public static void ShowBlock(NBTObject generator, short data) { instance.handMeshRenderer.enabled = false; instance.blockMeshFilter.sharedMesh = generator.GetItemMesh(NBTHelper.GetChunk(GetCurrentBlock()), (byte)data); instance.blockMeshRenderer.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = generator.GetItemMaterial((byte)data); instance.blockMeshFilter.transform.gameObject.SetActive(true); }
public override void OnRightClick() { bool isUpper = ( & 0b1000) > 0; int direction = 0; bool isOpen = false; if (isUpper) { NBTHelper.GetBlockData(WireFrameHelper.pos.x, WireFrameHelper.pos.y - 1, WireFrameHelper.pos.z, out byte belowType, out byte belowData); if (belowType == 64) { isOpen = (belowData & 0b0100) > 0; direction = belowData & 0b0011; } byte newData = (byte)(belowData ^ 0b0100); NBTHelper.SetBlockData(WireFrameHelper.pos + Vector3Int.down, WireFrameHelper.type, newData); } else { isOpen = ( & 0b0100) > 0; byte newData = (byte)( ^ 0b0100); NBTHelper.SetBlockData(WireFrameHelper.pos, WireFrameHelper.type, newData); } SoundManager.Play2DSound(isOpen ? "Player_Door_Close" : "Player_Door_Open"); NBTChunk chunk = NBTHelper.GetChunk(WireFrameHelper.pos); chunk.RebuildMesh(UpdateFlags.Collidable); }
public void GetLightsByte(int xInChunk, int yInChunk, int zInChunk, out byte skyLight, out byte blockLight, bool extends = false) { skyLight = 15; blockLight = 0; if (xInChunk < 0 || xInChunk > 15 || zInChunk < 0 || zInChunk > 15) { if (extends) { int xOffset = 0; int zOffset = 0; if (xInChunk < 0) { xOffset = -1; } else if (xInChunk > 15) { xOffset = 1; } if (zInChunk < 0) { zOffset = -1; } else if (zInChunk > 15) { zOffset = 1; } NBTChunk chunk = NBTHelper.GetChunk(x + xOffset, z + zOffset); if (chunk != null) { chunk.GetLightsByte(xInChunk - xOffset * 16, yInChunk, zInChunk - zOffset * 16, out skyLight, out blockLight); } } return; } int sectionIndex = yInChunk / 16; if (sectionIndex >= Sections.Count || yInChunk < 0 || yInChunk > 255) { return; } int yInSection = yInChunk % 16; int blockPos = yInSection * 16 * 16 + zInChunk * 16 + xInChunk; TagNodeCompound Section = Sections[sectionIndex] as TagNodeCompound; TagNodeByteArray SkyLight = Section["SkyLight"] as TagNodeByteArray; skyLight = NBTHelper.GetNibble(SkyLight.Data, blockPos); TagNodeByteArray BlockLight = Section["BlockLight"] as TagNodeByteArray; blockLight = NBTHelper.GetNibble(BlockLight.Data, blockPos); }
public static void ShowBlock(NBTObject generator, short data) { instance.handMeshRenderer.enabled = false; try { instance.blockMeshFilter.sharedMesh = generator.GetItemMesh(NBTHelper.GetChunk(GetCurrentBlock()), Vector3Int.RoundToInt(instance.position), (byte)data); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError("showblock error, generator=" + generator + ",message=\n" + e.Message); } instance.blockMeshRenderer.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = generator.GetItemMaterial((byte)data); instance.blockMeshFilter.transform.gameObject.SetActive(true); }
