public void EnvironmentVariablesToToolTaskInvalid3() { MyTool task = new MyTool(); task.BuildEngine = new MockEngine(); task.EnvironmentVariables = new string[] { "=a;b=c" }; bool result = task.Execute(); result.ShouldBe(false); task.ExecuteCalled.ShouldBe(false); }
public void EnvironmentVariablesToToolTaskInvalid3() { MyTool task = new MyTool(); task.BuildEngine = new MockEngine(); task.EnvironmentVariables = new string[] { "=a;b=c" }; bool result = task.Execute(); Assert.Equal(false, result); Assert.Equal(false, task.ExecuteCalled); }
private void dışarıAktarToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { MyTool.Json <Context>(MyContext, new SaveFileDialog()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void btnExportQuestion_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <Question> lst = new List <Question>(); using (var db = new dbQLThiTracNghiemDataContext()) { lst = db.Questions.ToList(); } myExcel.Export(MyTool.ConvertToDataTable(lst)); MessageBox.Show("Xuất câu hỏi thành công!"); }
private void içeriAktarToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { MyTool.JSon <MyContext>(ref Context, new OpenFileDialog()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
void Start() { onDestroy = false; realPos = transform.position; initVelocity = transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity; initPos = MyTool.GetPlayerGameObject(_bulletTargetPlayer).GetComponent <PlayerShooter>().shotPoint.position; transform.position = initPos; transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity =; targetPos = realPos + initVelocity * lerpTime; onLerp = true; lerpCounter = 0.0f; }
void InGameListner() { int counter = 0; print("Start"); while (true) { byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; try { udpClient.ReceiveFrom(buf, ref targetEndPoint); if (buf.Length > 0) { // CNM에서 현재 아이디와 일치하는 정보를 빼온다. 누락됬다면 몽땅 처리해버림. ClientNetworkMessage cnm = MyTool.BytesToStruct <ClientNetworkMessage>(buf); while (counter != cnm.first_id + 1) // 마지막(첫번째) 데이터와 일치할때까지 { byte[] currentBuf; if (cnm.first_id == counter) { ++counter; currentBuf = cnm.first; } else if (cnm.first_id + 1 == counter) { currentBuf = cnm.second; ++counter; } else if (cnm.first_id + 2 == counter) { ++counter; currentBuf = cnm.third; } else { counter = cnm.first_id + 1; currentBuf = cnm.third; } lock (listenerLocker) { networkReceivedList.Enqueue(currentBuf); } } } } catch (Exception e) { print("리스너 폭팔 : " + e.Message); refreshThread = true; break; } } print("Exit"); }
public void EnvironmentVariablesToToolTaskNotSet() { MyTool task = new MyTool(); task.BuildEngine = new MockEngine(); task.EnvironmentVariables = null; bool result = task.Execute(); Assert.Equal(true, result); Assert.Equal(true, task.ExecuteCalled); Assert.Equal(true, task.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables["username"].Length > 0); }
public void ToolExeWinsOverToolName() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.FullToolName = "c:\\baz\\foo.exe"; Assert.Equal("foo.exe", t.ToolExe); t.ToolExe = "bar.exe"; Assert.Equal("bar.exe", t.ToolExe); } }
void Die() { onDie = true; GetComponent <BoxCollider>().enabled = false; GetComponent <Monster>().enabled = false; transform.Find("MonsterMove").gameObject.SetActive(false); transform.Find("MonsterAttack").gameObject.SetActive(false); transform.Find("HPFrame").gameObject.SetActive(false); _as.PlayOneShot(dieSound); Instantiate(effect1, transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(-90, 0f, 0f))); Instantiate(effect2, transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(-90, 0f, 0f))); MyTool.GetLocalPlayer().RemoveMonster(this); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("MaHh,TenHh,DonGia,SoLuong,Hinh,MoTa,MaLoai")] HangHoa hangHoa, IFormFile fHinh) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { hangHoa.Hinh = MyTool.UploadHinh(fHinh, "HangHoa"); _context.Add(hangHoa); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["MaLoai"] = new SelectList(_context.Loais, "MaLoai", "MaLoai", hangHoa.MaLoai); return(View(hangHoa)); }
