public void MouseToPoint_UpdateExpectedPos(Point p, int screenId, int clickId, I5_MouseAndKeyboard iMouse) { if (_lastStoredImage != null) { MyPic picNew = (MyPic)_lastStoredImage.thePic.myPic.getClone(); Size s = picNew.getDimenion(); int dim = 15; for (int ix = -dim; ix < dim; ix += 3) { for (int iy = -dim; iy < dim; iy += 3) { int X = p.X + ix; int Y = p.Y + iy; if ((X > 0) && (X < s.Width) && (Y > 0) && (Y < s.Height)) { int ixy = ix + iy; PixelInfo picInf; if ((ixy % 2) == 0) { picInf = PixelInfo.White; } else { picInf = PixelInfo.Black; } picNew.setPixel(X, Y, picInf); } } } ImageStore_ScreenStore(new MyPicWithOriginalStream(picNew), new IdAndStep(screenId, id, true, clickId)); } ExpectedMousePos = p; iMouse.MouseToPoint(p); }
private void cl(MyPic pic, EventArgs e) { this.panel1.Controls.Remove(pic); score = score + 100; toolStripLabel1.Text = "score: " + score.ToString(); }
/*参数;图片列表 * 参数:面板 * 参数传递:showlist 用于保存已选择的图片 * 参数:pictureBox 用于保存生成picturebox的列表 * 参数:panel 传递主面板 过来 用于把控件添加到主面板中 * 参数:pictureRightBoxlist 用于保存 右边生成的picturebox的面板 * 参数:erroButtonRightBoxlist 用于保存 错误率的按钮列表 * 参数:erro_count 错误率列表 * 参数:solutionButtonRightBoxlist 解析按钮 把解析的按钮保存到这个列表 中 * 参数:answerList 答案的地址 用于传递到解析按钮中 处理事件 * 添加控件 * */ public static void createControl(List <Image> imgList, Panel panel1, List <Image> showImglist, List <MyPic> pictureBoxList, Panel panel, List <MyPic> pictureRightBoxlist, List <MyButton> erroButtonRightBoxlist, List <double> erro_count, List <MyButton> solutionButtonRightBoxlist, List <String> answerList) { int imgheight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < imgList.Count; i++) { Bitmap aa = new Bitmap(imgList[i]); Image a = PictureMerge.GetThumbnail(aa, 1240, 0); Bitmap ac = new Bitmap(a); Image b = PictureMerge.GetThumbnail(ac, 578, 0); Panel p = createPanel(0, imgheight, 578, b.Height + 25); MyPic pb = createPictureBox(0, 0, 578, b.Height, b); pb.indexCount = i; pb.MouseClick += (e, f) => pictureBox_MouseClick(pb, imgList[pb.indexCount], showImglist, pb.indexCount, panel, pictureRightBoxlist, imgList, pictureBoxList); pictureBoxList.Add(pb); p.CreateGraphics().DrawLine(Pens.Red, 0, b.Height, 578, b.Height); //graph.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Red, 2), new System.Drawing.Font("宋体", 50, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.DimGray, 0, iHeight); MyButton solution_Button = createButton("解析", 0, pb.Height + 1, 80, 23); if (i < answerList.Count) { solution_Button.solutionPath = answerList[i]; } solution_Button.MouseClick += (e, f) => solution_MouseClick("解析", solution_Button.solutionPath);//添加事件 solutionButtonRightBoxlist.Add(solution_Button); Button join_Button = createButton("加入组卷车", 120, pb.Height + 1, 80, 23); join_Button.MouseClick += (e, f) => join_MouseClick("加入组卷车"); Button remind_Button = createButton("特别提醒", 240, pb.Height + 1, 80, 23); remind_Button.MouseClick += (e, f) => remind_MouseClick("特别提醒"); Button count_Button = createButton("组卷次数", 360, pb.Height + 1, 80, 23); count_Button.MouseClick += (e, f) => count_MouseClick("组卷次数"); MyButton error_Button = createButton("错误率" + erro_count[i], 478, pb.Height + 1, 80, 23); if (i < erro_count.Count) { error_Button.error_Count = erro_count[i]; } error_Button.MouseClick += (e, f) => error_MouseClick("错误率", error_Button.error_Count); erroButtonRightBoxlist.Add(error_Button); //p.Size = new Size(578, b.Height + 23); p.Controls.Add(solution_Button); p.Controls.Add(join_Button); p.Controls.Add(remind_Button); p.Controls.Add(count_Button); p.Controls.Add(error_Button); p.Controls.Add(pb); if (p != null) { panel1.Controls.Add(p); } imgheight += b.Height + 50; } }
