//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void shouldContinueAfterError() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        internal virtual void ShouldContinueAfterError()
            DiagnosticsReporter reporter   = new DiagnosticsReporter();
            MyProvider          myProvider = new MyProvider(_fileSystem);


            myProvider.AddFile("logs/a.txt", CreateNewFileWithContent("a.txt", "file a"));

            Path          destination = _testDirectory.file("logs.zip").toPath();
            ISet <string> classifiers = new HashSet <string>();

            using (MemoryStream baos = new MemoryStream())
                PrintStream            @out     = new PrintStream(baos);
                NonInteractiveProgress progress = new NonInteractiveProgress(@out, false);

                reporter.Dump(classifiers, destination, progress, true);

                assertThat(baos.ToString(), @is(string.Format("1/2 fail.txt%n" + "....................  20%%%n" + "..........%n" + "Error: Step failed%n" + "2/2 logs/a.txt%n" + "....................  20%%%n" + "....................  40%%%n" + "....................  60%%%n" + "....................  80%%%n" + ".................... 100%%%n%n")));

            // Verify content
            URI uri = URI.create("jar:file:" + destination.toAbsolutePath().toUri().RawPath);

            using (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, Collections.emptyMap()))
                IList <string> fileA = Files.readAllLines(fs.getPath("logs/a.txt"));
                assertEquals(1, fileA.Count);
                assertEquals("file a", fileA[0]);
Exemple #2
 protected void Panel_Callback(object source, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e)
     string[] data = e.Parameter.Split('|');
     if (data.Length == 3 && data[0] == "drag")
         MyProvider.MoveNode(data[1], data[2]);
        private static void Qbserver_ReentrancyDuringInitialization_Impl(Func <IAsyncReactiveQbserver <int>, Task> action, Func <MyObserver <int>, TaskCompletionSource <object> > complete, Action <MyObserver <int> > assert)
            var provider = new MyProvider();
            var observer = provider.CreateQbserver <int>(Expression.Default(typeof(IAsyncReactiveQbserver <int>)));

            var opAsync = action(observer);


            AssertEx.ThrowsException <AggregateException>(
                () =>
                observer.OnNextAsync(43, CancellationToken.None).Wait();
                ex =>
                var ioe = ex.InnerException as InvalidOperationException;
                Assert.IsTrue(ioe.Message.Contains("Concurrent calls"));

            AssertEx.ThrowsException <AggregateException>(
                () =>
                observer.OnErrorAsync(new Exception(), CancellationToken.None).Wait();
                ex =>
                var ioe = ex.InnerException as InvalidOperationException;
                Assert.IsTrue(ioe.Message.Contains("Concurrent calls"));

            AssertEx.ThrowsException <AggregateException>(
                () =>
                ex =>
                var ioe = ex.InnerException as InvalidOperationException;
                Assert.IsTrue(ioe.Message.Contains("Concurrent calls"));

            var iv = new MyObserver <int>();

            var tcs = provider.GetObserverAsyncCoreTask;



Exemple #4
        public void When_IWeakReferenceProvider()
            var target = new MyProvider();

            var mr1 = WeakReferencePool.RentWeakReference(this, target);

            Assert.AreEqual(target, mr1.GetUnsafeTargetHandle().Target);
            Assert.ReferenceEquals(target.WeakReference.GetUnsafeTargetHandle(), mr1.GetUnsafeTargetHandle());
            Assert.AreEqual(target, mr1.Owner);
Exemple #5
        public void GetTotalPrice_EmptyList_ReturnSumOfZero()
            List <Deal> deals = new List <Deal>();

            MyProvider provider = new MyProvider();

            var result = provider.GetTotalPrice(deals, "normalPrice");

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 0);
        public void PropertyValuesInitialized()
            SettingsPropertyCollection props = new SettingsPropertyCollection();
            SettingsProviderCollection provs = new SettingsProviderCollection();

            MyProvider p = new MyProvider();
            MySettings s = new MySettings();
            int        i;

                i = s.Foo;
            catch (SettingsPropertyNotFoundException)

            s.Initialize(new SettingsContext(), props, provs);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, s.PropertyValues.Count, "#2-1");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, s.Context.Count, "#2-2");

            props.Add(new SettingsProperty("Foo", typeof(int), p, false, 10, SettingsSerializeAs.String, null, true, true));
            // initialize w/o the provider
            s.Initialize(new SettingsContext(), props, provs);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, s.PropertyValues.Count, "#3-0");
            Assert.AreEqual(100, s.Foo, "#3-1");
            // ... !!!
            Assert.AreEqual(1, s.PropertyValues.Count, "#3-2");
            SettingsPropertyValue v = s.PropertyValues ["Foo"];