public void VisualBasicLikeEscapedQuotesInCommandAreNotMadeForwardSlashes() { MyTool t = new MyTool(); MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.MockCommandLineCommands = NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows ? "/C echo \"hello \\\"world\\\"\"" : "-c echo \"hello \\\"world\\\"\""; t.Execute(); engine.AssertLogContains("echo \"hello \\\"world\\\"\""); Assert.Equal(0, engine.Errors); }
public void ToolExeWinsOverToolName() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.FullToolName = NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows ? "c:\\baz\\foo.exe" : "/baz/foo.exe"; Assert.Equal("foo.exe", t.ToolExe); t.ToolExe = "bar.exe"; Assert.Equal("bar.exe", t.ToolExe); } }
public void Regress_Mutation_MissingExecutableIsLogged() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.ToolPath = @"C:\MyAlternatePath"; Assert.False(t.Execute()); // There should be an error about invalid task location. engine.AssertLogContains("MSB6004"); } }
public void Regress_Mutation_MissingExecutableIsLogged() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.ToolPath = NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows ? @"C:\MyAlternatePath" : "/MyAlternatePath"; t.Execute().ShouldBeFalse(); // There should be an error about invalid task location. engine.AssertLogContains("MSB6004"); } }
public void DoNotFormatTaskCommandOrMessage() { MyTool t = new MyTool(); MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; // Unmatched curly would crash if they did t.MockCommandLineCommands = NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows ? "/C echo hello world {" : @"-c """"""echo hello world {"""""""; t.Execute(); engine.AssertLogContains("echo hello world {"); Assert.Equal(0, engine.Errors); }
private void içeriAktarToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Context gelenData = new Context(); try { MyTool.Json <Context>(ref gelenData, new OpenFileDialog()); MyContext = gelenData; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public void Regress_Mutation_UserSuppliedToolPathIsLogged() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.ToolPath = @"C:\MyAlternatePath"; t.Execute(); // The alternate path should be mentioned in the log. engine.AssertLogContains("MyAlternatePath"); } }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { dtOne = dtOne.Add(-_1s); lblHours.Text = MyTool.AddZeroStr(dtOne.Hours, 2); lblMin.Text = MyTool.AddZeroStr(dtOne.Minutes, 2); lblSec.Text = MyTool.AddZeroStr(dtOne.Seconds, 2); if (openflag)//若开奖则进行返奖计算 { openflag = false; //LotteryOpenDAL.BackWinMoney(lastOpen.Id);//返奖(考虑新进程?) idList.Add(lastOpen.Id); //var bList=LotteryOpenDAL.GetBetInfoById(idList); //var loList = LotteryOpenDAL.GetLotteryOpenById(idList); //var query = (from a in loList // join b in bList on a.Id equals b.LotteryOpenId into t // from tt in t.DefaultIfEmpty() // group tt by new { a.Id, a.Expect, a.OpenNum, a.OpenTime } into g // select new // { // g.Key.Id, // g.Key.Expect, // g.Key.OpenNum, // g.Key.OpenTime, // TotalBackMoney =g.Sum(n =>n==null?0:n.TotalBackMoney), // TotalBetMoney = g.Sum(n => n == null ? 0 : n.TotalBetMoney), // WinMoney = g.Sum(n => n == null ? 0 : n.WinMoney) // }).ToList(); //var query = loList.Select(n => new // { // n.Id,n.Expect,n.OpenNum,n.OpenTime, // TotalBackMoney=bList.Where(w=>w.LotteryOpenId==n.Id).Sum(w=>w.TotalBackMoney), // TotalBetMoney = bList.Where(w => w.LotteryOpenId == n.Id).Sum(w => w.TotalBetMoney), // WinMoney = bList.Where(w => w.LotteryOpenId == n.Id).Sum(w => w.WinMoney), // }).ToList(); //dgvInfo.DataSource = LotteryOpenDAL.GetBetInfoById(idList); } if (dtOne.TotalSeconds == 0) { // LotteryOpenDAL.OpeningNo(nextOpen.Id, cbFixed.Checked, txtNo1.Text.Trim(), txtNo2.Text.Trim(), txtNo3.Text.Trim(), txtNo4.Text.Trim(), txtNo5.Text.Trim());//开奖 //重置计时器 //nextOpen = LotteryOpenDAL.NextOpenNo(); //if (nextOpen != null) //{ // lastOpen = LotteryOpenDAL.LastOpenNo(nextOpen.Id); //} showOpenInfo(); openflag = true; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(HangHoa hangHoa, IFormFile fHinh) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { hangHoa.Hinh = MyTool.UploadImage(fHinh); _context.Add(hangHoa); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["MaLoai"] = new SelectList(_context.Loai, "MaLoai", "TenLoai", hangHoa.MaLoai); ViewData["MaNcc"] = new SelectList(_context.NhaCungCap, "MaNcc", "TenCongTy", hangHoa.MaNcc); return(View(hangHoa)); }
