private void InitDocument()
            // get the drawing view document
            NDrawingDocument document = NDrawingView1.Document;

            document.GraphicsSettings.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
            document.GraphicsSettings.SmoothingMode     = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
            document.GraphicsSettings.PixelOffsetMode   = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;

            document.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.Linen);
            //document.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle.Visible = false;

            // modify the connectors style sheet
            NStyleSheet styleSheet = (document.StyleSheets.GetChildByName(NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet, -1) as NStyleSheet);

            NTextStyle textStyle = new NTextStyle();

            textStyle.BackplaneStyle.Visible = true;
            textStyle.BackplaneStyle.StandardFrameStyle.InnerBorderWidth = new NLength(0);
            styleSheet.Style.TextStyle = textStyle;

            styleSheet.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1, Color.Black);
            styleSheet.Style.StartArrowheadStyle.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1, Color.Black);
            styleSheet.Style.EndArrowheadStyle.StrokeStyle   = new NStrokeStyle(1, Color.Black);

            // create a stylesheet for the CPA shapes
            styleSheet = new NStyleSheet("CPA");
            styleSheet.Style.FillStyle = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientVariant.Variant1, Color.FromArgb(102, 204, 255), Color.FromArgb(0, 128, 128));

            // create a stylesheet for the CLIENT shapes
            styleSheet = new NStyleSheet("CLIENT");
            styleSheet.Style.FillStyle = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientVariant.Variant1, Color.FromArgb(255, 102, 0), Color.FromArgb(255, 204, 0));

            // create a stylesheet for the stripes
            styleSheet = new NStyleSheet("STRIPE");
            styleSheet.Style.FillStyle   = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientVariant.Variant1, Color.White, Color.FromArgb(221, 221, 221));
            styleSheet.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(0, Color.White);

            // create a stylesheet for the ABC texts
            styleSheet = new NStyleSheet("ABC");
            styleSheet.Style.TextStyle = new NTextStyle(new Font("Ariel", 12), Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150));

            float abcWidth = 150;

            // configure the document
            base.DefaultGridCellSize = new NSizeF(100, 70);
            base.DefaultGridSpacing  = new NSizeF(30, 30);
            base.DefaultGridOrigin   = new NPointF(60, 30);

            document.Bounds        = new NRectangleF(0, 0, 1000, (6 * base.DefaultGridCellSize.Height) + (7 * base.DefaultGridSpacing.Height));
            document.ShadowsZOrder = ShadowsZOrder.BehindLayer;

            // create the stripes
            NRectanglePath rect = new NRectanglePath(0, 0, document.Width, document.Height / 3);

            rect.StyleSheetName = "STRIPE";

            rect = new NRectanglePath(0, document.Height / 3, document.Width, document.Height / 3);
            rect.StyleSheetName = "STRIPE";

            rect = new NRectanglePath(0, 2 * document.Height / 3, document.Width, document.Height / 3);
            rect.StyleSheetName = "STRIPE";

            // create A,B,C texts
            NTextPrimitive text = new NTextPrimitive("A", document.Width - abcWidth, 0, abcWidth, document.Height / 3);

            text.Mode           = BoxTextMode.Stretch;
            rect.StyleSheetName = "ABC";

            text                = new NTextPrimitive("B", document.Width - abcWidth, document.Height / 3, abcWidth, document.Height / 3);
            text.Mode           = BoxTextMode.Stretch;
            rect.StyleSheetName = "ABC";

            text                = new NTextPrimitive("C", document.Width - abcWidth, 2 * document.Height / 3, abcWidth, document.Height / 3);
            text.Mode           = BoxTextMode.Stretch;
            rect.StyleSheetName = "ABC";

            // add stripe texts
            text = new NTextPrimitive("Sing up client", document.Width - abcWidth, document.Height / 3 - 50, abcWidth, 50);

            text = new NTextPrimitive("Monthly Accounting Services", document.Width - abcWidth, 2 * document.Height / 3 - 50, abcWidth, 50);

            text = new NTextPrimitive("Additional Services", document.Width - abcWidth, 3 * document.Height / 3 - 50, abcWidth, 50);

