged = true; shouldBeProcessed = false; float num = mDrawRegion.z - mDrawRegion.x; float num2 = mDrawRegion.w - mDrawRegion.y; NGUIText.rectWidth = ((!legacyMode) ? base.width : ((mMaxLineWidth == 0) ? 1000000 : mMaxLineWidth)); NGUIText.rectHeight = ((!legacyMode) ? base.height : ((mMaxLineHeight == 0) ? 1000000 : mMaxLineHeight)); NGUIText.regionWidth = ((num == 1f) ? NGUIText.rectWidth : Mathf.RoundToInt((float)NGUIText.rectWidth * num)); NGUIText.regionHeight = ((num2 == 1f) ? NGUIText.rectHeight : Mathf.RoundToInt((float)NGUIText.rectHeight * num2)); int value; if (legacyMode) { Vector3 localScale = base.cachedTransform.localScale; value = Mathf.RoundToInt(localScale.x); } else { value = defaultFontSize; } mPrintedSize = Mathf.Abs(value); mScale = 1f; if (NGUIText.regionWidth < 1 || NGUIText.regionHeight < 0) { mProcessedText = string.Empty; } else { bool flag = trueTypeFont != null; if (flag && this.keepCrisp) { UIRoot root = base.root; if (root != null) { mDensity = ((!(root != null)) ? 1f : root.pixelSizeAdjustment); } } else { mDensity = 1f; } if (full) { UpdateNGUIText(); } if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely) { NGUIText.rectWidth = 1000000; NGUIText.regionWidth = 1000000; } if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely || mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeHeight) { NGUIText.rectHeight = 1000000; NGUIText.regionHeight = 1000000; } if (mPrintedSize > 0) { bool keepCrisp = this.keepCrisp; int num3; for (num3 = mPrintedSize; num3 > 0; num3--) { if (keepCrisp) { mPrintedSize = num3; NGUIText.fontSize = mPrintedSize; } else { mScale = (float)num3 / (float)mPrintedSize; NGUIText.fontScale = ((!flag) ? ((float)mFontSize / (float)mFont.defaultSize * mScale) : mScale); } NGUIText.Update(request: false); bool flag2 = NGUIText.WrapText(mText, out mProcessedText, keepCharCount: true); if (mOverflow != 0 || flag2) { if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely) { mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(mProcessedText); mWidth = Mathf.Max(minWidth, Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.x)); if (num != 1f) { mWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)mWidth / num); } mHeight = Mathf.Max(minHeight, Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y)); if (num2 != 1f) { mHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)mHeight / num2); } if ((mWidth & 1) == 1) { mWidth++; } if ((mHeight & 1) == 1) { mHeight++; } } else if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeHeight) { mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(mProcessedText); mHeight = Mathf.Max(minHeight, Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y)); if (num2 != 1f) { mHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)mHeight / num2); } if ((mHeight & 1) == 1) { mHeight++; } } else { mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(mProcessedText); } if (legacyMode) { base.width = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.x); base.height = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y); base.cachedTransform.localScale =; } break; } if (--num3 <= 1) { break; } } } else { base.cachedTransform.localScale =; mProcessedText = string.Empty; mScale = 1f; } if (full) { NGUIText.bitmapFont = null; NGUIText.dynamicFont = null; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Update NGUIText.current with all the properties from this label. /// </summary> public void UpdateNGUIText(int size, int lineWidth, int lineHeight) { NGUIText.fontSize = mPrintedSize; NGUIText.fontStyle = mFontStyle; NGUIText.rectWidth = lineWidth; NGUIText.rectHeight = lineHeight; NGUIText.gradient = mApplyGradient; NGUIText.gradientTop = mGradientTop; NGUIText.gradientBottom = mGradientBottom; NGUIText.encoding = mEncoding; NGUIText.premultiply = mPremultiply; NGUIText.symbolStyle = mSymbols; NGUIText.maxLines = mMaxLineCount; NGUIText.spacingX = mSpacingX; NGUIText.spacingY = mSpacingY; NGUIText.fontScale = (bitmapFont != null) ? mScale * bitmapFont.pixelSize : mScale; if (mFont != null) { NGUIText.bitmapFont = mFont; for (; ;) { UIFont fnt = NGUIText.bitmapFont.replacement; if (fnt == null) { break; } NGUIText.bitmapFont = fnt; } #if DYNAMIC_FONT if (NGUIText.bitmapFont.isDynamic) { NGUIText.dynamicFont = NGUIText.bitmapFont.dynamicFont; NGUIText.bitmapFont = null; } else { NGUIText.dynamicFont = null; } #endif } #if DYNAMIC_FONT else { NGUIText.dynamicFont = mTrueTypeFont; NGUIText.bitmapFont = null; } if (keepCrisp) { UIRoot rt = root; if (rt != null) { NGUIText.pixelDensity = (rt != null) ? rt.pixelSizeAdjustment : 1f; } } #endif Pivot p = pivot; if (p == Pivot.Left || p == Pivot.TopLeft || p == Pivot.BottomLeft) { NGUIText.alignment = TextAlignment.Left; } else if (p == Pivot.Right || p == Pivot.TopRight || p == Pivot.BottomRight) { NGUIText.alignment = TextAlignment.Right; } else { NGUIText.alignment = TextAlignment.Center; } NGUIText.Update(); }
/// <summary> /// Process the raw text, called when something changes. /// </summary> void ProcessText(bool legacyMode) { if (!isValid) { return; } mChanged = true; hasChanged = false; NGUIText.rectWidth = legacyMode ? (mMaxLineWidth != 0 ? mMaxLineWidth : 1000000) : width; NGUIText.rectHeight = legacyMode ? (mMaxLineHeight != 0 ? mMaxLineHeight : 1000000) : height; mPrintedSize = Mathf.Abs(legacyMode ? Mathf.RoundToInt(cachedTransform.localScale.x) : fontSize); mScale = 1f; if (NGUIText.rectWidth < 1 || NGUIText.rectHeight < 0) { mProcessedText = ""; return; } UpdateNGUIText(mPrintedSize, mWidth, mHeight); if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely) { NGUIText.rectWidth = 1000000; } if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely || mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeHeight) { NGUIText.rectHeight = 1000000; } if (mPrintedSize > 0) { #if DYNAMIC_FONT bool adjustSize = keepCrisp; #endif for (int ps = mPrintedSize; ps > 0; --ps) { #if DYNAMIC_FONT // Adjust either the size, or the scale if (adjustSize) { mPrintedSize = ps; NGUIText.fontSize = mPrintedSize; } else #endif { mScale = (float)ps / mPrintedSize; NGUIText.fontScale = (bitmapFont != null) ? mScale * bitmapFont.pixelSize : mScale; } NGUIText.Update(false); // Wrap the text bool fits = NGUIText.WrapText(mText, out mProcessedText); if (mOverflow == Overflow.ShrinkContent && !fits) { if (--ps > 1) { continue; } else { break; } } else if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeFreely) { mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(mProcessedText); mWidth = Mathf.Max(minWidth, Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.x)); mHeight = Mathf.Max(minHeight, Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y)); if ((mWidth & 1) == 1) { ++mWidth; } if ((mHeight & 1) == 1) { ++mHeight; } } else if (mOverflow == Overflow.ResizeHeight) { mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(mProcessedText); mHeight = Mathf.Max(minHeight, Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y)); if ((mHeight & 1) == 1) { ++mHeight; } } else { mCalculatedSize = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(mProcessedText); } // Upgrade to the new system if (legacyMode) { width = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.x); height = Mathf.RoundToInt(mCalculatedSize.y); cachedTransform.localScale =; } break; } } else { cachedTransform.localScale =; mProcessedText = ""; mScale = 1f; } }
