Exemple #1
        private void error_name()
            name_py_text.Text = MyPinYin.GetFirst(name_text.Text.Trim());
            bool jytt = true;

            string errorstring = "";

            if (name_text.Text.Trim() == "")
                errorstring = "书名不能为空!"; jytt = false;;
            if (name_text.Text.Trim().Length > 30)
                errorstring = "书名的长度不能超过30个字符!"; jytt = false;

            if (!jytt)
                label2_name_text.Text    = errorstring;
                label2_name_text.Visible = true;
                label2_name_text.Visible = false;
                name_text.Tag            = true;
Exemple #2
        private void qg_button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string lxid   = qg_radio_group1.Tag.ToString();
                string lxname = qg_radio_group1.AccessibleDescription.ToString();

                //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fpxx1.Text))
                if (fpxx1.Text.IsNullOrEmpty())
                if (fpyy1.Text.IsNullOrEmpty())
                ////if (!a_sqlconn.Simple_all.isNumberic(sl1.Text.ToString()))
                //    MessageBox.Show("请输入正确的数量!");
                //    return;
                int sl = sl1.Text.ToInt();
                if (sl <= 0)

                string fpxx    = fpxx1.Text.ToString().Trim();
                string fpyy    = fpyy1.Text.ToString().Trim();
                string fpxx_py = MyPinYin.GetFirst(fpxx);
                string fpyy_py = MyPinYin.GetFirst(fpyy);

                string    sqlstring = "select * from calibrate where 产品ID='" + pprid + "' and  属性=0 and LTRIM(RTRIM(考核名称))=LTRIM(RTRIM('" + fpxx + "'))";
                DataTable dt        = return_select(sqlstring);

                string fpxxid = "0";
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    fpxxid = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();
                    sqlstring = "insert into calibrate(产品ID,考核名称,拼音,属性) values ('" + pprid + "',LTRIM(RTRIM('" + fpxx + "')),LTRIM(RTRIM('" + fpxx_py + "')),2)";

                    sqlstring = "select * from calibrate where 产品ID='" + pprid + "' and  属性=0 and LTRIM(RTRIM(考核名称))=LTRIM(RTRIM('" + fpxx + "'))";
                    dt        = return_select(sqlstring);

                    fpxxid = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

                sqlstring = "select * from calibrate where 属性=2 and LTRIM(RTRIM(考核名称))=LTRIM(RTRIM('" + fpyy + "'))";
                dt        = return_select(sqlstring);

                string fpyyid = "0";
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    fpyyid = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();
                    sqlstring = "insert into calibrate(考核名称,拼音,属性) values (LTRIM(RTRIM('" + fpyy + "')),LTRIM(RTRIM('" + fpyy_py + "')),2)";

                    sqlstring = "select * from calibrate where 属性=2 and LTRIM(RTRIM(考核名称))=LTRIM(RTRIM('" + fpyy + "'))";
                    dt        = return_select(sqlstring);

                    fpyyid = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

                //INSERT into dayworkcal(ID, 考核ID, 废品现象, 数量, 原因详ID, 具体原因, 类型名称, 类型) values(maxid, calid1, daycalx1, daycalx2, calid3, daycalx4, templx, daycalx5)

                daywork day1 = (daywork)Owner;
                DataRow dr   = day1.dt_dayworkcal.NewRow();
                dr["考核ID"]  = fpxxid;
                dr["废品现象"]  = fpxx;
                dr["数量"]    = sl;
                dr["原因详ID"] = fpyyid;
                dr["具体原因"]  = fpyy;
                dr["类型名称"]  = lxname;
                dr["类型"]    = lxid;

                fpxx1.Text  = "";
                calaaa.Text = "";
                fpyy1.Text  = "";
                calbbb.Text = "";
                sl1.Text    = "0";
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #3
        private void qg_button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!ValidateOK())
                ISBN_text_Validating(ISBN_text, null);
                name_text_Validating(name_text, null);
                dj_text_Validating(dj_text, null);
                data1_text_Validating(data1_text, null);
                pressaaa_text_Validating(pressaaa_text, null);
                typeaaa_text_Validating(typeaaa_text, null);
                sl_text_Validating(sl_text, null);
            //if (ISBN_text.Text.Trim() == "")
            //    MessageBox.Show("请输入ISBN号!");
            //    return;
            //if (name_text.Text.Trim() == "")
            //    MessageBox.Show("请输入书名!");
            //    return;
            //if (dj_text.Text.Trim() == "" || !dj_text.Text.IsDecimal() || dj_text.Text.ToDecimal() < 0)
            //    MessageBox.Show("单价不正常!");
            //    return;
            //if (pressaaa_text.Text.Trim() == "")
            //    MessageBox.Show("请输入出版社!");
            //    return;
            //if (typeaaa_text.Text.Trim() == "")
            //    MessageBox.Show("请输入图书类别!");
            //    return;
            //if (sl_text.Text.Trim() == "" || !sl_text.Text.IsInt() || sl_text.Text.ToInt() < 0)
            //    MessageBox.Show("册数不正常!");
            //    return;