            // create a layer for the foreground shapes
            NLayer layer = new NLayer();

            document.ActiveLayerUniqueId = layer.UniqueId;

            // all shapes in the foreground layer have a shadow
            layer.Style.ShadowStyle = new NShadowStyle(ShadowType.GaussianBlur, Color.Gray, new NPointL(5, 5), 1, new NLength(10));

            // shapes in row 1
            NShape newClient                  = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.Decision, base.GetGridCell(0, 0), "New Client", "CPA");
            NShape register                   = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.Process, base.GetGridCell(0, 1), "Register", "CPA");
            NShape clientAccountInfo          = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.Data, base.GetGridCell(0, 2), "Client account info", "CPA");
            NShape explainDataEntryProcedures = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.Process, base.GetGridCell(0, 3), "Explain data entry procedures", "CPA");

            // shapes in row 2
            NShape dataEntry         = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.ManualInput, base.GetGridCell(2, 0), "Data Entry", "CLIENT");
            NShape emailCompleted    = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.Document, base.GetGridCell(2, 1), "E-mail Completed", "CLIENT");
            NShape review            = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.Process, base.GetGridCell(2, 2), "Review", "CPA");
            NShape needsRevising     = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.Decision, base.GetGridCell(2, 3), "Needs revising", "CPA");
            NShape emailRevisions    = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.Process, base.GetGridCell(2, 4), "E-mail revisions", "CPA");
            NShape evaluateRevisions = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.Process, base.GetGridCell(2, 5), "Evaluate revisions", "CLIENT");

            // shapes in row 3
            NShape emailApprovedRevisions = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.Document, base.GetGridCell(3, 2), "E-mail Approved Revisions", "CLIENT");
            NShape evaluateRevisions2     = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.Process, base.GetGridCell(3, 4), "Evaluate Revisions", "CLIENT");
            NShape answerClientEmail      = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.Process, base.GetGridCell(3, 5), "Answer Client E-mail", "CPA");

            // shapes in row 4
            NShape paywoll    = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.Document, base.GetGridCell(5, 2), "Payroll", "CLIENT");
            NShape taxes      = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.Process, base.GetGridCell(5, 3), "Taxes", "CLIENT");
            NShape controller = base.CreateFlowChartingShape(document, FlowChartingShapes.Process, base.GetGridCell(5, 4), "Controller", "CPA");

            // some shapes need to have extra ports
            NRotatedBoundsPort port = new NRotatedBoundsPort(evaluateRevisions.UniqueId, new NContentAlignment(-25, 50));

            port.Name = "BottomLeft";

            port      = new NRotatedBoundsPort(evaluateRevisions.UniqueId, new NContentAlignment(+25, 50));
            port.Name = "BottomRight";

            port      = new NRotatedBoundsPort(answerClientEmail.UniqueId, new NContentAlignment(-25, -50));
            port.Name = "TopLeft";

            port      = new NRotatedBoundsPort(answerClientEmail.UniqueId, new NContentAlignment(+25, -50));
            port.Name = "TopRight";

            // connect shapes in levels
            base.CreateConnector(document, newClient, "Center", register, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "YES");
            base.CreateConnector(document, register, "Center", clientAccountInfo, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            base.CreateConnector(document, clientAccountInfo, "Center", explainDataEntryProcedures, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            base.CreateConnector(document, dataEntry, "Center", emailCompleted, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            base.CreateConnector(document, emailCompleted, "Center", review, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            base.CreateConnector(document, review, "Center", needsRevising, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            base.CreateConnector(document, needsRevising, "Center", emailRevisions, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "YES");
            base.CreateConnector(document, emailRevisions, "Center", evaluateRevisions, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            base.CreateConnector(document, evaluateRevisions2, "Center", emailApprovedRevisions, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");