protected void InitData() { NBTChunk chunk = NBTHelper.GetChunk(pos); if (chunk != null && chunk.tileEntityDict.ContainsKey(pos)) { Items = (TagNodeList)chunk.tileEntityDict[pos]["Items"]; foreach (TagNodeCompound item in Items) { byte slot = item["Slot"] as TagNodeByte; InventorySystem.items[slot + 46].id = item["id"] as TagNodeString; InventorySystem.items[slot + 46].damage = item["Damage"] as TagNodeShort; InventorySystem.items[slot + 46].count = item["Count"] as TagNodeByte; } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { shadowTrans = transform.Find("shadow"); shadow = shadowTrans.GetComponent <Renderer>().material; meshTrans = transform.Find("mesh_parent/mesh"); MeshFilter meshFilter = meshTrans.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); Vector3Int pos = Vector3Int.RoundToInt(transform.position); meshFilter.sharedMesh = generator.GetItemMesh(NBTHelper.GetChunk(PlayerController.GetCurrentBlock()), pos, blockData); meshFilter.transform.localScale = generator.itemSize; meshTrans.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = generator.GetItemMaterial(blockData); RefreshMesh(); }
void BreakBlock(Vector3Int pos) { if (Time.time - lastBreakTime < 0.1f) { return; } lastBreakTime = Time.time; breakingTime = 0; HideBreakingEffect(); //DeleteBlockReq(WireFrameHelper.pos); NBTBlock generator = WireFrameHelper.generator; if (generator.hasDropItem) { try { string id = generator.GetDropItemByData(; byte data = generator.GetDropItemData(; Item.CreateBlockDropItem(id, data, pos); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError("create item error, id=" + generator.GetDropItemByData( + ",generator=" + generator); } } generator.OnDestroyBlock(WireFrameHelper.pos,; if (generator.isTileEntity) { NBTChunk chunk = NBTHelper.GetChunk(WireFrameHelper.pos); chunk.RemoveTileEntity(WireFrameHelper.pos); NBTHelper.SetBlockByteNoUpdate(WireFrameHelper.pos, 0); } else { NBTHelper.SetBlockByte(WireFrameHelper.pos, 0); } //Item.CreateBlockDropItem(type, WireFrameHelper.pos); BreakBlockEffect.Create(WireFrameHelper.type,, WireFrameHelper.pos); SoundManager.PlayBreakSound(WireFrameHelper.type, instance.gameObject); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { shadowTrans = transform.Find("shadow"); shadow = shadowTrans.GetComponent <Renderer>().material; meshTrans = transform.Find("mesh_parent/mesh"); MeshFilter meshFilter = meshTrans.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshFilter.sharedMesh = generator.GetItemMesh(NBTHelper.GetChunk(PlayerController.GetCurrentBlock()), blockData); if (generator is NBTBlock && !(generator is NBTPlant)) { meshFilter.transform.localScale = / 2; } meshTrans.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = generator.GetItemMaterial(blockData); RefreshMesh(); }
public static void Create(byte type, byte data, Vector3 pos) { GameObject prefab = Resources.Load("Prefabs/BreakBlockEffect") as GameObject; GameObject go = Instantiate(prefab); go.transform.localPosition = pos; Destroy(go, 1); int chunkX = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.x / 16f); int chunkZ = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.z / 16f); NBTChunk chunk = NBTHelper.GetChunk(chunkX, chunkZ); BreakBlockEffect effect = go.AddComponent <BreakBlockEffect>(); NBTBlock block = NBTGeneratorManager.GetMeshGenerator(type); effect.texturePath = block.GetBreakEffectTexture(chunk, data); effect.tintColor = block.GetFrontTintColorByData(chunk, data); }
void CheckBorder() { NBTChunk leftChunk = NBTHelper.GetChunk(x - 1, z); NBTChunk rightChunk = NBTHelper.GetChunk(x - 1, z); NBTChunk frontChunk = NBTHelper.GetChunk(x, z + 1); NBTChunk backChunk = NBTHelper.GetChunk(x, z - 1); if (leftChunk == null || rightChunk == null || frontChunk == null || backChunk == null) { isBorderChunk = true; } else { if (isBorderChunk) { RebuildMeshAsync(false); } isBorderChunk = false; } }