            string    sqlstring = "";
            DataTable dt;

            sqlstring = "select ISBN号,书名 from booksall where ID!=" + bookid + " and ISBN号='" + ISBN_text.Text.Trim() + "'";
            dt        = return_select(sqlstring);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                string temp1 = "";
                temp1 = temp1 + "\rISBN号:" + dt.Rows[0]["ISBN号"].ToString();
                temp1 = temp1 + "\r书名:" + dt.Rows[0]["书名"].ToString();

                MessageBox.Show("数据库中已经存在以下ISBN号的图书" + temp1 + "\r无法修改!");

            string pressidtempid = "0";
            string press1temp1   = pressaaa_text.Text.Trim();
            string presspytemp1  = MyPinYin.GetFirst(press1temp1);//

            sqlstring = "select ID from press where 出版社='" + press1temp1.Trim() + "'";
            dt        = return_select(sqlstring);
            if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                sqlstring = "insert into press(出版社,拼音) values ('" + press1temp1.Trim() + "','" + presspytemp1 + "')";
                sqlstring = "select ID from press where 出版社='" + press1temp1.Trim() + "'";
                dt        = return_select(sqlstring);
            pressidtempid = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

            string typeidtempid = "0";
            string type1temp1   = typeaaa_text.Text.Trim();
            string typepytemp1  = MyPinYin.GetFirst(type1temp1);//

            sqlstring = "select ID from types where 图书类别='" + type1temp1.Trim() + "'";
            dt        = return_select(sqlstring);
            if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                sqlstring = "insert into types(图书类别,拼音) values ('" + type1temp1.Trim() + "','" + typepytemp1 + "')";
                sqlstring = "select ID from types where 图书类别='" + type1temp1.Trim() + "'";
                dt        = return_select(sqlstring);
            typeidtempid = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

            sqlstring = "select ID from booksall where 出版社ID=" + pressidtempid + " and 书名='" + name_text.Text.Trim() + "'";
            sqlstring = sqlstring + " and ID!=" + bookid;
            dt        = return_select(sqlstring);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                string temp1 = "";
                temp1 = temp1 + "\rISBN号:" + dt.Rows[0]["ISBN号"].ToString();
                temp1 = temp1 + "\r书名:" + name_text.Text.Trim();
                temp1 = temp1 + "\r出版社:" + pressaaa_text.Text.Trim();

                DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("数据库中已经存在以下图书目录?\r" + temp1 + "\r是否确定修改?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);
                if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel)

            string namebytemp1 = MyPinYin.GetFirst(name_text.Text.Trim());

            sqlstring = "update booksall set ISBN号='" + ISBN_text.Text.Trim() + "',书名='" + name_text.Text.Trim() + "',拼音='" + namebytemp1 + "'"
                        + ",单价=" + dj_text.Text + ",出版社ID=" + pressidtempid + ",类别ID=" + typeidtempid + ",册数=" + sl_text.Text
                        + ",出版日期=(convert(varchar(10),'" + data1_text.Value.ToShortDateString().ToString() + "',120))"
                        + " where ID=" + bookid;

            booksall frm1 = (booksall)this.Owner;
            DataTable owner_dt = frm1.grid_datasource();

            DataRow[] rows = owner_dt.Select("ID=" + bookid);
            rows[0]["ISBN号"] = ISBN_text.Text.Trim();
            rows[0]["书名"]    = name_text.Text.Trim();
            rows[0]["单价"]    = dj_text.Text.Trim();
            rows[0]["出版社ID"] = pressidtempid;
            rows[0]["类别ID"]  = typeidtempid;
            rows[0]["册数"]    = sl_text.Text.Trim();
            rows[0]["出版日期"]  = data1_text.Value.ToShortDateString().ToString();
            rows[0]["出版社"]   = pressaaa_text.Text.Trim();
            rows[0]["图书类别"]  = typeaaa_text.Text.Trim();