            Assert.AreEqual(100, v.PropertyValue, "#3-3");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, s.Context.Count, "#3-4");

            // initialize w/ the provider
            provs.Add(new MyProvider2("Bar", 25));
            props.Add(new SettingsProperty("Bar", typeof(int), provs ["MyProvider2"], false, 10, SettingsSerializeAs.String, null, true, true));
            s.Initialize(new SettingsContext(), props, provs);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, s.PropertyValues.Count, "#4-1");
            Assert.AreEqual(100, s.Foo, "#4-2");
            Assert.AreEqual(25, s.Bar, "#4-3");
            // ... !!!
            Assert.AreEqual(2, s.PropertyValues.Count, "#4-3-2");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, s.Context.Count, "#4-4");

            // wrong provider
            props.Add(new SettingsProperty("Bar", typeof(int), provs ["MyProvider"], false, 10, SettingsSerializeAs.String, null, true, true));
            s = new MySettings();
            s.Initialize(new SettingsContext(), props, provs);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, s.PropertyValues.Count, "#5-1");
            Assert.AreEqual(100, s.Foo, "#5-2");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, s.Bar, "#5-3");
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private DiagnosticsReporter setupDiagnosticsReporter() throws java.io.IOException
        private DiagnosticsReporter SetupDiagnosticsReporter()
            DiagnosticsReporter reporter   = new DiagnosticsReporter();
            MyProvider          myProvider = new MyProvider(_fileSystem);


            myProvider.AddFile("logs/a.txt", CreateNewFileWithContent("a.txt", "file a"));
            myProvider.AddFile("logs/b.txt", CreateNewFileWithContent("b.txt", "file b"));
Exemple #8
        public void When_Set_Parent_As_WeakReferenceProvider()
            var child  = new MyObject(12);
            var parent = new MyProvider();

            var store = new DependencyObjectStore(child, MyObject.DataContextProperty, MyObject.TemplatedParentProperty);

            store.Parent = parent;
            Assert.AreEqual(parent, store.Parent);

            store.Parent = null;
            Assert.AreEqual(null, store.Parent);
        public void WithMobileAppControllerConfigProvider_CanBeOverridden()
            var config = new HttpConfiguration();
            var myProvider = new MyProvider();
            new MobileAppConfiguration()

            var provider = config.GetMobileAppControllerConfigProvider();
            Assert.Same(myProvider, provider);
        public void ReadAndWriteXmlWorksAsExpected()
            // --- Arrange
            var setting = new MyProvider("name", 12345);

            // --- Act
            var element    = setting.WriteToXml("Settings");
            var newSetting = new MyProvider(element);

            // -- Assert
Exemple #11
        public void AddPropertyNoProviderButInProviders()
            SettingsPropertyCollection props = new SettingsPropertyCollection();
            SettingsProviderCollection provs = new SettingsProviderCollection();

            MyProvider p = new MyProvider();
            MySettings s = new MySettings();

            props.Add(new SettingsProperty("Foo", typeof(string), null, false, 10, SettingsSerializeAs.String, null, true, true));

            s.Initialize(new SettingsContext(), props, provs);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, s.Foo);
Exemple #12
        public void AddPropertyTypeMismatch()
            SettingsPropertyCollection props = new SettingsPropertyCollection();
            SettingsProviderCollection provs = new SettingsProviderCollection();

            MyProvider p = new MyProvider();
            MySettings s = new MySettings();

            props.Add(new SettingsProperty("Foo", typeof(string), p, false, 10, SettingsSerializeAs.String, null, true, true));

            s.Initialize(new SettingsContext(), props, provs);
            int i = s.Foo;             // it still works as int, regardless of the settings property type...
Exemple #13
        public void PropertyValuesInstance()
            SettingsPropertyCollection props = new SettingsPropertyCollection();
            SettingsProviderCollection provs = new SettingsProviderCollection();