public void TaskFoundOnPath() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.FullToolName = "cmd.exe"; Assert.True(t.Execute()); Assert.Equal(0, t.ExitCode); Assert.Equal(0, engine.Errors); engine.AssertLogContains(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System), "cmd.exe")); } }
public void SendAttack(CharacterType type, int damage) { CM_AttackSuccess myMsg = new CM_AttackSuccess(); myMsg.type = type; myMsg.damage = damage; byte[] newMsg = MyTool.StructToBytes <CM_AttackSuccess>(myMsg); byte[] newBuf = new byte[newMsg.Length + 1]; newBuf[0] = (byte)CTCType.AttackSuccess; for (int i = 0; i < newMsg.Length; ++i) { newBuf[i + 1] = newMsg[i]; } networkSendList.Add(newBuf); }
public void SendDeath(CharacterType type, Vector3 position) { CM_NoticeDeath myMsg = new CM_NoticeDeath(); myMsg.characterType = type; myMsg.position = position; byte[] newMsg = MyTool.StructToBytes <CM_NoticeDeath>(myMsg); byte[] newBuf = new byte[newMsg.Length + 1]; newBuf[0] = (byte)CTCType.NoticeDeath; for (int i = 0; i < newMsg.Length; ++i) { newBuf[i + 1] = newMsg[i]; } networkSendList.Add(newBuf); }
public void SendPosition(Vector3 position, Vector3 velocity) { CM_UpdatePosition myMsg = new CM_UpdatePosition(); myMsg.position = position; myMsg.velocity = velocity; byte[] newMsg = MyTool.StructToBytes <CM_UpdatePosition>(myMsg); byte[] newBuf = new byte[newMsg.Length + 1]; newBuf[0] = (byte)CTCType.UpdatePosition; for (int i = 0; i < newMsg.Length; ++i) { newBuf[i + 1] = newMsg[i]; } networkSendList.Add(newBuf); }
public void GetDamage(int damage, int bulletShooterCode) { _hp -= damage; if (_hp <= 0 && isServer) { MyTool.GetPlayerGameObject(bulletShooterCode).GetComponent <PlayerNetwork>().CmdAddScore(bulletShooterCode % 2 == 1, 8); Destroy(gameObject, 3.0f); RpcDie(); Die(); } else { RefreshHp(); } }
public void TaskNotFoundOnPath() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.FullToolName = "doesnotexist.exe"; Assert.False(t.Execute()); Assert.Equal(-1, t.ExitCode); Assert.Equal(1, engine.Errors); // Does not throw an exception } }
public void EnvironmentVariablesToToolTaskEqualsSign() { MyTool task = new MyTool(); task.BuildEngine = new MockEngine(); task.EnvironmentVariables = new string[] { "a=b=c" }; bool result = task.Execute(); Assert.Equal(true, result); #if FEATURE_PROCESSSTARTINFO_ENVIRONMENT Assert.Equal("b=c", task.StartInfo.Environment["a"]); #else Assert.Equal("b=c", task.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables["a"]); #endif }
public void TaskNotFoundOnPath() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.FullToolName = "doesnotexist.exe"; t.Execute().ShouldBeFalse(); t.ExitCode.ShouldBe(-1); engine.Errors.ShouldBe(1); // Does not throw an exception } }
void BuyItem(int stuffCode) { Stuff stuff = MyTool.GetStuff(stuffCode); if (stuff == null) { Debug.LogError("Not exist stuffCode"); } if (stuff.bOnCoolTime()) { return; } if (!_pm.attackAble && stuff.stuffType == Stuff.StuffType.BOMB) { return; } if (stuff.GetPrice() < _pm.Money) { _pm.CmdAddMoney(-stuff.GetPrice()); _pm.Money -= stuff.GetPrice(); bool successToUse = stuff.Use(); if (successToUse) { switch (stuff.stuffType) { case Stuff.StuffType.ATTACK_SPEED: CmdAddAttackSpeed(); break; case Stuff.StuffType.BOMB: CmdSpawnBomb(); break; case Stuff.StuffType.HP: _pm.CmdAddMaxHp(); break; case Stuff.StuffType.POWER: CmdAddDamage(); break; case Stuff.StuffType.SPEED: CmdAddSpeed(); break; } } } }
public void DoNotErrorWhenTextSentToStandardError() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.MockCommandLineCommands = "/C Echo 'Who made you king anyways' 1>&2"; Assert.True(t.Execute()); engine.AssertLogDoesntContain("MSB"); engine.AssertLogContains("Who made you king anyways"); Assert.Equal(0, t.ExitCode); Assert.Equal(0, engine.Errors); } }