Exemple #4
        private void qg_button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (qg_grid1.DataSource == null)

                DataTable dt_all1     = (DataTable)qg_grid1.DataSource;
                DataTable dt_all_copy = dt_all1.Copy();

                if (dt_all_copy.Rows.Count <= 0)

                DialogResult err = MessageBox.Show("确认将本次图书目录信息提交至后台数据库吗?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);
                if (err == DialogResult.Cancel)
                string    sqlstring;
                DataTable dt_temp;

                string bmname = dt_all_copy.Rows[0]["出版社"].ToString();
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt_all_copy.Rows)
                    WaitFormService.SetText("正在整理出版社!\n\r       " + bmname.Trim());

                    if (dr["出版社"].ToString().Trim() == "")
                        dr["出版社"] = bmname;

                    bmname = dr["出版社"].ToString().Trim();

                DataColumn dc1 = new DataColumn("出版社ID", Type.GetType("System.Int64"));
                dc1.DefaultValue = 0;

                DataView  dataView    = dt_all_copy.DefaultView;
                DataTable dt_Distinct = dataView.ToTable(true, "出版社");//注:其中ToTable()的第一个参数为是否distinct
                for (int i = 0; i < dt_Distinct.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string bmnametemp1 = dt_Distinct.Rows[i]["出版社"].ToString().Trim();
                    string namepytemp1 = MyPinYin.GetFirst(bmnametemp1);//

                    sqlstring = "select ID from press where 出版社=ltrim(rtrim('" + bmnametemp1.Trim() + "'))";
                    dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);
                    if (dt_temp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        sqlstring = "insert into press(出版社,拼音) values (ltrim(rtrim('" + bmnametemp1.Trim() + "')),ltrim(rtrim('" + namepytemp1.Trim() + "')))";

                        sqlstring = "select ID from press where 出版社=ltrim(rtrim('" + bmnametemp1.Trim() + "'))";
                        dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);
                    string bmid = dt_temp.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

                    DataRow[] row_update = dt_all_copy.Select("出版社='" + bmnametemp1.Trim() + "'");
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < row_update.Count(); ii++)
                        row_update[ii]["出版社ID"] = bmid.ToInt();

                dc1 = new DataColumn("类别ID", Type.GetType("System.Int64"));
                dc1.DefaultValue = 0;

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt_all_copy.Rows)
                    string pernametemp1 = dr["图书类别"].ToString().Trim();
                    string namepytemp1  = MyPinYin.GetFirst(pernametemp1);// ChineseToPinYin.ToPinYin_one(pernametemp1);

                    WaitFormService.SetText("正在整理图书类别信息!\n\r" + pernametemp1.Trim());

                    sqlstring = "select ID from types where 图书类别=ltrim(rtrim('" + pernametemp1.Trim() + "'))";
                    dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);
                    if (dt_temp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        sqlstring = "insert into types(图书类别,拼音) values (ltrim(rtrim('" + pernametemp1.Trim() + "')),ltrim(rtrim('" + namepytemp1.Trim() + "')))";

                        sqlstring = "select ID from types where 图书类别=ltrim(rtrim('" + pernametemp1.Trim() + "'))";
                        dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);
                    string perid = dt_temp.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

                    DataRow[] row_update = dt_all_copy.Select("图书类别='" + pernametemp1.Trim() + "'");
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < row_update.Count(); ii++)
                        row_update[ii]["类别ID"] = perid.ToInt();

                //for (int i = 0; i < dt_all_copy.Columns.Count; i++)
                //    string column_name = dt_all_copy.Columns[i].ColumnName.ToString();

                //    WaitFormService.SetText("正在处理图书目录条目!\n\r" + column_name.Trim());

                //    //MessageBox.Show(column_name.Trim() + "   类型:" + dt_all_copy.Columns[i].DataType.ToString());
                //    sqlstring = "select ID from Subject_name where 条目名称=ltrim(rtrim('" + column_name.Trim() + "')) and 删除=0";
                //    dt_temp = return_select(sqlstring);
                //    if (dt_temp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                //    {
                //        sqlstring = "insert into subject_name(条目名称) values (ltrim(rtrim('" + column_name.Trim() + "')))";
                //        insert_update_delete(sqlstring);

