// Runs an engine function (defined in nwscript.nss) public override void Run(NCSContext context) { context.Log("Calling " + args[1]); // Get the function definition for the action int method_idx = int.Parse(args[1]); string method_name = NWScript_Actions.ACTIONS[method_idx]; UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Calling action " + method_name); MethodInfo m = nwscript.GetMethod(method_name); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Action " + method_name + " has MethodInfo " + m); // MethodInfo[] methods = typeof(AuroraEngine.NWScript).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Calling method " + method_idx + " of " + methods.Length); // MethodInfo m = methods[method_idx]; // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Calling method no " + method_idx + ": " + m.Name); if (m == null) { Debug.LogError("Warning: could not find method " + args[1]); } int paramCount = int.Parse(args[2]); object[] parameters = new object[m.GetParameters().Length]; context.Log("Method " + m.Name + " has " + m.GetParameters().Length + " parameter(s)" + " and providing " + paramCount ); ParameterInfo[] paramInfo = m.GetParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { ParameterInfo p = paramInfo[i]; if (p.ParameterType == typeof(NCSContext)) { context.Log("Getting parameter from store state stack"); parameters[i] = context.GetState(); } else if (p.ParameterType == typeof(AuroraVector)) { context.Log("Getting vector from stack"); context.Log(context.stack.Last()); float x = (float)context.Pop(); context.Log(context.stack.Last()); float y = (float)context.Pop(); context.Log(context.stack.Last()); float z = (float)context.Pop(); parameters[i] = new AuroraVector(x, y, z); } else { context.Log("Getting parameter from stack"); parameters[i] = context.Pop(); } context.Log("Parameter " + i + ": " + parameters[i]); } // Add any optional parameters if we need to for (int i = paramCount; i < m.GetParameters().Length; i++) { parameters[i] = Type.Missing; } // Generate the function call signature string signature = args[1] + "("; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { signature += parameters[i]; if (i != parameters.Length - 1) { signature += ","; } } signature += ")"; object return_value; try { return_value = m.Invoke(null, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { LoggedEvents.Log(" Action", "FAILED: " + signature); throw e; } LoggedEvents.Log(" Action", signature + " = " + return_value); context.Log(m.Name + " returned with value " + return_value); if (m.ReturnType == typeof(void)) { } else if (m.ReturnType == typeof(AuroraVector)) { AuroraVector vec = (AuroraVector)return_value; context.Push(vec.z); context.Push(vec.y); context.Push(vec.x); } else { context.Push(return_value); } }