public ActionResult ShowSearchMenu()
            LoginUsers   UserData = LI.GetLoginUserInfo("");
            MyLastAction myla     = LI.GetUserCurrentAction("");

            string sTableName = UserData.CompanyName.ToString().Trim().ToUpper().Replace(" ", "_") + "_LevelInfos";

            if (myla.Oper == "LV")
                sTableName = UserData.CompanyName.ToString().Trim().ToUpper().Replace(" ", "_") + "_LegalInfos";

            int Version = Convert.ToInt32(myla.Version);
            var UFH     = (from ufh in db.UploadFilesHeaders where ufh.VersionNo == Version select ufh).FirstOrDefault();

            DataTable ShowTable = null;

            if (UFH != null)
                Common ComClass = new Common();
                ShowTable = ComClass.SQLReturnDataTable("SELECT LEVEL_ID," + UFH.ExcelDownLoadFields + " FROM " + "[" + sTableName + "]");
            if (ShowTable == null)
                ShowTable = new DataTable();
                ShowTable.Columns.Add("Dummy", typeof(string));
                DataRow dr = ShowTable.NewRow();
                dr["Dummy"] = "None";

            return(PartialView("ShowSearchMenu", ShowTable));;
        private MyLastAction GetUserCurrentAction()
            var UCA = (from uca in db.UserLastActions
                       where uca.UserId == UserData.UserName
                       select uca).FirstOrDefault();

            MyLastAction viewModel = new MyLastAction();

            if (UCA == null)
                UserLastActions uca = new UserLastActions();
                uca.Company   = UserData.CompanyName;
                uca.KeyDate   = "2018/07/11";
                uca.UserId    = UserData.UserName;
                uca.Version   = "1";
                uca.UsedView  = "Normal";
                uca.Oper      = "OV";
                uca.Levels    = "One";
                uca.ShowLevel = "101212";
                uca.Country   = "";
                uca.Role      = "User";


                viewModel.ShowLevel = "101212";
                viewModel.KeyDate   = "2018/07/11";
                viewModel.Levels    = "One";
                viewModel.Version   = "1";
                viewModel.Oper      = "OV";
                viewModel.View      = "Normal";
                viewModel.Country   = "";
                viewModel.Role      = "User";
                viewModel.KeyDate   = UCA.KeyDate;
                viewModel.ShowLevel = UCA.ShowLevel;
                viewModel.Levels    = UCA.Levels;
                viewModel.Version   = UCA.Version;
                viewModel.Oper      = UCA.Oper;
                viewModel.View      = UCA.UsedView;
                viewModel.Country   = UCA.Country;
                viewModel.Role      = UCA.Role;

        public ActionResult Index()
            MyLastAction myla = GetUserCurrentAction();

            var viewModel = new MyModel
                UseDate   = DateTime.Now,
                KeyDate   = myla.KeyDate,
                ShowLevel = myla.ShowLevel,
                Levels    = myla.Levels,
                Version   = myla.Version,
                Oper      = myla.Oper,
                View      = myla.View,
                Country   = myla.Country,
                ChartData = GetOrgChartData(myla.Role, myla.Country, myla.ShowLevel, myla.Levels, myla.Oper, myla.Version),
                Role      = myla.Role

        public ActionResult UpdateTable()
            int            iShowCount = 0, iNullCount = 0, iKey = 0;
            List <string>  lstParentName = new List <string>();
            List <dynamic> lstDynamic    = new List <dynamic>();

            var UploadExcelFile = (from uef in db.UploadFiles
                                   where uef.CompanyName == UserData.CompanyName
                                   select uef).OrderByDescending(x => x.CreatedDate).FirstOrDefault();

            string ServerMapPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Uploads/" + UploadExcelFile.JSONFileName);

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(ServerMapPath))
                string SUP_DISPLAY_NAME = UploadExcelFile.ParentField;
                string RNUM             = UploadExcelFile.FirstPositionField;
                string SNUM             = "";

                string  jsonData = reader.ReadToEnd();
                dynamic array    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonData);
                foreach (var item in
                    if (item[SUP_DISPLAY_NAME] != null)
                    if (item[SUP_DISPLAY_NAME] == null)

                    if (UploadExcelFile.SerialNoFlag == "Y")
                        SNUM = (100000 + Convert.ToInt32(item[RNUM])).ToString();
                        SNUM = (100000 + iKey++).ToString();
                    if (item[SUP_DISPLAY_NAME] != null)
                        if (lstParentName.Count() >= 1)
                            var match = lstParentName.FirstOrDefault(stringToCheck => stringToCheck.Contains(item[SUP_DISPLAY_NAME].ToString().Trim()));
                            if (match == null)