                //        sqlstring = "select ID from Subject_name where 条目名称=ltrim(rtrim('" + column_name.Trim() + "')) and 删除=0";
                //        dt_temp = return_select(sqlstring);
                //    }

                //    string jectid = dt_temp.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

                //    //判断column的列datatype,只分为string和decimal
                //    object test = dt_all_copy.Compute("max(" + column_name.Trim() + ")", "");
                //    int column_type = 1;//为0表示是数字,为1表示是string
                //    if (test.ToString().IsInt() || test.ToString().IsDecimal())
                //    {
                //        column_type = 0;
                //    }
                //    //判断column的列datatype,只分为string和decimal

                //    sqlstring = "select ID from subject_mon where 月份='" + sql_month.Trim() + "' and 条目ID=" + jectid.Trim();
                //    dt_temp = return_select(sqlstring);
                //    if (dt_temp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                //    {
                //        sqlstring = "insert into subject_mon(月份,条目ID,排序,类型) values ('" + sql_month.Trim() + "'," + jectid.Trim() + "," + i.ToString() + "," + column_type + ")";
                //        insert_update_delete(sqlstring);
                //    }

                for (int i = 0; i < dt_all_copy.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string pernametemp1 = dt_all_copy.Rows[i]["书名"].ToString();
                    string bmidtempid   = dt_all_copy.Rows[i]["出版社ID"].ToString();
                    string peridtempid  = dt_all_copy.Rows[i]["类别ID"].ToString();

                    WaitFormService.SetText("正在拷贝第" + i.ToString() + "条图书记录/共" + dt_all_copy.Rows.Count.ToString() + "条记录!\n\r" + "      员工姓名:" + pernametemp1.ToString());

                    string   lr1    = "";           //ISBN号
                    string   lr2    = "";           //书名
                    string   lr2_px = "";           //书名拼音
                    decimal  lr3    = 0;            //单价
                    string   lr4    = "";           //出版社ID
                    DateTime lr5    = DateTime.Now; //出版日期
                    string   lr6    = "";           //类别ID
                    int      lr7    = 0;            //册数

                    for (int j = 0; j < dt_all_copy.Columns.Count; j++)
                        string columnnametemp1 = dt_all_copy.Columns[j].ToString();
                        //if (columnnametemp1.Trim() == "出版社"
                        //    || columnnametemp1.Trim() == "图书类别"
                        //    || columnnametemp1.Trim() == "出版社ID"
                        //    || columnnametemp1.Trim() == "类别ID"
                        //    ) { continue; }

                        string dt_all_copy_one_z = dt_all_copy.Rows[i][j].ToString().Trim();

                        if (columnnametemp1.Trim() == "ISBN号")
                            lr1 = dt_all_copy_one_z;

                        if (columnnametemp1.Trim() == "书名")
                            lr2    = dt_all_copy_one_z;
                            lr2_px = MyPinYin.GetFirst(dt_all_copy_one_z);;
                        if (columnnametemp1.Trim() == "单价" && dt_all_copy_one_z != "" && dt_all_copy_one_z.IsDecimal())
                            lr3 = dt_all_copy_one_z.ToDecimal();
                        if (columnnametemp1.Trim() == "出版社ID")
                            lr4 = dt_all_copy_one_z;
                        if (columnnametemp1.Trim() == "出版日期" && dt_all_copy_one_z != "")
                            lr5 = Convert.ToDateTime(dt_all_copy_one_z);
                        if (columnnametemp1.Trim() == "类别ID")
                            lr6 = dt_all_copy_one_z;
                        if (columnnametemp1.Trim() == "册数" && dt_all_copy_one_z != "" && dt_all_copy_one_z.IsInt())
                            lr7 = dt_all_copy_one_z.ToInt();
                        //if (dt_all_copy_one_z.Trim() == "" || (dt_all_copy_one_z.IsDecimal() && dt_all_copy_one_z.ToDecimal() == 0)) { continue; }

                        //sqlstring = "select ID from press where 出版社=ltrim(rtrim('" + columnnametemp1.Trim() + "')) and 删除=0";
                        //dt_temp = return_select(sqlstring);
                        //if (dt_temp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        //    MessageBox.Show("没有在后台数据库中查询到:" + columnnametemp1.Trim() + "的条目记录,请重新导入工资信息,或与系统管理员联系!");
                        //    return;
                        //string jectidtemp1 = dt_temp.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