            // connect accross levels
            NStep3Connector connector = (base.CreateConnector(document, newClient, "Center", dataEntry, "Center", ConnectorType.SideToSide, "NO") as NStep3Connector);

            connector.UseMiddleControlPointPercent = false;
            connector.MiddleControlPointOffset     = -55;

            base.CreateConnector(document, explainDataEntryProcedures, "Center", dataEntry, "Center", ConnectorType.TopToBottom, "");
            base.CreateConnector(document, emailApprovedRevisions, "Center", review, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            base.CreateConnector(document, emailRevisions, "Center", evaluateRevisions2, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            base.CreateConnector(document, evaluateRevisions, "BottomLeft", answerClientEmail, "TopLeft", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            base.CreateConnector(document, answerClientEmail, "TopRight", evaluateRevisions, "BottomRight", ConnectorType.Line, "");

            connector = (base.CreateConnector(document, needsRevising, "Center", paywoll, "Center", ConnectorType.TopToBottom, "") as NStep3Connector);
            connector.MiddleControlPointPercent = 66;

            connector = (base.CreateConnector(document, needsRevising, "Center", taxes, "Center", ConnectorType.TopToBottom, "") as NStep3Connector);
            connector.MiddleControlPointPercent = 66;

            connector = (base.CreateConnector(document, needsRevising, "Center", controller, "Center", ConnectorType.TopToBottom, "") as NStep3Connector);
            connector.MiddleControlPointPercent = 66;

            // create the legend as a group
            NGroup legend = new NGroup();

            NRectangleShape legendBackground = new NRectangleShape(0, 0, 1, 3);

            legendBackground.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.White);

            NRectangleF bounds = new NRectangleF(0, 1, 1, 1);

            bounds.Inflate(-0.2f, -0.2f);

            NRectangleShape cpaItem = new NRectangleShape(bounds);

            cpaItem.Text           = "CPA";
            cpaItem.StyleSheetName = "CPA";

            bounds = new NRectangleF(0, 2, 1, 1);
            bounds.Inflate(-0.2f, -0.2f);

            NRectangleShape clientItem = new NRectangleShape(bounds);

            clientItem.Text           = "Client";
            clientItem.StyleSheetName = "CLIENT";

            legend.Bounds = base.GetGridCell(4, 0, 1, 1);

Exemple #2
        private void CreateScene(NDrawingDocument document)
            document.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle.Visible = false;

            NFillStyle cpaFillStyle    = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientVariant.Variant1, Color.FromArgb(102, 204, 255), Color.FromArgb(0, 128, 128));
            NFillStyle clientFillStyle = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientVariant.Variant1, Color.FromArgb(255, 102, 0), Color.FromArgb(255, 204, 0));
            NFillStyle stripeFillStyle = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientVariant.Variant1, Color.White, Color.FromArgb(221, 221, 221));
            NTextStyle abcTextStyle    = new NTextStyle(new Font("Arial", 12), Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150));
            float      abcWidth        = 150;

            NDrawingDocumentHelper helper = new NDrawingDocumentHelper(document);

            // configure the document
            helper.DefaultGridCellSize = new NSizeF(100, 70);
            helper.DefaultGridSpacing  = new NSizeF(30, 30);
            helper.DefaultGridOrigin   = new NPointF(60, 30);

            document.Bounds        = new NRectangleF(0, 0, 1000, (6 * helper.DefaultGridCellSize.Height) + (7 * helper.DefaultGridSpacing.Height));
            document.ShadowsZOrder = ShadowsZOrder.BehindLayer;

