Exemple #1
        private async Task CheckReceivedPaymentsToDispatch()
            var processingOrders = Orders.Values.Where(o => o.statusclass == OrderStatus.processing).ToList();

            foreach (var order in processingOrders)
                order.line_items.ForEach(async(item) =>
                    var sh  = string.Empty;
                    var cat = string.Empty;
                    if (Products.TryGetValue(item.product_id, out var prod))
                        prod.meta_data.ForEach(m =>
                            if (m.key == "ShortHash")
                                sh = Convert.ToString(m.value);
                            if (m.key == "Category")
                                cat = Convert.ToString(m.value);
                        var isSent = false;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cat))// && prod.stock_quantity > 1)
                            order.meta_data.ForEach(m =>
                                if (m.key.Contains(cat))
                                    isSent = true;
                        else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cat) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sh))// && prod.stock_quantity == 1)
                            order.meta_data.ForEach(m =>
                                if (m.key.Contains(sh))
                                    isSent = true;
                        if (!isSent)
                            if (VEDLDataContext.NFTHashs.TryGetValue(sh, out var nfth))
                                var validateNeblioAddress = await GetNeblioAddressFromOrderMetadata(order);
                                if (validateNeblioAddress.Item1)
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cat))
                                        if (!NFTOrdersToDispatchDict.TryGetValue(cat, out var dto))
                                            dto = new NFTOrderToDispatch()
                                                NeblioCustomerAddress = validateNeblioAddress.Item2, // todo take from order
                                                Category              = cat,
                                                Quantity              = item.quantity,
                                                IsCategory            = true,
                                                IsUnique              = false,
                                                ShortHash             = sh,
                                                OrderId               = order.id,
                                                OrderKey              = order.order_key,
                                                PaymentId             = order.transaction_id,
                                                TotalPriceForLineItem = Convert.ToDouble(item.total, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                Utxo             = nfth.TxId,
                                                UtxoIndex        = nfth.Index,
                                                OwnerMainAccount = nfth.MainAddress,
                                                OwnerSubAccount  = nfth.SubAccountAddress
                                            NFTOrdersToDispatchDict.TryAdd(cat, dto);
                                            Console.WriteLine($"Order {order.id}, {order.order_key} processing...moving item id {item.product_id}({sh}) to dispatch list.");
                                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sh))
                                        if (!NFTOrdersToDispatchDict.TryGetValue(sh, out var dto))
                                            dto = new NFTOrderToDispatch()
                                                NeblioCustomerAddress = validateNeblioAddress.Item2, // todo take from order
                                                Category              = string.Empty,
                                                IsCategory            = false,
                                                IsUnique              = true,
                                                ShortHash             = sh,
                                                OrderId               = order.id,
                                                OrderKey              = order.order_key,
                                                PaymentId             = order.transaction_id,
                                                TotalPriceForLineItem = Convert.ToDouble(item.total, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                                Utxo             = nfth.TxId,
                                                UtxoIndex        = nfth.Index,
                                                OwnerMainAccount = nfth.MainAddress,
                                                OwnerSubAccount  = nfth.SubAccountAddress
                                            NFTOrdersToDispatchDict.TryAdd(sh, dto);
                                            Console.WriteLine($"Order {order.id}, {order.order_key} processing...moving item id {item.product_id}({sh}) to dispatch list.");
                                Console.WriteLine($"Cannot find NFT Hash {sh}. Please check if the subaccount is loaded on the server.");
Exemple #2
        private async Task SendOrdersToCustomer()
            if (NFTOrdersToDispatchDict.Count > 0)
                int alltried = NFTOrdersToDispatchDict.Count;
                while (alltried > 0)
                    var dtokp = NFTOrdersToDispatchDict.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (dtokp.Value != null)
                        if (NFTOrdersToDispatchDict.TryRemove(dtokp.Key, out var dto))
                            if (Orders.TryGetValue(dto.OrderKey, out var order))
                                if (order.statusclass == OrderStatus.processing)
                                    if (!VEDLDataContext.Accounts.TryGetValue(dto.OwnerMainAccount, out var account))
                                        Console.WriteLine("Cannot process the order. NFT Owner Neblio Address is not imported to Accounts list.");
                                    var nft = await NFTFactory.GetNFT("", dto.Utxo, dto.UtxoIndex, 0, true);