                        //sqlstring = "select * from Subject_mon where 月份='" + sql_month.Trim() + "' and 条目ID=" + jectidtemp1.Trim();
                        //dt_temp = return_select(sqlstring);
                        //if (dt_temp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        //    MessageBox.Show("没有在后台数据库中查询到:" + sql_month.Trim() + "月份的" + columnnametemp1.Trim() + "的条目记录,请重新导入工资信息,或与系统管理员联系!");
                        //    return;

                        //int ject_typetemp1 = dt_temp.Rows[0]["类型"].ToString().ToInt();

                        //if (ject_typetemp1 == 1)
                        //    sqlstring = "select ID from permoney_lr where 文字内容=ltrim(rtrim('" + dt_all_copy_one_z.Trim() + "'))";
                        //    dt_temp = return_select(sqlstring);

                        //    if (dt_temp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        //    {
                        //        sqlstring = "insert into permoney_lr(文字内容) values (ltrim(rtrim('" + dt_all_copy_one_z.Trim() + "')))";
                        //        insert_update_delete(sqlstring);

                        //        sqlstring = "select ID from permoney_lr where 文字内容=ltrim(rtrim('" + dt_all_copy_one_z.Trim() + "'))";
                        //        dt_temp = return_select(sqlstring);
                        //    }
                        //    dt_all_copy_one_z = dt_temp.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();
                        ////MessageBox.Show(pernametemp1+"   "+columnnametemp1 + "  " + ject_typetemp1.ToString()+"    "+ dt_all_copy_one_z);

                        //sqlstring = "insert into permoney(部门ID,员工ID,条目ID,金额,月份,排序) values ('" + bmidtempid + "','" + peridtempid + "','" + jectidtemp1 + "'," + dt_all_copy_one_z.ToDecimal().ToString() + ",'" + sql_month.Trim() + "'," + i.ToString() + ")";
                    sqlstring = "insert into booksall(ISBN号,书名,拼音,单价,出版社ID,出版日期,类别ID,册数"
                                + ") values ("
                                + "'" + lr1 + "','" + lr2 + "','" + lr2_px + "'," + lr3 + "," + lr4 + ",(convert(varchar(10),'" + lr5.ToShortDateString().ToString() + "',120))," + lr6 + "," + lr7 + ")";

            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #5
        private void qg_button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (qg_grid1.DataSource == null)

                DataTable dt_all1     = (DataTable)qg_grid1.DataSource;
                DataTable dt_all_copy = dt_all1.Copy();

                if (dt_all_copy.Rows.Count <= 0)

                DialogResult err = MessageBox.Show("确认将本次工资信息提交至后台数据库吗?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);
                if (err == DialogResult.Cancel)

                wage_month form_mon = new wage_month();
                form_mon.Owner = this;//重要的一步,主要是使Form2的Owner指针指向Form1

                //如果“选择月份”窗体 点击 的不是确定键,则退出
                if (form_mon.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK)

                string    sqlstring;
                DataTable dt_temp;

                if (delete_old_jytt)
                    sqlstring = "delete from Subject_mon where 月份='" + sql_month.Trim() + "'";
                    sqlstring = sqlstring + "\n\r" + "delete from permoney where 月份='" + sql_month + "'";

                sqlstring = "select ID from allmax where months=ltrim(rtrim('" + sql_month.Trim() + "'))";
                dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);
                if (dt_temp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    sqlstring = "insert into allmax(months) values (ltrim(rtrim('" + sql_month.Trim() + "')))";

                string bmname = dt_all_copy.Rows[0]["部门名称"].ToString();
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt_all_copy.Rows)
                    WaitFormService.SetText("正在整理部门名称!\n\r       " + bmname.Trim());

                    if (dr["部门名称"].ToString().Trim() == "")
                        dr["部门名称"] = bmname;

                    bmname = dr["部门名称"].ToString().Trim();

                DataColumn dc1 = new DataColumn("部门ID", Type.GetType("System.Int64"));
                dc1.DefaultValue = 0;