            // create the stripes
            NRectangleShape rect = new NRectangleShape(0, 0, document.Width, document.Height / 3);

            rect.Style.FillStyle   = (NFillStyle)stripeFillStyle.Clone();
            rect.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(0, Color.White);

            rect = new NRectangleShape(0, document.Height / 3, document.Width, document.Height / 3);
            rect.Style.FillStyle   = (NFillStyle)stripeFillStyle.Clone();
            rect.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(0, Color.White);

            rect = new NRectangleShape(0, 2 * document.Height / 3, document.Width, document.Height / 3);
            rect.Style.FillStyle   = (NFillStyle)stripeFillStyle.Clone();
            rect.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(0, Color.White);

            // create A,B,C texts
            NTextShape text = new NTextShape("A", document.Width - abcWidth, 0, abcWidth, document.Height / 3);

            text.Mode            = BoxTextMode.Stretch;
            text.Style.TextStyle = (abcTextStyle.Clone() as NTextStyle);

            text                 = new NTextShape("B", document.Width - abcWidth, document.Height / 3, abcWidth, document.Height / 3);
            text.Mode            = BoxTextMode.Stretch;
            text.Style.TextStyle = (abcTextStyle.Clone() as NTextStyle);

            text                 = new NTextShape("C", document.Width - abcWidth, 2 * document.Height / 3, abcWidth, document.Height / 3);
            text.Mode            = BoxTextMode.Stretch;
            text.Style.TextStyle = (abcTextStyle.Clone() as NTextStyle);

            // add stripe texts
            text = new NTextShape("Sing up client", document.Width - abcWidth, document.Height / 3 - 50, abcWidth, 50);

            text = new NTextShape("Monthly Accounting Services", document.Width - abcWidth, 2 * document.Height / 3 - 50, abcWidth, 50);

            text = new NTextShape("Additional Services", document.Width - abcWidth, 3 * document.Height / 3 - 50, abcWidth, 50);

            // create a layer for the forground shapes
            NLayer layer = new NLayer();

            document.ActiveLayerUniqueId = layer.UniqueId;
            layer.Style.ShadowStyle      = new NShadowStyle(ShadowType.GaussianBlur,
                                                            new Nevron.GraphicsCore.NPointL(5, 5),
                                                            new NLength(10));

            // shapes in row 1
            NShape newClient                  = helper.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Diamond, helper.GetGridCell(0, 0), "New Client", cpaFillStyle);
            NShape register                   = helper.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, helper.GetGridCell(0, 1), "Register", cpaFillStyle);
            NShape clientAccountInfo          = helper.CreateFlowChartingShape(FlowChartingShapes.Data, helper.GetGridCell(0, 2), "Client account info", cpaFillStyle);
            NShape explainDataEntryProcedures = helper.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, helper.GetGridCell(0, 3), "Explain data entry procedures", cpaFillStyle);

            // shapes in row 2
            NShape dataEntry         = helper.CreateFlowChartingShape(FlowChartingShapes.ManualInput, helper.GetGridCell(2, 0), "Data Entry", clientFillStyle);
            NShape emailCompleted    = helper.CreateFlowChartingShape(FlowChartingShapes.Document, helper.GetGridCell(2, 1), "E-mail Completed", clientFillStyle);
            NShape review            = helper.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, helper.GetGridCell(2, 2), "Review", cpaFillStyle);
            NShape needsRevising     = helper.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Diamond, helper.GetGridCell(2, 3), "Needs revising", cpaFillStyle);
            NShape emailRevisions    = helper.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, helper.GetGridCell(2, 4), "E-mail revisions", cpaFillStyle);
            NShape evaluateRevisions = helper.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, helper.GetGridCell(2, 5), "Evaluate revisions", clientFillStyle);

            // shapes in row 3
            NShape emailApprovedRevisions = helper.CreateFlowChartingShape(FlowChartingShapes.Document, helper.GetGridCell(3, 2), "E-mail Approved Revisions", clientFillStyle);
            NShape evaluateRevisions2     = helper.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, helper.GetGridCell(3, 4), "Evaluate Revisions", clientFillStyle);
            NShape answerClientEmail      = helper.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, helper.GetGridCell(3, 5), "Answer Client E-mail", cpaFillStyle);