                    // Employee Details
                    if (UploadExcelFile.UseFields != "")
                        string FULL_NAME = "";
                        if (UploadExcelFile.FullNameFields != "")
                            string[] FN = UploadExcelFile.FullNameFields.Split(',');
                            foreach (string strFN in FN)
                                FULL_NAME += " " + item[strFN];
                        dynamic  DyObj = new ExpandoObject();
                        string[] UF    = UploadExcelFile.UseFields.Split(',');
                        foreach (string strUF in UF)
                            string strField = strUF.Trim().ToUpper().Replace(" ", "_");
                            if (strField == "LEVEL_ID")
                                AddProperty(DyObj, strField, SNUM);
                            else if (strField == "PARENT_LEVEL_ID")
                                AddProperty(DyObj, strField, "999999");
                            else if (strField == "VERSION")
                                AddProperty(DyObj, strField, "1");
                            else if (strField == "FULL_NAME")
                                AddProperty(DyObj, strField, (FULL_NAME == "") ? "" : FULL_NAME.Substring(1));
                            else if (strField == "DATE_UPDATED")
                                AddProperty(DyObj, strField, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"));
                            else if (strField == "USER_ID")
                                AddProperty(DyObj, strField, UserData.CompanyName);
                                AddProperty(DyObj, strField, ((item[strUF] == null)?"":item[strUF]));

                // Gets the Parent name
                int Index = 0;
                foreach (string pn in lstParentName)
                    ExpandoObject ObjId = lstDynamic.Where(Obj => Obj.FULL_NAME == pn).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (ObjId != null)
                        var expandoLEVEL_ID = (IDictionary <string, object>)ObjId;

                        var Objects = lstDynamic.Where(Obj => Obj.SUP_DISPLAY_NAME == pn).ToList();
                        foreach (ExpandoObject md in Objects)
                            var expandoPARENT_ID = (IDictionary <string, object>)md;
                            expandoPARENT_ID["PARENT_LEVEL_ID"] = expandoLEVEL_ID["LEVEL_ID"].ToString();

            // Insert the data into SQL table

            MyLastAction myla = GetUserCurrentAction();

            var viewModel = new MyModel
                UseDate   = DateTime.Now,
                ShowLevel = myla.ShowLevel,
                Levels    = myla.Levels,
                Version   = myla.Version,
                Oper      = myla.Oper,
                View      = myla.View,
                Country   = myla.Country,
                ChartData = GetOrgChartData(myla.Role, myla.Country, myla.ShowLevel, myla.Levels, myla.Oper, myla.Version),
                Role      = myla.Role

            return(View("Index", viewModel));
        public ActionResult VersionControl(string VersionControl, string Oper, string Version, string ChartData)
            if (VersionControl == "DownloadVersion")
                var UploadExcelFile = (from uef in db.UploadFiles
                                       where uef.CompanyName == UserData.CompanyName && uef.UserId == UserData.UserName
                                       select uef).OrderByDescending(x => x.CreatedDate).FirstOrDefault();

                string ServerMapPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Upload/" + UploadExcelFile.JSONFileName);
                var    filePath      = new FileInfo(ServerMapPath);
                using (ExcelPackage workbook = new ExcelPackage(filePath))
                    // Generate a new unique identifier against which the file can be stored
                    string handle = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                    using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                        memoryStream.Position = 0;
                        TempData[handle]      = memoryStream.ToArray();

                    // Note we are returning a filename as well as the handle
                    return(new JsonResult()
                        Data = new { FileGuid = handle, FileName = "TestReportOutput.xlsx" }
            else if (VersionControl == "SaveVersion")
                var UploadExcelFile = (from uef in db.UploadFiles
                                       where uef.CompanyName == UserData.CompanyName
                                       select uef).OrderByDescending(x => x.CreatedDate).FirstOrDefault();

                string ServerMapPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Download/" + UploadExcelFile.JSONFileName);
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(ServerMapPath))
                    string  jsonData   = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    dynamic lstDynamic = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonData);

                    foreach (var item in

            MyLastAction myla      = GetUserCurrentAction();
            var          viewModel = new MyModel
                UseDate   = DateTime.Now,
                ShowLevel = myla.ShowLevel,
                Levels    = myla.Levels,
                Version   = myla.Version,
                Oper      = myla.Oper,
                View      = myla.View,
                Country   = myla.Country,
                ChartData = GetOrgChartData(myla.Role, myla.Country, myla.ShowLevel, myla.Levels, myla.Oper, myla.Version),
                Role      = myla.Role

            return(View("Index", viewModel));
        public ActionResult Index(string Search)
            string Security = "No", Refresh = "No";

            string[] AssignedView = LI.GetUserRoles().Split(',');
            if (AssignedView[0] == "NoUser")
                return(RedirectToAction("NotAuthorizedPage", "Version"));
            if (Array.IndexOf(AssignedView, "User") != -1)
                Security = "Yes";

            if (Search == "Refresh")
                Refresh = "Yes";
                Search  = null;
            MyLastAction myla          = LI.GetUserCurrentAction("User", Search);
            int          VersionNumber = myla.Version == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(myla.Version);

            DataTable ShowGridTable = new DataTable();

            ShowGridTable.Columns.Add("Upload", typeof(string));
            DataRow dr = ShowGridTable.NewRow();

            dr["Upload"] = "No data uploaded";
            Session["SourceTable"] = ShowGridTable;