                DataView  dataView    = dt_all_copy.DefaultView;
                DataTable dt_Distinct = dataView.ToTable(true, "部门名称");//注:其中ToTable()的第一个参数为是否distinct
                for (int i = 0; i < dt_Distinct.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string bmnametemp1 = dt_Distinct.Rows[i]["部门名称"].ToString().Trim();

                    sqlstring = "select ID from z_fcname where 部门名称=ltrim(rtrim('" + bmnametemp1.Trim() + "')) and 删除=0";
                    dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);
                    if (dt_temp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        sqlstring = "insert into z_fcname(部门名称) values (ltrim(rtrim('" + bmnametemp1.Trim() + "')))";

                        sqlstring = "select ID from z_fcname where 部门名称=ltrim(rtrim('" + bmnametemp1.Trim() + "')) and 删除=0";
                        dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);
                    string bmid = dt_temp.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

                    DataRow[] row_update = dt_all_copy.Select("部门名称='" + bmnametemp1.Trim() + "'");
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < row_update.Count(); ii++)
                        row_update[ii]["部门ID"] = bmid.ToInt();

                dc1 = new DataColumn("员工ID", Type.GetType("System.Int64"));
                dc1.DefaultValue = 0;

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt_all_copy.Rows)
                    string pernametemp1 = dr["姓名"].ToString().Trim();
                    string namepytemp1  = MyPinYin.GetFirst(pernametemp1);// ChineseToPinYin.ToPinYin_one(pernametemp1);

                    WaitFormService.SetText("正在整理员工姓名信息!\n\r" + pernametemp1.Trim());

                    sqlstring = "select ID from person where 姓名=ltrim(rtrim('" + pernametemp1.Trim() + "'))";
                    dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);
                    if (dt_temp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        sqlstring = "insert into person(姓名,拼音) values (ltrim(rtrim('" + pernametemp1.Trim() + "')),ltrim(rtrim('" + namepytemp1.Trim() + "')))";

                        sqlstring = "select ID from person where 姓名=ltrim(rtrim('" + pernametemp1.Trim() + "'))";
                        dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);
                    string perid = dt_temp.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

                    DataRow[] row_update = dt_all_copy.Select("姓名='" + pernametemp1.Trim() + "'");
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < row_update.Count(); ii++)
                        row_update[ii]["员工ID"] = perid.ToInt();

                for (int i = 0; i < dt_all_copy.Columns.Count; i++)
                    string column_name = dt_all_copy.Columns[i].ColumnName.ToString();

                    WaitFormService.SetText("正在处理工资条目!\n\r" + column_name.Trim());

                    //MessageBox.Show(column_name.Trim() + "   类型:" + dt_all_copy.Columns[i].DataType.ToString());
                    sqlstring = "select ID from Subject_name where 条目名称=ltrim(rtrim('" + column_name.Trim() + "')) and 删除=0";
                    dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);
                    if (dt_temp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        sqlstring = "insert into subject_name(条目名称) values (ltrim(rtrim('" + column_name.Trim() + "')))";

                        sqlstring = "select ID from Subject_name where 条目名称=ltrim(rtrim('" + column_name.Trim() + "')) and 删除=0";
                        dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);

                    string jectid = dt_temp.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

                    object test        = dt_all_copy.Compute("max(" + column_name.Trim() + ")", "");
                    int    column_type = 1;//为0表示是数字,为1表示是string
                    if (test.ToString().IsInt() || test.ToString().IsDecimal())
                        column_type = 0;

                    sqlstring = "select ID from subject_mon where 月份='" + sql_month.Trim() + "' and 条目ID=" + jectid.Trim();
                    dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);
                    if (dt_temp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        sqlstring = "insert into subject_mon(月份,条目ID,排序,类型) values ('" + sql_month.Trim() + "'," + jectid.Trim() + "," + i.ToString() + "," + column_type + ")";

                for (int i = 0; i < dt_all_copy.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string pernametemp1 = dt_all_copy.Rows[i]["姓名"].ToString();
                    string bmidtempid   = dt_all_copy.Rows[i]["部门ID"].ToString();
                    string peridtempid  = dt_all_copy.Rows[i]["员工ID"].ToString();

                    WaitFormService.SetText("正在拷贝第" + i.ToString() + "条工资记录/共" + dt_all_copy.Rows.Count.ToString() + "条记录!\n\r" + "      员工姓名:" + pernametemp1.ToString());

                    for (int j = 0; j < dt_all_copy.Columns.Count; j++)
                        string columnnametemp1 = dt_all_copy.Columns[j].ToString();
                        if (columnnametemp1.Trim() == "姓名" ||
                            columnnametemp1.Trim() == "部门名称" ||
                            columnnametemp1.Trim() == "部门ID" ||
                            columnnametemp1.Trim() == "员工ID"

