Exemple #1
        public void NDocExecute()
            string prjRootPath = TaskUtility.getProjectRootDirectory(true);
            string workingDir = Path.Combine(prjRootPath, @"Documentation");

            NDoc task = new NDoc();
            task.BuildEngine = new MockBuild();
            task.ToolPath = Path.Combine(workingDir, "ndoc");
            task.ProjectFilePath = Path.Combine(workingDir, @"MSBuild.Community.Tasks.ndoc");
            task.WorkingDirectory = workingDir;
            task.Documenter = "XML";
            Assert.IsTrue(task.Execute(), "Execute Failed");
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor for the solution settings form.  Sets the property grid
		/// to the MSDN Documenter's configuration properties.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="project">an NDoc project for the currently loaded solution.</param>
		public SolutionSettingsForm(NDoc.Core.Project project)
			// Required for Windows Form Designer support

			ndocProject = project;
			msdnDocumenter = new MsdnDocumenter();

			this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
			propertyGrid.SelectedObject = ndocProject.GetDocumenter(msdnDocumenter.Name).Config;
Exemple #3
        public void NDocExecute()
            string prjRootPath = TaskUtility.getProjectRootDirectory(true);
            string workingDir  = Path.Combine(prjRootPath, @"Documentation");

            NDoc task = new NDoc();

            task.BuildEngine      = new MockBuild();
            task.ToolPath         = Path.Combine(workingDir, "ndoc");
            task.ProjectFilePath  = Path.Combine(workingDir, @"MSBuild.Community.Tasks.ndoc");
            task.WorkingDirectory = workingDir;
            task.Documenter       = "XML";
            Assert.IsTrue(task.Execute(), "Execute Failed");
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the documentation.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Build(NDoc.Core.Project project)
            int buildStepProgress = 0;
            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Initializing...");

            _resourceDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(
                Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "NDoc"), "NAnt");

            // get assembly in which documenter is defined
            Assembly assembly = this.GetType().Module.Assembly;

            // write xslt files to resource directory
            EmbeddedResources.WriteEmbeddedResources(assembly, "Documenter.xslt",
                Path.Combine(_resourceDirectory, "xslt"));

            // create the html output directories
            try {
                LongPathDirectory.Create(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "elements"));
                LongPathDirectory.Create(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "functions"));
                LongPathDirectory.Create(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "types"));
                LongPathDirectory.Create(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "tasks"));
                LongPathDirectory.Create(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "enums"));
                LongPathDirectory.Create(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "filters"));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new DocumenterException("The output directories could not"
                    + " be created.", ex);

            buildStepProgress += 10;
            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Merging XML documentation...");

            // load the stylesheets that will convert the master xml into html pages

            // will hold the file name containing the NDoc generated XML
            string tempFile = null;

            try {
                // determine temporary file name
                tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();

                // create the master XML document
                MakeXmlFile(project, tempFile);

                // create a xml document that will be transformed using xslt
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(tempFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) {
                    _xmlDocumentation = new XmlDocument();
            } finally {
                // ensure temporary file is removed
                if (tempFile != null) {

            // build the file mapping
            buildStepProgress += 15;
            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Building mapping...");

            // create arguments for nant index page transform
            XsltArgumentList indexArguments = CreateXsltArgumentList();

            // add extension object for NAnt utilities
            NAntXsltUtilities indexUtilities = NAntXsltUtilities.CreateInstance(
                _xmlDocumentation, (NAntDocumenterConfig) Config);

            // add extension object to Xslt arguments
            indexArguments.AddExtensionObject("urn:NAntUtil", indexUtilities);

            buildStepProgress += 15;
            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Creating Task Index Page...");

            // transform nant task index page transform
            TransformAndWriteResult(_xsltTaskIndex, indexArguments, "tasks/index.html");

            buildStepProgress += 10;
            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Creating Type Index Page...");

            // transform nant type index page transform
            TransformAndWriteResult(_xsltTypeIndex, indexArguments, "types/index.html");

            buildStepProgress += 10;
            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Creating Filter Index Page...");

            // transform nant type index page transform
            TransformAndWriteResult(_xsltFilterIndex, indexArguments, "filters/index.html");

            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Creating Function Index Page...");
            // transform nant function index page transform
            TransformAndWriteResult(_xsltFunctionIndex, indexArguments, "functions/index.html");

            buildStepProgress += 10;
            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Generating Task Documents...");

            // generate a page for each marked task
            XmlNodeList typeNodes = _xmlDocumentation.SelectNodes("//class[starts-with(substring(@id, 3, string-length(@id) - 2), '" + NamespaceFilter + "')]");
            foreach (XmlNode typeNode in typeNodes) {
                ElementDocType elementDocType = indexUtilities.GetElementDocType(typeNode);
                DocumentType(typeNode, elementDocType, indexUtilities);