public MyPicWithOriginalStream(Image orig) { origStream = new MemoryStream(); orig.Save(origStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp); origStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); myPic = new MyPic((Bitmap)orig); orig.Dispose(); }
//产生PictureBox控件 public static MyPic createPictureBox(int localX, int localY, int width, int height, Image img) { MyPic p = new MyPic(); p.Location = new Point(localX, localY); p.Size = new Size(width, height); p.Image = img; p.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; p.Enabled = true; //p.CreateGraphics().DrawLine(Pens.Red, p.Width / 2, 0, p.Width / 2, p.Height); return(p); }
/*参数:图片 设置picturebox的图片 * 参数:面板 传递面板2 修改里面的控件 * 参数;控件列表 管理PictureBox控件 * 参数:i 传递标记 * 参数:imgheight 用来设置picturebox控件的位置 * 参数:showImglist 管理显示的图片 * 参数:imgList 管理显示的图片在imgList的索引 * 添加控件 * */ public static void createRightControl(Image img, Panel panel1, List <MyPic> pictureRightBoxlist, int i, int imgheight, List <Image> showImglist, List <Image> imgList, List <MyPic> pictureBoxList) { Bitmap ac = new Bitmap(img); Image b = PictureMerge.GetThumbnail(ac, 578, 0); MyPic pb = createPictureBox(0, imgheight, 578, b.Height, b); pb.indexCount = i; pictureRightBoxlist.Add(pb); panel1.VerticalScroll.Value = 0; panel1.Controls.Add(pb); panel1.Refresh(); pb.MouseClick += (e, f) => pictureBoxRight_MouseClick(pb.indexCount, showImglist, imgList, pictureRightBoxlist, panel1, pictureBoxList); //MessageBox.Show(pb.Location.ToString()); }
private void tf() { while (true) { Thread.Sleep(100); foreach (Control pic in this.panel1.Controls) { if (pic.Name.Contains("mypic")) { MyPic c = (MyPic)pic; if ((this.InvokeRequired) && (c.mylife > 160)) { this.panel1.Controls.Remove(pic); } } } //控制大小 foreach (Control pic in this.panel1.Controls) { if (pic.Name.Contains("mypic")) { MyPic c = (MyPic)pic; c.mylife++; if (c.Width > 80) { c.tobig = false; } if (c.Width < 10) { c.tobig = true; } if (c.tobig) { c.Size = new Size(c.Width + 1, c.Height + 1); } else { c.Size = new Size(c.Width - 1, c.Height - 1); } } } } }
private void initone() { MyPic pic = new MyPic(); pic.Name = "mypic"; pic.Image = Properties.Resources.yyyy; pic.BackColor = Color.Transparent; Random ran = new Random(GetRandomSeed()); int Randx = ran.Next(10, 900); int y = ran.Next(10, 500); pic.Top = y; pic.Left = Randx; pic.Width = 50; pic.Height = 50; pic.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; pic.Click += delegate(Object o, EventArgs e1) { cl(pic, e1); }; this.panel1.Controls.Add(pic); }
private void ScreenStoreSub(MyPic myPic, int screenId, _6WhatsAppProcess_RealData data) { data.ImageStore_ScreenStore(new MyPicWithOriginalStream(myPic), new IdAndStep(screenId,, true, -1)); }
