Exemple #1
        // TODO: Deflate
        /*[Test, Ignore("Deflate not implemented")]
        public void TestConsumerDeflate()
            consumerTest(c =>
                             c.Deflate = true;

        // TODO: Snappy
        /*[Test, Ignore("Snappy not implemented")]
        public void TestConsumerSnappy()
            consumerTest(c =>
                             c.Snappy = true;

        // TODO: TLS/Deflate
        /*[Test, Ignore("TLS/Deflate not implemented")]
        public void TestConsumerTLSDeflate()
            consumerTest(c =>
                c.TlsV1 = true;
                c.TlsConfig = new TlsConfig { InsecureSkipVerify = true };
                c.Deflate = true;

        // TODO: TLS/Snappy
        /*[Test, Ignore("TLS/Snappy not implemented")]
        public void TestConsumerTLSSnappy()
            consumerTest(c =>
                c.TlsV1 = true;
                c.TlsConfig = new TlsConfig { InsecureSkipVerify = true };
                c.Snappy = true;

        // TODO: Address when client certificate auth enabled
        public void TestConsumerTLSClientCert()
            consumerTest(c =>
                c.TlsConfig = new TlsConfig
                    //Certificates = cert
                    InsecureSkipVerify = true

        // TODO: Address when client certificate auth enabled
        public void TestConsumerTLSClientCertViaSet()
            consumerTest(c =>
                c.Set("ts_v1", true);
                c.Set("tls_cert", "./test/client.pem");
                c.Set("tls_key", "./test/client.key");
                c.Set("tls_insecure_skip_verify", true);

        private void consumerTest(Action<Config> configSetter)
            var config = new Config();
            // so that the test can simulate reaching max requeues and a call to LogFailedMessage
            config.DefaultRequeueDelay = TimeSpan.Zero;
            // so that the test wont timeout from backing off
            config.MaxBackoffDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50);
            if (configSetter != null)
            var topicName = "rdr_test";

            // TODO: Deflate, Snappy, TLS
            /*if (config.Deflate)
                topicName = topicName + "_deflate";
            else if (config.Snappy)
                topicName = topicName + "_snappy";*/

            if (config.TlsConfig != null)
                topicName = topicName + "_tls";

            topicName = topicName + DateTime.Now.Unix();

                var q = new Consumer(topicName, "ch", config);
                // q.SetLogger(nullLogger, LogLevelInfo)

                var h = new MyTestHandler { q = q };

                SendMessage(topicName, "put", "{\"msg\":\"single\"}");
                SendMessage(topicName, "mput", "{\"msg\":\"double\"}\n{\"msg\":\"double\"}");
                SendMessage(topicName, "put", "TOBEFAILED");
                h.messagesSent = 4;

                const string addr = "";

                var stats = q.GetStats();
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, stats.Connections, "stats report 0 connections (should be > 0)");

                // NOTE: changed to just return without throwing; throwing Exceptions is a little more disruptive in .NET
                // than returning err in Go
                //Assert.Throws<ErrAlreadyConnected>(() => q.ConnectToNSQD(addr),
                //    "should not be able to connect to the same NSQ twice");

                Assert.Throws<ErrNotConnected>(() => q.DisconnectFromNsqd(""),
                    "should not be able to disconnect from an unknown nsqd");

                Assert.Throws<TimeoutException>(() => q.ConnectToNsqd(""),
                    "should not be able to connect to non-existent nsqd");

                // should be able to disconnect from an nsqd


                stats = q.GetStats();

                Assert.AreEqual(h.messagesReceived + h.messagesFailed, stats.MessagesReceived, "stats report messages received");
                Assert.AreEqual(8, h.messagesReceived, "messages received");
                Assert.AreEqual(4, h.messagesSent, "messages sent");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, h.messagesFailed, "failed messaged not done");
Exemple #2
        // TODO: Deflate

        /*[Test, Ignore("Deflate not implemented")]
         * public void TestConsumerDeflate()
         * {
         *  consumerTest(c =>
         *               {
         *                   c.Deflate = true;
         *               });
         * }*/