            // shapes in row 4
            NShape paywoll    = helper.CreateFlowChartingShape(FlowChartingShapes.Document, helper.GetGridCell(5, 2), "Payroll", clientFillStyle);
            NShape taxes      = helper.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, helper.GetGridCell(5, 3), "Taxes", clientFillStyle);
            NShape controller = helper.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, helper.GetGridCell(5, 4), "Controller", cpaFillStyle);

            // create the optional ports of the shape

            // some shapes need to have extra ports
            NRotatedBoundsPort port = new NRotatedBoundsPort(evaluateRevisions.UniqueId, new NContentAlignment(-25, 50));

            port.Name = "BottomLeft";

            port      = new NRotatedBoundsPort(evaluateRevisions.UniqueId, new NContentAlignment(+25, 50));
            port.Name = "BottomRight";

            // create the optional ports of the shape

            port      = new NRotatedBoundsPort(answerClientEmail.UniqueId, new NContentAlignment(-25, -50));
            port.Name = "TopLeft";

            port      = new NRotatedBoundsPort(answerClientEmail.UniqueId, new NContentAlignment(+25, -50));
            port.Name = "TopRight";

            // connect shapes in levels
            helper.CreateConnector(newClient, "Center", register, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "YES");
            helper.CreateConnector(register, "Center", clientAccountInfo, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            helper.CreateConnector(clientAccountInfo, "Center", explainDataEntryProcedures, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");

            helper.CreateConnector(dataEntry, "Center", emailCompleted, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            helper.CreateConnector(emailCompleted, "Center", review, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            helper.CreateConnector(review, "Center", needsRevising, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            helper.CreateConnector(needsRevising, "Center", emailRevisions, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "YES");
            helper.CreateConnector(emailRevisions, "Center", evaluateRevisions, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");

            helper.CreateConnector(evaluateRevisions2, "Center", emailApprovedRevisions, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");

            // connect accross levels
            NStep3Connector connector = (helper.CreateConnector(newClient, "Center", dataEntry, "Center", ConnectorType.SideToSide, "NO") as NStep3Connector);

            connector.UseMiddleControlPointPercent = false;
            connector.MiddleControlPointOffset     = -50;

            helper.CreateConnector(explainDataEntryProcedures, "Center", dataEntry, "Center", ConnectorType.TopToBottom, "");

            helper.CreateConnector(emailApprovedRevisions, "Center", review, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            helper.CreateConnector(emailRevisions, "Center", evaluateRevisions2, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            helper.CreateConnector(evaluateRevisions, "BottomLeft", answerClientEmail, "TopLeft", ConnectorType.Line, "");
            helper.CreateConnector(answerClientEmail, "TopRight", evaluateRevisions, "BottomRight", ConnectorType.Line, "");

            connector = (helper.CreateConnector(needsRevising, "Center", paywoll, "Center", ConnectorType.TopToBottom, "") as NStep3Connector);
            connector.MiddleControlPointPercent = 66;
            connector = (helper.CreateConnector(needsRevising, "Center", taxes, "Center", ConnectorType.TopToBottom, "") as NStep3Connector);
            connector.MiddleControlPointPercent = 66;
            connector = (helper.CreateConnector(needsRevising, "Center", controller, "Center", ConnectorType.TopToBottom, "") as NStep3Connector);
            connector.MiddleControlPointPercent = 66;

            // create the legend
            NGroup legend = new NGroup();

            NRectangleShape ledendBackground = new NRectangleShape(0, 0, 1, 3);

            ledendBackground.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.White);

            NTextShape legendTitle = new NTextShape("Legend", 0, 0, 1, 1);


            NRectangleF bounds = new NRectangleF(0, 1, 1, 1);

            bounds.Inflate(-0.2f, -0.2f);