private eI6Error processPreLogDone(string destMobile, string msg, Ix iAll) { if (iAll.TypeOfProcess == Ix.eTypeOfProcess.EmptyWakeUpTrigger) { // nothing else to do return(eI6Error.Success); } DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now; eI6Error ret = eI6Error._notSet; _6WhatsAppProcess_RealData u = new _6WhatsAppProcess_RealData(destMobile, msg, s_WhatsAppProcessCounter++); u.MouseToPoint_UpdateExpectedPos(new Point(200, 200), -1, -1, iAll.iMouse); iAll.iDsp.FileLog_Info("Id: " + + " " + destMobile); iAll.iDsp.AddLine("Id: " +; iAll.iDsp.AddLine2(new DetailedData_ProcessingId(; iAll.iScreen.Debug_SetId(, u.Msg_DestMobile); SpecificResult_SearchGlas _1GlasPos = null; Point _2TelLinePos; Point _4RightOfSmile; // Step 1 if (ret == eI6Error._notSet) { iAll.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Step1 findSearchWindow and enter tel"); iAll.iDsp.AddLine("Step1 findSearchWindow and enter tel"); ret = GetScreenAndCheckLoop(new MyTimeControl(5000), 5000, iAll, 1, u, eI6Error.Step1Failed, delegate(int screenId, Ix ix, _6WhatsAppProcess_RealData data, ref bool increaseTimeoutOnce) { ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Performing Step1..."); // delegate MyPic pic = ScreenGet(screenId, data); // 1) we search in the top left corner Size wholeScreenSize = pic.getDimenion(); Rectangle sa = new Rectangle(0, 0, wholeScreenSize.Width / 2, wholeScreenSize.Height / 2); MyPic sub = (MyPic)pic.getSubPic(sa.X, sa.Y, sa.Width, sa.Height); ScreenStoreSub(sub, screenId, data); // ((MyPic)sub.getClone()).Threshold_AlmostBlack().ToFile("1sub"); // 2) Call the Dll to search for the SearchGlas _1GlasPos = TextRecognitionLibrary.SpecificDetection.DetectSearchGlas(sub); // 3) Check the Dll´s result if (!_1GlasPos.XPos.IsEmpty) { // the x is there, so text was already entered ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("The x is there " + _1GlasPos.XPos.ToString()); ix.iDsp.AddLine("X detected, increasing timeout"); data.MouseToPoint_UpdateExpectedPos(_1GlasPos.XPos, screenId, 1, ix.iMouse); ix.iMouse.MouseClickAndWait(100, 300, ix); increaseTimeoutOnce = true; } else if (_1GlasPos.SearchGlasPos.IsEmpty) { // no Searchglas found ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("SearchGlasPos.IsEmpty"); } else if (_1GlasPos.SearchGlasInFactIsABack) { // the <- arror is there, so text was already entered, ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("<- detected at " + _1GlasPos.SearchGlasPos.ToString() + " / " + _1GlasPos.XPos.ToString()); data.MouseToPoint_UpdateExpectedPos(_1GlasPos.SearchGlasPos, screenId, 1, ix.iMouse); ix.iMouse.MouseClickAndWait(100, 300, ix); increaseTimeoutOnce = true; } else { // the SearchGlas is there, so click it ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("SearchGlas @ " + _1GlasPos.SearchGlasPos.ToString()); data.MouseToPoint_UpdateExpectedPos(_1GlasPos.SearchGlasPos, screenId, 2, ix.iMouse); ix.iDsp.Delay(300); Point pWhereText = _1GlasPos.SearchGlasPos; pWhereText.Offset(100, 0); ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("" + pWhereText.ToString() + ")"); data.MouseToPoint_UpdateExpectedPos(pWhereText, screenId, 3, ix.iMouse); ix.iMouse.MouseClickAndWait(100, 100, ix); // Now enter the tel no return(EnterTextAndCheckForMouseMove(data.Msg_DestMobile.Replace("+", ""), false, ix, data)); } ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Early out: Reason above."); ix.iDsp.Delay(200); return(eI6Error._notSet); }); } if (ret == eI6Error._notSetBufOkSoFar) { ret = eI6Error._notSet; } // Step 2 if (ret == eI6Error._notSet) { iAll.