void InitData() { NBTChunk chunk = NBTHelper.GetChunk(pos); if (chunk != null && chunk.tileEntityDict.ContainsKey(pos)) { TagNodeCompound furnace = chunk.tileEntityDict[pos]; burnTime = (TagNodeShort)furnace["BurnTime"]; cookTime = (TagNodeShort)furnace["CookTime"]; cookTimeTotal = (TagNodeShort)furnace["CookTimeTotal"]; TagNodeList Items = (TagNodeList)furnace["Items"]; foreach (TagNodeCompound item in Items) { int index = -1; byte slot = (TagNodeByte)item["Slot"]; switch (slot) { case 0: index = oreIndex; break; case 1: index = fuelIndex; break; case 2: index = resultIndex; break; } if (index != -1) { InventorySystem.items[index].id = item["id"] as TagNodeString; InventorySystem.items[index].damage = item["Damage"] as TagNodeShort; InventorySystem.items[index].count = item["Count"] as TagNodeByte; } } } }
void CheckNearbyChunks() { NBTChunk leftChunk = NBTHelper.GetChunk(x - 1, z); NBTChunk rightChunk = NBTHelper.GetChunk(x - 1, z); NBTChunk frontChunk = NBTHelper.GetChunk(x, z + 1); NBTChunk backChunk = NBTHelper.GetChunk(x, z - 1); if (leftChunk != null) { leftChunk.CheckBorder(); } if (rightChunk != null) { rightChunk.CheckBorder(); } if (frontChunk != null) { frontChunk.CheckBorder(); } if (backChunk != null) { backChunk.CheckBorder(); } }
void UpdateBreakingEffect(NBTBlock generator, Vector3Int pos, int stage) { if (breakingEffect == null) { GameObject prefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/BreakingEffect"); GameObject go = Instantiate(prefab); breakingEffect = go.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); breakingEffectMesh = go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); go.SetActive(false); } if (stage == 0) { breakingEffect.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { breakingEffect.gameObject.SetActive(true); breakingEffect.transform.position = pos; breakingEffectMesh.sharedMesh = generator.GetBreakingEffectMesh(NBTHelper.GetChunk(GetCurrentChunkPos()), pos,; breakingEffect.material.mainTexture = Resources.Load <Texture2D>("GUI/block/destroy_stage_" + (stage - 1)); } }
public byte GetLightByte(int xInChunk, int yInChunk, int zInChunk, bool extends = false) { if (xInChunk < 0 || xInChunk > 15 || zInChunk < 0 || zInChunk > 15) { if (extends) { int xOffset = 0; int zOffset = 0; if (xInChunk < 0) { xOffset = -1; } else if (xInChunk > 15) { xOffset = 1; } if (zInChunk < 0) { zOffset = -1; } else if (zInChunk > 15) { zOffset = 1; } NBTChunk chunk = NBTHelper.GetChunk(x + xOffset, z + zOffset); if (chunk != null) { return(chunk.GetLightByte(xInChunk - xOffset * 16, yInChunk, zInChunk - zOffset * 16)); } else { return(15); } } else { return(15); } } int sectionIndex = yInChunk / 16; if (sectionIndex >= Sections.Count || yInChunk < 0 || yInChunk > 255) { return(15); } int yInSection = yInChunk % 16; int blockPos = yInSection * 16 * 16 + zInChunk * 16 + xInChunk; TagNodeCompound Section = Sections[sectionIndex] as TagNodeCompound; TagNodeByteArray SkyLight = Section["SkyLight"] as TagNodeByteArray; byte skyLight = NBTHelper.GetNibble(SkyLight.Data, blockPos); TagNodeByteArray BlockLight = Section["BlockLight"] as TagNodeByteArray; byte blockLight = NBTHelper.GetNibble(BlockLight.Data, blockPos); //Debug.Log("y=" + x + "," + z + ",section=" + sectionIndex); return(skyLight > blockLight ? skyLight : blockLight); }