public void ErrorWhenTextSentToStandardError() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.LogStandardErrorAsError = true; t.MockCommandLineCommands = "/C Echo 'Who made you king anyways' 1>&2"; Assert.IsFalse(t.Execute()); engine.AssertLogDoesntContain("MSB3073"); engine.AssertLogContains("Who made you king anyways"); Assert.AreEqual(-1, t.ExitCode); Assert.AreEqual(1, engine.Errors); } }
public void Regress_Mutation_WarnIfCommandLineTooLong() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; // "cmd.exe" croaks big-time when given a very long command-line. It pops up a message box on // Windows XP. We can't have that! So use "attrib.exe" for this exercise instead. t.FullToolName = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System), "attrib.exe"); t.MockCommandLineCommands = new String('x', 32001); // It's only a warning, we still succeed Assert.IsTrue(t.Execute()); Assert.AreEqual(0, t.ExitCode); // There should be a warning about the command-line being too long. engine.AssertLogContains("MSB6002"); } }
public void Regress_Mutation_MissingExecutableIsLogged() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.ToolPath = @"C:\MyAlternatePath"; Assert.IsFalse(t.Execute()); // There should be an error about invalid task location. engine.AssertLogContains("MSB6004"); } }
public void HandleExecutionErrorsWhenToolLogsError() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.MockCommandLineCommands = "/C echo Main.cs(17,20): error CS0168: The variable 'foo' is declared but never used"; Assert.IsFalse(t.Execute()); // The above command logged a canonical error message. Therefore ToolTask should // not log its own error beyond that. engine.AssertLogDoesntContain("MSB6006"); engine.AssertLogContains("CS0168"); engine.AssertLogContains("The variable 'foo' is declared but never used"); Assert.AreEqual(-1, t.ExitCode); Assert.AreEqual(1, engine.Errors); } }
public void HandleExecutionErrorsWhenToolDoesntLogError() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.MockCommandLineCommands = "/C garbagegarbagegarbagegarbage.exe"; Assert.IsFalse(t.Execute()); Assert.AreEqual(1, t.ExitCode); // cmd.exe error code is 1 // We just tried to run "cmd.exe /C garbagegarbagegarbagegarbage.exe". This should fail, // but since "cmd.exe" doesn't log its errors in canonical format, no errors got // logged by the tool itself. Therefore, ToolTask's default implementation of // HandleTaskExecutionErrors should have logged error MSB6006. engine.AssertLogContains("MSB6006"); } }
public void DoNotFormatTaskCommandOrMessage() { MyTool t = new MyTool(); MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.MockCommandLineCommands = "/C echo hello world {"; // Unmatched curly would crash if they did t.Execute(); engine.AssertLogContains("echo hello world {"); Assert.AreEqual(0, engine.Errors); }
public void ToolTaskCanChangeCanonicalErrorFormat() { string tempFile = FileUtilities.GetTemporaryFile(); File.WriteAllText(tempFile, @" Main.cs(17,20): warning CS0168: The variable 'foo' is declared but never used. BADTHINGHAPPENED: This is my custom error format that's not in canonical error format. "); using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; // The command we're giving is the command to spew the contents of the temp // file we created above. t.MockCommandLineCommands = "/C type \"" + tempFile + "\""; t.Execute(); // The above command logged a canonical warning, as well as a custom error. engine.AssertLogContains("CS0168"); engine.AssertLogContains("The variable 'foo' is declared but never used"); engine.AssertLogContains("BADTHINGHAPPENED"); engine.AssertLogContains("This is my custom error format"); Assert.AreEqual(1, engine.Warnings, "Expected one warning in log."); Assert.AreEqual(1, engine.Errors, "Expected one error in log."); } File.Delete(tempFile); }