            NShape shape = helper.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, bounds, "CPA", (NFillStyle)cpaFillStyle.Clone(), false);


            bounds = new NRectangleF(0, 2, 1, 1);
            bounds.Inflate(-0.2f, -0.2f);

            shape = helper.CreateBasicShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle, bounds, "Client", (NFillStyle)clientFillStyle.Clone(), false);

            legend.Bounds = helper.GetGridCell(4, 0, 1, 1);

        protected void InitDocument(NDrawingDocument document, NShapesFactory factory)
            NDrawingView1.Document.GraphicsSettings.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
            NDrawingView1.Document.GraphicsSettings.SmoothingMode     = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            NDrawingView1.Document.GraphicsSettings.PixelOffsetMode   = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;

            // set up visual formatting
            NDrawingView1.Document.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.Linen);

            NDrawingView1.Document.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle.Visible = false;

            int maxOrdinal = 0;

            document.Style.TextStyle.FontStyle.InitFromFont(new Font("Arial Narrow", 8));
            switch (shapeSizeDropDownList.SelectedValue)
            case "Small":
                factory.DefaultSize = new NSizeF(40, 30);
                maxOrdinal          = 7;

            case "Medium":
                factory.DefaultSize = new NSizeF(80, 60);
                maxOrdinal          = 4;

            case "Large":
                factory.DefaultSize = new NSizeF(200, 150);
                maxOrdinal          = 1;

                throw new NotImplementedException(shapeSizeDropDownList.SelectedValue);

            int count = factory.ShapesCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                // create a basic shape
                NShape shape = factory.CreateShape(i);
                shape.Style.InteractivityStyle = new NInteractivityStyle(shape.Name);

                // add it to the active layer

            // layout the shapes in the active layer using a table layout
            NTableLayout layout = new NTableLayout();

            // setup the table layout
            layout.Direction                  = LayoutDirection.LeftToRight;
            layout.ConstrainMode              = CellConstrainMode.Ordinal;
            layout.MaxOrdinal                 = maxOrdinal;
            layout.VerticalSpacing            = 20;
            layout.HorizontalSpacing          = 20;
            layout.HorizontalContentPlacement = ContentPlacement.Center;
            layout.VerticalContentPlacement   = ContentPlacement.Center;

            // create a layout context
            NLayoutContext layoutContext = new NLayoutContext();

            layoutContext.GraphAdapter         = new NShapeGraphAdapter();
            layoutContext.BodyAdapter          = new NShapeBodyAdapter(document);
            layoutContext.BodyContainerAdapter = new NDrawingBodyContainerAdapter(document);

            // layout the shapes
            layout.Layout(document.ActiveLayer.Children(null), layoutContext);

            // resize document to fit all shapes
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a tree in the specified document
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">document in which to create a tree</param>
        /// <returns>tree elements</returns>
        protected virtual NList <NShape> CreateTree(NDrawingDocument document)
            NPage          page     = document.Content.ActivePage;
            NList <NShape> elements = new NList <NShape>();

            NShape cur  = null;
            NShape edge = null;

            NList <NShape> curRowVertices  = null;
            NList <NShape> prevRowVertices = null;

            int    i, j, level;
            int    childrenCount, levelNodesCount;
            Random rnd = new Random();

            for (level = 1; level <= m_nLevels; level++)
                curRowVertices = new NList <NShape>();

                if (m_bBalanced)
                    //Create a balanced tree
                    levelNodesCount = (int)Math.Pow(m_nBranchNodes, level - 1);
                    for (i = 0; i < levelNodesCount; i++)
                        // create the cur node
                        cur = CreateVertex(m_VerticesShape);
                        cur.SetBounds(new NRectangle(m_Origin, GetSize(rnd)));


                        // connect with ancestor
                        if (level > 1)
                            edge = CreateEdge(m_ConnectorShape);

                            int parentIndex = (int)Math.Floor((double)(i / m_nBranchNodes));

