public signupForm() { InitializeComponent(); mysql = new MySQL_Data_Base.MySqlDB(); errorMessageLabel.Hide(); errorMessageLabel.Text = ""; }
public AdminForm_AddQuestion() { InitializeComponent(); errorMessageLabel.Hide(); errorMessageLabel.Text = ""; catagoryCombo.SelectedIndex = 0; mysql = new MySQL_Data_Base.MySqlDB(); }
public AdminForm_DeleteQuestion() { InitializeComponent(); errorSerchId.Hide(); errorSerchId.Text = ""; HideandShow(); mysql = new MySQL_Data_Base.MySqlDB(); dt = new DataTable(); }
public AdminForm_UpdateQuestion() { InitializeComponent(); errorSerchId.Hide(); errorSerchId.Text = ""; HideandShow(); catagoryCombo.SelectedIndex = 0; mysql = new MySQL_Data_Base.MySqlDB(); dt = new DataTable(); }
DataTable dt; // DataTable to store all the data // ==> Constructor public GameForm_PlayGame() { InitializeComponent(); sql = new MySQL_Data_Base.MySqlDB(); obj = new GameForm_OptionGamForm(); dt = new DataTable(); // ==> Get catagory of quiz questions catagory = obj.getCatagory(); // ==> get all the questions of specific type from DB and store in Data Table dt = sql.getAllQuestionByCatagory(catagory); totalQues = dt.Rows.Count; // storte the total number of questions // ==> Initializer userAns = ""; correctAns = ""; totalCorrectAns = 0; totalscore = 0; timeLeft = 15; // for Displaying Time Left QuestionID = 1; }
public AdminForm_ViewQuestion() { InitializeComponent(); mysql = new MySQL_Data_Base.MySqlDB(); dt = new DataTable(); }
public GameForm_ResultGame() { InitializeComponent(); mysql = new MySQL_Data_Base.MySqlDB(); dt = new DataTable(); }