        // TODO: Snappy

        /*[Test, Ignore("Snappy not implemented")]
         * public void TestConsumerSnappy()
         * {
         *  consumerTest(c =>
         *               {
         *                   c.Snappy = true;
         *               });
         * }*/

        // TODO: TLS/Deflate

        /*[Test, Ignore("TLS/Deflate not implemented")]
         * public void TestConsumerTLSDeflate()
         * {
         *  consumerTest(c =>
         *  {
         *      c.TlsV1 = true;
         *      c.TlsConfig = new TlsConfig { InsecureSkipVerify = true };
         *      c.Deflate = true;
         *  });
         * }*/

        // TODO: TLS/Snappy

        /*[Test, Ignore("TLS/Snappy not implemented")]
         * public void TestConsumerTLSSnappy()
         * {
         *  consumerTest(c =>
         *  {
         *      c.TlsV1 = true;
         *      c.TlsConfig = new TlsConfig { InsecureSkipVerify = true };
         *      c.Snappy = true;
         *  });
         * }*/

         * // TODO: Address when client certificate auth enabled
         * [Test]
         * public void TestConsumerTLSClientCert()
         * {
         *  consumerTest(c =>
         *  {
         *      c.TlsConfig = new TlsConfig
         *      {
         *          //Certificates = cert
         *          InsecureSkipVerify = true
         *      };
         *  });
         * }
         * // TODO: Address when client certificate auth enabled
         * [Test]
         * public void TestConsumerTLSClientCertViaSet()
         * {
         *  consumerTest(c =>
         *  {
         *      c.Set("ts_v1", true);
         *      c.Set("tls_cert", "./test/client.pem");
         *      c.Set("tls_key", "./test/client.key");
         *      c.Set("tls_insecure_skip_verify", true);
         *  });
         * }*/

        private void consumerTest(Action <Config> configSetter)
            var config = new Config();

            // so that the test can simulate reaching max requeues and a call to LogFailedMessage
            config.DefaultRequeueDelay = TimeSpan.Zero;
            // so that the test wont timeout from backing off
            config.MaxBackoffDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50);
            if (configSetter != null)
            var topicName = "rdr_test";

            // TODO: Deflate, Snappy

            /*if (config.Deflate)
             *  topicName = topicName + "_deflate";
             * else if (config.Snappy)
             *  topicName = topicName + "_snappy";*/

            if (config.TlsConfig != null)
                topicName = topicName + "_tls";

            topicName = topicName + DateTime.Now.Unix();

                var q = new Consumer(topicName, "ch", new TestConsoleLogger(), config);

                var h = new MyTestHandler {
                    q = q

                SendMessage(topicName, "put", "{\"msg\":\"single\"}");
                SendMessage(topicName, "mput", "{\"msg\":\"double\"}\n{\"msg\":\"double\"}");
                SendMessage(topicName, "put", "TOBEFAILED");
                h.messagesSent = 4;

                const string addr = "";

                var stats = q.GetStats();
                Assert.AreNotEqual(0, stats.Connections, "stats report 0 connections (should be > 0)");

                // NOTE: changed to just return without throwing; throwing Exceptions is a little more disruptive in .NET
                // than returning err in Go
                //Assert.Throws<ErrAlreadyConnected>(() => q.ConnectToNSQD(addr),
                //    "should not be able to connect to the same NSQ twice");

                Assert.Throws <ErrNotConnected>(() => q.DisconnectFromNsqd(""),
                                                "should not be able to disconnect from an unknown nsqd");

                Assert.Throws <TimeoutException>(() => q.ConnectToNsqd(""),
                                                 "should not be able to connect to non-existent nsqd");

                // should be able to disconnect from an nsqd


                stats = q.GetStats();

                Assert.AreEqual(h.messagesReceived + h.messagesFailed, stats.MessagesReceived, "stats report messages received");
                Assert.AreEqual(8, h.messagesReceived, "messages received");
                Assert.AreEqual(4, h.messagesSent, "messages sent");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, h.messagesFailed, "failed messaged not done");