            OnDocBuildingStep(buildStepProgress, "Generating Function Documents...");

            // generate a page for each function - TODO - change the XPath expression to select more functions
            XmlNodeList functionNodes = _xmlDocumentation.SelectNodes("//method[attribute/@name = 'NAnt.Core.Attributes.FunctionAttribute' and ancestor::class[starts-with(substring(@id, 3, string-length(@id) - 2), '" + NamespaceFilter + "')]]");
            foreach (XmlElement function in functionNodes) {
                DocumentFunction(function, indexUtilities);

            OnDocBuildingStep(100, "Complete");
Exemple #5
 public ProjectPlugin(NDoc.VisualStudio.ISolution solution, DTE2 _applicationObject, string uniqueName) {
     this._applicationObject = _applicationObject;
     this._uniqueName = uniqueName;
     this._solution = solution;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the documenter for the given project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="BuildException">
        /// Documenter <paramref name="documenterName" /> is not found.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="project" /> is <see langword="null" />.
        /// </exception>
        private IDocumenter CheckAndGetDocumenter(NDoc.Core.Project project, string documenterName)
            IDocumenter documenter = null;

            if (project == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("project");

            StringCollection documenters = new StringCollection();
            foreach (IDocumenter d in project.Documenters) {

                // ignore case when comparing documenter names
                if (string.Compare(d.Name, documenterName, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) {
                    documenter = (IDocumenter) d;

            // throw an exception if the documenter could not be found.
            if (documenter == null) {
                if (documenters.Count == 0) {
                    throw new BuildException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                        ResourceUtils.GetString("NA2024"), documenterName), Location);
                } else {
                    throw new BuildException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                        ResourceUtils.GetString("NA2025"), documenterName,
                        StringUtils.Join(", ", documenters)), Location);
            return documenter;
Exemple #7
        public void FromExternSolution(NDoc.VisualStudio.ISolution sol, string config){
            string warningMessages = String.Empty;
            if ((config == null) || (config == "")) {
                using (SolutionForm sf = new SolutionForm()) {
                    sf.Text = "Solution " + sol.Name;


                    foreach (string configkey in sol.GetConfigurationsNames())

                    if (sf.ConfigList.SelectedIndex < 0)

                    //clear current ndoc project settings

                    warningMessages = LoadFromSolution(sol, (string)sf.ConfigList.SelectedItem);


                    projectFilename = Path.Combine(sol.Directory, sol.Name + ".ndoc");
            else {
                warningMessages = LoadFromSolution(sol, config);


                projectFilename = Path.Combine(sol.Directory, sol.Name + ".ndoc");

            if (warningMessages.Length > 0)
                WarningForm.ShowWarning("VS Solution Import Warnings", warningMessages, this);
Exemple #8
		private void SetDocumentationPathAndFilename(NDoc.Core.Project ndocProject)
			MsdnDocumenter		msdnDocumenter = new MsdnDocumenter();
			MsdnDocumenter		documenter;
			string				configDocFilename;
			string				configDocOutputDir;

			documenter = (MsdnDocumenter)ndocProject.GetDocumenter(msdnDocumenter.Name);
			configDocFilename = ((MsdnDocumenterConfig)(documenter.Config)).HtmlHelpName + ".chm";
			configDocOutputDir = ((MsdnDocumenterConfig)(documenter.Config)).OutputDirectory;

			// Need to make the relative path go off of the solution and not the devenv.exe directory.
			if (configDocOutputDir.StartsWith(".")  ||
				(configDocOutputDir.StartsWith(@"\") && !(configDocOutputDir.StartsWith(@"\\"))))
				documentationFullName = Path.Combine(solutionPath, configDocOutputDir);
				documentationFullName = configDocOutputDir;

			documentationFullName += configDocFilename;
Exemple #9
		private void RemoveAssemblySlashDocs(NDoc.Core.Project ndocProject)
			for (int i = ndocProject.AssemblySlashDocCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Exemple #10
		private void Build(MsdnDocumenter documenter, NDoc.Core.Project ndocProject)
			BuildWorker buildWorker = new BuildWorker(documenter, ndocProject);
			buildThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(buildWorker.ThreadProc));
			buildThread.Name = "NDocBuild";
			buildThread.IsBackground = true;
			buildThread.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;


			// If no exception occurred during the build, then blow outta here
			Exception ex = buildWorker.Exception;
			if (ex == null)

			//check if thread has been aborted
			Exception iex = ex;
				if (iex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)
				iex = iex.InnerException;
			} while (iex != null);

			// Process exception
			buildPane.OutputString("An error occured while trying to build the documentation...");
			if (ex is DocumenterException)
				buildPane.OutputString("NDoc Documenter Error:  " + ex.InnerException);
				buildPane.OutputString("Unknown Error:  " + ex.InnerException);