                    //Create an unbalanced tree
                    if (level == 1)
                        // Create the current node
                        cur = CreateVertex(m_VerticesShape);
                        cur.SetBounds(new NRectangle(m_Origin, GetSize(rnd)));


                        levelNodesCount = prevRowVertices.Count;
                            // Ensure that the desired level depth is reached
                            for (i = 0; i < levelNodesCount; i++)
                                childrenCount = rnd.Next(0, m_nBranchNodes + 1);
                                for (j = 0; j < childrenCount; j++)
                                    // Create the current node
                                    cur = CreateVertex(m_VerticesShape);
                                    cur.SetBounds(new NRectangle(m_Origin, GetSize(rnd)));


                                    // Connect with ancestor
                                    edge = CreateEdge(m_ConnectorShape);

                        }while (level < m_nLevels && curRowVertices.Count == 0);

                prevRowVertices = curRowVertices;

        private void InitDocument()
            NDrawingDocument document = NDrawingView1.Document;

            NSimpleNetworkShapesFactory networkShapes = new NSimpleNetworkShapesFactory();

            networkShapes.DefaultSize = new NSizeF(50, 50);
            int i;

            // create computers
            for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                NShape computer = networkShapes.CreateShape(SimpleNetworkShapes.Computer);
                switch (i % 3)
                case 0:
                    computer.Location = new NPointF(10, 10);

                case 1:
                    computer.Location = new NPointF(110, 10);

                case 2:
                    computer.Location = new NPointF(75, 110);


            // link the computers
            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                NLineShape link = new NLineShape();
                link.StyleSheetName = NDR.NameConnectorsStyleSheet;

                if (i == 0)
                    link.FromShape = (NShape)document.ActiveLayer.GetChildAt(8);
                    link.ToShape   = (NShape)document.ActiveLayer.GetChildAt(0);
                    link.FromShape = (NShape)document.ActiveLayer.GetChildAt(i * 3 - 1);
                    link.ToShape   = (NShape)document.ActiveLayer.GetChildAt(i * 3);

            // create three groups
            NNodeList   groupNodes1 = new NNodeList();
            NBatchGroup batchGroup1 = new NBatchGroup(document);


            NNodeList   groupNodes2 = new NNodeList();
            NBatchGroup batchGroup2 = new NBatchGroup(document);


            NNodeList   groupNodes3 = new NNodeList();
            NBatchGroup batchGroup3 = new NBatchGroup(document);


            NGroup[] groups = new NGroup[3];
            batchGroup1.Group(document.ActiveLayer, false, out groups[0]);
            batchGroup2.Group(document.ActiveLayer, false, out groups[1]);
            batchGroup3.Group(document.ActiveLayer, false, out groups[2]);

            // add expand-collapse decorator and frame decorator to each group
            for (i = 0; i < groups.Length; i++)
                NGroup group = groups[i];

                // because groups are created after the link we want to ensure
                // that they are behind so that the links are not obscured

                // create the decorators collection

                // create a frame decorator
                // we want the user to be able to select the shape when the frame is hit
                NFrameDecorator frameDecorator = new NFrameDecorator();
                frameDecorator.ShapeHitTestable = true;
                frameDecorator.Header.Text      = "Network " + i.ToString();

                // create an expand collapse decorator
                NExpandCollapseDecorator expandCollapseDecorator = new NExpandCollapseDecorator();

                // update the model bounds so that the computeres
                // are inside the specified padding
                group.Padding = new Nevron.Diagram.NMargins(5, 5, 30, 5);
                group.AutoUpdateModelBounds = true;

            // layout them with a table layout
            NLayoutContext context = new NLayoutContext();

            context.GraphAdapter         = new NShapeGraphAdapter();
            context.BodyAdapter          = new NShapeBodyAdapter(document);
            context.BodyContainerAdapter = new NDrawingBodyContainerAdapter(document);