public void OverrideStdOutImportanceToHigh() { string tempFile = FileUtilities.GetTemporaryFile(); File.WriteAllText(tempFile, @"hello world"); using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); engine.MinimumMessageImportance = MessageImportance.High; t.BuildEngine = engine; t.FullToolName = "find.exe"; t.MockCommandLineCommands = "\"hello\" \"" + tempFile + "\""; t.StandardOutputImportance = "High"; Assert.IsTrue(t.Execute()); Assert.AreEqual(0, t.ExitCode); Assert.AreEqual(0, engine.Errors); engine.AssertLogContains("hello world"); } File.Delete(tempFile); }
public void TaskNotFoundOnPath() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.FullToolName = "doesnotexist.exe"; Assert.IsFalse(t.Execute()); Assert.AreEqual(-1, t.ExitCode); Assert.AreEqual(1, engine.Errors); // Does not throw an exception } }
public void EnvironmentVariablesToToolTask() { MyTool task = new MyTool(); task.BuildEngine = new MockEngine(); task.EnvironmentVariables = new string[] { "a=b", "c=d", "username=x" /* built-in */, "path=" /* blank value */}; bool result = task.Execute(); Assert.AreEqual(true, result); Assert.AreEqual(true, task.ExecuteCalled); ProcessStartInfo startInfo = task.StartInfo; Assert.AreEqual("b", startInfo.EnvironmentVariables["a"]); Assert.AreEqual("d", startInfo.EnvironmentVariables["c"]); Assert.AreEqual("x", startInfo.EnvironmentVariables["username"]); Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, startInfo.EnvironmentVariables["path"]); Assert.IsTrue(String.Equals(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles), startInfo.EnvironmentVariables["programfiles"], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); }
public void EnvironmentVariablesToToolTaskNotSet() { MyTool task = new MyTool(); task.BuildEngine = new MockEngine(); task.EnvironmentVariables = null; bool result = task.Execute(); Assert.AreEqual(true, result); Assert.AreEqual(true, task.ExecuteCalled); Assert.AreEqual(true, task.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables["username"].Length > 0); }
public void EnvironmentVariablesToToolTaskInvalid3() { MyTool task = new MyTool(); task.BuildEngine = new MockEngine(); task.EnvironmentVariables = new string[] { "=a;b=c" }; bool result = task.Execute(); Assert.AreEqual(false, result); Assert.AreEqual(false, task.ExecuteCalled); }
public void EnvironmentVariablesToToolTaskEqualsSign() { MyTool task = new MyTool(); task.BuildEngine = new MockEngine(); task.EnvironmentVariables = new string[] { "a=b=c" }; bool result = task.Execute(); Assert.AreEqual(true, result); Assert.AreEqual("b=c", task.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables["a"]); }
public void ToolExeWinsOverToolName() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.FullToolName = "c:\\baz\\foo.exe"; Assert.AreEqual("foo.exe", t.ToolExe); t.ToolExe = "bar.exe"; Assert.AreEqual("bar.exe", t.ToolExe); } }
public void TaskFoundOnPath() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.FullToolName = "cmd.exe"; Assert.IsTrue(t.Execute()); Assert.AreEqual(0, t.ExitCode); Assert.AreEqual(0, engine.Errors); engine.AssertLogContains(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System), "cmd.exe")); } }
public void ToolExeIsFoundOnToolPath() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.FullToolName = "cmd.exe"; string systemPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System); t.ToolPath = systemPath; t.Execute(); Assert.AreEqual(Path.Combine(systemPath, "cmd.exe"), t.PathToToolUsed); engine.AssertLogContains("cmd.exe"); engine.Log = String.Empty; t.ToolExe = "xcopy.exe"; t.Execute(); Assert.AreEqual(Path.Combine(systemPath, "xcopy.exe"), t.PathToToolUsed); engine.AssertLogContains("xcopy.exe"); engine.AssertLogDoesntContain("cmd.exe"); } }
public void DoNotErrorWhenTextSentToStandardOutput() { using (MyTool t = new MyTool()) { MockEngine engine = new MockEngine(); t.BuildEngine = engine; t.LogStandardErrorAsError = true; t.MockCommandLineCommands = "/C Echo 'Who made you king anyways'"; Assert.True(t.Execute()); engine.AssertLogDoesntContain("MSB"); engine.AssertLogContains("Who made you king anyways"); Assert.Equal(0, t.ExitCode); Assert.Equal(0, engine.Errors); } }