/// <summary>
        /// Draws the hangman to the console.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hangmanPic">Array containing the hangman characters</param>
        /// <param name="hangManWord">The hidden word with various properties to help with drawing</param>
        public void DrawGraphics(char[] hangmanPic, HangManMysteryWord hangManWord)
            //Extract properties from the class passed
            char[]       mysteryWord  = hangManWord.Word.ToCharArray();
            MysteryTopic mysteryTopic = hangManWord.Topic;

            bool[] mysteryWordCover = hangManWord.WordCover;
            //Clear console to redraw hangman
            //Write each character in the hangman char array
            for (int i = 0; i < hangmanPic.Length; i++)
            //Writes the clue on what the word is
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nTry to guess the mystery {0}\n", mysteryTopic.ToString());
            //Iterate through each character of the hidden word
            for (int i = 0; i < mysteryWord.Length; i++)
                //if the cover is true at the index then it will hide the character
                if (mysteryWordCover[i])
                    mysteryWord[i] = '_';
 /// <summary>
 /// GameSetUp():
 ///     Set up game for a new round
 /// Steps:
 ///     -Get user to select from a topic.
 ///     -Generate a hidden from the chosen topic
 ///     -Reset wrong guesses count to 0.
 ///     -Reset the hang man picture.
 ///     -Clear previously stored input.
 /// </summary>
 public void GameSetUp()
     //Instruct user to choose a topic which determines the kind of words that will be hidden
     Console.WriteLine("Choose a word topic:" +
                       "\n1 = Planets" +
                       "\n2 = Gods");
     //Cast numeric input into enum
     selectedTopic = (MysteryTopic)InputValidation.ValidateInput((int)MysteryTopic.Planet, (int)MysteryTopic.God);
     //Generate the properties of the hidden word depending on the enum passed.
     //Reset counter
     wrongGuesses = 0;
     //Reset picture to clear any body parts from the previous game
     fullPicCurrent = HangmanRefresh(fullPicNew.ToCharArray(), wrongGuesses);
     //Clear any stored inputs
     if (storedInputs.Count > 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Change the properties of this class depending on the enum passed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chosenTopic"></param>
        public void ChooseNewWord(MysteryTopic chosenTopic)
            switch (chosenTopic)
            case MysteryTopic.Planet:
                wordBank[0] = "MERCURY";
                wordBank[1] = "VENUS";
                wordBank[2] = "EARTH";
                wordBank[3] = "MARS";
                wordBank[4] = "JUPITER";
                wordBank[5] = "SATURN";
                wordBank[6] = "URANUS";
                wordBank[7] = "NEPTUNE";
                wordBank[8] = "PLUTO";
                //Randomly select from word bank
                Word = wordBank[random.Next(0, (wordBank.Length))];
                //Cover size will be the length of the word
                WordCover = GenerateCover(Word.Length);
                Topic     = chosenTopic;

            case MysteryTopic.God:
                wordBank[1] = "HADES";
                wordBank[2] = "APOLLO";
                wordBank[3] = "ODIN";
                wordBank[4] = "AEGIR";
                wordBank[5] = "RAIJIN";
                wordBank[6] = "AMATERASU";
                wordBank[0] = "VISHNU";
                wordBank[7] = "SHIVA";
                wordBank[8] = "ANUBIS";
                Word        = wordBank[random.Next(0, (wordBank.Length))];
                WordCover   = GenerateCover(Word.Length);
                Topic       = chosenTopic;

 /// <summary>
 ///Default values for constructer, Call ChooseNewWord to change the properties
 /// </summary>
 public HangManMysteryWord()
     Word      = "MERCURY";
     WordCover = GenerateCover(Word.Length);
     Topic     = MysteryTopic.Planet;