                        string dt_all_copy_one_z = dt_all_copy.Rows[i][j].ToString().Trim();

                        if (dt_all_copy_one_z.Trim() == "" || (dt_all_copy_one_z.IsDecimal() && dt_all_copy_one_z.ToDecimal() == 0))

                        sqlstring = "select ID from Subject_name where 条目名称=ltrim(rtrim('" + columnnametemp1.Trim() + "')) and 删除=0";
                        dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);
                        if (dt_temp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                            MessageBox.Show("没有在后台数据库中查询到:" + columnnametemp1.Trim() + "的条目记录,请重新导入工资信息,或与系统管理员联系!");
                        string jectidtemp1 = dt_temp.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

                        sqlstring = "select * from Subject_mon where 月份='" + sql_month.Trim() + "' and 条目ID=" + jectidtemp1.Trim();
                        dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);
                        if (dt_temp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                            MessageBox.Show("没有在后台数据库中查询到:" + sql_month.Trim() + "月份的" + columnnametemp1.Trim() + "的条目记录,请重新导入工资信息,或与系统管理员联系!");

                        int ject_typetemp1 = dt_temp.Rows[0]["类型"].ToString().ToInt();

                        if (ject_typetemp1 == 1)
                            sqlstring = "select ID from permoney_lr where 文字内容=ltrim(rtrim('" + dt_all_copy_one_z.Trim() + "'))";
                            dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);

                            if (dt_temp.Rows.Count <= 0)
                                sqlstring = "insert into permoney_lr(文字内容) values (ltrim(rtrim('" + dt_all_copy_one_z.Trim() + "')))";

                                sqlstring = "select ID from permoney_lr where 文字内容=ltrim(rtrim('" + dt_all_copy_one_z.Trim() + "'))";
                                dt_temp   = return_select(sqlstring);
                            dt_all_copy_one_z = dt_temp.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();
                        //MessageBox.Show(pernametemp1+"   "+columnnametemp1 + "  " + ject_typetemp1.ToString()+"    "+ dt_all_copy_one_z);

                        sqlstring = "insert into permoney(部门ID,员工ID,条目ID,金额,月份,排序) values ('" + bmidtempid + "','" + peridtempid + "','" + jectidtemp1 + "'," + dt_all_copy_one_z.ToDecimal().ToString() + ",'" + sql_month.Trim() + "'," + i.ToString() + ")";

                MessageBox.Show(sql_month.Trim() + "月份的员工工资已经导入至后台数据库!");
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #6
        private void qg_button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            monthCalendar1.Visible = false;

            if (!ValidateOK())
                ISBN_text_Validating(ISBN_text, null);
                name_text_Validating(name_text, null);
                dj_text_Validating(dj_text, null);
                data1_text_Validating(data1_text, null);
                pressaaa_text_Validating(pressaaa_text, null);
                typeaaa_text_Validating(typeaaa_text, null);
                sl_text_Validating(sl_text, null);

            //if (ISBN_text.Text.Trim() == "")
            //    MessageBox.Show("请输入ISBN号!");
            //    return;
            //if (name_text.Text.Trim() == "")
            //    MessageBox.Show("请输入书名!");
            //    return;
            //if (dj_text.Text.Trim()=="" || !dj_text.Text.IsDecimal()|| dj_text.Text.ToDecimal()<0)
            //    MessageBox.Show("单价不正常!");
            //    return;
            //if (pressaaa_text.Text.Trim() == "")
            //    MessageBox.Show("请输入出版社!");
            //    return;
            //if (typeaaa_text.Text.Trim() == "")
            //    MessageBox.Show("请输入图书类别!");
            //    return;
            //if (sl_text.Text.Trim()=="" || !sl_text.Text.IsInt() || sl_text.Text.ToInt()<0)
            //    MessageBox.Show("册数不正常!");
            //    return;

            string  isbnstring  = ISBN_text.Text.Trim();
            string  namestring  = name_text.Text.Trim();
            decimal djtemp1     = dj_text.Value;
            string  pressstring = pressaaa_text.Text.Trim();

            string  typestring = typeaaa_text.Text.Trim();
            decimal sltemp1    = sl_text.Value;

            string    sqlstring = "";
            DataTable dt;

            sqlstring = "select *,出版社=isnull((select 出版社 from press where ID=b.出版社ID),'') from booksall b where ISBN号='" + isbnstring + "'";
            dt        = return_select(sqlstring);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                string temp1 = "\rISBN号:" + isbnstring;
                temp1 = temp1 + "\r 书名:" + dt.Rows[0]["书名"].ToString();
                temp1 = temp1 + "\r 出版社:" + dt.Rows[0]["出版社"].ToString();