                                    if (nft == null)
                                        Console.WriteLine($"Cannot process the order {dto.OrderKey} - {dto.OrderId}. Cannot load the NFT.");
                                    var done = false;
                                    (bool, Dictionary <string, string>)res = (false, new Dictionary <string, string>());
                                    if (dto.IsCategory)
                                        var check = false;
                                        order.meta_data.ForEach(m =>
                                            if (m.key == dto.Category)
                                                check = true;
                                        if (!check)
                                            Console.WriteLine($"Order {order.id}, {order.order_key}. Sending NFT {dto.ShortHash} to Address https://explorer.nebl.io/address/{dto.NeblioCustomerAddress}");

                                            var attempts = 20;
                                            while (!done)
                                                    var maxsupply = nft.DogeftInfo.Coppies;
                                                    nft.DogeftInfo = new DogeftInfo();
                                                    await nft.ClearPrices();

                                                    nft.SoldInfo = new NFT.Dto.NFTSoldInfo()
                                                        PaymentTxId         = dto.PaymentId,
                                                        Amount              = dto.TotalPriceForLineItem,
                                                        Currency            = "DOGE",
                                                        Platform            = "dogeft.com",
                                                        SellAsMultipleCopy  = true,
                                                        OriginalNFTTemplate = nft.Utxo,
                                                        MaxSupply           = maxsupply
                                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.OwnerSubAccount))
                                                        res = await account.MintMultiNFTLargeAmount(nft, dto.Quantity, dto.NeblioCustomerAddress);
                                                        res = await account.MultimintNFTLargeOnSubAccount(dto.OwnerSubAccount, nft, dto.Quantity, dto.NeblioCustomerAddress);
                                                    done = res.Item1;
                                                    if (!res.Item1)
                                                        Console.WriteLine("Some error during minting NFT for the customer: " + res.Item2);
                                                        await Task.Delay(5000);
                                                        order.meta_data.Add(new ProductMetadata()
                                                            key = dto.Category, value = res.Item2
                                                        Console.WriteLine($"Order {order.id}, {order.order_key}. NFT {dto.ShortHash} sent in tx: https://explorer.nebl.io/tx/{res.Item2}");
                                                    await Task.Delay(5000);
                                                if (attempts < 0)
                                    else if (dto.IsUnique)
                                        var check = false;
                                        order.meta_data.ForEach(m =>
                                            if (m.key == dto.ShortHash)
                                                check = true;
                                        if (!check)
                                            Console.WriteLine($"Order {order.id}, {order.order_key}. Sending NFT {dto.ShortHash} to Address https://explorer.nebl.io/address/{dto.NeblioCustomerAddress}");

                                            var attempts = 20;
                                            while (!done)
                                                    nft.DogeftInfo = new DogeftInfo();
                                                    await nft.ClearPrices();

                                                    nft.SoldInfo = new NFT.Dto.NFTSoldInfo()
                                                        PaymentTxId = dto.PaymentId,
                                                        Amount      = dto.TotalPriceForLineItem,
                                                        Currency    = "DOGE",
                                                        Platform    = "dogeft.com"
                                                    var rs = (false, string.Empty);
                                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.OwnerSubAccount))
                                                        rs = await account.SendNFT(dto.NeblioCustomerAddress, nft);
                                                        rs = await account.SendNFTFromSubAccount(dto.OwnerSubAccount, dto.NeblioCustomerAddress, nft);
                                                    done = rs.Item1;
                                                    if (!rs.Item1)
                                                        Console.WriteLine("Some error during sending unique NFT for the customer: " + rs.Item2);
                                                        await Task.Delay(5000);
                                                        order.meta_data.Add(new ProductMetadata()
                                                            key = dto.ShortHash, value = rs.Item2
                                                        Console.WriteLine($"Order {order.id}, {order.order_key}. NFT {dto.ShortHash} sent in tx: https://explorer.nebl.io/tx/{rs.Item2}");
                                                catch (Exception ex)
                                                    await Task.Delay(5000);
                                                if (attempts < 0)
                                    var complete = 0;
                                    order.line_items.ForEach(item =>
                                        var sh  = string.Empty;
                                        var cat = string.Empty;
                                        if (Products.TryGetValue(item.product_id, out var product))
                                            product.meta_data.ForEach(m =>
                                                if (m.key == "ShortHash")
                                                    sh = Convert.ToString(m.value);
                                                if (m.key == "Category")
                                                    cat = Convert.ToString(m.value);
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cat))
                                                order.meta_data.ForEach(m =>
                                                    if (m.key.Contains(cat))
                                            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cat) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sh))
                                                order.meta_data.ForEach(m =>
                                                    if (m.key.Contains(sh))
                                    if (complete == order.line_items.Count)
                                        Console.WriteLine($"Order {order.id}, {order.order_key}. Is complete. All items was sent.");
                                        order.statusclass = OrderStatus.completed;
                                    var o = await UpdateOrder(order);