            NTableLayout layout = new NTableLayout();

            layout.ConstrainMode     = CellConstrainMode.Ordinal;
            layout.MaxOrdinal        = 2;
            layout.HorizontalSpacing = 50;
            layout.VerticalSpacing   = 50;
            layout.Layout(document.ActiveLayer.Children(null), context);

            document.SizeToContent(NSizeF.Empty, document.AutoBoundsPadding);
            document.AutoBoundsMode = AutoBoundsMode.AutoSizeToContent;
Exemple #6
        private void ImportData()
            NDrawingDocument document = NDrawingView1.Document;

            document.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle.Visible = false;

            // create two stylesheets - one for the vertices and one for the edges
            NStyleSheet vertexStyleSheet = new NStyleSheet();

            vertexStyleSheet.Name = "Vertices";
            NStyle.SetFillStyle(vertexStyleSheet, new NColorFillStyle(Color.FromArgb(236, 97, 49)));

            NStyleSheet edgeStyleSheet = new NStyleSheet();

            edgeStyleSheet.Name = "Edges";
            NStyle.SetStrokeStyle(edgeStyleSheet, new NStrokeStyle(Color.Blue));
            NStyle.SetEndArrowheadStyle(edgeStyleSheet, new NArrowheadStyle(ArrowheadShape.OpenedArrow, null, new NSizeL(6, 4), null, new NStrokeStyle(Color.Blue)));
            NTextStyle textStyle = (NTextStyle)document.ComposeTextStyle().Clone();

            textStyle.StringFormatStyle.VertAlign = Nevron.VertAlign.Bottom;
            NStyle.SetTextStyle(edgeStyleSheet, textStyle);

            // create the graph data source importer
            NGraphDataSourceImporter graphImporter = new NGraphDataSourceImporter();

            // set the document in the active layer of which the shapes will be imported
            graphImporter.Document = document;

            // SET THE DATA SOURCE
            // the tree data source importer supports the following data sources
            //      DataTable
            //      DataView
            //      OleDbDataAdapter
            //      SqlDataAdapter
            //      OdbcDataAdapter
            //      OleDbCommand
            //      SqlCommand
            //      OdbcCommand
            // in this example we have created an OleDbDataAdapter,
            // which selects all columns and records from the Sources and Links tables of the Data.xlsx file
            string databasePath     = Server.MapPath(@"..\Examples\Import\Data.xlsx");
            string connectionString = @"Data Source=""" + databasePath + @""";Provider=""Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0""; Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES"";";

            graphImporter.VertexDataSource = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Sources$]", connectionString);
            graphImporter.EdgeDataSource   = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Links$]", connectionString);

            // vertex records are uniquely identified by their Id (in the Sources table)
            // edges link the vertices with the Fro and ToPageId (in the Links table)
            graphImporter.VertexIdColumnName     = "Id";
            graphImporter.FromVertexIdColumnName = "From";
            graphImporter.ToVertexIdColumnName   = "To";

            // create vertices as group shapes, with default size
            NShapesFactory shapesFactory = new GroupShapesFactory();

            shapesFactory.DefaultSize         = VertexSize;
            graphImporter.VertexShapesFactory = shapesFactory;
            graphImporter.VertexShapesName    = GroupShapes.Group.ToString();

            // set stylesheets to be applied to imported vertices and edges
            graphImporter.VertexStyleSheetName = "Vertices";
            graphImporter.EdgeStyleSheetName   = "Edges";

            // use layered graph layout
            NLayeredGraphLayout layout = new NLayeredGraphLayout();

            layout.LayerSpacing   = 70;
            layout.Direction      = LayoutDirection.LeftToRight;
            layout.LayerAlignment = RelativeAlignment.Near;
            graphImporter.Layout  = layout;

            // subscribe for the vertex and edge imported events,
            // which are raised when a shape was created for a data source record
            graphImporter.VertexImported += new ShapeImportedDelegate(OnVertexImported);
            graphImporter.EdgeImported   += new ShapeImportedDelegate(OnEdgeImported);

            // import