                MessageBox.Show("图书目录表中已经存在相同的ISBN号" + temp1 + "\r 请修改ISBN号!");

            string pressidtempid = "0";
            string press1temp1   = pressaaa_text.Text.Trim();
            string presspytemp1  = MyPinYin.GetFirst(press1temp1);//

            sqlstring = "select ID from press where 出版社='" + press1temp1.Trim() + "'";
            dt        = return_select(sqlstring);
            if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                sqlstring = "insert into press(出版社,拼音) values ('" + press1temp1.Trim() + "','" + presspytemp1 + "')";
                sqlstring = "select ID from press where 出版社='" + press1temp1.Trim() + "'";
                dt        = return_select(sqlstring);
            pressidtempid = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

            string typeidtempid = "0";
            string type1temp1   = typeaaa_text.Text.Trim();
            string typepytemp1  = MyPinYin.GetFirst(type1temp1);//

            sqlstring = "select ID from types where 图书类别='" + type1temp1.Trim() + "'";
            dt        = return_select(sqlstring);
            if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                sqlstring = "insert into types(图书类别,拼音) values ('" + type1temp1.Trim() + "','" + typepytemp1 + "')";
                sqlstring = "select ID from types where 图书类别='" + type1temp1.Trim() + "'";
                dt        = return_select(sqlstring);
            typeidtempid = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

            sqlstring = "select * from booksall where 出版社ID=" + pressidtempid + " and 书名='" + name_text.Text.Trim() + "'";
            dt        = return_select(sqlstring);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                string temp1 = "";
                temp1 = temp1 + "\rISBN号:" + dt.Rows[0]["ISBN号"].ToString();
                temp1 = temp1 + "\r书名:" + name_text.Text.Trim();
                temp1 = temp1 + "\r出版社:" + pressaaa_text.Text.Trim();

                DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("数据库中已经存在以下图书目录?" + temp1 + "\r是否继续增加?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);
                if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel)

            string namebytemp1 = MyPinYin.GetFirst(name_text.Text.Trim());

            sqlstring = "insert into booksall(ISBN号,书名,拼音,单价,出版社ID,类别ID,册数,出版日期"
                        + ") values ("
                        + "'" + ISBN_text.Text.Trim() + "','" + name_text.Text.Trim() + "','" + namebytemp1 + "'," + dj_text.Text + "," + pressidtempid + "," + typeidtempid + "," + sl_text.Text + ""
                        + ",(convert(varchar(10),'" + data1_text.Value.ToShortDateString().ToString() + "',120))"
                        + ")";

            sqlstring = "select max(ID) ID from booksall where ISBN号='" + isbnstring.Trim() + "'";
            dt        = return_select(sqlstring);
            string bookidtempid = "0";

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                bookidtempid = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

            #region 执行父窗体的命令
            booksall  frm1     = (booksall)this.Owner;
            DataTable owner_dt = frm1.grid_datasource();
            DataRow   row      = owner_dt.NewRow();
            row["ID"]    = bookidtempid;
            row["ISBN号"] = ISBN_text.Text.Trim();
            row["书名"]    = name_text.Text.Trim();
            row["单价"]    = dj_text.Text;
            row["出版社ID"] = pressidtempid;
            row["出版社"]   = pressaaa_text.Text.Trim();
            row["类别ID"]  = typeidtempid;
            row["图书类别"]  = typeaaa_text.Text.Trim();
            row["册数"]    = sl_text.Text;
            row["出版日期"]  = data1_text.Value.ToShortDateString().ToString();
            row["金额"]    = Math.Round(dj_text.Value * sl_text.Value, 2);

            //booksall frm1 = (booksall)this.Owner;

            //if ((this.MdiParent != null) && (this.MdiParent is booksall))
            //    (this.MdiParent as booksall).auto();