            LoginUsers UserData = LI.GetLoginUserInfo("User");

            if (Refresh == "Yes")
                Session.Contents[UserData.UserName + "_MyModel"] = null;
            if (AssignedView[0] == "Player")
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadVersion", "Version", new { area = "" }));
            else if (AssignedView[0] == "Finalyzer")
                return(RedirectToAction("UploadData", "Version", new { area = "" }));
            if (UserData.ValidUser == "No")
                return(RedirectToAction("NotAuthorizedPage", "Version"));
            if (Session.Contents[UserData.UserName + "_MyModel"] == null ||
                Refresh == "Yes")
                var UFH = (from ufh in db.UploadFilesHeaders
                           where ufh.CompanyName == UserData.CompanyName &&
                           ufh.Role == "Finalyzer"
                           select ufh).FirstOrDefault();

                string[] RetValue = LI.GetOrgChartData(myla.Role, myla.Country, myla.ShowLevel, myla.ParentLevel,
                                                       myla.Levels, myla.Oper, myla.Version,
                                                       myla.OrgChartType, myla.SelectedPortraitModeMultipleLevel, myla.SelectedFunctionalManagerType);
                var viewModel = new MyModel
                    UserId                            = UserData.UserName,
                    UseDate                           = DateTime.Now,
                    CompanyName                       = UserData.CompanyName,
                    KeyDate                           = myla.KeyDate,
                    SelectedInitiative                = myla.SelectedInitiative,
                    SelectedPopulation                = myla.SelectedPopulation,
                    SelectedUser                      = myla.SelectedUser,
                    SelectedVersion                   = myla.SelectedVersion,
                    SelectedShape                     = myla.SelectedShape,
                    SelectedSkin                      = myla.SelectedSkin,
                    SelectedShowPicture               = myla.SelectedShowPicture,
                    SelectedSplitScreen               = myla.SelectedSplitScreen,
                    SelectedSplitScreenDirection      = myla.SelectedSplitScreenDirection,
                    SelectedTextColor                 = myla.SelectedTextColor,
                    SelectedBorderColor               = myla.SelectedBorderColor,
                    SelectedBorderWidth               = myla.SelectedBorderWidth,
                    SelectedLineColor                 = myla.SelectedLineColor,
                    SelectedBoxWidth                  = myla.SelectedBoxWidth,
                    SelectedFunctionalManagerType     = myla.SelectedFunctionalManagerType,
                    SelectedFMLine                    = myla.SelectedFMLine,
                    SelectedPortraitModeMultipleLevel = myla.SelectedPortraitModeMultipleLevel,
                    OrgChartType                      = myla.OrgChartType,
                    ShowLevel                         = myla.ShowLevel,
                    Levels                            = myla.Levels,
                    Version                           = myla.Version,
                    Oper         = myla.Oper,
                    View         = myla.View,
                    SerialNoFlag = UFH == null ? "N" : UFH.SerialNoFlag,
                    CopyPaste    = myla.CopyPaste,
                    Country      = myla.Country,
                    Countries    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject((from co in db.LegalCountries
                                                                select co).Distinct().ToList()),
                    TreeData      = RetValue[0],
                    ChartData     = RetValue[1],
                    Role          = myla.Role,
                    AssignedRole  = LI.GetUserRoles(),
                    HRCoreVersion = LI.GetHRCoreVersion(myla.Country, myla.Oper),
                    Menu          = LI.GetMenuItems(myla.Role),
                    DDL           = JsonConvert.SerializeObject((from vd in db.VersionDetails
                                                                 where vd.CompanyName == UserData.CompanyName && vd.ActiveVersion == "Y" && vd.OperType == myla.Oper &&
                                                                 (myla.Role == "Player" || myla.Role == "Finalyzer" || myla.Role == "User")
                                                                 select new { vd.UserName, vd.CompanyName, vd.UserRole, vd.OperType, vd.Country, vd.Initiative, vd.Population, vd.Version }).Distinct().ToList()),
                    SelectFields = JsonConvert.SerializeObject((from sf in db.LEVEL_CONFIG_INFO
                                                                where sf.DOWNLOAD_TYPE == "PDF" &&
                                                                sf.COMPANY_NAME == UserData.CompanyName
                                                                select new
                        FIELD_NAME = sf.FIELD_NAME,
                        FIELD_CAPTION = sf.FIELD_CAPTION,
                        ACTIVE_IND = sf.ACTIVE_IND
                    SearchFields     = GetSearchFields(VersionNumber),
                    InitialValues    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject((from iv in db.InitializeTables where iv.CompanyName == UserData.CompanyName select iv).FirstOrDefault()),
                    FinalyzerVerion  = LI.GetFinalyzerVerion(myla.Oper),
                    GridDataTable    = ShowGridTable,
                    ValidateSecurity = Security
                Session.Contents[UserData.UserName + "_MyModel"] = viewModel;
            MyModel MyModel = (MyModel)Session.Contents[UserData.UserName + "_MyModel"];