            MyProvider p = new MyProvider();
            MySettings s = new MySettings();

            props.Add(new SettingsProperty("Foo", typeof(string), p, false, 10, SettingsSerializeAs.String, null, true, true));

            s.Initialize(new SettingsContext(), props, provs);
            Assert.AreEqual(s.PropertyValues, s.PropertyValues);
        public void WithMobileAppControllerConfigProvider_CanBeOverridden()
            var config     = new HttpConfiguration();
            var myProvider = new MyProvider();

            new MobileAppConfiguration()

            var provider = config.GetMobileAppControllerConfigProvider();

            Assert.Same(myProvider, provider);
            Assert.IsType <MyProvider>(provider);
Exemple #15
        public void When_WeakReferenceProvider_Reused()
            var o1 = new Object();

            var mr1 = WeakReferencePool.RentWeakReference(this, o1);

            WeakReferencePool.ReturnWeakReference(this, mr1);

            var target = new MyProvider();

            Assert.AreEqual(target, target.WeakReference.Target);

            var mr2 = WeakReferencePool.RentWeakReference(target, o1);

            WeakReferencePool.ReturnWeakReference(target, mr2);

            Assert.AreEqual(target, target.WeakReference.Target);
        public HomeControllerTest()
            // Auto Mapper Configurations
            var mappingConfig = new MapperConfiguration(mc =>
                mc.AddProfile(new MappingProfile());

            mapper = mappingConfig.CreateMapper();

            _mockRepo = new Mock <IGenericEfRepository <Student> >();

            IMyProvider provider = new MyProvider(_mockRepo.Object, mapper);

            _controller = new HomeController(provider);

            _mockRepo.Setup(m => m.Get())
Exemple #17
        public void Qbserver_RegularFlow()
            var provider = new MyProvider();
            var observer = provider.CreateQbserver <int>(Expression.Default(typeof(IAsyncReactiveQbserver <int>)));

            var iv = new MyObserver <int>();


            observer.OnNextAsync(42, CancellationToken.None).Wait();
            observer.OnNextAsync(43, CancellationToken.None).Wait();
            observer.OnNextAsync(44, CancellationToken.None).Wait();


            Assert.IsTrue(iv.OnNextLog.SequenceEqual(new[] { 42, 43, 44 }));
Exemple #18
        public void FindStore_NonExistingID_ReturnDefaultStore()
            MyProvider provider = new MyProvider();

            provider.stores = new List <Store>()
                new Store {
                    id = 1, isActive = true, name = "Steam"
                new Store {
                    id = 2, isActive = true, name = "GOG"
                new Store {
                    id = 3, isActive = true, name = "Origin"

            var result = provider.FindStore(4);

            Assert.AreEqual("Store not found", result.name);
Exemple #19
        public void GetTotalPrice_PopulatedlistNonFloatProperty_ReturnSumOfZero()
            List <Deal> deals = new List <Deal>()
                new Deal {
                    id = "1"
                new Deal {
                    id = "2"
                new Deal {
                    id = "3"

            MyProvider provider = new MyProvider();

            var result = provider.GetTotalPrice(deals, "id");

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 0);
Exemple #20
        public void GetTotalPrice_PopulatedListNormalPrice_ReturnTotalNormalPrice()
            List <Deal> deals = new List <Deal>()
                new Deal {
                    normalPrice = 10
                new Deal {
                    normalPrice = 10
                new Deal {
                    normalPrice = 10

            MyProvider provider = new MyProvider();

            var totalNormalPrice = 30;

            var result = provider.GetTotalPrice(deals, "normalPrice");

            Assert.AreEqual(result, totalNormalPrice);
Exemple #21
        public void Test1()
            var provider = new MyProvider();

            Assert.Equal("Hello from MyProvider", provider.Greet());
 public MyQuerayble(IQuerable <T> toWrap, Expression expression)
     Equipment  = equipment;
     Provider   = new MyProvider <T>(toWrap);
     Expression = expression;
Exemple #23
 public static void Appinitialize()
     MyProvider fileProvider = new MyProvider();
		public void PropertyValuesInstance ()
			SettingsPropertyCollection props = new SettingsPropertyCollection ();
			SettingsProviderCollection provs = new SettingsProviderCollection ();

