public void Reconnect()
     NATNetworkManager.connectedToFac  = rakPeer.GetConnectionState(facilitatorSystemAddress) == ConnectionState.IS_CONNECTED ? true : false;
     NATNetworkManager.connectedToFac2 = rakPeer2.GetConnectionState(facilitatorSystemAddress2) == ConnectionState.IS_CONNECTED ? true : false;
     NATNetworkManager.relayStatus     = NATNetworkManager.relayStatus == 2 ? 2 : ((NATNetworkManager.singleton.relayClient != null && NATNetworkManager.singleton.relayClient.isConnected) ? 1 : 0);
     if (NATNetworkManager.connectedToFac)
         if (!NATNetworkManager.connectedToFac2)
    IEnumerator connectToNATFacilitator2()
        // Start the RakNet interface listening on a random port
        // We never need more than 2 connections, one to the Facilitator and one to either the server or the latest incoming client
        // Each time a client connects on the server RakNet is shut down and restarted with two fresh connections
        StartupResult startResult = rakPeer2.Startup(2, new SocketDescriptor(), 1);

        if (startResult != StartupResult.RAKNET_STARTED)
            Debug.Log("Failed to initialize network interface: " + startResult.ToString());
            yield break;

        // Connect to the Facilitator
        ConnectionAttemptResult connectResult = rakPeer2.Connect(facilitatorIP, (ushort)facilitatorPort, null, 0);

        if (connectResult != ConnectionAttemptResult.CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_STARTED)
            Debug.Log("Failed to initialize connection to NAT Facilitator: " + connectResult.ToString());
            yield break;

        // Connecting, wait for response
        Packet packet;

        while ((packet = rakPeer2.Receive()) == null)
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        // Was the connection accepted?
        if ([0] != (byte)DefaultMessageIDTypes.ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED)
            Debug.Log("Failed to connect to NAT Facilitator: " + ((DefaultMessageIDTypes)[0]));
            yield break;

        // Success, we are connected to the Facilitator
        guid2 = rakPeer2.GetMyGUID().g.ToString();
        Debug.Log("Connected: " + guid2);
        NATNetworkManager.connectedToFac2 = true;

        // We store this for later so that we can tell which incoming messages are coming from the facilitator
        facilitatorSystemAddress2 = packet.systemAddress;

        // Now that we have an external connection we can get the externalIP
        externalIP2 = rakPeer2.GetExternalID(packet.systemAddress).ToString(false);


        if (firstTimeConnect2)
            firstTimeConnect2 = false;

            // Attach RakNet punchthrough client
            // This is really what does all the heavy lifting
            natPunchthroughClient2 = new NatPunchthroughClient();
            // Punchthrough can't happen until RakNet is done finding router port stride
            // so we start it asap. If we didn't call this here RakNet would handle it
            // when we actually try and punch through.
            // If this is not the first time connecting to the facilitor it means the server just received
            // a successful punchthrough and it reconnecting to prepare for more punching. We can start
            // listening immediately.

        isReady2 = true;