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Step2 findAccount and Click it"); iAll.iDsp.AddLine("Step2 findAccount and Click it"); ret = GetScreenAndCheckLoop(new MyTimeControl(5000), 5000, iAll, 2, u, eI6Error.Step2Failed, delegate(int screenId, Ix ix, _6WhatsAppProcess_RealData data, ref bool increaseTimeoutOnce) { ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Performing Step2..."); // delegate MyPic pic = ScreenGet(screenId, data); // 1) we search in a limitted area Rectangle sa = new Rectangle(_1GlasPos.SearchGlasPos.X + 40, _1GlasPos.SearchGlasPos.Y + 10, 200, 250); MyPic sub = (MyPic)pic.getSubPic(sa.X, sa.Y, sa.Width, sa.Height); ScreenStoreSub(sub, screenId, data); // ((MyPic)sub.getClone()).Threshold_AlmostBlack().ToFile("4AlmostBlack"); // 2) Call the Dll to search for the text SpecificResult_Text rText = SpecificDetection.DetectText(sub); if (rText.TextPos.IsEmpty) { ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Early out: TextPos.IsEmpty"); ix.iDsp.Delay(200); return(eI6Error._notSet); } ix.iDsp.FileLog_Info("Step2 tel text found: " + rText.Text); bool first12AreTheSame; if (!AreFirst12CharSame(data.Msg_DestMobile, rText.Text, out first12AreTheSame)) { ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Early out: Text is wrong"); ix.iDsp.Delay(200); return(eI6Error._notSet); } if (first12AreTheSame) { ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Text is not the same but we accept."); ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug(data.Msg_DestMobile); ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug(rText.Text); } _2TelLinePos = rText.TextPos; _2TelLinePos.Offset(sa.X, sa.Y); _2TelLinePos.Offset(0, 7); ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Step2 TelLine detected at " + _2TelLinePos.ToString()); // 3) and click on top of the tel string data.MouseToPoint_UpdateExpectedPos(_2TelLinePos, screenId, 4, ix.iMouse); ix.iMouse.MouseClickAndWait(100, 100, ix); return(eI6Error._notSetBufOkSoFar); }); } if (ret == eI6Error._notSetBufOkSoFar) { ret = eI6Error._notSet; } // Step 3 if (ret == eI6Error._notSet) { iAll.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Step3 verify account string top rigth position"); iAll.iDsp.AddLine("Step3 verify account string top rigth position"); ret = GetScreenAndCheckLoop(new MyTimeControl(5000), 5000, iAll, 3, u, eI6Error.Step3Failed, delegate(int screenId, Ix ix, _6WhatsAppProcess_RealData data, ref bool increaseTimeoutOnce) { ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Performing Step3..."); // delegate MyPic pic = ScreenGet(screenId, data); // 1) we search in a limitted area //Rectangle sa = new Rectangle(400, 100, 280, 80); Rectangle sa = new Rectangle(475, 100, 200, 80); MyPic sub = (MyPic)pic.getSubPic(sa.X, sa.Y, sa.Width, sa.Height); ScreenStoreSub(sub, screenId, data); // 2) Call the Dll to search for the text SpecificResult_Text rText = SpecificDetection.DetectText(sub); if (rText.TextPos.IsEmpty) { ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Early out: TextPos.IsEmpty"); ix.iDsp.Delay(200); return(eI6Error._notSet); } ix.iDsp.FileLog_Info("Step3 tel text fount: " + rText.Text); if (!rText.Text.Contains(data.Msg_DestMobile.Replace("zapi_", "").Replace("+", ""))) { ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Early out: Text is wrong"); ix.iDsp.Delay(200); return(eI6Error._notSet); } return(eI6Error._notSetBufOkSoFar); }); } if (ret == eI6Error._notSetBufOkSoFar) { ret = eI6Error._notSet; } // Step 4 if ((ret == eI6Error._notSet) && (iAll.TypeOfProcess == Ix.eTypeOfProcess.TelNumberChecking)) { // we are done for tel checking ret = eI6Error.Success; } if (ret == eI6Error._notSet) { iAll.