			MyProvider p = new MyProvider ();
			MySettings s = new MySettings ();

			props.Add (new SettingsProperty ("Foo", typeof (string), p, false, 10, SettingsSerializeAs.String, null, true, true));
			provs.Add (p);

			s.Initialize (new SettingsContext (), props, provs);
			Assert.AreEqual (s.PropertyValues, s.PropertyValues);
 public ActionResult UpdateTreeListContainer(string sourceKey, string newParentKey)
     MyProvider.MoveNode(sourceKey, newParentKey);
		public void AddPropertyNoProviderButInProviders ()
			SettingsPropertyCollection props = new SettingsPropertyCollection ();
			SettingsProviderCollection provs = new SettingsProviderCollection ();

			MyProvider p = new MyProvider ();
			MySettings s = new MySettings ();

			props.Add (new SettingsProperty ("Foo", typeof (string), null, false, 10, SettingsSerializeAs.String, null, true, true));
			provs.Add (p);

			s.Initialize (new SettingsContext (), props, provs);
			Assert.AreEqual (100, s.Foo);
		public void AddPropertyTypeMismatch ()
			SettingsPropertyCollection props = new SettingsPropertyCollection ();
			SettingsProviderCollection provs = new SettingsProviderCollection ();

			MyProvider p = new MyProvider ();
			MySettings s = new MySettings ();

			props.Add (new SettingsProperty ("Foo", typeof (string), p, false, 10, SettingsSerializeAs.String, null, true, true));
			provs.Add (p);

			s.Initialize (new SettingsContext (), props, provs);
			int i = s.Foo; // it still works as int, regardless of the settings property type...
 internal Settings(MyProvider provider)
     _provider = provider;
Exemple #29
 void BindTrees()
     MyProvider.Bind(LeftTree, "/node/node[@key='1']");
     MyProvider.Bind(RightTree, "/node/node[@key='8']");
 public MyQueryable(IQueryable <T> toWrap, Expression expression)
     Wrapped    = toWrap;
     Provider   = new MyProvider <T>(toWrap);
     Expression = expression;
		public void PropertyValuesInitialized ()
			SettingsPropertyCollection props = new SettingsPropertyCollection ();
			SettingsProviderCollection provs = new SettingsProviderCollection ();

			MyProvider p = new MyProvider ();
			MySettings s = new MySettings ();
			int i;

			try {
				i = s.Foo;
				Assert.Fail ("#1-2");
			} catch (SettingsPropertyNotFoundException) {

			s.Initialize (new SettingsContext (), props, provs);
			Assert.AreEqual (0, s.PropertyValues.Count, "#2-1");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, s.Context.Count, "#2-2");

			props.Add (new SettingsProperty ("Foo", typeof (int), p, false, 10, SettingsSerializeAs.String, null, true, true));
			// initialize w/o the provider
			s.Initialize (new SettingsContext (), props, provs);
			Assert.AreEqual (0, s.PropertyValues.Count, "#3-0");
			Assert.AreEqual (100, s.Foo, "#3-1");
			// ... !!!
			Assert.AreEqual (1, s.PropertyValues.Count, "#3-2");
			SettingsPropertyValue v = s.PropertyValues ["Foo"];
			Assert.AreEqual (100, v.PropertyValue, "#3-3");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, s.Context.Count, "#3-4");

			// initialize w/ the provider
			provs.Add (p);
			provs.Add (new MyProvider2 ("Bar", 25));
			props.Add (new SettingsProperty ("Bar", typeof (int), provs ["MyProvider2"], false, 10, SettingsSerializeAs.String, null, true, true));
			s.Initialize (new SettingsContext (), props, provs);
			Assert.AreEqual (1, s.PropertyValues.Count, "#4-1");
			Assert.AreEqual (100, s.Foo, "#4-2");
			Assert.AreEqual (25, s.Bar, "#4-3");
			// ... !!!
			Assert.AreEqual (2, s.PropertyValues.Count, "#4-3-2");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, s.Context.Count, "#4-4");

			// wrong provider
			props.Remove ("Bar");
			props.Add (new SettingsProperty ("Bar", typeof (int), provs ["MyProvider"], false, 10, SettingsSerializeAs.String, null, true, true));
			s = new MySettings ();
			s.Initialize (new SettingsContext (), props, provs);
			Assert.AreEqual (0, s.PropertyValues.Count, "#5-1");
			Assert.AreEqual (100, s.Foo, "#5-2");
			Assert.AreEqual (10, s.Bar, "#5-3");
 internal Settings(MyProvider provider)
     _provider = provider;     // assignment directly to backing field