public static DataTable getPtData(string strWhere, int nPageIdx, int nPageSize) { DataTable dt = null; if (!strWhere.Trim().Equals("")) { strWhere = " where " + strWhere; } string strSql = string.Format("select {0} from {1} {2} limit {3},{4}", tbShow_base.ToShowString(), tbShow_base.StrTbName, strWhere, (nPageIdx - 1) * nPageSize, nPageSize); dt = MySqlDbAccess.GetDataTable(CommandType.Text, strSql); return(dt); }
//初始化cbo控件 public static DataTable Select_YongHu(string _strLname) { string strSql = "select * from sys_user where Lname=@Lname"; //准备调用的对应参数 MySqlParameter[] SQlCMDpas = { new MySqlParameter("@Lname", MySqlDbType.String), }; SQlCMDpas[0].Value = _strLname; //实例化DAL层对应的类,调用DAL类,传入参数 DataTable dt = MySqlDbAccess.GetDataTable(CommandType.Text, strSql, SQlCMDpas);; return(dt); }
public static DataTable getBaseData(string _strSid, string _strDbType) { DataTable dt = null; try { string strIsFiled = MySqlDbAccess.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, string.Format("select cfg_stcolumn_filed from cfg_dbtype where dbty='{0}'", _strDbType)).ToString(); string strSql = MySqlDbAccess.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, string.Format(@"SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT_WS(' as ',col_name,showname) order by id asc separator ',') as fileds FROM cfg_stcolumn where tb_name='show_base' and {0}=true", strIsFiled)).ToString(); dt = MySqlDbAccess.GetDataTable(CommandType.Text, string.Format("select {0} from show_base", strSql)); } catch (Exception ex) { } return(dt); }
public static DataTable getPtData(string strWhere, string strOdery, string strTbName) { DataTable dt = null; if (!strWhere.Trim().Equals("")) { strWhere = " where " + strWhere; } if (!strOdery.Trim().Equals("")) { strOdery = " order by " + strOdery; } string strSql = string.Format("select {0} from {1} {2} {3}", "*", strTbName, strWhere, strOdery); dt = MySqlDbAccess.GetDataTable(CommandType.Text, strSql); return(dt); }
public static DataTable getPtData(string strWhere, string strOdery, int nPageIdx, int nPageSize, string strDbTy) { DataTable dt = null; if ((!strWhere.Trim().Equals("")) && (!strWhere.ToLower().Contains(" where "))) { strWhere = " where " + strWhere; } if (!strOdery.Trim().Equals("")) { strOdery = " order by " + strOdery; } //string strSql = string.Format("select (@rowIdx:=@rowIdx+1) AS 序号,{0} from {1} a,(SELECT @rowIdx:={3}) b {2} {5} limit {3},{4}", tbShow_base.ToShowString(strDbTy), // tbShow_base.StrTbName, strWhere, (nPageIdx - 1) * nPageSize, nPageSize, strOdery); string strSql = string.Format("select (@rowIdx:=@rowIdx+1) AS 序号,{0} {1} {2} {5} limit {3},{4}", tbShow_base.ToFiledFromString(strDbTy, string.Format("(SELECT @rowIdx:={0}) b ", (nPageIdx - 1) * nPageSize), strWhere), "", "", (nPageIdx - 1) * nPageSize, nPageSize, strOdery); dt = MySqlDbAccess.GetDataTable(CommandType.Text, strSql); return(dt); }
public static DataTable getSysKey(string strWhere, string strOdery, int nPageIdx, int nPageSize) { DataTable dt = null; if (!strWhere.Trim().Equals("")) { strWhere = " where " + strWhere; } if (!strOdery.Trim().Equals("")) { strOdery = " order by " + strOdery; } string strSqlTmp = @"SELECT (@rowIdx:=@rowIdx+1) AS 序号,,a.idx_key as 标引项,b.Lname as 创建人, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(val ORDER BY id ASC SEPARATOR ',') FROM idx_val WHERE keyid = 标引词 , a.createtime as 创建时间 FROM idx_key a,sys_user b,(SELECT @rowIdx:={2}) c where {0} {1} limit {2},{3}"; string strSql = string.Format(strSqlTmp, strWhere, strOdery, (nPageIdx - 1) * nPageSize, nPageSize); dt = MySqlDbAccess.GetDataTable(CommandType.Text, strSql); return(dt); }
/// <summary> /// 得到专题库列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTable GetZTList() { return(MySqlDbAccess.GetDataTable(CommandType.Text, "select * from st_ztlist where isdel =0")); }
/// <summary> /// 得到专题库列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTable GetZTList(string strTy, int nExceptId) { return(MySqlDbAccess.GetDataTable(CommandType.Text, string.Format("select * from st_ztlist where isdel =0 and dbtype='{0}' and id!={1}", strTy, nExceptId))); }
/// <summary> /// 得到专题库列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTable GetZTList() { return(MySqlDbAccess.GetDataTable(CommandType.Text, "select * ,'系统管理员' as 'createusername' from st_ztlist where isdel =0")); }