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Step4 Find type-msg-here"); iAll.iDsp.AddLine("Step4 Find type-msg-here"); ret = GetScreenAndCheckLoop(new MyTimeControl(5000), 5000, iAll, 4, u, eI6Error.Step4Failed, delegate(int screenId, Ix ix, _6WhatsAppProcess_RealData data, ref bool increaseTimeoutOnce) { ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Performing Step4..."); // delegate MyPic pic = ScreenGet(screenId, data); // 1) we serach in a specific area Size wholeScreenSize = pic.getDimenion(); // was {X = 0 Y = 568 Width = 1024 Height = 200} Rectangle sa = new Rectangle( 300, wholeScreenSize.Height - 100, wholeScreenSize.Width - 300, 100); MyPic sub = (MyPic)pic.getSubPic(sa.X, sa.Y, sa.Width, sa.Height); ScreenStoreSub(sub, screenId, data); // ((MyPic)sub.getClone()).Threshold_AlmostBlack().ToFile("8subAlmostBlac"); // 2) Call the Dll to search the simle and mic specificResult_SmileAndMic s = TextRecognitionLibrary.SpecificDetection.SpecificResult_SmileAndMic(sub); if (s.SmilePos.IsEmpty) { // no smile found ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Early out: No smile"); return(eI6Error._notSet); } else if (s.MicPos.IsEmpty) { // we have a smile not no mic ==> rubbishtext is there. So delete it _4RightOfSmile = s.SmilePos; _4RightOfSmile.Offset(sa.X, sa.Y); _4RightOfSmile.Offset(300, 5); data.MouseToPoint_UpdateExpectedPos(_4RightOfSmile, screenId, 5, ix.iMouse); ix.iMouse.MouseClickAndWait(50, 50, ix); EnterTextAndCheckForMouseMove("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b", false, ix, data); ix.iDsp.FileLog_Debug("Early out: Rubbish text in chat box"); return(eI6Error._notSet); } // we have both, smile and mic _4RightOfSmile = s.SmilePos; _4RightOfSmile.Offset((s.MicPos.X - s.SmilePos.X) / 2, 0); _4RightOfSmile.Offset(sa.X, sa.Y); // 3) Set the mouse to the text box data.MouseToPoint_UpdateExpectedPos(_4RightOfSmile, screenId, 6, ix.iMouse); // 4) Click it ix.iMouse.MouseClickAndWait(50, 50, ix); // 5) And enter the text if (data.Msg_Msg.StartsWith("__NoSend")) { ix.iDsp.AddLine("__NoSend"); ix.iDsp.FileLog_Info("__NoSend"); } else { EnterTextAndCheckForMouseMove(data.Msg_Msg, true, ix, data); } return(eI6Error.Success); }); } // END, clean up TimeSpan duration = (DateTime.Now - dtStart); string strDurtion = duration.ToReadableString(); if (ret == eI6Error.Success) { // Success iAll.iDsp.Clear(); iAll.iDsp.AddLine("Done in " + strDurtion); iAll.iDsp.AddLine2(new DetailedData_LastGoodProcess(, duration)); u.DumpImagesIfConfigured("NiceTray._6WhatsAppProcess_Real.DumpScreensOnSuccess", iAll); } else { // Problem iAll.iDsp.AddLine2(new DetailedData_LastBadProcess(, duration)); u.DumpImagesIfConfigured("NiceTray._6WhatsAppProcess_Real.DumpScreensOnProblem", iAll); } iAll.iDsp.FileLog_Info( "_6WhatsAppProcess_Real.Process took " + strDurtion + " " + (ret == eI6Error.Success ? "Success" : ret.ToString()) ); return(ret); }
public MyPicWithOriginalStream(MyPic pic) { myPic = (MyPic)pic.getClone(); }