/// <summary> /// Update NGUIText.current with all the properties from this label. /// </summary> public void UpdateNGUIText() { Font ttf = trueTypeFont; bool isDynamic = (ttf != null); NGUIText.fontSize = mPrintedSize; NGUIText.fontStyle = mFontStyle; NGUIText.rectWidth = mWidth; NGUIText.rectHeight = mHeight; NGUIText.gradient = mApplyGradient && (mFont == null || !mFont.packedFontShader); NGUIText.gradientTop = mGradientTop; NGUIText.gradientBottom = mGradientBottom; NGUIText.encoding = mEncoding; NGUIText.premultiply = mPremultiply; NGUIText.symbolStyle = mSymbols; NGUIText.maxLines = mMaxLineCount; NGUIText.spacingX = mSpacingX; NGUIText.spacingY = mSpacingY; NGUIText.fontScale = isDynamic ? mScale : ((float)mFontSize / mFont.defaultSize) * mScale; if (mFont != null) { NGUIText.bitmapFont = mFont; for (; ;) { UIFont fnt = NGUIText.bitmapFont.replacement; if (fnt == null) { break; } NGUIText.bitmapFont = fnt; } #if DYNAMIC_FONT if (NGUIText.bitmapFont.isDynamic) { NGUIText.dynamicFont = NGUIText.bitmapFont.dynamicFont; NGUIText.bitmapFont = null; } else { NGUIText.dynamicFont = null; } #endif } #if DYNAMIC_FONT else { NGUIText.dynamicFont = ttf; NGUIText.bitmapFont = null; } if (isDynamic && keepCrisp) { UIRoot rt = root; if (rt != null) { NGUIText.pixelDensity = (rt != null) ? rt.pixelSizeAdjustment : 1f; } } else { NGUIText.pixelDensity = 1f; } if (mDensity != NGUIText.pixelDensity) { ProcessText(false, false); NGUIText.rectWidth = mWidth; NGUIText.rectHeight = mHeight; } #endif if (alignment == Alignment.Automatic) { Pivot p = pivot; if (p == Pivot.Left || p == Pivot.TopLeft || p == Pivot.BottomLeft) { NGUIText.alignment = Alignment.Left; } else if (p == Pivot.Right || p == Pivot.TopRight || p == Pivot.BottomRight) { NGUIText.alignment = Alignment.Right; } else { NGUIText.alignment = Alignment.Center; } } else { NGUIText.alignment = alignment; } NGUIText.Update(); }
private void OnReposition() { for (int i = 0; i < infoContent.transform.childCount; ++i) { Destroy(infoContent.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject); } string[,] array = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(product.details)) { JsonData jd = JsonMapper.ToObject(product.details); if (jd.IsArray) { array = new string[jd.Count + 1, 2]; for (int i = 0; i < jd.Count; ++i) { array[i + 1, 0] = (string)jd[i]["key"]; array[i + 1, 1] = (string)jd[i]["value"]; } } } if (array == null) { array = new string[1, 2]; } array[0, 0] = ""; array[0, 1] =; UILabel label = labelPrefab.transform.Find("Content").gameObject.GetComponent <UILabel>(); NGUIText.fontSize = label.fontSize; NGUIText.fontStyle = label.fontStyle; NGUIText.rectWidth = label.width; NGUIText.Update(); int yOffset = 0; int lineSpace = 15; UIViewport vp = scrollCamera.GetComponent <UIViewport>(); int height = (int)(vp.topLeft.localPosition.y - vp.bottomRight.localPosition.y); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 2; ++i) { GameObject row = NGUITools.AddChild(infoContent, labelPrefab); UILabel nameLabel = row.transform.Find("Name").gameObject.GetComponent <UILabel>(); UILabel contentLabel = row.transform.Find("Content").gameObject.GetComponent <UILabel>(); nameLabel.text = array[i, 0]; contentLabel.text = array[i, 1]; BoxCollider bc = row.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); UIDragCamera dc = row.GetComponent <UIDragCamera>(); dc.draggableCamera = scrollCamera.GetComponent <UIDraggableCamera>(); Vector2 rect = NGUIText.CalculatePrintedSize(array[i, 1]); if (i == array.Length / 2 - 1 && Math.Abs(yOffset - (int)rect.y - lineSpace) < height) { contentLabel.height = height - Math.Abs(yOffset); } else { contentLabel.height = (int)rect.y; } = new Vector3(0, -(contentLabel.height + lineSpace) / 2, 0); bc.size = new Vector3(bc.size.x, contentLabel.height + lineSpace, 0); row.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, yOffset, 0); yOffset -= (int)rect.y + lineSpace; } }